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18-26 years old
27-35 years old
36-44 years old
Above 50 years old
Marital Status Single
No education
Primary school
Educational level Secondary school
Vocational training Diploma
Nature of Business Trade
Less than 3 years
Age of the enterprise 3-6 years
Greater than 6 years
Less than 3
Number of employees 3-6 staff
Above 6 staff
Have you ever received a No
financing credit? Yes
If so, with which bank? ...............................................................................................................

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
Indicate your level of 3. Somewhat Disagree
agreement with the 4. Neither Agree nor Disagree
following statements 5. Somewhat Agree
6. Agree
7. Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Religion Obligation (RO)
RO.1. Islamic financial institutions that provide Islamic financing are
compliant with Islamic law
RO.2. Islamic financial institutions that provide Islamic financing are interest
RO.3. Muslims are prohibited from associating themselves with the element
of interest practice by conventional system.
RO.4. Religion motivates me for borrowing Islamic financing.
RO.5. As a business operator, I should be using Islamic financing in business
Cost Benefits of Islamic Financing (CBIF)
CBIF.1. Islamic financing more profitable than conventional financing.
CBIF.2. Islamic financing offer credit at favourable terms and conditions.
CBIF.3. Islamic financing offer lower service charge and lower monthly repayment
CBIF.4. Islamic financing costs of borrowing funds is lower than conventional
Reputation of Islamic Financing (RIF)
RIF.1. Financial Institutions that provide Islamic financing uphold Islamic
reputation and image
RIF.2. Financial Institutions that provide Islamic financing contribute to the social
welfare (i.e. giving donations or scholarships)
RIF.3. Financial Institutions that provide Islamic financing goal are not only
maximizing profit, but also enhance standard of living and welfare of
Attitude towards Islamic Financing (AIF)
AIF.1. Choosing Islamic financing in business is equitable
AIF.2. Choosing Islamic financing in business is fair
AIF.3. Choosing Islamic financing in business is flexible
AIF.4. Choosing Islamic financing in business is beneficial
AIF.5. Choosing Islamic financing in business is rewarding
Subjective Norms (SN)
SN.1. Most people whose opinion I value would approve my adoption in Islamic
financing in business.
SN.2. Most people who are important to me think I should adopt Islamic
financing in business.
SN.3. It is expected of me that I should adopt Islamic financing in business.
SN.4. Recommendation from shareholders, co-owner may influence my decisions
to use Islamic financing
Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC)
PBC.1. If I wanted to I could adopt Islamic financing in business.
PBC.2. How much control do you believe you have to adopt Islamic financing in
PBC.3. It is mostly up to me whether or not I adopt Islamic financing in business
Intention to adopt Islamic Financing (IAIF)
IAIF.1. I plan to adopt Islamic financing in business in the forth-coming month
IAIF.2. I am likely to adopt Islamic financing in business in the future
IAIF.3. I will adopt Islamic financing in business

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