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1 Name:____________

Shakespeare: Introduction to Shakespeare Questions You will be required to watch Shakespeare: Introduction to Shakespeare 2 times in order to answer the following questions. During the first time through the informational video, please ensure you are watching and listening closely to the information provided. Your teacher will replay the movie and you will be required to answer the questions related to it. Be sure to answer all questions. You may answer in point form. 1. The movie is divided into 3 main sections. Complete the sections already identified below: The Life Shakespeares Use Elizabethan The Life and Times of Shakespeare 1. Shakespeare lived during the Elizabethan Era which was also referred to as what?

2. When is William Shakespeares birthday?

3. Where was Shakespeare born?

4. List two other things that Shakespeare did besides writing plays?

The Merchant of Venice


2 Name:____________

5. Shakespeare was a member of Lord Chamberlains Men, also called what?

6. When did Shakespeare die?

7. What is the name of the theatre that Shakespeares plays were brought to the public and where was it situated?

8. Describe the theatre mentioned above by providing at least 3 key features provided in the movie.

9. What were some important elements highlighted about the performances at this historic theatre? (Hint: There are 3!)

10. Which group of people who associated with the theatre were not highly regarded in the Elizabethan Era?

Shakespeares Use of Language 1. What is the difference between poetry and prose?

The Merchant of Venice


3 Name:____________

2. Shakespeare wrote using unrhymed iambic pentameter which can also be called what?

3. What is an iamb?

4. Explain what unrhymed means. 5. Define pentameter.

6. What is an unstressed syllable? 7. Define a stressed syllable.

8. What marks are used to indicate both unstressed and stressed syllables?

9. Write down the example of the line used in the movie to clearly illustrate Blank Verse used by Shakespeare. (Hint: It has something to do with an equine.)

10. Why did Shakepeare write using unrhymed iambic pentameter? (Hint: It has something to do with hearing!)

The Merchant of Venice


4 Name:____________

Elizabethan Drama 1. There are 3 key differences that need to be understood between drama during the English Renaissance and today. These differences have been started below and require you to finish them: Importance of Real Life vs. Symbolic 2. The importance of words is emphasized in the movie because Shakespeare relied on people to use this during a play?

3. What tool or resource did the movie identify to refer to if one should have difficulty understanding language or terms in a Shakespearean play?

4. During the Elizabethan Era, it was recognized that characters were characters. What does this mean? 5. There were 3 ways to gain information on characters in a Shakespearean play identified. Complete these statements to list these 3 ways below: What they What others say By what the characters

The Merchant of Venice


5 Name:____________

6. If you are going to analyze the characters, it is important to do what?

7. Symbolic Art is identified as another important aspect of drama during Shakespeares time. What does symbolic art consist of? (Hint: Symbolic Art consists of two components one starts with u and the other with p.) 8. What example is used to explain universal versus particular in terms of paintings? (Hint: This is a form of symbolism and has something to do with good.)

9. A number of universals that appear again and again in Shakespeares works are mentioned. These are: Good E Truth B Justice Purity 10. How is a universal represented in a Shakespearean play and provide an example from the movie to illustrate this.

The Merchant of Venice

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