Cumulative Project 1

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Veronica Flores

Dr. Jacobs

Assessments In organizations


Cummulative Project

In this scenario I am a small business owner with under 500 employees that is eligible for the Baldridge award. I want to communicate the

news to my team and make sure that we properly prepare for the coming assessment. Some of my employees may not have heard of this award

before, so this brochure is created to share the information. The QR code was created for this assignment and will take you to the baldrige award

application and how to apply. An email to my management team:

Hello all,

I have exciting news to share with you! Our small business is eligible for the Baldrige Award for performance excellence. Now what this

means is that we need to prepare ourselves to meet the criteria that will help us win the award. This is a huge honor and should be treated with

importance. Please look over this brochure going over the basic points of the award and share with your teams. I will be in touch with further

steps once the everyone checks off their group.

Thank you for your diligence.

Veronica Flores
Evaluated categories: What is the Baldrige
● Leadership: how leader’s actions Award?
guide and sustain your organization
The Quest for Excellence:
● Strategic Planning: how
organization develops strategic The Foundation for the Malcom
objectives and action plans Baldrige National Qualtiy Award was
created to foster the success of the
● Customer Focus: how your program. The foundation’s main
objective is to raise funds to
organization engages its customers
permanently endow the award
for long-term marketplace success program. Key concepts to understanding the
● Measurement and Analysis: how Baldrige Assessment
your organization selects, gathers, If you plan to apply for the award
analyzes, and improves data; how it you r will need the applications
forms found at:
manages information technology

● Workforce Focus: examines ability
to assess workforce capability and
capacity needs and build a ASSESSMENT
workforce conductive to high

● Operations Focus: how your

organization designs, manages, and
improves its work system and work
processes to deliver customer value

● Results: examines performance and

improvement in all key areas
Organizational Scoring:
Profile: Process (ADLI):

● Approach: the methods used to accomplish

A snapshot of the organization, the key
the process
influences on how you operate, and the
key challenges you face. ● Deployment: extent to which approach is
● Organizational Description
● Learning: refining approach, and encouraging Eligibility
-Organizational Environment breakthrough
● Integration: extent to which information
-Organizational Relationships
processes work to support organization goals
● Organizational Situation To be eligible, your organization must:
Results (LeTCI):
-Competitive Environment ● Levels: current performance level -Have existed for one year
-have the operational practices available
-Competitiveness Changes ● Trends: rate of performance improvements
for examination
● Comparisons: performance relative to
-be able to share information of the 7
-Comparive Data criteria categories
appropriate comparisons

● Integration: extent to which results

The goal is to get the max amount of points per


(1996). 2011-2012 Baldridge Criteria for Performance Excellence Framework. National Institute of Standards and Technology.

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