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Home Printing Instructions

Individual print files are in the “Print Files” folder. All pages are 8.5” x 11”.

Board.pdf: prints as six 8.5”x11” sheets. Check the rulebook for an assembled image.
CollectionCards.pdf: 70 individual cards. We scaled to fit as many as possible on a page. Front and
Back are included; certain printers interperet what “front & back” printing means, so hopefully they
should print correctly.
PlayerRole.pdf: your availabe player roles. Front and back as well.
Tiles.pdf: Player tokens, as well as the crisis trackers. Just cut them out.

You may or may not want to “scale to fit page” in your printer options, we’ve seen printers where it
was needed, and printers where it wasn’t. Either way you should be able to use the printed files as-
is, just cut them out and go.

We believe everything should print out ok, but we admittedly spent much more time on the profes-
sional print files, which is what we used to create the version used in our review video. If you want
what you saw in that vid, look below. If any of you enterprising individuals would like to modify the
PDF to work with other sizes/printers/whatever- this project is distribued under a Creative Com-
mons-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. You can change it and distribute it, so long as you do so
for free (no profit), and distribute it under the same license. Try and sell it and we’ll eat your fingers.


We’ve partnered with PrintPlayGames to provide a professionally printed version of Collection.

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