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The Trenches: The players are soldiers entrenched in a brutal war reminiscent of World War
I. They can be from any faction you choose, each with its own agenda and motivations.
No Man's Land: The desolate wasteland between trenches is filled with horrors, both
mundane and supernatural. Gas attacks, undead soldiers, and enemy ambushes are just a
few examples.

Mission Objective: The players are assigned a critical mission that could change the course
of the war. Perhaps it's a reconnaissance mission to gather intel on enemy movements, a
sabotage mission to destroy enemy artillery, or a desperate attempt to hold a crucial position.
Moral Dilemmas: Along the way, the players encounter moral dilemmas that force them to
make tough choices. Do they sacrifice innocent civilians to achieve their objective? Do they
execute a traitor in their midst? Each choice should have significant consequences that
impact the story and their characters' psyches.
Betrayal and Desperation: As the mission progresses, the players discover that not
everything is as it seems. There may be traitors in their midst, supernatural forces
manipulating events, or higher-ups with their own agendas. Paranoia and desperation mount
as the players struggle to discern friend from foe.
Final Showdown: The climax of the one-shot is a high-stakes encounter where the players
confront the source of the conflict. This could be a powerful enemy commander, a
supernatural entity controlling the war, or even the futility of war itself.

Commanding Officer: A grizzled veteran who gives the players their mission and provides
guidance throughout the one-shot. They may have their own ulterior motives or a tragic
backstory that motivates them.
Fellow Soldiers: Other soldiers in the players' unit who provide support and companionship.
Some may be loyal allies, while others may be secretly working against the players.
Enemy Forces: Rival soldiers who serve as both obstacles and potential allies. They may be
driven by their own sense of duty, fear, or desperation.

Grimdark Aesthetic: Emphasize the horrors of war and the toll it takes on both the soldiers
and the civilians caught in the crossfire. Describe the sights, sounds, and smells of the
battlefield in vivid detail.
Hopelessness and Despair: Instill a sense of hopelessness and despair in the players as
they navigate the horrors of war. The odds should always seem stacked against them, with
victory feeling like a distant dream.
Moral Ambiguity: Blur the lines between right and wrong, forcing the players to question
their own morality and the morality of their actions.
Permanent Consequences: Choices made during the one-shot should have lasting
consequences that carry over into future sessions. These could include physical injuries,
psychological trauma, or changes in reputation and status.
Repercussions in the World: The outcome of the players' mission should have a ripple
effect on the world around them. Perhaps their actions tip the balance of power in the war,
leading to unforeseen consequences for both sides.
Mission Assignment: The players are assigned a mission behind enemy lines to retrieve important
intelligence or sabotage enemy operations.
Consequence: Success could turn the tide of the war, while failure could lead to significant casualties
on their side and a boost in enemy morale.

Allies and Enemies: Along the way, the players encounter both allies and enemies, including
civilians caught in the crossfire, rogue soldiers, and spies.
Consequence: Building alliances might provide valuable support, while making enemies could lead to
betrayal or ambushes.

Morality and Ethics: The players face tough moral choices, such as whether to prioritize their
mission over civilian lives or whether to follow orders blindly.
Consequence: Their choices affect their characters' alignment and reputation, as well as the
outcome of the mission.

War-torn Environment: The battlefield is filled with dangers like artillery bombardments, gas attacks,
and treacherous terrain.
Consequence: Players must navigate carefully, risking injury or death if they're not cautious
Scarcity and Resource Management: Supplies are limited in the war zone, including food,
ammunition, and medical supplies.
Consequence: Players must decide how to allocate resources, balancing their own survival with the
success of their mission.

Trauma and PTSD: The horrors of war take a toll on the characters' mental health, leading to
flashbacks, nightmares, and breakdowns.
Consequence: Characters may suffer penalties to their abilities or even become incapacitated if they
can't cope with their trauma.

Enemy Intel and Counter-Intel: The enemy is constantly gathering intelligence and trying to thwart
the players' plans.
Consequence: Players must use deception and stealth to outsmart the enemy, or risk falling into

Desperate Measures: As the situation becomes more dire, the players may be forced to resort to
extreme measures to achieve their objectives.
Consequence: These actions could have lasting repercussions, both for the characters and the world
around them.

Betrayal and Double-crossing: Not everyone can be trusted in a war zone, and the players may find
themselves betrayed by supposed allies.
Consequence: Betrayal could lead to capture, injury, or worse, depending on the motives of the

Ultimate Sacrifice: In the climax of the one-shot, the players must decide what they're willing to
sacrifice to achieve their goals.
Consequence: Depending on their choices, they may emerge victorious, but at great personal cost,
or they may fail, with devastating consequences for themselves and others.

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