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Delegation: Switzerland

Committee: INTERPOL
Topic: The illegal trafficking of
cultural heritage pieces and artifacts on the Deep Web

Honorable Chair, esteemed delegates, and distinguished guests,

Switzerland extends a warm greeting to all present. Today, we address a pressing concern: the
illegal trafficking of cultural heritage pieces and artifacts on the Deep Web.

Cultural artifacts are not just objects; they represent our shared human heritage. Yet, the illicit
trade in these artifacts, facilitated by the anonymity of the Deep Web, poses a grave threat.
Switzerland reaffirms its commitment to combat this trade through collaborative efforts with
INTERPOL and other international partners.

In addressing this issue, Switzerland emphasizes the need for a multi-faceted approach that
encompasses prevention, detection, investigation, and prosecution. We must strengthen
international cooperation, enhance information sharing mechanisms, and provide support for
capacity building and training programs to empower law enforcement agencies in combating
this transnational crime.

Switzerland acknowledges the importance of leveraging technological advancements to

counter the illicit trade in cultural heritage. However, we must also recognize the challenges
posed by the use of the Deep Web as a platform for these illicit transactions. Switzerland calls
for greater vigilance and innovation in developing strategies to identify and disrupt these
clandestine networks operating in the shadows of the internet.

In conclusion, Switzerland stands ready to collaborate with our fellow member states and
international partners to tackle the scourge of illicit trafficking of cultural heritage pieces and
artifacts on the Deep Web. By uniting our efforts and marshaling our collective resources, we
can safeguard our cultural heritage for future generations and uphold the values of justice,
integrity, and respect for our shared human heritage.

Thank you.

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