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EPISODE # : 095
TRANSLATOR : Güniz Seval
SUBTITLER : Güniz Seval
DATE : 11 08 2023

WALLA (ECHO) (the Algiers folk scream and cry in agony as they are being tortured)
INNOCENT MAN 1 (OFF) (ECHO) You sided with the infidels (ON) and trampled on Algiers! You let the
infidels imprison innocents like us! But Hayreddin (OFF) Barbarossa won’t let you
get away with it. (ON) He will come and save us from your oppression!
ALGIERS MAN 1 (ECHO) If Hızır dares to come here, we’ll kill him like his brother Oruç! (OFF) You
will all give up hope (ON) and bow down to us! (effort grunts)
INNOCENT MAN 1 (OFF) (OVER) (ECHO) (groans in pain)
WALLA (OVER) (ECHO) (the Algiers folk scream and cry in agony as they are being tortured)
INNOCENT WMN 1 (OVER) (ECHO) (screams in pain) As long as Hayreddin (OFF) Barbarossa lives we
will not lose hope! (ON) And we won’t bow down to you before he arrives!
ALGIERS MAN 1 (ECHO) Then we will make all of you scream! You rebels! (effort grunts)
INNOCENT MAN 1 (OFF) (OVER) (ECHO) (groans in pain)
WALLA (OVER) (ECHO) (the Algiers folk scream and cry in agony as they are being tortured)
INNOCENT WMN 1 (OVER) (ECHO) (screams in pain)
DON DIEGO (OFF) (ECHO) Do they still have hope (ON) in Hızır?
ALGIERS MAN 1 (ECHO) Don’t worry. I’m going to whip them into shape.
DON DIEGO (ECHO) Look at me. Listen to me carefully. If Hızır tries to take Algiers, I told him I’m
going to kill you all. (OFF) And you know what he did? (ON) Hmm. He obediently
backed down. Long story short, you can stop hoping for Hızır to come. (OFF) No
one will come (ON) to save you. Either you shall bow down to me, or all of you will
die here.

INNOCENT WMN 1 (ECHO) (cries softly)

DON DIEGO (ECHO) They are the only thing that ties up Hayreddin Barbarossa’s hands. (OFF) So
you should look after them well. (ON) Don’t let them escape or be broken out.
ALGIERS MAN 1 (ECHO) Barbarossa will find a way to attack Algiers.
DON DIEGO (ECHO) Don’t worry about that, I have my men everywhere. He can’t even get close
to Algiers. Besides King Charles’ fleet is about to arrive. I will attack Jijel with that
fleet. And I shall finish Hızır off.
ROSA (ECHO) I wonder what you’d have done if Hızır had gave up Jijel.
DON DIEGO (ECHO) Hmm. I would’ve besieged Algiers with the fleet of course. I’d have taken
both places. But Hızır didn’t fall for it. (OFF) Anyways, (ON) this way or that way I’ll
take Jijel from him. He has no escape for the end (OFF) I planned for him. (ON) Until
they forget the name Hayreddin Barbarossa, keep on whipping them!. (speaks in
Spanish) Mi amor. (my love)
ALGIERS MAN 1 (OFF) (ECHO) (effort grunts)
INNOCENT MAN 1 (OFF) (OVER) (ECHO) (groans in pain)
INNOCENT WMN 1 (OVER) (ECHO) (screams in pain)
WALLA (OVER) (ECHO) (the Algiers folk scream and cry in agony as they are being tortured)
HASAN (OFF) We should have given up Jijel and taken Algiers. (ON) Then we could have
fought and took Jijel back.
HIZIR It’s not that easy. Don Diego must have taken precautions.
NIGHTINGALE So let’s directly attack Algiers.
HIZIR He said he’d kill the innocent, Nightingale. Haven’t you heard?
HASAN (OFF) Algiers is entrusted to us by (ON) Baba Oruç. Will we let him have it?
PİRİ REİS (OFF) The levents expect you (ON) to take Algiers too, Hızır. If we can’t, there will
be unease.
ANTOINE (OFF) In fact since you returned (ON) without killing Don Diego and taking Algiers
they already started complaining. This will shake their trust in you.
HIZIR I want to claim my Ağa’s legacy too. I want to kill that dog Don Diego too. But there
are things that tie up our hands.
AUNT HÜMA (OFF) I understand you, son. (ON) You think about the innocent. But you have to,
think about our side too. (OFF) Everyone waits for you to take Algiers. (ON) And
during the wait.. they will, (slowly emphasizing) see you as someone who can’t
protect his Ağa’s legacy.

HASAN (OFF) Cap’n if the levents start (ON) to say things like “I wish Baba Oruç, was still
our leader…” (OFF) It won’t be good for us.
NIGHTINGALE (OFF) It looks like (ON) either you risk the innocent, or lose the command of the
DERVISH (in Arabic) Sadaq Allahul Azim. (Allah Almighty has spoken the truth). (soft kisses)
DERVISH (says the shorter version of Basmala as he stands up) Bismillah.
DERVISH I’m in front of you. (OFF) I have no weapon. (ON) I’m alone. Why do you wait?
Strike me down.
DON DIEGO That’s what intrigues me indeed. You’re alone and unarmed. (OFF) And despite we
put swords to your throat (ON) you, kept reading your holy book. Weren’t you
afraid those swords might kill you? (OFF) Huh?
DERVISH (soft mocking scoff) What I read is Allah’s words. Who are you next to Allah’s word
that I’d be afraid of you?
DON DIEGO A single stroke of mine could kill you easily. Then your, big words would be of no
DERVISH But you could not. My armor prevailed over your sword.
DON DIEGO Armor? I don’t see any armor.
DERVISH I mean the strongest armor. (OFF) One that protects me. The one that (ON)
frightens you. You are still incapable of realizing you are defeated.
DON DIEGO Turns out you are good philosopher, Old Man. (OFF) But around here (ON)
philosophy is of no use. The swords speak. And there’s no armor that my sword
cannot penetrate. The entire Mediterranean knows the power of my sword. Even
Oruç whose grave we stand upon gave his life to my sword. (OFF) Killing a Dervish
(ON) who speaks about philosophy is nothing at all. And no armor can protect you.
DERVISH (soft mocking chuckle).. Where did you make your name heard with that sword?
DON DIEGO The entire Mediterranean knows my sword. My sword, struck all the islands around
Spain and Western Mediterranean.
DERVISH (OFF) (soft mocking scoff) (ON) When I was your age, I was Sultan Mehmet the
Conqueror’s Raider Bey. (OFF) From the Sea of Islands, to the Province of Rumalia;
(ON) from Rome all the way to Crimea I swished swords. When you can’t even
manage to defeat my Dervish talk, don’t make me bring out the Raider Bey in me.
DON DIEGO Hmm. So you were a Raider Bey of the Great Conqueror Eagle.. I wish, I met you in
your youth to swish swords.
DERVISH (soft mocking chuckle) If you had come across me in my youth.. couldn’t have
reached this age.

DON DIEGO (chuckles) I like you, Old Man. Behind those Dervish eyes of yours, (OFF) I can still
see (ON) a sliver of that Raider Bey fire burning. I can give you that chance if you
like. Huh? See? You can have my sword. I’m giving you that chance.
DERVISH (soft mocking chuckle). Don’t be so eager to die. The hand that will hold the sword
that shall strike your neck, will descend on you very soon.
DON DIEGO (in realization) Oh. You are talking about Hızır. (soft mocking scoff) I killed his best
friend, the woman he loved, (OFF) and his brother who lies right here. (ON) And I
killed your daughter. (OFF) Oh. (slowly emphasizing) I killed Meryem. Just imagine,
(ON) the one you raised, gave all your love, the apple of your eye. Your precious
daughter. I killed her. (OFF) Oh. And that man is right before you now. (ON) He’s
challenging you. Don’t you want to kill me? Don’t you want your revenge? (OFF)
DERVISH Now that is not proper. Now I can’t even kill you even if I want to.
DON DIEGO Why not, Raider Bey?
DERVISH Because then, (through clenched teeth) I’d have killed you for my personal
revenge. But we, only love for Allah, (OFF) and only fight for Allah. (ON) We only
walk out to the battlefield for Allah’s cause.. But you were cruel to, Allah’s cause
and the innocent. And for that reason we’ll descend on you. (OFF) The sword that
will descend on your head will be wielded by Hızır.
DERVISH His spiritual power, will come from the martyrs that you killed just like Oruç.
DON DIEGO Spiritual power? (soft mocking chuckle) Oruç is only a dead body that lies here. A
piece of meat. He can’t give him anything now.
DERVISH The martyrs aren’t dead. We don’t call our martyrs dead. (OFF) They are (ON)
alive.. (slowly emphasizing) Although, you are incapable of realizing that fact.
DON DIEGO I don’t understand your faith. In fact I don’t want to understand.. But since your,
faith is (OFF) that strong; since you have faith (ON) that I will be defeated in the
end; then to let you see what happens in the end I am releasing you, Old Man. Hızır
and I will meet for sure. And like everyone else you too shall see who will die and
who will stay alive, in the end.
DERVISH (OFF) (soft mocking scoff)
DERVISH We shall see.
HIZIR (OFF) I’ll raid (ON) the place and kill Don Diego. I’ll seize Oruç Ağa’s legacy. Get
ready, levents.
NIGHTINGALE What about the innocents?

HIZIR If we don’t attack because of them we might lose the levents. We can’t risk that.
Let’s go.
WALLA (painful groans from the Spanish soldiers)
HIZIR Fan out to the streets!
HASAN And what will you do?
HIZIR I’ll find Don Diego and take his head.
SPANISH SOLDIER 1 (groans in pain)
SPANISH SOLDIER 2 (battle cry and painful groan)
HIZIR (OVER) (effort grunt) (panting)
SPANISH SOLDIER 3 (battle cry and painful groan)
HIZIR (OVER) (effort grunt) (exhales)
HIZIR (OFF) May your soul rest, Oruç Ağa. (ON) I’ll claim your legacy and I shall avenge
HIZIR Oruç Ağa.
ORUÇ What brought you to Algiers, Hızır?
HIZIR I’m here to claim your legacy, Ağa. To kill Don Diego, and to avenge you.
ORUÇ My legacy is the innocents. Raiding Algiers now, will cause their deaths.
HIZIR I know, Ağa.. But they are pressuring me from all sides. If I don’t claim the throne
and avenge you, I might lose everyone. Maybe that dilemma brought me here.
ORUÇ The test of a person doesn’t come from the enemy, but his close ones. Of course
their feelings will get the better of them. They will push you, and pressure you.
(OFF) But you— (ON) You’re the leader, lion. The Captain. You have no right to give
in, to your feelings or thoughts like them.
HIZIR (OFF) What drove me (ON) into this vortex of tests, was the desire to further the
cause. So no one leaves, so we are united as a fist. (OFF) I too want, (ON) our ship
to survive this vortex of tests. Maybe me coming here and you confronting me was
to see the light of deliverance.
ORUÇ Our ship sails, towards the direction of Allah. You won’t fall to storms or waves
while sailing straight in this direction. You will sail straight in your direction, lion.
(OFF) You won’t lower your sails or you won’t change course.
ORUÇ When I sat on this throne the first thing I did was to (OFF) hang that Ayat there.

HIZIR (OFF) “The ships that (ON) unfurl their sails like flags and sail on seas belong to
ORUÇ (OFF) And our ship is.. (ON) Allah’s ship, Hızır. Allah keeps it. As long as you’re on
His course, no test can, ever stop you, my lion.
HIZIR (OFF) I planted your sword to your grave.. as the symbol of my revenge.
HIZIR From now on, I fight the enemy without harming the innocent. This way I’ll avenge
you properly.
ORUÇ (ECHO) My sword is enough to give you spiritual power, and your sword is enough
to destroy the enemy, my lion.
HIZIR (gasps awake)
HIZIR (hollers out) Nightingale!
HIZIR Tell everyone. Let them gather.
NIGHTINGALE As you command.
HIZIR We can’t forsake the innocents in Algiers for our own revenge. For that reason, we
will make our move while protecting them.
ANTOINE What if the levents are uneasy?
HIZIR Being uneasy with my decision is betraying their oath. (OFF) Whoever betrays their
oath farewell to them. (ON) I won’t sway from my path even if I’m alone, let it be
NIGHTINGALE (OFF) Why not give Jijel (ON) for Algiers? What can stop us from retaking it?
HIZIR (OFF) Don Diego took (ON) Algiers. He won’t give it up for Jijel. There must be a
plot behind it.
PİRİ REİS What kind of a plot?
HIZIR That man will make a plan to take Algiers after he takes Jijel. He intends to take
both places. (OFF) We will not give Jijel up to him. (ON) And we won’t let him keep
HASAN We need to do this quietly without letting the innocent come to harm. That dog
must have placed his men everywhere. (OFF) If he catches the slightest scent, it all
comes to ruin.
HIZIR For that reason, we will find a way to attack Algiers without him knowing. (OFF)
From now on Algiers (ON) is not, only a throne or a country for us! Algiers is our

honor. We shall take it from Don Diego, and we shall fulfill, our revenge and our
DON DIEGO How are the prisoners? Did they accept giving up on Hızır and bowing down to us?
ALGIERS MAN 1 (OFF) They still haven’t. (ON) They are adamant about (OFF) Hayreddin Barbarossa.
(ON) But I will whip them into shape. You said you would make me Emir when you
took Algiers. I allied with you against Oruç for that reason. When will you make me
DON DIEGO Make you Emir? You can’t make a few simple prisoners bow down. What Emirate?
ALGIERS MAN 1 But you—
ROSA (OVER) (interrupts) Don Diego! Good news.. (ON) King Charles’ fleet will arrive at
Algiers tomorrow.
DON DIEGO Hmm. Look young (OFF) man, if you can’t subjugate (ON) a few prisoners, no one
will care about you. You understand that? (OFF) Now go do what (ON) you must
and show me you deserve to be an Emir.
ALGIERS MAN 1 I will. I will erase, from their minds and hearts and mouths the name Hayreddin.
DON DIEGO Hızır doesn’t give up Jijel. He will plan an attack on Algiers but we have to act
quicker. King Charles’ fleet should attack Jijel without coming to Algiers. (OFF) And
we should attack from land. This way we will have (ON) them in a pincer and seize
control of Jijel.
ROSA (OFF) So let’s inform (ON) King Charles, to change his course to Jijel. In fact, I’d like
to deliver the news.
ROSA (OFF) Because you shouldn’t (OFF) leave Algiers, (speaks in Spanish) mi amor. (my
love) You will launch the land attack. I want to join the sea attack with the fleet. I
haven’t been in a big sea attack for a while. (OFF) If the victory (ON) belongs to the
both of us, so you win on land and I should win at sea.
DON DIEGO (speaks in Spanish) Mi amor. (my love) I can’t turn down any of your wishes.
Especially a fierce wish to battle like that. (OFF) Make your preparations then. (ON)
The victory to crown our love will be ours tomorrow.
ANTOINE Don Diego placed soldiers on the market spots. (OFF) Security in Algiers is tight.
(ON) As soon as he realizes the attack he’ll kill all innocents in Algiers.
HIZIR We won’t let him realize, Murat. (OFF) First we (ON) silently take down one of the
guard troops. Then go into the city in their guise and save the innocents.

PİRİ REİS Karakulak1 ships sent important news. A fleet King Charles has sent is coming to
ANTOINE King Charles?. Don Diego must have requested it. To protect Algiers from the sea.
HIZIR Not to protect, to attack Jijel.
PİRİ REİS Was this Don Diego’s plot that you mentioned?
HIZIR It was. If we took Algiers by giving Jijel up they would attack Algiers. Now we see it
was the right decision not to give Jijel up.
ANTOINE (OFF) So what now, Hızır? (ON) How can we leave Jijel and try to infiltrate Algiers?
HIZIR We won’t leave it. We’ll separate into two. Piri get Nightingale and (OFF) some of
the levents. Infiltrate Algiers (ON) from the spots we have located before and save
the innocents.
PİRİ REİS What about you?
HIZIR Me, Murat and Scarred will set sail to stop King Charles’ fleet. (OFF) We will foil
their plans (ON) from both sides. Then we can meet in Algiers and deal the final
blow to Don Diego.
ROSA (OFF) I’m ready. (ON) The ship and the soldiers are ready. We will set sail soon
(OFF) to welcome King Charles’ fleet.
ROSA Why are you lost in the map?
DON DIEGO (sighs) The Ottoman ruler Sultan Selim the Resolute, conquered Egypt too.
ROSA And Jerusalem too. Jerusalem for which we launched Crusades once is in
Ottomans’ hands now.
DON DIEGO Hmm. The problem is greater, Rosa. If the Turks (OFF) get Algiers too after Egypt,
(ON) they will have the Mediterranean in their grasp. And they won’t let us
ROSA (OFF) And aren’t we (ON) fighting for that reason anyways? The war we fight, the
fleet of King Charles. Isn’t it all to keep the Turks away from the Mediterranean?
DON DIEGO Yes. For that reason the fleet is crucial, do you get it? (OFF) Tomorrow (ON) we
have to take Jijel from Barbarossa no matter what the cost is. (ON) This way we will
have foiled the Turks’ dreams of dominance, over the Mediterranean.. Don’t
forget, if Barbarossa is finished, the Turks on the Western Mediterranean are
ROSA No need to warn me.. I never forget that. But tomorrow, in Jijel, on top of Hızır’s
blood, we will dance for victory.
Karakulak means bobcat in Turkish. Mostly used for scout missions.

PİRİ REİS (OFF) We are ready to infiltrate (ON) Algiers. I took Nightingale and the levents I
HIZIR And new shall set sail to attack King Charles’ fleet.
PİRİ REİS In that case let our battles be blessed.
PİRİ REİS (OFF) Tomorrow we’ll (ON) take Algiers, and we shall take Don Diego’s head. (OFF)
We will send that dog’s (ON) filthy head to King Charles.
HIZIR Algiers is now important to me not only because it’s our land. Its meaning and
value is greater in my eyes. (OFF) Sultan Selim (ON) Khan, conquered Egypt and
became the Caliph of Islam. (OFF) The entire world of Islam is under Ottoman
PİRİ REİS Thankfully.
HIZIR Sultan Selim Khan planted the sword to South Mediterranean by taking Egypt.
When we completely rule over Algiers the circle will be (OFF) complete. We both
will ensure the unity (ON) of Islam from Rumalia to Algiers and we’ll have the sea in
our grasp.
PİRİ REİS (OFF) You’re very right, Hızır. Dervish Baba and I talked about the same thing today.
(ON) Although the Christian states are aware of that too. (OFF) They will do their
best (ON) to keep us away from the Western Mediterranean.
HIZIR Exactly for that reason we have to ensure political unity now.
PİRİ REİS What’s on your mind?
HIZIR Let’s send a letter to Sultan Selim Khan and swear allegiance. (OFF) Uniting with the
Ottomans (ON) will ensure political unity and we’ll have the power of the
PİRİ REİS You allied with the Ottomans before. You want to use the same wording?
HIZIR No more alliance, Piri. Not allies, we’ll be Ottomans.
PİRİ REİS This, is an important decision, Hızır. And I think it’s the best one.
HIZIR Since the ruler is the head of the entire world of Islam, since he conquered Egypt
and grasped one end of the Mediterranean, then what becomes us is to unite with
the Ottomans. If our goal is to rule over the Mediterranean, what becomes us is to
go under the Ottoman shadow.
HIZIR My father, was a Sipahi under the Conqueror Sultan’s command. We were born as
Ottomans. We grow up in Ottoman shadow. (OFF) We worked together on these

seas with the Ottomans. (ON) The direction that fate shows us and the events that
happen is pointing us towards this path.
PİRİ REİS (OFF) I will pen the letter (ON) at once and send it to Sultan Selim Khan. In fact he
had great admiration for you before. He will be glad that you wish to join the
HIZIR This step we take will bring us and the Ottomans the dominion of the
Mediterranean. (OFF) Although for that we (ON) need to conquer Algiers first. Let
our battle be blessed.
SPANISH ADMIRAL Welcome, Rosa. I’m surprised you’re greeting me.
ROSA Why so surprised, Admiral? I’ve been in many sea battles. As you know very well.
This is just another one.
SPANISH ADMIRAL (OFF) Don Diego killing (ON) Oruç is a great deed. King Charles extended his
ROSA And when we, raid Jijel and kill Barbarossa, (OFF) our King’s elation will be doubled.
SPANISH ADMIRAL I don’t doubt that. I can’t wait to reach Algiers and begin the attack.
ROSA You don’t have to wait now. We’re not going to Algiers. (OFF) We shall attack Jijel
SPANISH ADMIRAL Why did you decide that?
ROSA Because Barbarossa didn’t accept our terms. And we’re sure (OFF) he plans to
attack Algiers. (ON) And we will act before him, and raid Jijel. (OFF) Don Diego will
attack from land.
SPANISH ADMIRAL I like it. Don Diego killed Oruç.. I want to take Barbarossa’s head to the King.
SPANISH SAILOR 1 Yes, Admiral?
SPANISH ADMIRAL Signal all our ships. (OFF) Our heading is Jijel. Tell everyone to be ready. As soon as
we see (ON) Jijel we’ll attack with cannons. Then us from the sea, and Don Diego
will (OFF) raid from land. We will make a bloodbath there.
SPANISH SAILOR 1 As you command, sir.
SPANISH ADMIRAL (soft mocking chuckle) When we take Jijel and kill Hızır we’ll break the Turkish
sword on the Mediterranean. (OFF) I toast to our approaching victory.
ROSA (soft mocking chuckle).. I, never toast with any man other than Don Diego… Now
let’s get to work.

ANTOINE (OFF) There is Northerly wind. (ON) This will be against us. When we meet King
Charles’ ships, (OFF) their sails will be full of wind.
HIZIR It makes it harder for us if they realize it’s us at first glance. So they shouldn’t
realize it’s us until we get close.
ANTOINE What’s your plan?
HIZIR They should take us for one of Don Diego’s ships. (OFF) So they won’t do a thing
until we approach. (ON) When we are in range we will start shooting. Scarred,
(OFF) make the preparations. (ON) Ready the cannons now. We should hit them
with such barrage that they can’t move. Piri, will do what he must to save the
innocents and wait for us. If we show any weakness against King Charles’ fleet
(OFF) we lose Jijel. Everyone get ready accordingly.
HASAN As you command, Captain.
SPANISH PIRATE You sent for me, sir.
DON DIEGO King Charles’ fleet is about to reach Jijel. They will begin the sea attack. We will
attack from land. Get your soldiers ready.
SPANISH PIRATE As you command.
DON DIEGO (OFF) (sighs) (ON) Don’t slack off on Algiers’ security. Hızır might want to infiltrate
and save the prisoners. (soft mocking scoff) Let’s not lose Algiers while trying to
take Jijel.
SPANISH PIRATE (OFF) The security is (ON) tight, sir. Don’t worry.
DON DIEGO Today we take Jijel. We’ll send Hızır’s head to the King. Tell the soldiers to get
WALLA (painful groans from the Spanish soldiers)
PİRİ REİS Check the perimeter, levents.. There might be others.
NIGHTINGALE I’m thinking about the Captain.
PİRİ REİS The wolf will strike its claws, (OFF) don’t worry. (ON) We should save the Algerian
innocents now. Let’s go.
ROSA (sleepy) Come.
SPANISH ADMIRAL I guess you got the siesta thing from Don Diego.
ROSA He cleanses his soul like this before making, his enemies (OFF) choke on blood. I
needed a siesta before (ON) our approaching massacre in Jijel. Why are you here?

SPANISH ADMIRAL (OFF) Don Diego (ON) must have made preparations at sea too. Because his ships
are joining us on our route.
ROSA What ships?
SPANISH ADMIRAL The soldiers on the bow, (OFF) said they saw Don Diego’s ships. (ON) Didn’t he
send them?
ROSA What ships, Admiral? Don Diego won’t send ships.
ROSA Give it to me!
ROSA Damn it! It’s Hızır!
SPANISH ADMIRAL Hızır? How come? Aren’t those your ships?
ROSA (through clenched teeth) That damned man camouflaged his own ships as ours! He
knew we’d attack Jijel from sea!
SPANISH ADMIRAL I’ll foil his trap now!. (OFF) All ship battle position! (roaring) Cannons alesta!
WALLA (Spanish crew scramble for battle stations “Cannons alesta!” “Come on, hurry!”
“Let’s go now!” “Battle stations!” “Man the cannons!” “Quickly now, come on!”)
ROSA (OVER) (softly) We’re late.
HASAN The enemy ships are within range, Cap’n. The cannons are ready.
ANTOINE (ECHO) So let the fun begin!
HIZIR (ECHO) (says the shorter version of Basmala) Bismillah fire!
ROSA Incoming cannonball! Take coveeeer!
WALLA (painful groans, cries and coughs from the Spanish crew)
HASAN They’re blown apart, Cap’n, it’s looking good.
HIZIR Keep loading the cannons, levents!
WALLA (levents hard at work “Come on!” “Let’s load them!”) (effort grunts)
ANTOINE It’s time for the deadly attack, Hızır.
HIZIR Signal the starboard and port side ships! Send them forth to pincer the enemy! We
will have them in a wolf trap! Go on!
HIZIR (says the shorter version of Basmala) Bismillah fire!
WALLA (painful groans, cries and coughs from the Spanish crew)
SPANISH ADMIRAL How couldn’t we see this trap?
ROSA (angry grunt) Aaargh! (yelling in anger) Because of your stupidity! Wouldn’t I have
told you if Don Diego had sent ships? Huh? Didn’t you realize they were Hızır’s
ships? The man has managed to ambush (OFF) us on the open sea!

SPANISH ADMIRAL He has fewer ships. You shall see. We’ll take Jijel and his head. (roaring) Cannons
ROSA Move!
WALLA (effort grunts from the Spanish crew) (painful groans, cries and coughs from the
Spanish crew)
ROSA (seething breaths)
ROSA Damn it! (panting)
ANTOINE (excited breaths).. (chuckles)
ROSA (through clenched teeth) God damn it! (panting) They are surrounding us!
Barbarossa caught us in a wolf trap.


WALLA 1, 2, 5, 11, 12, 13
ALGIERS MAN 1 1, 2, 7
DON DIEGO 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11
ROSA 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13
HASAN 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 12
HIZIR 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
NIGHTINGALE 2, 3, 4, 6, 11
PİRİ REİS 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11
ANTOINE 2, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13
ORUÇ 5, 6
SPANISH ADMIRAL 10, 11, 12, 13

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