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Table of Contents
Course Topics................................................................................................................................................1
Basics of Good Customer Service.................................................................................................................2
Course Objectives......................................................................................................................................2
Course Dates..............................................................................................................................................2
Customer Service Pyramid............................................................................................................................3


Good customer service is vital in the

restaurant business. As a manager, you want to

keep customers happy so that they will return and

hopefully recommend your restaurant to friends and family. How do you retain

customers? By ensuring that your staff employs quality customer service in a


Course Topics
The course walks you through scenarios of bad customer service,

showing: Table service gaps and triggers of bad customer service habits.1 The

thoughts of customers and their internal reactions to bad customer service,

WARNING: This document was created exclusively for Nihar Kaushikkumar Patel 8959856. Its use by any other
person will have serious consequences.
Course was created by J. Sandlers.

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Analyses, tips, and commentary on what could make the bad customer service

great customer service.

This online customer service training course is in slideshow format and

ends with a quiz on how one can be a better server. After completing this course,

you will better understand why improving customer service in a restaurant is so


Basics of Good Customer Service

Good customer service is a cycle. If a restaurant provides quality services

for their customers, the customers will continuously want that same service and

keep coming back. Training servers to be competent in dealing with customers in

the right way is beneficial to their restaurant, and this course can only further

server knowledge in all areas of exceptional service.

Course Objectives
Identify specific triggers or service gaps experienced during a typical

dining experience. Understand the difference between the guests expected

service level and what is actually delivered by the service staff. Learn how to

meet the guest expectations so the service you provide will not continue to

disappoint the guest.

Course Dates
 Customer Knowledge May 5

 Customer Awareness May 12

 Interactions May 19

 Conflict Resolution May 26

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 When Nothing Else Works May


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Customer Service Pyramid
Figure 1Focus Group.





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Further study is needed to determine whether there is enough community

support for these courses (Witchell, 2018). Once this survey has been completed,

the process to determine the committee names and who will head each of them,

which will be determined by the current board.

Customer Committee Chair
Acknowledgement Kyra Lane
Relationship Jose Cressy
Feedback Priya Singh
As a next step, the following committees have been formed to study

community support. Each committee will be chaired by a resident of the

community and all will report on their findings and recommendations in May as

specified below.

For security reasons, this line must not be removed or altered in any way

(About Academic Integrity - Academic Integrity - Library Services at Conestoga College


Kristy Macintosh W24-Sec26 - Nihar Kaushikkumar Patel 8959856

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About Academic Integrity - Academic Integrity - Library Services at Conestoga College Macintosh. (n.d.).

Retrieved 7 3, 2021, from

Gongloff, M. (2014, February 20). Income Inequality Is Even Worse In Big Cities: Study. Retrieved

August 1, 2015, from

Levine, L. (2013, June 26). The Power of Giving Back: How Community Involvement Can Boost Your

Bottom Line. Retrieved August 1, 2015, from

North, A. (2020, December 12). Big Benefits from Tiny Things. Retrieved May 17, 2021

Witchell, G. (2018, October 12). Creating the best Customer Service Team. Hospitality Monthly, pp. 21-


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