Puertollano, Paul Andre Reflection 1

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Pau Andre A.

Puertollano February 18, 2024

My Preparations to Become a School Head Ed206 - Reflection 1

I belong to the Higher Education Physical Education department under the School of

Humanities. Through my time there I have seen numerous changes in our department. Amidst all

the changes, I have seen and experienced, one thing stands out and that is a collective yearning to

garner the recognition our department genuinely deserves. Since our subject is Physical

Education, which is movement based and not fully academic in nature, we are sometimes not

given that much attention. Our previous directors have done a tremendous job in creating a path

where our department can get the recognition it deserves. I have seen the many struggles that

they have encountered because they would share this during our departmental meetings. This

allows to see what we need to focus on and shows us where we already progressed in. They have

laid the foundation for us to become a vital component of the institution, ensuring a dynamic and

enriching learning environment for the students.

I am quite sure that sometime in the future, I will be given the chance to lead our

department because all of us are given the opportunity to do so. To prepare myself for this

possibility, I have dedicated myself to finishing my MA. I know that through this, I will be able

to hone skills that are needed to create a positive, and productive work environment. I believe in

continuous development and would always mention how important this is in all my classes. I live

a life that puts importance to the idea of “Mens Sana In Corpore Sano,” which means “A Sound

in a Sound Body.” My focus should not just be on Physical Education, I must ensure that I am

able to fully prepare myself, both in mind and body, in the event where I am called upon to

finally lead. Finishing my MA will enable me to enhance my abilities in communication,

planning, decision making, curriculum development, and inspire others to ensure that we are all

in the same path.

This journey will definitely filled with a lot of challenges but I know that this path that I

am embarking in will not only shape my future but will also lay the groundwork for a stronger,

and more developed Higher Education Physical Education department.

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