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SY: 2019-2020

Rose Ann F. Deluyas

Ranilo Gandol

Aleta L. Lazo

April Grace L. Molijon

Maryrose O. Montealegre

Justin Marc S. Nario


Acknowledgement i
Dedication ii
Background of the Study 1
Statement of the problem 2
Hypothesis 2
Significance of the study 3
Theoretical Framework 3
Foreign Literature 4
Foreign Study 5

Local Literature 6
Local Study 7
Method of Research 8
Sampling Design 8
Instrumentation and Procedure 8
Data Gathering Procedures 8
Result of the Study 9
Summary of finding 10
Conclusion& Recommendation 11
Acknowledgement 12
Dedication 13
References 14
Curriculum Vitae



Cellular phone is a small telephone that people can take with them and use outside their
home or cell phone is a portable usually cordless telephone for use in a cellular system.

It is true that mobile phones can help students but only if they use them wisely. Cell
phone can help the youth, especially to the students, who will study because they will get more
information and gain acknowledge that will help them with their future and daily life.

But most of the students become addictive to cell phones and are found playing games,
chatting with their friends, watching movies and other stuff. If the students are busy keeping their
eyes on their cell phones at all times they won’t get time for studying which would lead to poor
grades. Also if are the students using mobile phones for long hours daily it might lead to serious
health issues. Using a lot mobile phones can harm you brain, particularly teenager and children..
If you use cell phones too much, you will get bad effects like dizzy, blood-brain barrier, or ears

There are a advantages of using mobile phones. Cell phones can give entertainment
because of fun games, social media and others. Also think of that cell phones are one of the safety
gadgets because when we forget our way back home it can help to trace using GPS or help
authorities to locate you respectively.

On the other hand, there are also advantages. Using cell phone helps to contact our
relatives in the other places or to the people who wants to talk for a good communication. It is
useful especially to those students doing their chores easier. We will get more information
through google, news, and dictionary, application software rather than books. Using cell phone is
important to the society because it gives enjoyment and pleasure to others.

Education can develop our talent and our manners can be mutable through the
expansion of modern life and a growth of innovative technology gadget trends like computer
and cell phone. Have serious effect in human life.
Educational method includes storytelling, discussion, teaching, training and directs



The Effects of using cell phone in the Academic Performance of Grade 11

students of St. Lawrence Academy Foundation.


To identify the negative and positive effects of using cell phone in the
academic performance of grade 11 student in St. Lawrence Academy Foundation.


What are the effects of cell phone to the academic performance of grade
11 students of St. Lawrence Academy Foundation?


1. How can cell phones help you in your academic performance?

2. What are the positive effects of using cell phones in your academic
3. What are the negative effects of using cell phones in your academic
4. How do you limit yourself from using cell phones in your daily life in school?
5. What are the importances of using cell phones in your academic performance?


Using cell phone can help students to gain more knowledge useful to their daily


This study will be beneficial to the following:

STUDENTS- It will be beneficial to the students because it will give them awareness
about the effects of the use of cell phone. Which is can avoid some of the negativity
effects to their body and to their academic performances.

PARENTS- It will be beneficial to the parents because it will give them knowledge and
awareness on the effects of the of cell phone. They can prevent or avoid some of the
negative effects.

TEACHER- This study will help them discipline their students on the use of cell phone
from abuse of cell phone.



Educational technology is the use of technological tools to improve education, it

is a systematic process for designing instruction/ training used to improve performance.

Technology becomes a bane when the student, who surf the internet, look for
unsavoury subjects. The abuse and misuse of the internet will have for reaching
unfavourable effects on life. The technology is effective as well as disadvantageous. The
finest disadvantageous is that the technology how impacted the natural method of human
interaction badly. Mobiles phone have severe health implications too. Radiations
transmitted by these devices have proved harmful to lives. Mobile phone addiction is
another major disadvantage. It can results in loss concentration and brings distraction of
all kinds. Despites of its harmful effects, students use mobile phones in the classrooms
though which they fail to concentrate on the class and spend time in texting or surfing


Literature is important in everyday life because it connects individual larger truths

and ideas in society, literature creates a way for people to record their thoughts and
experiences in a way that is accessible to others, fictional account of the experience.


Foreign Literature

According to Hossein Ansari (et., al) there is number of negative and unhealthy
impacts and effects on student’s performances. It will cause of poor sleep and overused
of internet and social networks.

Aoki and Downes (2004) cited that mobile phone usage in social context has been
a less studied area when compared to the research on the engineering and policy aspects
of mobile technologies.

According to Katz (1997) there is the possible effects of wireless communication

on people lives. He said that there are several levels of effects such technology.

According to Timmis et al. The current study investigate how mobile phone use
affects where people look visual search behaviour and how they negotiate a floor based
hazard placed along the walking path. When using a mobile phone, writing a text whilst
walking resulted in the greatest adoptions in gait and visual search behaviour compared
to reading a text and talking on a mobile phone.

According to Wolters Klumer, mobile phone/ radiation hazards and many of them
were extremely dependent on smart phone use which may lead to further physiological
and physiological complication.


From the study of Y. Tanaka in 2012 entitled Usefulness of the Multimedia
feedback of the Physical Education using E-learning In recent years, the report that the
effect of instruction increases by utilizing an image for instruction of a sport is carried
out in respect of the university physical education (Takamatsu et al., 2000) and in playing
sports (Takahashi and Iwashima, 2008) etc.

From the study of Huang, Chun-Hong, 2010 entitled E-learning on Physical
education of Utilizing Multimedia Contents In contrast with the traditional instructional
method in physical education, the adaptation of computer information technology brings
a great number of changes with extensive advantages. According to this reason, the
major purpose of this paper tries to utilize the information technology in order to
fabricate physical education courses with multimedia contents integrated with an E-
learning Platform.

The study of Tan-Hsu Tan and Tsung-Yu Liu, 2004 entitled The mobilebased
interactive learning environment (MOBILE) and a case study for assisting elementary
school English learning This research develops a mobile-based interactive learning
environment (MOBILE) for aiding elementary school English learning. The MOBILE
consists of a mobile learning server and mobile learning tools, which is able to support
in- or outdoor learning activities.

According to the study of Jumoke, Oloruntoba and Blessing/2015 the mobile

phone use was significantly and negatively related to academic performance of the
students. Their findings highlighted that academic performance of the students usually
gets impaired due to excessive internet usage through mobile phone. Probably these study
consistent w/ other researcher(Lepp, Barley,

In the same manner, this study is related to (Yeboah & Ewur 2014) that it was
found that social networking mobile applications were very useful to make
communication easier and enhancing the effective flow of information and idea sharing
among students, But usage of social networking mobile app had a negative influence the

academic performance of students. They are spend most of time is chatting, music
and mailing w/c divert their concentration during the study.


According to (Pedrero Perez Es. Et al. Addicciones, 2012). The mobile phone is a
relatively new technological tool, versatile and accessible, and very attractive, especially
for young people, but whose use involves a risk of abuse and addictive behaviour. In
recent years there has been increasing interest in this problem, especially in view of the
fact that it involves an increasing younger population.

According to (De-Sola Gutierrez et. al. Front Psychiatry 2016) They analyze the
concept addiction as well as its prevalence, study methodologies/psychological features,
and associated psychiatric co morbidities. Research in this field has generally evolve
from a global view of the cell phone as a device to its analysis via applications and
contents. Cell phone addiction shows a distinct user profile that differentiates it from
Internet addition.

According to Pew Research Centre (2015), 15% of American ages 18-29 are
dependent on a smart phone for Internet access. Beside calling, texting and basic Internet
browsing, smart phones are used for online backing, seeking information about jobs,
obtaining class materials or educational contents, and other many purposes. When asked,
smart phone owners described their devices as “helpful” rather than “annoying”,
“connecting” rather than “distracting”, and representing “freedom” rather than
functioning as a leash. According to study done on students, using smart phones during
classes hampers the ability to concentrate and make academic performance
works(Samaha & Hauri, 2016.

According to Karagdag and colleagues (2015) indicated that plumbing is

associated w/ mobile addiction and w/ deprivation in situations of being far from one’s
phone, they also indicated that the mobile phone is used as a tool helping in situations of
loneliness, anxiety and worry.

According to study of Xinhua (2014) Filipinos are using their mobile phones not
only to communicate but also as mobile computers as according to a recent market study


According to Francis Dino, 2013 entitled Asia Pocket Atlas the proposed system
aims to make learning process entertaining for students to encourage them to learn and at
the same time teach them to use the technology wisely. This study will help kids learn
and explore about Asian continent and have fun as well. This will be a good reference
tool not just for the students but also for the teachers. Most mobile applications easily
present information will be presented in audio and still-captured images.

In reference to Agustine, Mona Lisa, 2009 entitled E-Learning System in

Computer 1, It is designed for the students in Divine Word College of Legazpi
particularly students who are taking computer 1 subject. The students can view and
access all the lessons through computer. The system also includes computer animations
and voice over which informational and interactive.

This reference of study tackles about the significance of the e-learning for the student
taking up computer 1 in Divine Word College of Legazpi. This study gives the researcher
the idea to also develop software that will give the students a supplementary tool and help
them to learn the subject in their own paces and learn the subject even without the

Francisca Lopez Torrecillas says that these people "can become totally upset
when deprived from their mobile phones for some time, regardless of the reason".
"Switching off their phones causes them anxiety, irritability, sleep disorders or
sleeplessness, and even shivering and digestive problems", points out the UGR professor.

According to the report “Information and Communications for Development:

Maximizing Mobile,” which was released on Monday, there were 101 mobile cellular
subscriptions for every 100 people in the Philippines in 2011, a jump from 41
subscriptions for every 100 people in 2005.

The report defined mobile cellular subscriptions as subscriptions to a public mobile

telephone service using cellular technology, which provided access to the public switched
telephone network. Postpaid and prepaid subscriptions were included. But it said that
mobile subscriptions did not reflect actual mobile phone ownership since there could be
multiple subscriptions.

According to Lino Bajar and Chester Sangal, 2011 entitled Cars and Cows Game
Development, the main objective of the system is to produce a computer game that can
enhance and develop mental alertness. The game focuses in preventing hitting the cows
and overcome the obstacle in a given level within the users mental alertness and help to
develop their practical skills, and serve as a form of exercise.9 In relation to the
researcher proposed application, the series of test will also enhance and develop the
mental alertness and practical skills of the student, it will also serve as an exercise for
them in retaining what they have learned from the subject.



The method of this research study used to explain the effects of using cell phone.
Phenomenology shows how the participants respond to the questions to get the answers
that will be given by the researcher.

This type of research will be used to in this study is phenomenology method. The
researchers allow delving into perceptions of a student’s experiences on how they used a
cell phone even the inside and outside of the school. It aims to gather an in-depth
understanding of human behaviour and regarding the number of respondent in a study
becomes a reflection of the study purpose.

We choose this kind of design because phenomenology is fit to this study of

consciousness of a student experiences with the use of cell phone.


This study use Quota sampling design because it has no formally rules. This
sampling technique where in the assembled sample has the same proportions with respect
to known traits or focused phenomenon. This quota sampling is easy to use to the data
and easily figured there characters.


This study will use the interviews and questionnaire to gather information and to
collect data.

The sample respondents will be asked by the researcher for consent and approval
to answer the questionnaire until the designed number of respondents which is 10 is
reach. The target participants in this research will be conduct to the grade 11 students at
the St. Lawrence Academy Foundation.

The questionnaire is all about the effect of using cell phone to the academic performance
of St. Lawrence Academy Foundation.

The researcher submitted in structures for checking. In addition, we write an

approval letter for the principal.



This chapter includes analysis, and interpretation of data which were drawn from
Saint Lawrence Academy Foundation.

Data were collected through using interview and questionnaire surveyed to the
participants, fromG11 students of Saint Lawrence Academy Foundation .

In our data analysis, our respondents say that cell phone is conducive to learning
because through it expands our knowledge, given the new information and develop a
deep understanding. It is also used in daily life because it gives happiness, joy and our
needs. Also based on the use of cell phone has also a great result from our study. As such
it is easier for other to do research, courses finds that the required information. But not
only good things come from cell phone but there also has negative reserves such as loss
of control over it use, loss of time to review, descent grade, lack of self confidence and
lack of time to the family and to study. However, should the use of cell phones is limited
by several days and hours. Based on the answers of our respondents, we found out that
the cell phone is important to study, not only in education but in our lives. In some youth
and students to use cell phone is important because it helps to increase their grade to
discover new knowledge and achieve their objectives or goals.


This chapter presents the summary of the research, conclusions, and recommendations of the
researchers regarding to the topic ventured.


Cell phone is very important part to our lives. Modern mobile phones are capable of
internet access, photos and files. Cell phones are no longer just phones; they have become
multiple purpose tools.

Cell phone has disadvantages. If you are not careful to use mobile phones, it can isolate
you from family and people around you. Cell phones can be a health problem like late night chats
and mobile phones games playing on bright screen result to eye problems. Eye cancer, sleepiness
which causes chronic fatigue during the day, are among the worries.

On the other hand, there are a advantages. Cell phones can give entertainment because of
fun games, social media and others. Also think of that cell phones are one of the safety gadgets
because when we forget our way back home it can help to trace using GPS or help authorities to
locate you respectively. Also it is use to call a rescuer or help if has a emergency situation
happens like an accidents.

The researchers allow delving into perceptions of a student’s experiences on how they
used a cell phone even the inside and outside of the school. It aims to gather an in-depth
understanding of human behaviour and regarding the number of respondent in a study becomes a
reflection of the study purpose.

A cell phone can act as a torch, a recording voice, data storage, calculator, calendar,
camera, and other many utility features.

Better understanding of these challenges leads to overcoming them and therefore to better
implementation of cell phone in Education.




Cell phones have bad effects to our body if it has no limitation in using cell phone
to our daily lives such as headache because of lack of sleep, also into the effects of
radiation, poor eye sight, laziness, loss of appetite and will cause loss of time to the
family, friends and to socialized with others.

On our general questions the effects of cell phone to the academic performance of
grade 11 students of Saint Lawrence Academy Foundation is very helpful because they
will get more information and gain their acknowledge that will help them to the future.
To the students that using mobile phones are useful because they doing their chore easier.
The social networking mobile application were very useful to make communication
easier and enhancing the effective flow of information and idea sharing among students.

The consistence of our research about the effect of cell phone on academic
development of the student from G-11 we will know here that cell phone is not only a
tool for studying. In this research we have known that cell phone can also help us on our


As researchers, we would like to recommend that anyone who uses a cellphone

would be well advised to keep a little distance between that phone and the body. Also,
when people need to make calls, they should minimize radiation exposed by phoning
only where reception is really good.

In the same manner, people that used mobile phones for many years, suggest the
potential for serious safety issues. For the safety, we should use the cell phone wisely to
keep the bad side effects of phones that can may be harm to our health and the body.

This study will be neither evidence for the students to know that the effects
of cell phone can neither good nor bad for their studies


The Researchers would like to acknowledge the following:

I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our members for the cooperation
and support to make our research a successful one.

To our research respondents who give their 100% participation and effort just to
make our thesis possible. We thank you a lot.

To our respective parents, who had never been in a second thought to support us
financially and morally, without you this research will not be possible.

To our research adviser, who had given all her best just to understand all about the
thesis writing, you really did a great part of this. Also, who never fail to give us more
insight to do the right things on research. You really did a great part of us. It’s our

To the most powerful, who gave His light to us, Our Almighty God; we give this
work back to you. Praise you.

The researchers


This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our beloved parents, who have

been our source of inspiration and gave us strength when we thought of giving up, who
continually provide their moral, spiritual, emotional and financial support.

To our brother, sister, relatives, mentor, friends and classmates who shared
their minds of advice and encouragement to finish this study.

And lastly, we dedicated this book to the almighty God, thank you for the
guidance, strength, power of mind, protection and skills and for giving us a healthy life.
All of these, we offer to you.


A Mohammadbugi, F Valizadeh, M saadati.. Journal of research in health science, 2016.

Aoki, K., Downes, EJ. (2004).An analysis of young people’s of attitudes toward cell
phones Telematics and Information, Vol 20 (4), Pg.319-364.

Timmis MA, et., al (2017) The impact of mobile phone use on where we look and how use
walk negotiating for based obstacles. Plos One 12 (6): e0179802 d. d: 10.

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation -Meaknow Publications

Source: (https:// www.

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Source: (https://

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Source: (

Source: posted last February 14, 2015


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