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Analysis of factors associated with the

success of microimplant-assisted rapid
palatal expansion
Carolina Marques Meirelles,a Rafael Malagutti Ferreira,a Hideo Suzuki,b Cibele Braga Oliveira,c
Adriana Souza de Jesus,d Aguinaldo Silva Garcez,e and Selly Sayuri Suzukib
Campinas and Araraquara, S~ao Paulo, and Jo~ao Pessoa, Paraıba, Brazil

Introduction: Success-related factors of microimplant-assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) were

evaluated, including age, palatal depth, suture, and parassutural bone thickness, suture density and
maturation, and the relation to corticopuncture (CP) technique, as well as skeletal and dental effects.
Methods: Sixty-six cone-beam computed tomography scans were analyzed before and after rapid maxillary
expansion procedures in 33 patients aged 18-52 years for both sexes. The scans were generated in digital
imaging and communications in medicine file format and analyzed in the multiplanar reconstruction of the
regions of interest. Palatal depth, suture thickness, density and maturation, age, and CP were assessed. To
evaluate dental and skeletal effects, the sample was divided into 4 groups: successful MARPE (SM), SM 1
CP technique (SMCP), failure MARPE (FM), and FM 1 CP (FMCP). Results: Successful groups presented
more skeletal expansion and dental tipping than failure groups (P \0.05). The mean age of the FMCP group
was significantly higher than the SM groups; suture and parassutural thickness significantly related to the suc-
cess, and patients who received CP showed a success rate of 81.2% compared with 33.3% in the no CP group
(P \0.05). Suture density and palatal depth did not show a difference between the success and failure groups.
Suture maturation was higher in SMCP and FM groups (P \0.05). Conclusions: Older age, thin palatal bone,
and higher stage of maturation can influence the success of MARPE. CP technique in these patients appears
to have a positive impact, increasing the chance of treatment success. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop

ndications for microimplant-assisted rapid palatal supported rapid expansion, such as a decrease in alveolar
expansion (MARPE) include patients at the end of bone thickness and height, bone dehiscence, and
their growth phase and adult patients with maxillary gingival recession that may occur as a result of forces
transverse deficiency as an alternative to avoid surgical placed on the teeth and their supporting structures.
intervention.1,2 MARPE technique can potentially Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) data were
reduce undesirable effects from conventional tooth- recently introduced to evaluate craniofacial structures
for a more accurate diagnosis and prognosis of maxillary
expansion, such as midpalatal suture maturation stage
Department of Post-graduation in Orthodontics, Faculdade S~ao Leopoldo Man-
and density, midpalatal suture thickness, and
dic, Campinas, S~ao Paulo, Brazil.
Department of Orthodontics, S~ao Leopoldo Mandic School and Dental Institute, morphology of the zygomatic process of the maxilla.3-7
Campinas, S~ao Paulo, Brazil. Moreover, the regional acceleratory phenomenon
Private practice; Faculdade COESP, Jo~ao Pessoa, Paraıba, Brazil.
d induced by surgical trauma, acting directly on bone re-
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, S~ao Paulo State University,
Araraquara, S~ao Paulo, Brazil. modeling, and accelerating tooth movement, has been
Department of Oral Microbiology, Faculdade S~ao Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, advocated. Some surgical techniques have been pro-
S~ao Paulo, Brazil.
posed, such as corticotomy, corticision, piezopuncture,
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po-
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. microosteoperforation, and corticopuncture (CP).
Address correspondence to: Carolina Marques Meirelles, Department of Post- Although the MARPE technique potentially represents
graduation in Orthodontics, Faculdade S~ao Leopoldo Mandic, Rua Jose Rocha
a nonsurgical alternative to treating maxillary constric-
Junqueira 13, Campinas, S~ao Paulo 13045-755, Brazil; e-mail, carolina. tion, it may not be as predictable in older adult patients
Submitted, November 2021; revised and accepted, October 2022. because of increased interdigitation of the midpalatal
suture with aging.8,9 CP is a bone trauma performed
Ó 2023 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. by surgical intervention, usually limited to the cortical


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68 Meirelles et al

Fig 1. A, SL model expander supported on 4 mini-implants (Peclab); B, MSE model expander sup-
ported on 4 mini-implants (MSE, Biomaterials Korea).

portion of the alveolar bone. This technique has been 16 3 13. The images were saved in digital imaging and
associated with treating MARPE to reduce resistance communication in medicine file format and examined
and optimize the opening.10 This study analyzed using Horos software (version 2.3.0; Horos Project, An-
possible factors associated with the success of MARPE, napolis, Md) and OnDemand 3D (Cybermed, Seoul,
such as the auxiliary technique of CP, midpalatal suture South Korea).
bone density and maturation, and midpalatal and para- MARPE procedure was performed using the
ssutural bone thickness performed in adult patients. following expanders: SL model expander supported by
Dental and skeletal responses were also analyzed, 4 mini-implants (Peclab, Belo Horizonte, Brazil) or
considering palatal bone expansion and tooth tipping maxillary skeletal expander and 4 mini-implants (maxil-
measurements. lary skeletal expander [MSE]; Biomaterials Korea, Seoul,
South Korea). Criteria for clinical positioning of the
MARPE appliance considered the positioning of the 2
MATERIAL AND METHODS anterior mini-implants in a region of the palatal curve
This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of (behind the third palatal rugae) in which greater bone
S~ao Leopoldo Mandic School and Dental Institute (refer- thickness was available and the expander was kept as
ence no. 3.323.906). Ethical approval was obtained on horizontal as possible (Fig 1). Maxillary expansion proto-
May 14, 2019. The reference number of the General col included immediate start after MARPE insertion,
Ethics Commission site of the Brazilian Government is except for the group of patients who received CP along
CAAE 12739119.2.0000.5374. the midpalatal suture, on which 1 week was needed for
For this retrospective study, 66 CBCT scans were mucosa healing. The activation protocol used was 2 ac-
selected from the records of 33 people aged 18-52 years tivations/d (0.4 mm/d)1,11 until the maxillary skeletal
treated between 2017 and 2020. Data were collected width was equal to or greater than the mandibular width
before and up to 3 months after expansion therapy, ac- (lasted about 2-3 weeks).5
cording to the study by Storto et al.11 Patients who underwent CP facilitating procedure
The inclusion criteria were patients with transverse were aged $24 years, and microperforations were
maxillary deficiency treated with MARPE in the clinic performed in the midpalatal suture region using a
of the Postgraduation in Orthodontics Course at 1.5-mm diameter Peclab bur with a 6-mm active tip
Faculdade S~ao Leopoldo Mandic. Exclusion criteria (perforation depth) according to the method described
were patients with a history of periodontal disease, pre- by Suzuki et al (Fig 2).10
vious orthodontic treatment, patients with congenital Sample distribution can be found in Table I. Patients
malformations, and patients with a period of .6 months treated successfully with MARPE without performing the
between the initial CT scan and the beginning of ortho- CP technique (SM; n 5 10), successfully treated with
dontic treatment. MARPE and the adjunct CP technique (SMCP; n 5 13),
CBCT scans used in this study were obtained using failure group with no midpalatal suture opening without
the I-CAT scanner (Imaging Sciences International, Hat- performing the CP technique (FM; n 5 4), and failure
field, Pa) before (T0) and after (T1) expansion, using the group with no midpalatal suture opening adjunct CP
following parameters: 36 mA, 120 kVp, exposure time of technique (FMCP; n 5 6). The initial transverse maxillary
36 seconds, voxel size of 0.25 mm, and scanning area of discrepancy between the groups did not show a

July 2023  Vol 164  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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Meirelles et al 69

Fig 2. CP auxiliary technique performed in the midpalatal suture region.

Table I. Sample distribution

Total sample (n 5 33) Age, y Female, % Male, % TMD, mm DTm,  AP PP
SM (n 5 23)
NCP (n 5 10) 20.0 6 6.0a 60 40 4.3 6 1.3 3.34 6 0.82a 2.29 6 0.98a 1.87 6 0.60a
CP (n 5 13) 34.0 6 6.4b 80 20 4.2 6 0.5 3.82 6 2.19a 2.60 6 1.13a 2.09 6 0.53a
FM (n 5 10)
NCP (n 5 4) 34.0 6 4.6b,c 50 50 4.6 6 1.4 3.92 6 2.84a 0.00 6 0.00b 0.17 6 0.21b
CP (n 5 6) 43.0 6 9.0c 50 50 4.9 6 1.5 3.89 6 2.72a 0.11 6 0.13b 0.18 6 0.32b
Note. Values are mean 6 standard deviation. The difference between groups is represented by distinct superscripted letters (P \ 0.05). Significance
was determined using the Student t test and analysis of variance followed by the Tukey post-hoc test. Dental tipping ( ) measurement is defined by
the mean inclination values of the maxillary first molars on the right and left sides and bone palate expansion (mm).
TMD, mean initial transverse maxillary discrepancy; DTm, dental tipping molar; AP, distance lateral walls of the incisive foramen; PP, distance
lateral walls between the greater palatine foramina.

significant difference (P \0.05), and the mean values Midpalatal suture and parassutural thickness
described in the table refer to both sides12 (Table I). measures were taken perpendicular to the reference line
The FM and FMCP groups were represented by patients (from the incisive foramen to the posterior nasal spine)
in which the maxillary expansion on the palate was \1 in the sagittal view at the regions of the second premolars
mm and clinically did not present a diastema. and first molars. In addition, parassutural measurements
Before measurements, images were aligned were performed 3 mm away from the midpalatal suture
previously in a standard manner as follows (Fig 3), in on the right and left sides,4,17,20 as shown in Figure 5.
the coronal section of the nasion-anterior nasal spine Both measurements were taken at T0 and T1 to compare
(N-ANS) and the sagittal and axial section of the anterior the result of treatment in each studied group. Palatal
nasal spine-posterior nasal spine (ANS-PNS).11,13 depth was measured using as a reference the functional
Skeletal and dental effects were assessed in all groups occlusal plane up to the uppermost point of the palate
before and after expansion, and values are presented at coronal view19 (Fig 6). Midpalatal suture density was
in Tables II, III, and Figure 4. defined using Horos software through an equation with
SM and SMCP groups showed significantly greater bone density values in the region of the palatal suture,
palatal expansion, a measurement taken by the soft palate, and palatal process of the maxilla. In addition,
distance lateral walls of the incisive foramen and the maturation stage of the midpalatal suture was defined
distance lateral walls between the greater palatine by 4 different stages of suture maturation (A-E) in the
foramina, whereas, in the FM group, no change was axial section.3,15,16
observed. No significant differences between SM and
Statistical analysis
SMCP groups were found in skeletal expansion. After
expansion, all groups showed a significant increase in Analysis of variance test with an a of 0.80, power of
dental inclination in the region of the first molars. 0.25 effect size was performed, resulting in a total sam-
No statistical differences in dental tipping were found ple size of 30 (version 3.0.10, G*Power software; Franz
between groups (Table I). Faul, Universitat Kiel, Kiel, Germany).

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70 Meirelles et al

Fig 3. Images of the orientation planes from the Horos software.

Table II. Linear and angular measurements taken on CBCT scans before and after maxillary expansion
Measurement Description
Palatal expansion (mm) In the anterior region of the palate, the distance between the lateral margins of the incisive foramen
was measured. In the posterior region of the palate, the distance between the lateral margins of the
greater palatine foramen was used as a reference in the axial section14 (Fig 4)
Dental tipping ( ) Angle formed between the line passing through the long axis of the palatal root of the maxillary first
premolars with the horizontal plane determined by the base of the nasal floor, and the line of the long
axis of the palatal root of the maxillary first molars with the horizontal plane7 (the mean of the values
obtained on the right and left sides were used) (Fig 4)

Statistical tests were performed using GraphPad In addition, Pearson and Spearman correlation
Prism (version 8.0; GraphPad Software, La Jolla, Calif). coefficient tests were used to evaluate the correlation
The significance level adopted for all comparisons was between density, thickness, and maturation.
P \0.05. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to investigate
the normal distribution. RESULTS
The chi-square test was used to compare groups for A total success rate of midpalatal suture opening of
midpalatal suture bone maturation and to analyze the 70% was observed. The CP group of patients showed
outcome of the auxiliary technique of CP in MARPE. an 80% success rate compared with a 53.8% success
Moreover, the impact of the CP procedure and parassu- rate when no CP was performed (Table IV).
tural bone thickness on the success of MARPE therapy When patients were divided into 2 categories: thick
was evaluated using the binomial logistic regression palate (.2 mm posterior) and thin palate (#2 mm
model. posterior), was observed a significant relationship in
For the measurements of palatal bone thickness, the patients with a thin palate (n 5 22) that received
interclass correlation was performed, with a value equal microperforations (CP) associated with MARPE and the
to 0.96 (excellent measurement replicability); in success of the treatment (81.2% of success rate). In
contrast, for bone maturation measurements of the patients with a thick palate (n 5 11), no significant
midpalatal suture, the kappa test was performed to relationship was observed between CP and outcome
analyze the agreement, with a value of 0.629 (Table IV). Furthermore, binominal logistic regression
(substantial agreement of the measurements obtained). analysis was used to predict outcomes with/without
A Student t test was used to analyze the values before CP associated with MARPE and parassutural bone
and after expansion in each studied group. For inter- thickness. Both factors were found to be able
group analysis, the difference between the measure- to predict the outcome of the treatment (P \0.05)
ments before and after expansion (SM, SMCP, FM, and (Table V).
FMCP) was calculated, and when the assumptions of A significant difference was observed between the
normality were not violated, the 1-way analysis of vari- SM and SMCP groups and the FM group for the midpa-
ance analysis was performed, followed by the Tukey latal and parassutural bone thickness. Both success
posthoc multiple comparison tests, and when they groups (SM and SMCP) showed a significantly thicker
were violated, the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test palate than the failure group (FM), which presented a
was performed, followed by the Dunn post-hoc multiple thinner palate, especially at the parassutural area of
comparison test. premolars and molars (Fig 7).

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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Meirelles et al 71

Table III. Predictive factors evaluated in the initial CBCT scans

Factor Description
CP auxiliary technique Microperforations (6 mm depth) were performed in the region of the midpalatal suture
every 2 mm along the suture10 (Fig 2).
Maturation stage of the Defined by 4 different stages of suture maturation (A-E) in the axial section, described
midpalatal suture by Angelieri et al3,15,16
Midpalatal suture density Defined using Horos software, through an equation with bone density values in the region
(ratio calculated by gray shade) unheid et al6,17
of the palatal suture, soft palate, and palatal process of the maxilla, described by Gr€
Midpalatal bone thickness (mm) Measurements were taken perpendicular to a line drawn from the incisive foramen to the posterior nasal
spine, in midpalatal suture cuts, in the region of the maxillary second premolars and first molars4,18
Parassutural bone thickness (mm) Measurements were taken perpendicular to a line drawn from the incisive foramen to the posterior nasal
spine, 3 mm lateral to the midpalatal suture to the right and left in the region of the maxillary second
premolars and first molars4
Palatal depth (mm) Distance from the functional occlusal plane to the uppermost point of the palate in the region of
the maxillary second premolars and first molars19

Fig 4. A, Measurement of dental tipping on the coronal view (using the first premolars and first molars
as a reference); B, Measurements of palatal bone expansion, using the incisive foramen as an anterior
reference and the palatine foramen as a posterior reference, on the axial section.

Palatal depth, midpalatal suture bone thickness, Regarding midpalatal suture bone maturation, in the
and parassutural bone thickness were measured, and SMCP and FM groups, most of the samples were in stage
values were compared between groups (Table VI; E of the sutural classification described by Angelieri
Fig 7). Palatal depth was not related to the success et al.3 A statistical difference (P \0.05) was observed
of the expansion with MARPE, as no significant in the distribution of the sample in the stages of bone
differences were found between the success and maturation between the SM group and the SMCP and
failure groups (Table VI). FM groups; no statistical differences were found for
Table I shows the mean age of the patients per group. the SMCP and FM groups (Table VII).
Data show that the mean age of patients in the SM group In evaluating midpalatal suture bone density,
is significantly lower than the other groups (P \0.05). In no significant differences were found between
contrast, the FMCP group showed higher mean age than success with and without CP and failure groups
in other groups (P \0.05). (Table VIII).

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72 Meirelles et al

Fig 5. A, Measurement of the midpalatal suture thickness, taken perpendicular to the reference line, in
the sagittal section, in the maxillary second premolar region. B, Measurement of the parassutural bone
thickness, taken perpendicular to the reference line, in the sagittal section, 3 mm on the left side, in the
maxillary second premolar region.

Finally, a correlation between midpalatal suture bone

density and maturation did not show a significant
correlation between these variables. A significant nega-
tive correlation was observed between bone density and
thickness of the midpalatal suture (weak to moderate),
showing that the higher the density, the lower the suture
thickness. When comparing the variables of suture
maturation and thickness, a significant negative correla-
tion of weak to moderate was found; therefore, the
greater the bone maturation, the lower the midpalatal
thickness (Table IX).

In this study, successful treatment with MARPE was
defined as patients with at least 1 mm of midpalatal
suture opening. The SM group showed a significant
increase (posterior region) in suture opening of
1.87 mm in the first molar region, compared with the
FM groups, which did not show any significant suture
Fig 6. Palatal depth measurement was performed in the opening. The SMCP group showed a significant increase
coronal section. in suture opening (posterior region) of 2.09 mm in the

July 2023  Vol 164  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Meirelles et al 73

Table IV. Association of CP auxiliary technique in MARPE when patients were divided into 2 groups according to
bone thickness

Intervention Failure, n Success, n Total, n P value Success rate, %

No CP 4 7 11 0.110 53.8
CP 6 16 22 80.0
Total 10 23 33 70.0
Thin (#2 mm posterior)
No CP 4 2 6 0.032* 33.3
CP 3 13 16 81.2
Total 7 15 22 68.1
Thick (.2 mm posterior)
No CP 2 5 7 0.898 71.4
CP 1 3 4 75.0
Total 3 8 11 72.2

*Statistically significant difference as determined by c2 test (P \0.05).

observe significant tooth tipping after expansion, with

Table V. Binominal logistic regression model for as-
values of 0.09 on the right side and 0.13 on the left
sessing the impact of the CP procedure and parassu-
side in the molars region.
tural bone thickness on the MARPE successful
The midpalatal suture bone thickness showed a
significant positive correlation with the success of
Odds ratio expansion with MARPE. The SM group obtained a value
Predictor (95% confidence interval) P value of 5.2 mm of parassutural thickness in the first molar
CP - no CP 7.15 (1.05-48.23) 0.043* region, and this result is consistent with the study by
Parassutural bone 5.22 (1.03-26.36) 0.045*
thickness, mm
Poon et al,4 in which bone thickness, volume, and
quality are important factors to be to provide better
*Statistically significant difference (P \0.05). guidelines for choosing sites to install mini-implants to
assist orthodontic treatment. It also corroborates the
first molar region, with no statistical differences study of Jesus et al,17 that describes that the success
compared with the SM group. These results were similar of MARPE is related to a greater thickness of the
to those observed in the study by Oliveira et al,14 that ob- midpalatal suture, with values of at least 5 mm. The
tained a palatal expansion of approximately 2.5 mm in authors discuss that, although there is possibly greater
the posterior region in the successful midpalatal suture resistance of the midpalatal suture in the successful
opening group in patients aged up to 29 years. Their re- group, the greater thickness of the palate should favor
sults were different from the results of Storto et al,11 the primary stability of the mini-implants and the
which showed a palatal suture opening of 4 mm in the consequent improvement in the anchorage of the
posterior region because the sample in this study was MARPE expander, which may contribute to the success
older than the one used by Storto et al.11 of this treatment. However, the primary stability of the
The successful and failure groups showed a mild mini-implants was not measured.
increase in buccal dental tipping in the first molar region In this study, the parassutural bone thickness was
(SM, 3.34 ; SMCP, 3.82 ; FM, 3.92 ; FMCP, 3.89 ). The measured, and it was observed that the SM and SMCP
result of this study was similar to that obtained by Park groups showed a greater thickness of the parassutural
et al,7 whose effect of dental tipping was described as region than the FM group. Several studies18,20,22
inevitable because of the bending of the alveolar bone associated palatal bone thickness with the success of
by force exerted for the expansion of the palatal bone. mini-implants and therefore indicate that areas of
These authors used a different design and positioning greater thickness as the most appropriate for their
of the MARPE device and obtained a 5.8 increased insertion. The parassutural thickness (2-4 mm lateral
tipping in the molar region, which is higher than the to the suture) is thicker in the anterior region (premolars)
result obtained in this study. These results differ from than the posterior areas (first and second molars) in both
those obtained by Paredes et al,21 who used the MSE males and females, with mean values range of 3-4 mm in
as an expander anchored to mini-implants and did not the anterior region and \3 mm in the posterior region.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2023  Vol 164  Issue 1
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74 Meirelles et al

Fig 7. Midpalatal and parassutural palatal suture bone thickness is observed in the SM, SMCP, and
failure MARPE groups in the maxillary second premolar and first molar regions. SM, successful
MARPE; SMCP, successful MARPE 1 corticopuncture; MARPE, microimplant-assisted rapid palatal

Table VII. Comparison of midpalatal suture bone

Table VI. Comparison of palatal depth measurements
maturation between the groups
between the groups (mm)
Midpalatal suture bone maturation, %
Palatal depth
Groups A B C D E Difference
Comparison Comparison b
Groups Premolar between groups Molar etween groups SM 0 0 30 40 30 A*
SMCP 0 0 20 15 65 B
SM 23.6 6 3.12 A 21.9 6 2.70 A
FM 0 0 0 30 70 B
SMCP 24.8 6 2.73 A 23.5 6 1.94 A
FM 24.6 6 1.98 A 22.9 6 1.46 A Note. Differences between groups are represented by distinct letters
(ie, A and B).
Note. Statistical significance was determined by an analysis of vari-
SM, successful MARPE; SMCP, successful MARPE 1 corticopunc-
ance test followed post-hoc Tukey test (P\0.05). The difference be-
ture; FM, failure MARPE.
tween groups is represented by distinct letters.
*Statistical significance was determined by c2 test (P 5 0.03).
SM, successful MARPE; SMCP, successful MARPE 1 corticopunc-
ture; FM, failure MARPE.
parassutural areas in the anterior region, considered
the most appropriate region for mini-implants
Therefore, they contraindicate regions of low bone installation. Furthermore, the later study highlighted
thickness for mini-implant placement because of poor that sex and ethnicity should also be considered in
primary stability. The results of this study indicate that planning because of significant differences in palatal
patients with thin parassutural bone may have thickness in relation to these variables.
compromised mini-implant primary stability and, In this study, palatal depth was not related to the
therefore, a higher risk of failure when applying heavy success of the expansion, as no significant differences
forces resulting from expansion, particularly when the were found in the values between the success and failure
bone thickness is \2 mm in both anterior and posterior groups (21.9, 23.5, and 22.9 mm, respectively). In the
regions. In addition, whenever bicortical anchorage of article by Hwang et al,19 correlation was found between
the mini-implant is achieved, more stability, less palatal height measurement and facial patterns, and a
possibility of deformation or fracture, and a more trend toward narrower arches, thinner alveolar bones
parallel and efficient expansion.23 These factors should and higher palatal heights was observed because
be considered when planning the best place for patients had more vertical growth patterns, with values
mini-implant insertion. These results are consistent of 20.03 mm for females and 20.83 mm for males.
with a study by Yasushi et al24 that observed thicker According to Shin et al,25 mean palatal depth value of

July 2023  Vol 164  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de por Elsevier en junio 30, 2023. Para uso
personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Meirelles et al 75

present a more advanced stage of maturation, and,

Table VIII. Comparison of midpalatal suture bone
therefore, its application can increase the chances of
density between the groups
treatment success.
Midpalatal suture Bone density did not show any association with the
Groups bone density Significance success of the expansion, as no significant differences
SM 0.61 6 0.13 NS were found in the density values of the different groups
SMCP 0.79 6 0.09
FM 0.70 6 0.12
in this study. Our result differs from the results obtained
by Gr€unheid et al,6 as they suggested that the midpalatal
Note. Values are presented as mean 6 standard deviation. Statistical suture density has a significant negative correlation with
significance was determined by an analysis of variance test
the amount of maxillary expansion using Hyrax devices
(P \0.05).
NS, no significant difference; SM, successful MARPE; SMCP, suc- in patients with a mean age of 12.9 years. However, it
cessful MARPE 1 corticopuncture; FM, failure MARPE. corroborates the results of Jesus et al,17 as their study
did not find the relevance of bone density to the success
of treatment with MARPE in patients with a mean age of
Table IX. Correlation between bone density, bone 23 years (success, 0.73; failure, 0.78). Titus et al26 also
maturation, and thickness of the palatal suture observed that bone density did not significantly correlate
with the amount of palatal suture opening.
Variables Density Maturation Thickness
The results showed a significant negative correlation
Density –
(weak to moderate) between thickness and maturation
Maturation 0.225 (0.087) –
Thickness 0.326* (0.035) 0.423* (0.005) – stage and thickness with bone density. No significant
correlation was found between the maturation stage
Values are Pearson r values. and density. Given the possibility that the predictive
*Statistically significant difference (P \0.05) as determined by Pear-
son and Spearman correlation coefficient tests.
factors analyzed can be related (ie, a thin midpalatal
suture), the main configuration done by cortical bone
may tend to show greater density and a more compact
10.33 mm was found for premolars and 14.33 mm for bone, with a tendency of not showing a line demarcating
molars, and this variable did not show a significant the separation of the 2 halves of the maxilla, thus greater
correlation with the success of MARPE. midpalatal suture maturation. In contrast, patients with
According to Angelieri et al,3 assessment of the greater midpalatal suture thickness tend to have a
midpalatal suture maturation stage in the initial CBCT trabecular bone (less dense and compact) between the
scan is a reliable parameter for choosing the palatal well-defined cortical bones of the palatal bone and nasal
expansion treatment for the patient. The results of this floor structures, and consequently, on CBCT sections will
study found no significant differences in the maturation probably show less density and interdigitation.27
stage of the suture between the SMCP and FM groups. In Therefore, the midpalatal suture thickness may be
these groups, most of the sample was in stage E of bone related to the perception of the maturation stage and
maturation. However, a difference was found when density obtained.
comparing these groups with the SM group, probably The MARPE technique has been widely used because
because of the significant difference in mean age it presents greater skeletal results and minimizes side
between the SMCP and FM groups (34 and 39 years, effects in adults. As described by previous studies, the
respectively) and the SM group (20 years). This result success rate of MARPE is quite relevant in adults,
was similar to that found in the study by Shin et al,25 ranging from 84.2% to 86.96%.7,28 Thus, with the
in which the authors observed that age and palate growing demand, greater predictability is necessary to
maturation stage might be predictive factors of the obtain the expected result of the expansion. It is
success of midpalatal suture expansion with MARPE in essential to analyze the factors associated with the
young adults. A previous study by Oliveira et al14 showed success or failure of the midpalatal suture opening to
that treatment success rate decreased with increasing understand its limitations better. The present study
maturation of the midpalatal suture, with a 100% observed that using auxiliary and complementary
success rate in stages B and C, 62.5% in stage D, and methods to the MARPE technique, such as CP, seems
58.3% in stage E. Jesus et al17 pointed out that most to increase MARPE success in patients showing thin
patients who failed treatment with MARPE were in stage and parassutural bone thickness because it may help
E of bone maturation. Therefore, the CP method can be weaken the highly interdigitated suture presented in
indicated in older patients, who are more likely to older adult patients. Further studies with a larger and

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2023  Vol 164  Issue 1
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76 Meirelles et al

more homogeneous sample group in their age range are 6. Gr€unheid T, Larson CE, Larson BE. Midpalatal suture
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factor of the success of MARPE. In a future study, quan- dentoalveolar changes after miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal
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Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de por Elsevier en junio 30, 2023. Para uso
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