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Running head: GLORY ROAD 1

Glory Road

George Martinez

Arizona State University

OGL 365- Final Paper: Movie Analysis

February 15, 2024


Glory Road

The movie Glory Road directed by James Gartner, was about how a newly selected coach

was able to recruit, develop and create a championship team. It discussed how Coach Don

Haskins was able to build a team of diverse white and black players in a time of racial hatred in

the 1960s. Coach Haskins was not having any luck recruiting players because of budget

constraints and lack of school influence for basketball. He had to get creative on how he

recruited and brought in talent to help deliver on basketball operations with the Texas Miners.

Coach Haskins and the school faced lots of criticism because they were the first school in

the south to recruit such as large pool of African American players. Many players the coach

recruited came from rough neighborhoods and building trust, fundamentals and discipline were

going to be needed for the success of the team. The coach and players faced many racial

discrimination events throughout the movie, but the coach continued to inspire his players in not

letting naysayers take away their dignity (Gartner, 2006). Coach Haskins stood up numerous

times for his players and his players for him once trust was developed. In the end, Coach Haskins

challenged the status quo and created for the first time an all African American lineup who ended

up winning the championship game.

Sport leadership was discussed in many way’s throughout Glory Road. The movie

showcased character building, game strategy, approach to discipline, building teamwork,

transformational leadership and many others. One of these ways’ sports leadership was discussed

was around building personal rapport. “Personal rapport: Behaviors that develop the positive

relationship between athlete and coach. Specific behaviors include developing a sense of trust

and confidentiality” (Arthur & Bastardoz, 2020, p. 353). In the movie, Coach Haskins often

found himself having to build rapport between player and coach because of the differences in

race and background from his recruitment class. Coach Haskins did not see the difference

between players skin color, but the abilities and skills the athletes promoted. He often shared

how he wanted players to succeed in life and not just basketball. He challenged players to be

their best in the game of basketball but also in life by setting rules and foundational learnings

around education. He stood up for players when they were being attacked and disciplined them

when not following the rules. His players grew trust in Coach Haskins because they were able to

create unity around a shared purpose and brotherhood. Coach Haskins had the ability to

challenge, uplift, connect and build relationships with his team through his actions and desire to

make them better men (Gartner, 2006).

Sport leaders in the movie were portrayed both good and bad. Coach Haskins was the

good leader trying to showcase his team’s talent and diverse basketball team in the national view.

He coached with a purpose to teach and uplift for the sake of the team and players themselves.

Leaders on the opponent side like Coach Rupp, coached to make him a prophet (Gartner, 2006).

Coach Rupp did not teach, but often coached to achieve results and not discipline. The movie

itself has a large focus around racism and discrimination for student athletes, with Coach

Haskins navigating his team through these challenges.

The first leadership topic that is relevant to the movie is Vince Lombardi’s, To Be A

Great Leader, Be A Teacher (Williams & Denney, 2015). Lombardi had the ability to teach and

ensure his players would be taken to uncomfortable places to learn how to excel. He was detail

orientated and ensured his players were developing through skillsets and not just direction.

Through repetition and practice, Lombardi built discipline by teaching the basics first and

freedom would follow (Williams & Denney, 2015). In the movie Glory Road, you saw Coach

Haskins being a teacher by sharing how he believed that winners believe in discipline. He taught

this to his team by focusing on fundamental & disciplined defensive basketball. Coach Haskins

challenged a player on the court and their ability to navigate, teaching how they were focusing

on “activity without accomplishment” (Gartner, 2006). Coach Haskin was teaching a player that

it’s not about being flashy, but is about knowing basic fundamental basketball that will allow a

player to achieve their goal on the court. Coach Haskin also taught through ensuring life skills

were present and not just coaching basketball. He put school as a priority and ensure his players

kept their grades up. He had a player named Harry; who’s mom showed to his school to ensure

the player was participating in growing their education (Gartner, 2006). To be more effective in

ensuring to be a great leader, be a teacher; the coach could have taken a stance in educating the

community on why he was supporting a larger stance on African American players. The coach

often feared for safety, but his purpose was great and should have been taught to the general


A second topic is Wooden’s, Know The Difference Between Strength and Force

(Wooden & Jamison, 2018). This topic discusses the ability to know when and how to change

approach toward players and understanding the difference between force and strength. Wooden

shares how you must sometimes be firm, flexible, having strength or being gentle, or strength for

compliance. Knowing how to apply these skills set through different situations to help address

the team. In the movie, Coach Haskins shared strength by sharing that when he speaks the

players listen and that he did not want to hear “I can’t, I won’t or Coach I’m bleeding” (Gartner,

2006). He coached hard because he wanted players to develop maturity, perseverance and

overcoming adversity. He also showcased these skills when coaching his team and sharing that

they will not back down ever by challenging his players ability on the court. He knew how his

tone impacted his players and how this inspired them to push forward beyond their comfort

zones. Coach Haskins coached hard, but uplifted and encouraged his team through recognition.

His team respected him because of how he was growing their abilities, character and

championship talent. I think Coach Haskins did a great job knowing how to apply strength and

force in his role for his players. I would have continued to challenge, as he did, with never letting

anger get the best of you, when faced with challenges and discrimination. Taking this to a

teaching moment after the game on how they use this as fuel to drive purpose for their larger


The third topic is Summitt’s, Make Hard Work Your Passion (Summitt & Jenkins, 1999).

Pat talks about how putting in hard work is the key. Pat discussed how being disciplined in

structure with routines and systems to allow a person to be intense in how they approach the

work. She shares that “the harder you work, the harder it is to surrender” (Summitt & Jenkins,

1999, p. 119). Players feel they work to hard to not win in a game or in life, which helps to build

the ability to overcome adversity. She is building the players work ethic and the ability to never

be complacent. Being committed to excellence and defining the player and/or leader you want to

be, comes with work, blood, sweat and tears. You must practice, and you must work for it as

nothing is given. In the movie, Coach Haskins coached his team around hard work and passion.

When they were faced with discrimination in the game, he shared that they need to play with

heart, play their hardest, play smart and they must take wins as they will not be given (Gartner,

2006). Coach Haskins shared how his players must always have basketball on their minds.

Teaching fundamentals and doing repeat drills to build skills. Players learning to not give up and

to continue fighting for what is theirs to lose. Building perseverance, respect, camaraderie,

desire, passion and drive in his players. As a coach, I think Coach Haskins did great in showing

up to lead as he did with passion and strength. He was never nervous in coaching and kept the

team motivated and knew what the team was capable of. Working hard in teaching fundamental

basketball and knowing when to unleash the special abilities of the team at the right time would

be the area to improve. He knew how he had to take rein in coaching his team and slowly

released freedoms to his team to navigate. Building character and abilities through trained

disciplined actions through their hard work, will continue to lead to more energetic and

passionate teams.


Arthur, C. A., & Bastardoz, N. (2020). Leadership in sport. Handbook of sport psychology, 344-


Gartner, J. (Director). (2006). Glory Road [Film]. Walt Disney Pictures.

Summitt, P., & Jenkins, S. (1999). Reach for the summit: The definite dozen system for

succeeding at whatever you do. Three Rivers Press.

Williams, P., & Denney, J. (2015). Vince Lombardi on leadership: Life lessons from a five-time

NFL championship coach. Advantage.

Wooden, J., & Jamison, S. (2018). The essential wooden: A lifetime of lessons on leaders and

leadership. McGraw-Hill Education.


Movie Analysis Rubric

Name ________________________________

Movie ________________________________

Criteria Full Points Partial Credit No Credit

Summary of Plot
Provides a thorough Too broad of a
Does not include
description and does description or not enough
not exceed page limit detail

Discussion of Discusses and explains Writer generally

There is either no
Sports Leadership the way the film discusses the way the
mention of sports
showcase sports movie applies sports
leadership related to the
leadership and provides leadership, but more
movie or is missing
4pts relevant examples information needed

Sports Leadership 3 or more topics are 3 or fewer topics are 1 or no topics are

Topic & covered and are covered within the referenced with the

applicable to movie. assignment. Applicability assignment. Writer


Writer does well in provides small or no
to movie is broad or
being able to make detail to showcase
difficult to follow.
connections. connection.
10 pts

Flow of
All information is Writer generally stays on Writer does not stay on
accurate, and the paper topic, but is sporadic in topic, a lot of

is easy to read and thought process and may misinformation, and flow

sequential include misinformation of paper is very choppy


Grammar & Writer showcases close

Writer has more than a Assignment is filled with
Requirements to no grammatical
few grammatical or does grammar issues and or
mistakes. Completes
not meet all does not meet
all requirements related
requirements requirements
4pts to length and sections

APA Format APA format not followed

Format is followed and
Some mistakes regarding or followed briefly. Many
writer paid attention to
citations and APA format mistakes throughout
4pts assignment

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