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Task 1: What Are Exothermic Reactions?

1. Explore the Science Kids page on exothermic reactions. After reading the information,
answer the following questions:

 What is an exothermic reaction, and how does it differ from other reactions?

 An exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that releases energy by light

or heat. It is the opposite of an endothermic reaction. Expressed in a
chemical equation: reactants → products + energy.
 An exothermic process releases heat, causing the temperature of the
immediate surroundings to rise. An endothermic process absorbs heat and
cools the surroundings.

 Can you name an example of an exothermic reaction from your daily life?

Science Kids - Exothermic Reactions

2. Visit the Chem4Kids page on energy and reactions. After reading, answer the following

 Explain in your own words what happens during an exothermic reaction.

 An exothermic reaction releases energy. Exothermic reactions release more

energy when bonds are formed in the products than when they're broken in
the reactants. The temperature of the reaction mixture rises during
exothermic reactions.

 Why is it called "exothermic," and what are the results of this type of reaction?

 A lot of heat is released. By absorbing heat from the surroundings, the

surroundings get cold. The reaction to surroundings releases heat; the
surroundings feel hot. Reactants' bonds are stronger than products' bonds.4
Aug 2023

Chem4Kids - Energy and Reactions

3. Explore the Ducksters page about exothermic reactions. Answer the following questions:

 What happens during an exothermic reaction to the energy within the substances

 Can you think of a real-life example of an exothermic reaction that wasn't

mentioned on the page?

Ducksters - Exothermic Reactions

Task 2: What Are Endothermic Reactions?

1. Visit the Chemguide page on endothermic reactions. After reading, answer these questions:

 What characterizes an endothermic reaction, and how is it different from

exothermic reactions?
 Why is energy absorbed during endothermic reactions, and what are the
consequences of this energy transfer?

Chemguide - Endothermic Reactions

2. Explore the BBC Bitesize page on endothermic and exothermic reactions. After watching the
videos and reading the information, answer the following questions:

 Describe an endothermic reaction in your own words.

 Can you identify any real-life scenarios where endothermic reactions are involved?

BBC Bitesize - Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

3. Go to Rader's Chem4Kids page on endothermic reactions. Answer the following questions:

 Explain the concept of an endothermic reaction using simple language.

 Try to come up with a unique example of an endothermic reaction based on what

you've learned.

Rader's Chem4Kids - Endothermic Reactions

Task 3: Real-Life Examples

1. Explore the Exploratorium's "Ice Cream Chemistry" page about endothermic reactions. After
reading, answer the following questions:

 How is the process of making ice cream an example of an endothermic reaction?

 Can you think of other food-related processes that might be endothermic?

Exploratorium - Science Snacks: Ice Cream Chemistry

2. Visit the Science Learning Hub's page on chemical reactions and energy. After exploring the
page, answer these questions:

 What examples of exothermic and endothermic reactions are mentioned in

everyday life?

 Why is it important to understand these reactions in a practical context?

Science Learning Hub - Chemical Reactions and Energy

3. Check out the STEM Learning page with videos on endothermic and exothermic reactions.
After watching the videos, answer the following questions:

 Summarize the main points from the videos regarding exothermic and endothermic

 How do these reactions impact our daily lives and the world around us?

STEM Learning - Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

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