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o Aims to assist non-philosophers in

appreciating the value of ethical insights

to arrive at ethical judgments.
Human’s Right to Science and Technology o Three principles: well-being, autonomy,
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and fairness.
(UDHR) – an important document in the history Code of Ethics of Scientists and Engineers
of human rights.
Codes of Ethics – guides scientists and
● Adopted by the United Nations General engineers to perform their work in an ethical
Assembly in Paris on December 10, manner.
● Contains preamble and 30 articles Hippocratic Oath – old code used by
● First Five Articles outline the basic medical practitioners.
individual rights:
National Academy of Science and
o Article 1 – Right to Equality
Technology (NAST) – published the Ethical
o Article 2 – Freedom from
Principles and Guidelines for Filipino
Scientists in 2009.
o Article 3 – Right to Life,
Liberty, and Personal Security o Ethical Scientific Practices
o Article 4 – Freedom from o Ethical Use of Science in
Slavery or Servitude Philippine Society
o Article 5 – Freedom from o Conflict of Interest
Torture and Degrading o Intellectual Honesty
Treatment o Weighing the Benefits of
● Article 15 - ICESCR Science vis-à-vis Potential
● Article 27 – Right to Science and Harm
Culture o Commitment to Professional
Development as Scientists
Ethical Dimension of Science and Technology
o Development of Students and
Nuremberg Trials – one such trial prosecuted other Stakeholders
physicians involved in unethical human o Advocacy for Scientific
experimentation. Approaches

Nuremberg Code – was drafted as a result of NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers (National
the so-called Doctor’s Trial. A landmark Society of Professional Engineers of USA)
document in clinical research ethics.
Code of Ethics for the Chemistry
Clinical Research Ethics – one of applications Practitioners
of applied ethics.
Social Dimensions of Science and Technology
Applied Ethics – branch of Ethics or Moral
Technology – techniques and processes used to
achieve a certain purpose.
Ethical Decision-Making in Science
o Being considered as object, knowledge,
Ethical Matrix – developed by Ben Mepham in and activity, it can be viewed as
the 1990s. intention – the commitment to a goal
Albert Borgmann
● Substantive View 1. A robot may not injure a human being
● Instrumentalist View or, through inaction, allow a human
● Pluralist View being to come to harm.
● Promise of Technology 2. A robot must obey orders given it by
● Device Paradigm human beings except where such orders
would conflict with the First law.
Robotics: An Example of Contemporary 3. A robot must protect its own existence
Issue in Science and Technology as long as such protection does not
The Singularity is Near: When Humans conflict with the First or Second Law.
Transcend Human Biolodgy Zeroth Law of Robotics – robot should not
o Roy Kurzwell bring harm to humanity, through action or
o Singularity inaction.
o Genetics, Nanotechnology, Robotics Telesurgery – surgeon and patient are separated
(GNR) by long distances.
Background on Robotics Robotic Liability Matrix – assigns weights to
Robotics – use and development of robots. the liabilities to be shouldered by the involved
Robots – programmable machines that are
capable of motion and interaction with their Social Robots – robots capable of interacting
surroundings. with humans in a human-like fashion.

Artificial Intelligence – field of study that seeks o Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility
to develop intelligent computational systems. (ASIMO) by Honda
o Sophia by Hanson Robotics
Rossum’s Universal Robots
o Karel Capek’s play depicted the
creation of machines that serve as Information Age – time period in which people
humanoid slaves. could access information and knowledge easily.
o Czech word robota which means labor. ● Also known as Computer Age, Digital
Classification of Robots Age, and New Media Age.
● James R. Messenger, firstly conceived
o Service Robots the theory of the Information Age in
o Industrial Robots 1982.
o Unimate
o George Devol History of Information Age
o Joseph Engelberger – father of Print Based – first information revolution.
Pre-Digital – second information revolution
Roboethics and Ethical Issues in Advanced
Robotics Digital Era
Roboethics – coined by Gianmarco Veruggio ● Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Computer (ENIAC) - first electronic
Three Laws of Robotics by Isaac Asimov
general purpose computer.
○ February 15, 1946
○ Computing system was built by
John Mauchly and J. Presper
Social Media and Social Networking Sites
● Universal Automatic Computer
(UNIVAC I) - first American Social Media - computer-based technology that
commercial computer for business use. facilitates sharing of ideas, thoughts, and
● Internet information through virtual networks and
○ ARPANET communities.
● World Wide Web
○ Web and HTTP ● Friendster - Jonathan Abrams
● LinkedIn
Read the Timeline of Information Age in the ● Myspace - Tom Anderson, Chris
book. DeWolfe, and Jon Hart
● Skype - Swede Niklas Zennstrom and
Computers and Mobile Phones
the Dane Janus Friis
Computer - a machine or device that performs ● Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg
processes, calculations and operations based on ● YouTube
instructions provided by a program. ● Twitter - Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz
Stone, and Evan Williams
● General Purpose Computers
● Tumblr - David Karp
● Specific Purpose Computers
● BizSugar
Types of Computer According to Purpose ● Facebook Messenger
● Instagram - Kevin Systrom and Mike
● Analog Computer - use continuous Krieger
physical phenomena to model the ● Pinterest
problem being solved. ● Viber
● Digital Computer - performs
calculations and logical operations with Issues and Concern of Information Age
quantities represented as digits, usually
● Health Risks - being over-exposed to
in the binary number system.
digital media can take a toll on your
● Hybrid Computer - capable of
mental and emotional well-being.
inputting & outputting in both digital
○ Eyestrain and Hearing
and analog.
Types of Computer on the Basis of Size ■ Computer Vision
● Supercomputer ○ Brain Cancer
○ SUMMIT ○ Depression
○ IBM Blue Gene ○ Accidents
● Mainframe Computer ■ Anti-Distracted Driving
● Mini Computer or Server Act of 2016
● Micro Computer or Personal Computer ● Information Overloading
● Workstation ● Data Privacy - also known as
Mobile Phones information privacy.
○ Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA
● Motorola DynaTAC 8000x No.10173)
● Angler - Frank Canova ● Cyber Crime
○ Simon Personal Communicator ○ Cybercrime Prevention Act of
● Fake News ● produce novel or improved organisms
○ CRAP Test through direct gene modification.
● “recombinant DNA technology” or
“genetic modification”
Most Commonly Approved GMOs
1. Resistance to Environmental Stress
● variety of all life on Earth. 2. Distance Resistance
○ Biotic - living 3. Consumer or Producer Enhanced
○ Abiotic - non-living 4. Herbicide Tolerance
○ Ecology - study of organisms in 5. Insect Resistance
the place they live in. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)
○ Ecosystem - life forms of plants,
animals, and nonliving things. ● outcome of genetic engineering that
○ Fauna - animal life possesses the desired trait.
○ Flora - indigenous plants
GMO Approved in the Philippines
○ Relative Abundance - relative
proportions of species 1. For direct use or processing
○ Trophic Structure - who eats 2. For propagation
Extrinsic Issues in Genetic Engineering
Types of Biodiversity
1. accessibility of these technologies.
● Genetic Diversity - variation in the 2. allocation of scarce resources.
genes of a species individuals. 3. rights and special protections for
● Species Diversity - variability of chimeric entities possessing certain
different species represented in a degrees of intelligence or sentience
never before seen in nonhuman animals.
● Community/Ecosystem Diversity -
4. health risks associated with transgenics
variety of ecosystems in a given region.
and genetically.
● Functional Diversity - range of things
an organism does. 5. modified foods or long-term effects on
the environment when transgenic or
Threats to Biodiversity GMOs are released in the field.
1. Habitat Destruction Intrinsic Issues in Genetic Engineering
2. Over-exploitation 1. fundamental issues arising from the
3. Overpopulation creation of new species of perception of
4. Invasive Alien Species species boundaries as either “fixed” or a
5. Global Climate Change “continuum”.
2. degree of pain/suffering of “traditional”
organisms vs chimeras and transgenics.
3. possibility of creating physical or
behavioral traits in humans due to
Modern Biotechnology
transgenic interventions that may or may
Genetic Engineering not be readily distinguished from what
is usually perceived to be “human”.
4. identification of genetic engineering 3. Justice
research that should be considered 4. Non-Maleficence
morally impermissible & banned.
5. redefinition of the term “normal” in
light of the transgenic interventions
undertaken. The Nano World
Gene and Cell Therapy ● Nanoscience - study of phenomena and
● Gene Therapy - modification of an manipulation of material at the
organism’s gene. nanoscale.
● Cell Therapy - use of living cells to ● Nanotechnology - understanding and
restore, maintain, or enhance tissue and control of matter at the atomic and
organ function. molecular levels.
Four Key Aspects in the Administration of ○ Richard Feynmann - “There’s
Gene Therapy Plenty of Room at the Bottom”
1. Identity of the disease-causing gene. ○ Norio Taniguchi - coined the
2. Specific location of the affected cells in term nanotechnology.
the body. Types of Electron Microscope
3. Availability of the working copy of the ● Transmission Electron Microscopy
gene. ● Scanning Electron Microscopy
4. Mode of delivery of the working copy of Scan Tunneling Microscope
the gene to the affected cell. Atomic Force Microscope
Five Main Types of Gene Therapy Fullerenes - sixty or more carbon atoms
● Gene Addition Carbon Nanotubes - different properties from
● Gene Correction fullerene-type materials.
● Gene Silencing
● Reprogramming Issues and Concerns of Nanotechnology
● Cell Elimination 1. Health Risks
Virus Vector - used by molecular biologists to 2. Environmental Risks
deliver genetic material into cells. 3. Ethical and Social Concerns
In Vivo Gene Therapy - gene is delivered
directly to the person.
Ex Vivo Gene Therapy - removes the person’s
cells and delivers the gene to the cell outside the Climate Change - significant long-term change
body. in the expected patterns of average weather of a
Stem Cell Therapy region over a significant period of time.
Stem Cells - forefront of both gene therapy and
cell therapy. Global Warming - slow increase in the average
● Pluripotent Stem Cells of the Earth’s temperature.
● Multipotent Stem Cells ● Causes:
● Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T ○ Greenhouse gasses
Cell Therapy ○ Manufacturing goods
4 Basic Principles ○ Generating power cutting down
1. Autonomy forests
2. Beneficence ○ Solar radiation
Natural Causes of Climate Change Causes of Energy Crisis
● Volcanic eruptions\ocean currents ● Oil crisis
● Earth’s orbital changes ● Overconsumption
● Precession ● Infrastructure damage from severe
○ Eccentricity weather
○ Obliquity ● Aging infrastructure
○ Variation in Solar Radiation ● Political events
Anthropogenic Causes of Climate Change ● Attack of terrorists on important
● Greenhouse Gasses infrastructure
○ Water vapor Effects of Energy Crisis
○ Carbon dioxide ● Rolling blackouts
○ Methane ● Oil price increase
○ Ozone ● Inflation
○ Nitrous oxide ● Economic uncertainty
○ Hydrofluorocarbons ● Increase in prices 4O domestic goods
● Deforestation ● Retrenchment with the resultant increase
● Coal Mining in Unemployment Level
● Burning of Fossil Fuels ● Increased general poverty
● Industrial Processes ● Poor health delivery system resulting to
● Agriculture deaths
Climate Observations ● Absence/poor quality research with
● Temperature trends resultant low knowledge production
● Melting of glaciers and ice sheets ● Depletion of foreign reserve
● Thermal expansion of the upper oceans ● Devaluation of local currency
● El nino ● Increase in lending rate
○ Drought ● Slow pace of infrastructural
○ Dry spell development
● La nina Sources of Energy
Climate Change Impact Renewable Energy - unlimited amount in
1. Flooding nature.
2. Typhoons ● Solar energy
Energy ● Geothermal energy
● It is the capacity for doing work. ● Wind energy
Forms of Energy ● Biomass energy
1. Heat/Thermal ● Hydroelectric
2. Light/Radiant Non-renewable Energy - takes a long time to
3. Motion/Kinetic replenish.
4. Electrical ● Petroleum products
5. Chemical ● Hydrocarbon gas liquids
6. Nuclear Energy ● Natural gas
7. Gravitational ● Coal
Energy Crisis ● Nuclear energy
● significant shortage in energy supply.

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