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Procurement participants 14/08/2023

sent by CVPIS


State Enterprise "Turto Bankas' (hereinafter - Procuring Organization), Public Procurement Committee
(hereinafter - Committee), executing an open international urban-architectural competition "VP-1360 Ministries
Quarter" (Procurement No. 677010) (hereinafter - Procurement), received questions from participants. Procuring
Organization is providing the following answers:
Question Answer
1. Good afternoon, please indicate This project’s competition does not specify a maximum amount of
what is the budget for this funds to be committed for the procurement.
procurement, i.e. what is the
maximum allowable (possible) Please note that the Law on Public Procurement of the Republic of
price of the service offered by the Lithuania does not oblige the contracting authority to disclose the
supplier that would not lead to the amount of the funds allocated for the procurement to the suppliers,
supplier’s offer being rejected as and it is therefore up to the contracting authority to decide whether
not meeting the requirements of or not to disclose this amount in each case.
the competition conditions (for a (
price that is too high and
unacceptable to the Contracting The evaluation of the project proposals will be based on value for
Authority)? money. In accordance with clause 8.2.1 of the Competition
Conditions, the highest weighting (35 %) shall be given to the
integrity and quality of the architectural and urban design
concept, 30 % to the functionality criterion, 20 % to the
sustainability criterion and 15 % to the cost of the services. In
accordance with clause 8.2.10 of the Competition Conditions, a
supplier’s proposal that does not obtain 30 points in the
qualitative evaluation will be rejected.

2. We would like to clarify whether Pursuant to Article 45 21 of the Law on Public Procurement, the
there are territorial restrictions on contracting authority reserves the right to reject the supplier if the
participation. Should our country supplier, its subcontractor, the entities whose capacities are relied
be a member of the EU? Also, is a upon or the persons controlling them are legal persons registered
qualification document required? and/or resident in the Russian Federation, in the Republic of
Do we need a translation of these Belarus, in the parts of the territory of the Ukraine: the annexed
documents into Lithuanian and Crimea and the territories not under the control of the Government
what should this translation be of the Ukraine, in the territory of the Transnistrian region not under
(sworn, notarized, etc.)? the control of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, and in

Valstybės įmonė Tel.: (8-5) 278 0900, 278 0909 Duomenys kaupiami ir saugomi Juridinių asmenų registre
Kęstučio g. 45 Faksas (8 5) 275 1155 Kodas 112021042 | PVM mokėtojo kodas LT 120210411
LT-08124 Vilnius El. p.
the territories of the Republic of Abkhazia and South Ossetia not
under control by the Government of Sakhkartvelia.

The supplier must meet the qualification requirements set out in

clause 5.4 of the Competition Conditions and must not have any of
the grounds for exclusion set out in clause 5.2.1 of the Competition
Conditions. The supplier’s qualifications must have been obtained
by the deadline for the submission of the project proposal.

Documents confirming the absence of grounds for the exclusion of

a foreign supplier and compliance with the qualification
requirements shall be legalised in accordance with the Resolution
of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania No 1079 of 30
October 2006 On the Approval of the Description of the Procedures
for the Legalisation of Documents and the Approval of the
Legalization of the Documents (Apostille) and with the Hague
Convention on Abolition of the Legalisation of Documents Issued
by a Foreign State, of 5 October 1961,
unless the document is exempted from legalisation and/or Apostille
according to the international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania
or European Union legislation.

The requirements for the preparation of project proposals are set out
in clause 7.1 of the Competition Conditions:
✓ The part of the project proposal to be submitted in the CVP
IS proposal window Envelope 1 must be submitted in
✓ The documents submitted in the Envelope 2 window of the
proposal in CVP IS, including documents proving
qualification and absence of exclusion grounds, must be
submitted in Lithuanian or English. If the relevant
documents are in a language other than English or
Lithuanian, they must be provided with a translation into
English or Lithuanian, certified by the supplier’s
manager or a person authorised by him;
✓ The graphical part of the project proposal, printed on
tablets and submitted physically in Envelope 3, must be
submitted in English.

3. Good afternoon, please respond to Preliminary project proposals for the capital renovation of buildings
the questions below regarding the 1C5p and 3C5p are publicly available and can be viewed on the
competition conditions: 1. Please website of the Turto Bankas VĮ, under the section A. Goštauto g.
provide project proposals for the kvartalas, link:
capital renovation of buildings
1C5p and 3C5p (Phase 0) 7nKaDAxHnbVZD8e8zQgBJJvHHZUjN8mig7iQ99dSEQ?e=vfD
reflecting the planned access to the qbp.
buildings. The publicly published
project proposals do not contain The capital renovation project does not address the landscaping and
site plan material (with planned its materiality, which should be proposed by the participants of the
entrances and amenities). urban-architectural competition.
2. Please specify the total number In Annex 6 Technical Specification (TS) of the Competition
of staff expected for all phases. At Conditions, clause 4.10.2 gives indicative staff numbers for Phase
present, the competition’s

Valstybės įmonė Tel.: (8-5) 278 0900, 278 0909 Duomenys kaupiami ir saugomi Juridinių asmenų registre
Kęstučio g. 45 Faksas (8 5) 275 1155 Kodas 112021042 | PVM mokėtojo kodas LT 120210411
LT-08124 Vilnius El. p.
technical specifications in clause 0 and Phase 1, as these are the fastest phases to be implemented,
4.10.2 provide the numbers of staff and requests recommendations for Phase 2.
for Phase 0 and Phase 1.
3. Please specify the total Phase 0 is not included in the scope of the competition as it is being
estimated space requirements for started as part of a capital renovation project to accommodate the
all phases. Currently, the relocation of the first ministries, and suppliers are only asked to
competition specifications in create accesses and public spaces at the intended entrances (TS
clause 4.10.4 contain the space Useful Links and on the website of the Turto Bankas VĮ).
requirements for Phase 1. 4. Please Preliminary number of employees 654, area 8 640 m2 (TS clause
provide the cadastral plans of the 4.10.2., Useful Links and on the website of Turto Bankas VĮ).
existing buildings 1C4/p, 2C1/p
and 1B4p – the plans are needed to Phase I asks suppliers to create all the infrastructure necessary for
assess the adaptability of the the ministries, as well as the main public spaces and access roads.
building. Thank you. The buildings at A. Goštauto str. 9, A. Goštauto str. 11 and A.
Goštauto str. 12 in Vilnius need to be able to function continuously.
Phase I cannot prevent the implementation of Phase II. (TS clause
4.1.2). Preliminary number of employees 1 431, preliminary area
+/- 22 000 m2 (TS clauses 4.10.4 and 5.2.8)
For Phase II of the project, only recommendations for
implementation are formulated, the spatial-volumetric contours and
functional requirements (building envelopes) (TS clause 4.1), the
future development task and the tentatively foreseeable built-up
area are specified in TS clause 5.2.8, and the number of employees
is not detailed. You can find the efficiency indicators for the use of
state real estate property for administrative purposes and the
standard for the provision of real estate property for administrative
purposes necessary for the performance of activities and public
functions at the following link: https://e-

4. Hello, I would like to request the The cadastral files of the buildings located on the sites A. Goštauto
inventory plans of the cadastral str. 9, A. Goštauto str. 11, A. Goštauto str. 12, Vilnius at the
measurements of the buildings on following link:
the sites A. Goštauto str. 9, A.
Goštauto str. 11, A. Goštauto str. RTC_DlNMtJ63k8wxG6IB0R_LAxb6nJKgFTnKrGH6dw?e=h1n
12. 5kn.

Public Procurement Committee

Liubov Lavrinovic, phone No. +370 649 43960, e-mail

Valstybės įmonė Tel.: (8-5) 278 0900, 278 0909 Duomenys kaupiami ir saugomi Juridinių asmenų registre
Kęstučio g. 45 Faksas (8 5) 275 1155 Kodas 112021042 | PVM mokėtojo kodas LT 120210411
LT-08124 Vilnius El. p.

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