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Mahesa Audyfa Putri [26] as Audy

Muhamad Rizky Abrizal Lubis [27] as Ijal

Muhammad Anugrah Putra [28] as Nugie/teacher/narrator
Nabila Davina Shafa [29] as Davina
Nabila Kayla Putri [30] as Nabila

Report Text :

A drone is an unmanned aircraft. The term drone, more widely used by the public, refers to the
resemblance of dumb-looking navigation and loud-and-regular motor sounds to the male bee. Drone is
also known as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), as an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), or by several
other names.
The flight of UAVs may operate with various degrees of autonomy: either under remote control
by a human operator, or fully autonomously, by computers. A UAV uses aerodynamic forces to provide
vehicle lift and can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely.

Script :
Nugie/narrator : In class, a teacher assigned a task to observe something and submit a report based on
the observations. A group of four people, consisting of Davina, Nabila, Audy, and Ijal, chose to observe
a drone. After completing their observations, they reported the results to the teacher.

Nugie : Ok, Davina group, what did you guys choose to observe?
Davina : We chose the drone.
Nugie : Oh, interesting. What is a drone?
Nabila : A drone is an unmanned aircraft. The term drone, more widely used by the public, refers to the
resemblance of dumb-looking navigation and loud-and-regular motor sounds to the male bee.
Audy : Drone is also known as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), as an unmanned aircraft system
(UAS), or by several other names.
Nugie : Ohh, and how does the drone operate?
Ijal : The flight of UAVs may operate with various degrees of autonomy: either under remote control
by a human operator, or fully autonomously, by computers.
Nugie : You mentioned that drones fly. How does the drone fly?
Davina : A UAV uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift and can fly autonomously or be piloted
Nugie : Nice job, Davina group. You have now completed your observation report assignment.
4 students: Thank you, sir.

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