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Application Questionnaire

(Ref-Application Suppl. 1)

The below form must be completed with the Application documents for each applicant, and submitted through the
Recruitment Software (ATS). In the case of direct applicant, to request from the candidate prior to initiate review.

Applicant Full Name: Rank Applied for

Nationality: DOB:

# Questions Candidate’s Answer

1 What are the reasons that prompted you to leave
your previous company? please elaborate;

2 Did you have unfinished contract, if yes; for which


3 If you have not sailed in the last six month prior

application, or have gap longer than six months in sea
service; to explain reason;

4 To advise if you were ever declined entry visa or shore

leave in USA and or Australia (MCV) ;

5 What nationalities have you worked with? Did you

experience any challenges in working with crew of
same or other nationalities;

6 Have you experienced sailing in “High-Risk-Area”; if so

are you familiar with security armed guard on board;

7 What is you experience with ship fitted with Electronic

engines (RT flex or ME) also high voltage installation
(for Engineer and Electrician officers only)
8 What is your experience in dry docking or major repair
conducted on board;

9 What is your experience in New Building Deliveries; if

yes, to name delivery yard(s);

10 Which trading areas you are experienced with; have

you passed PSC inspection in USA, Australia or Europe;

11 What type of Planned Maintenance System (PMS) you

have experience with;

12 To list type of (DRY) cargo handled (e.g Grain, steel

product, Cement, etc) and if used ship’s cargo gear;

13 Did you experienced STS operations; To complete separate form, TANKERS

To provide detailed list of (WET) cargoes handled; EXPERIENCE INFORMATION SHEET (Ref.
Application Supl. 2)

14 Explain the term “Safety Culture”, elaborate with


15 If you are briefed about CSM applicable salary and

CBA for your proposed vacancy? What is salary
request if not matching wages scale;

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