The Japanese American News 1938.8.11

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KS I 'dw.
NUMBER 13,903


Eight Nisei CIO Longshore Japanese
Soviet Russians May Move
Troops Battle -[
Border Army Headquarters
Workers Hurt in Hilo Clash Modify TOKYO. Aug. 10-^—< Domel
> —Field


the bonder.
troops on the front lines
on Eleven-Mile j
Marshal Va-ally

Positions Eastern consist of the 32nd and 40th

m*ndrr-iR-ch! *>f cf th« Far

Border Fronjt
imhks.vv Red who iv taking p-'/sonal sions, cavalry kwlgadde
* Novo- two mechanized brigades with 250
Wt'* command c-f Soviet
th? R:d
Army’s tanka. One division is being held
’-.i&sk, may
miles reserve in rear.
headquarter to Hanshl’ 12 In
and that the Soviet
Changkufeng hill, It was reported
Fighting Initiated jn
north of


force near the area
the 'am shoiy c>f Po®- air

Soviet Russia
on sc:, u ve

s!e; bay. ari'dlxj to Inform avion consists of about 300 planes.

w Changkufeng Areas
New Proposal Made »a

.% v\V*t
e&ata at

i an a vvvxz■ * ww-wwwwww»ww

May Abandon Losses Heavy ,

Over Composition
Of Commission *By THOMPSON

Keijo Office
H. O.

TOKYO. Aug. 10—(U.P)—Modifi- MENACE TO NAVIGATION, United Preas

the and Ruarian troops
on r-we
cation Japan’s of


to set- entrenched
membership of a commission KEIJO. KOREA, Aug. 10— (Do-
the Sinerpu
front along
Siberlan-Manchufcuoan mUe
tle the of the Soviet
mel)— Possible closing after an llhf“
announced frontier today
boundary dispute was Keijo, Korea,
* Union’s consulate in
* battle in
today by . the Foreign Office spokes- by some observers today, repeated
they repulsed
was seen
told of re-
man aa Japanese reports 10—(D:orii)—De- following the farewell visit paid by heavy loaK

Japanese Plan
TOKYO. Am. with ,
Russian troops on Aistn to Oov. b -8
newed assaults by jncjr.g the Cfrn-se
for Russ Consul-General Indicated that »«
In the contested
r.c Dispatches
Japanese positions drifting mines in tire Yangtze General Jlro Min ami this morning.
border area. whioh navigation to
Aisin Is scheduled to return
j Invoking of
exposes Russians were
r'ver. The
The spokesman said that Japan of months but It 1s be-
•xrlous dangers, a spckern»an Keio In three
behind their lines. The
willing to establish a com- in an will not return
now was fccogn office in today lieved here that he
the fieild gune
mKsion Russia equal repre- to the Japan consulate-gen-
giving that the Soviet atlence

Emergency Act
to interview
capital will be
lerymen sought
Tlr Xf3 that
sentation. ‘cornea hats eral In the Korean

other’s baMeries. . .

Previously .Tavmn had Insisted cracsjanally againr,: the Japanese closed. Oon»d ( _
A. L. Alsin, Rusrian
commission be composed of navi- of
that the refu-al to grant freedom Keijo
at (Seoul), caplt-i
of one representative each from
Uition to v: :sels cf third powers TOKYO, Aug. 10— (DoraeO—'The
SeaTtefTfar Moecow today

Japanese Will
Russia. Japan and Manchukuo. Sin- despite Japanese rcuncil for national mobilization, reported net
the Yongtze and it was

between Honolulu. Premier Konoye pre-
An inquiry Into a clash Incoming steamer from ce Japan controls Manchukuoan control of the r.ver as far as K:u- over which
Russia might close the
invoke act
and police carried Foreign nollcv she would have had sided. decided today to
oi the
striking longshoremen Unionists said the steamer klxntr.
general because

mobilization act

Soviet Forces
than eight national
advantage. that atten- 21 of the
deputies, in whkh more a strikebreaking crew. According a two-third The rrckesman sard
' t
far the registration of
<h? fact th*
Japanes* were Injured provide providing
se- territorial, The proposal would called to In
nisei fn. the pier is new tloia fhculd be Fighting started
36 wounded, and recently the Chinees? thoee engaged In the medical pro- last nfgh.
riously among the
therefore public property from for a Russian representative that very kufeng sector at 8 o'olook

Driven Back in Of Aeronautics

of the em-
at Hilo, T. H., re- excluded. Jointly representing Japan and into the Yangtz? fession and restriction 7 a.
launched be one have Carcwn and ended only at

was which nobody can
of floating ployment of graduates af schools
Hawaiian bureau Manchukuo. numbers of losses ft ere hdwry
cently by the police firing tear gas river large was believed that
Relations Photo shows menace, and oottegee. especially technical *
the National Labor shotguns mines which are a great on both atoes.
unionists. Later,

Disputed Area began when police

at the
oo'.y to Japanese warships and metallurgical.
afternoon tliey

Board. Rioting brought Into play. not This
attempt to picket an and rifles were
War Minister to to all vessels of foreign
nations. Addressing the oouncii
of Aerial brisk bon?hardmeni of
blocked an but
spokesman pointed
the “ Konoye emphasized the vital nec- Importance changing
which they
j • The band
Defense Shown by

Report Emperor oo-openation to

• • a
in ewtty of national

ternational law forbids the use each other.-,

torow Into
TOKYO. Au«. 10—0J.P5—'The Jap- i pull thnx*h the unprecedentedly
able to
of drifting mines which auShorltte. here
China Conflict
announced today ony place trenches. Arony
anese war office whkh now con-

Many Nipponese Injured

10—(DorneD—War rendered inactive within grave emergency
TOKYO. Aug. not said that Japanese caoual‘-es

tried are
Russian troops again to
that fronts Japan. the
hill by Minister Lieut. Gen. Seishiro Ita- one hour after they become dan-
exchange were light beeau4
take disputed Changkufeng of mooredinlnes ■
throw * ur-
gakl left for Hayama. seaside resort gerous
and the use num*os could not

assault, with fighting raging TCKYO. Aug. 10—

Police Fire Into Crowd of

where the summer palace of the which do not become inactive im-
Chinese to Move toporianoeof tte ately. H— Jbpaneee play
ba—f. II.
from last midnight to 7 am their ognlzing the
H— new trench Bne. the f*■
leavmg moor-
Emperor is located, today to report media.elyupon •«* for ..
their wuetone
The Soviet attackers fought
within hand-grenade
distance to the Throng regarding the border ings. Official Paper of corps
thedetfense of
hi modern
£- was
todtortod. In the new «

Docks of Hilo
“Since manes of such kinds en-

Hankow Regime frontier ciaebea orientod

of the Japanese lines but finally, panese Education
were repulsed, the announcement; on danger traffic indiscriminately their
by nounoed their policy
<rf foetertng 5a northwe—ward to ar

f use should be rigidly forbidden

w***ma*jt4oal studies today. Japanese dtapatohes aaUf*
Foreign Office spokes-
said. The f well HONGKONG. Aug. 10—(Dome!) Isu-
Russians were massing on th^.
of humanity as
principles as
universities wtll hence-

man raid the Japanese the Oai- OtXneee Nationalist govern- Japanese
by international law.” -/The sector bat tbs* b—pn*
end of 10—(Special)—As encouraged to Itngfeng
Changkufeng at the HILO, Aug. which has forth be
Japanese Council
to hold said. ment’s ofldzl newspaper t .and
water musho mouthpiece the terrain was marshy
the HUo researches In afl phzeez d avtottoo
Sino Charges
battle but that theh Russians blood was shed on Hankow since
the In
clash between
•Chinese ere throwing into the been pUblMied SnT«M«roetton and mototermnoe unstoted for trench wonarestney

week in

Of War Meets
nearby.” last a will
“confroned them front of Shanghai last year
on Yangtze drifting mines In large the fell their txooptf! I dog
and po- of airplanes, had to bring up

It was reported that Japan striking CIO longshoremen remain active for be brought to Hongkong,
was it to actual operation
numbers which which the Japanese. ( o®*

On Poison Gas
a route
eight second generation Japa-

ordered additional infantry divi-

China Situation lice.
manv hours. As a result even ves- announced Tuesday.
It was declared.
has eb« mended. The Japanese perm tied
hostilities. longshore workers
were among Already much interest

areas of Kai-shek
sions to two TOKYO. 10-<Dome:)-The nese sels the eas as well as on the oaneraheafcno Chiang unau eat-
Aug. on
neariy 100 the Russians to advance

by police in gilding with

18 injured seriously Shang- noted

: i
council met infor- th« not safe. It is has ordered that the former beoause ihry
Japanese War Yangtze river are
porttripatlng ed. it asserted,

now was
middle schools
mally to exchange views
the bullets and tear gas. it was reported 10—(Domel) —A which jeopardizes peace- hai be Issued In Hongkong territory
Russ Supreme
on outrage paper for violate Russian
TOKYO. Aug. did not
sport. Present plane call
Many others received slight scheduled in this

well as the here. made general,” he and the first edition Is
China situation as categorical denial of c-haege ful navigation In of these The military areas wsyq re-

of 100 more new

the formation

Injuries. nest Saturday. vital nortkeaet
border incident today. by Chinese representatives at the charged. to appear
with an tocewez* ported to be the
Hilo this year
the groups

chief of the bloody battle

Court Meets
Kanin, The on the Japa- stated that in view of the HioflbukWX °pt
HIH Prince League of Nations that It was
by the end of 1989. triangle

cautious to 060
staff. H3H Prince Lieut. docks Monday. August 1, marked the
possibility that Japan may be held myrt twlrtrg a attitude Mid-

general on poison on sew tor Soviet Far Eastern

used ga«
Elementary ariottan training

of the Em- of free navigation
General Asaka, unde the first inter-island shipping tieup. Yangtze front, was issued here to- responsible for damages that may on the question waa also quarters in
tcxjl Kha-
grammar school children

vessles of

Lieut.-General shipping in vessels of third of the Yangtze river by rder
peror, War Oinfcter which has paralyzed day by the War Office and the Ad- be suffered by It stotfcd. barovsk) and the disputed!*

AM DEUEL being
By NORM Seishiro Ragaki and other high
Hilo since last May. miralty. powers, Japanese authorities on the third powers region 1500 miles to the weeF arc

P-»ss Staff Torresiwndent

ITnHeri ofifclals attended. of the young Ge- of Manchoutl. wh* e a
military Wounds of many The Chinese accusations at southwest
Aug. 10 —<U.P>—T h e
Japanese strikers were sold
to be so
neva were reportedly made on the big salient Japanese ! ton-
of the
new Supreme Soviet USS-R.. extend* Into

Revealing the Truth

doubts were held for of “report" made by the dependency

Japanese Send
serious that basis a ebukuo
Its sec-
'Russian parliament) began in the Mongo ia
their recovery. British hospital Nanchang. Soviet -controlled Outer
today In a militant at-
ond session who seri- new moves were “5 line
Among the nisei were denial pcd/nfced out. The
fresh press
mospliere sharpened by
Hldeo Nakano, with fears ot the imperial P*n-
New Protest ously wounded were
attacks on Japan. on of the staff that Russia lias em-

About Taierhchwang!
27. of Paipakou.. secretary eral
Nisei Drowns
of the 11 union ag-
Delegates union which Wked on a deliberate
local longshoremen’s
lics warned by newspaper Takeo in effort to rotit
Russ Invasion
wsre with the CIO. an ■

is affiliated
PravciA. organ of the communist re-1:•»- ? to
AOno, Motoyama. Uratanl, Miyake. a ooUapae of CMsxee

At San Pedro
Russia’s powder dry the uwper dm*
partv. to keep Watanabe and Hagino.
Japan following
Su- . . . ♦ -
••The second session of the occupation of Cf Inals
Hyoko Mukal of Peopk>. a long-
work in Isn-
preme Soviet
beeins an ex-
Red Troops prorissonai national oaptul in

Here Told for the First Time Is the True Account

tremely responsible moment,” Prav- Charge shoreman, received a shot in the
da said. ‘ We do not want war. but Entered Marichu t was said here that the cla* Caught by Rip Tide They came while Japanese and
The inter- j) irked

Strategy Which Led to

for war. Russian forces still were
we axe ready of the
Territory occurred the occasion ar-
While Swimming
j Of Japanese Military
to keep b Tder
national situation obliges us
Inter-island steamer In combat In the disputed
rival of the
Chanpkufeng Ini..
our powder dry area around
Honolulu. Th* Wa-
WaialeaJe from
10—(Dorosi) The southeast of Vkuttvostx*. wbrr4 the

The Crushing of China’s Lunghai Front

iajrale is one of th* ships against
protested to commander of the Soviet Per Eas.-
government tide which
Nisei Musicians .Japanese
which longshoremen are on —Caught In a strong rip
.<b» Soviet government through docked several swept Brighton Beach Monday. em army. Marshal
strike. As the ship
To Meet Over eirtoissy
a :om-
in Morccw regarding cher. had assumed
the Daisy Shima. 15-year old Inglewood
of Manchukuo sympathizers tried to approach
fresh Soviet Invasion drowned while swimming Taierh- mand of strong Russian fortof at-
stoooed bv bar- girl, was
forward into the
Mutual Problems ship. They were a
August 5 when more confronting Tang in crowded tempting to expel the
territory on the Japanese strand EDITOR'S NOTE:—Herewith Is main group was
from the police. popular

of tear gas on

In ordr- to dixuss mutual proto- Uhan a dozen Soviet

rakUc-s crossed age
San Pedro the Imperial general the entrenched areasto the north-
chwang area. from strategic heights
Close to hundred of the long- near Japanese num-

seek ng to ccn-t the border near E'hef’eh. happened east. Refusing to attack frontally, In all. the two MOTIVES
Iran, anl their sympathizers fire staff* version of what
Su'fenho and Tung- shoremen ahd Efforts of the Long Beach
10.000 men.
One group
Persons dose to the Ge
and studies In JiP-n poet between battle Japanese facing Tang swung bered about
c*rt y"."t Taierhchwang—the the
department inhalator squad to re- at
by Am?rk*sn-brm Japanese musl- inri. and started conrtn-ti<n of jiwr#«‘
turned streams of water vive her was futile.
which has been described a« the northward. Tfc« next six days were under command
“K Staff here said Japan's un iUry
musical works hi',1 about at Tsowhrien. leaders analyse Russian Ir
guerilla suke fiogai, was
on a
KtatHdiiw r.’wrl •n'lKary Japan’s mili- occupied with pursuit and
cvn« The girl was the daughter of Mr. greatest reversal In
ard their fri-rds were 1509 meters south cf the border or| the strikers.
attorn ot* by the strikers and Mrs. Shlnkichlro Shima of tary history. H. O. Thompson. warfare, winding up with the Jap- of Lenchow on
the Tainpu
Ur£ thus: , -a
Several Marshal Bkwcher and the f ovlet
srhedu’-d to nr-»t Wednesday night. port. staff correspondent anese pushing the Chinese eastward Tsowhden 1* about
-each the shlD failed. 10811 Condon street. Inglewood. United Press ™
of It 8‘ited that j3Dan»e sol- to north- Isogai had about^ government in Moscow know that
Aug. 10 ft the offices
ttoej rr>
fold or- polio- bevan to us® their pistols Funeral services will be held In Tsyfco. who formerly was w'lh and swinging about 13 miles of Suchow.
W00 k-ento a strong ptaei of-
magazine at d'ccs attacked the Soviet, and another Jgwi
Nippon and Atrrtca in the field, ward to do it. men
attempted to sur- Thursday at the M. E. church. the Japanese army Sri
there on August 7 and repulsed when the strikers
command of Lieut.
Oen. fensive In China, once pg.vital
J895 Sutxr r reet. official account and the
obtained the In toe nanttmr the detach-
round them. trsdMocr.l a‘ Italy
The mse-ting will afford nisei them. | with other detailed information shlro Itagakl.
Hankow area.
shot. The long- meat which had taken Taierhch-

Japanese Plan
Many heart of Ottfcay. it oocup—d b the
Itagakl started eouthwmt-
s»berg were killed women were r
Todri- Two Sorist
musician.. a chance to meet turned back before he gathered, this authentic back- dtfricuJtie*. The 9ie-
tenor, land one taken priwmer while sev- shoremen were wang waa in Yichow arow Japanese army, and they far that
tmrt Matsuyam-u Japanese cam- ward from the
reached the ship. ground of the entire Suchow cbwan troop* had nleemed along of the J *pen Chinese Oenetwl—rimo Cttong Ka

injured, it they

Azuml of the eral aJpanese were was force

according to Homei Its enti- time the main
According to the Japanese dallv paign now is revealed in Grand Canal and the Japan- railroad anti-JIkp
Air Route to
the Pukow shek’e WH-China mesa
• stated. on the Tientsin
magaz^-e In ese
irt Hilo, the Kwaaan. no weapon of rety. force at Taierhchwang was tent” wlB oollapse. ending m a
United Press Association was concentrated
ttwaaaaaaMawaawawaaaaaww***************11 kind was carried by the long- danger ef encirclement.
The main truce with the Japanese t

sympathizers the cued

ef Japanese, firing up
South Pacific
shoremen and their « • • • •
foree Russia wants the war coot

Japan Makes Heaw Inroads extent

a few
picket banners.
were not us-
Tang pursuit
far the time

to rescue the Taierh-
further to th«
hie 14th

long as pawgmi.
to* lance

! wfll weaken
ins force of any kind but were sim- chwang contingent. eventually so span

Into China Trade, Report THOMPSON


O. to
ply anxious to approach the ship Will Intersect U. S. By H.
attacked the west- Itagaki’s appointmmt that this country will cease o be

and to see the workers of the Wai- United Presa

Staff Correspondent *n»e Japanese
of the Chinese and drove
ministership ***_*?**??
for the Japanese
a "menace to red expansion i i the

• ••
••• *
* *
aleale.” the Kwazan said. Clipper Route Copyrighted by United Press, 1939 ern arm
a smaller unit quarters as support
fContinued from yesterday) them back, while contention that Taierhchwang Therefore the Rusriana beter-
silver imtorts Among those injured was Harry are
WASHINGTON. Aug 9—The cost The gold and con-
of the longshore-

Near Guam The Chinese were reinforced b; consisting of about 200 men. was
not disastrous as claimed.
as mined to oondnue aggwsrioy on
campaign In Chi- stituted almost a net gain for the Kamioku. president the eastern flank
to Japan of the Gen. Tang En-po. with about 39.- assigned to keep dry day. the
for in that week this nint. the On March 10. a hot. the Manchu -Korean-Siberian bor-
In the United States from continuing
na was illustrated graphically for transoceanic air 006 troops non’
Suchow. The new of the Chinese moving out of Suchow that China Ml be
Plans a ser-
Chinese been der In the hope j
by country exoorted only 93.526 worth
weekly report of gold movements vice to Intersect Pan-American Air- group engaged the Japanese on encircling movement. Tang’s'men.
the Isogakl grouo.
heartened and Japan tort* 1 to
In silver bullion to crush
Tientsin Jail
of Commerce, of gold and 938.858 battle at from swung Into
the Department route at Guam are now March 16. Therr was a released pursuit, clashed at Trwhalen on
withdraw troops from China ] roper
that trad? ways’Clipper and tax> forces
which showed today Japan The Commerce Department's Llncheng. with the Japanese rout- position with the other Chinese
being prepared by Japan, according March 13. The Japanese estimated for defense action against Ru ski
In the showed at the eastern group
shipped to the United States figures, issued for June,
to a news release yesterday by the ing the Chinese.
Tang, instead sf pounded away
were about 40.000 Saechwan CLASH OVER ISLE FORESEEN

week ended July

$5.974.400. or
29 gold worth

more than half of the

that Japan shipped
that month 36 per cent
Into China

of the im-
I Under Attack United


Commerce here.
of Foreign going
a hilly,

of Japanese.

Th« Japanese were

troops on the Chlneseside.
with hills to

ia natural
to assume
thq next
dry. consist

terrain was
received In this China from all along the line at
$9,218,714 In gold II ports received by
appropriation of nearly 92.-
trenched area. The Siechwxan heavy going all water to the
west. occupation of disputed lalacwls in

From Guerrillas
An their east,
week. with a Japanese Suchow. and consolidated
country in that (sources, compared 000.000 to finance the proposed line troops continued toward this
way and the the Amur river opposite f afear-
June. March 30. The Chinese gav e
Japan total of only 21 per cent In the Japanese had to forces It was
Other reports reveal that To oursue.
one of their “hurry
otsfcy and as much of the Wt’.tent

will be sought In next year’s Japan- Japanese began

Chi- 1937 This trade, as surveyed by their forces. They In the night of March 31. Ittga-
Is making heavy Inroads into divide gave
pounded the into Outer Mongolia west of Ukej

the American
commercial attache at TIENTSIN. Aug. 10—(DomeO— ese budget commer-
at Plenchwangt- up” pursuits. Artillery
trade, gaining an ever-larger the America
Tang credit for excellent general- kl’s men appeared Japanese
Dalai Nor and Bulr Nor asl pos-

nese cial attache at Tokyo has while

Oomnnunisc bandits ai- retreating troops
business at the Shanghai, did not include Japanese Over 100
tsi advancing toward Taiercbwang.
of that ship. sible. Border clashes in the
percentage at Tokyo, the route would the Chinese weatern

tirkod the third prison In the Starting 30 miles. They Infantry, outdistancing
of the Western countries. exports to Manchukuo. The main holy of the Tgogal de- a distance of about
area have been frequent during the
expense Japan's mandated Islands cut In on them
net* quar’ec of Tientsin Tues- run over guerrll- along the flanks,
also In- The greater part of the Japanese Ofc the only were under almost constant
The movements of bullion tachment, atlll Japanese deadly ef- past three years.

to Jalult in tiv» Marshall Islands time to time with

and overpov Imed
dicated a partial picture of Chinese gain apparently was made at the day mlAi'jghd
the Caroline unit involved, pursued Tang while la attack, pushed forward.
A from
The Japanese reported *>rhqle.iale

and Palau In group.


Britain, for the ni-rd; and broke prison doors to engagement was fought at fectiveness.
Sino-Japanese expense of Great went to the sizeable desertions" of Russian

expenditures in the smaller group on from troop* end

37 miles

Palau is few hundred miles east a to Llncheng,


inmates. a nn
of it rtCcore 200 13 miles from Plep-
96.237.522 worth of United Slates held per cent IHaugchwang Taierhchwang Un« Lanllng. about Mid that deserters joining the Ja-
War. for among halfway from

of the southern Philippines. about


ensuing battle. Japanese Tsowhslen or

United States in June. 1938. compared with 18 per In the
Canal. The troop* chwangtsi. There were four days a. asserted thjy
silver received In the service ! along the Grand the Chinese panese were oppe—d

If funds provded. the to Suchow,

. i

down ten bandits are

! 1937. while the British Rid ers sfci-t
severe fighting. Heavy
artillery from Tsowhsien

the week ended July 29 was cent In June.

now getting Into hilly country. to commuttom and were figh.lng

In would be Inaugurated next were

of Chinese trade declin- aid severed elgh 7 bsndits and sum-
Chinese defenses left 7.000 dead.
percentage seml-permanent

94.300.000 In foreign coins shipped under vresent plans, the atta- On March 20 the Japanese had against their wilL
tTo be Continued Tomorrow)

1936^i rf-Vcta.
• l

mer Itagakl
from England bet believed to have ed from 18 per cent
in June
ch* ii captured Taierhchwang and the i, was brought into play.
li mode good their escap;. reported.
originated in China. | iContinued on Page E—2) Tjm res:

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