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Little Stars Bilingual School

Science Fair 2024

Science Fair Rubric
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
 Student can explain some  Student cannot explain
Knowledge  Student can explain all parts of  Student can explain several
parts of science project with science project and expresses
of Scientific science project and justify parts of science project and
only vague understanding of no understanding of its
Method conclusion with clarity. justify conclusion.
conclusion. conclusion.
 Data was collected several  Data was collected a few
times and provides complete, times and provides partially  Data was collected more than  Data was collected only once
accurate, and relevant complete, accurate, and one time but some may be and information is inaccurate
Data information based firmly on relevant information based incorrect or irrelevant. and irrelevant.
careful research. careful research  Some data is presented but  The data is poorly presented
 The data is well presented and  The data is well presented and not clearly explained. and poorly explained.
clearly explained. explained.

 Clearly followed the scientific  Attempted to follow the

 Minimal use of scientific  Did not follow the scientific
method in order to perform the scientific method.
method. method.
experiment.  The problem and hypothesis
Scientific  The problem and hypothesis  The problem and hypothesis
 The problem and hypothesis indicate some scientific
Thought indicate scientific thinking. thinking.
lack scientific thinking. have a predictable outcome.
 Some variables are identified  Most variables are not
 All variables are identified and  Most variables are identified
and controlled. identified.
controlled. and controlled.

 Displays a moderate level of  Displays a fair level of  Displays a low level of sub-
 Displays a high level of
subject knowledge from subject knowledge from ject knowledge from research
Written understanding of the scientific
research and the process of research and the process of and the process of completing
Presentation topic/concept within experiment.
completing the experiment. completing the experiment. the experiment.
/Lab Report  Scientific projections from the
 Scientific projections from the  Scientific projections from the  No scientific projections from
experiment can be made.
experiment can be made. experiment can be made. the experiment can be made.
 Student speaks unclearly
 Speaking voice is strong, clear,  Speaking voice is easily  Speech is halting and hard to and/or reads directly off
and easily understood. understood. understand. board.
Oral  Speaker conveys confidence in  Speaker is able to convey  Speaker appears unsure of  Speaker does not make eye
Presentation talking about experiment. information about experiment. material presented. contact with audience.
 Excellent eye contact with  Good eye contact with  Limited or sporadic eye
audience. audience. contact with audience.

 Board is poorly done with no

 Board is neat, attractive and evidence of effort.
 Board is neat and attractive.  Board is neat.
creative.  No scientific projections
 Graphs and charts are mostly  Graphs and charts have been
Exhibit/  Graphs and charts are properly made.
labeled. attempted.
Display labeled.
 Spelling and grammar are  Spelling and grammar are
 Results written directly on
 Spelling and grammar are board
mostly correct. somewhat correct.
correct.  Graphs and charts missing.
Little Stars Bilingual School
Science Fair 2024

Scientific Method
Little Stars Bilingual School
Science Fair 2024
Little Stars Bilingual School
Science Fair 2024

Project Title: Name of your Project

Big Question: What do you want to
know or learn from the project?
Hypothesis: Prediction of what is
going to happen when you do your
Materials: Include list of everything
you needed for the experiment.
Research: Investigate information and
important terms from your experiment.
Results: Include what happened after
you did the experiment and paste
pictures of the end results.
Procedure: All the steps to make the
Conclusion: What did you understand
from your experiment (terms,
What I learned: Everything you
learned from making your experiment
with your classmates.
Little Stars Bilingual School
Science Fair 2024
Little Stars Bilingual School
Science Fair 2024

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