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ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

Computer System

 A system is a collection of elements or components that are organized for a common purpose. The
word sometimes describes the organization or plan itself (and is similar in meaning to method, as in
"I have my own little system") and sometimes describes the parts in the system (as in "computer
 A computer system consists of hardware components that have been carefully chosen so that they
work well together and software components or programs that run in the computer.
 The main software component is itself an operating system that manages and provides services to
other programs that can be run in the computer.

What is a computer?

Computer: is a digital electronic machine that can be programmed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or
logical operations (computation) automatically.

Modern computers: can perform generic sets of operations known as programs. These programs enable
computers to perform a wide range of tasks.

Computer system: is a "complete" computer that includes the hardware, operating system (main
software), and peripheral equipment needed and used for "full" operation. This term may also refer
to a group of computers that are linked and function together, such as a computer network or
computer cluster.

Computer Basic Components

1. Input Unit: devices use to enter data to be processed

2. Output Unit: devices used to display information result
3. Central Processing Unit: the core/brain of any computer devices.
a. Memory Unit: temporary storage of data
b. Control Unit: manage the entire functions of a computer.
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

c. Arithmetical and Logical Unit: use for mathematical calculations and arithmetic


1. Microcomputers/Personal Computers
A microcomputer is also known as a personal computer. These
devices can be described as general-purpose computers that are ideal
for individual use. Microcomputers have a microprocessor as a central
processing unit, an input unit, storage area, memory, and an output
unit. Examples of microcomputers are desktop computers and laptops.
These devices are usually used to make assignments, watch movies, or
tackle business tasks for office work.
Microcomputers are the smallest in size of all the other types of
computers. Only one user can use a microcomputer at a time. These
computers are less expensive and easier to use.
These devices are also often equipped with a single semiconductor chip. These devices can scan,
browse, print, watch videos, and perform many other tasks.

2. Minicomputers
A minicomputer is a midsize, multi-processing system. Minicomputers are capable of supporting up
to 250 users at the same time. Usually, these devices have two or
more processors. It is common for minicomputers to be employed
in institutes and departments related to accounting, inventory
management, and billing. Some experts also believe that
minicomputers lie somewhere between a microcomputer and a
mainframe because minicomputers are smaller than a mainframe
but more extensive than a microcomputer.
Minicomputers are lighter in weight. These devices can
easily fit anywhere and are portable. These devices are less
expensive and very fast compared to their size. Minicomputers
tend to remain charged for long intervals and can function in an
environment without controlled operations.

3. Mainframe Computers
A mainframe can be described as a costly and extensive computer system. A mainframe is usually
capable of supporting hundreds and thousands of users at the same time. These devices concurrently
execute various programs and support multiple simultaneous executions of programs. Mainframe
computers are usually used in large organizations that need to process and manage high volumes of data -
For example, telecom and banking sector industries.
These computers usually have a very long life. A mainframe device can run smoothly for up to 50
years after its installation. It can also provide excellent performance with large-scale memory management.
This type of computers also can distribute or share their workload among other processors or input and
output terminals. When it comes to errors, then there are fewer chances of errors in these devices.
However, if any error occurs, then it is quickly fixed by the system. These devices protect the
stored data and any ongoing exchange of data or information. From this extensive description, it must be
quite evident that mainframe computers have a lot of applications. We have created a list of some of those
applications, and that list is given below.
 In the field of defense, mainframe computers allow defense departments to share a large amount
of sensitive information with other branches of defense.
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

 In the retail sector, large retail

organizations often have a vast customer
base. This is why departments use
mainframe computers to execute and
handle information related to their
customer management, inventory
management, and huge transactions within
a short period.
 In health care, mainframe computers help
hospitals by maintaining an extensive
record of millions of patients. This feature
goes a long way in assisting hospitals in
contacting their patients for treatment or
any other appointment related to medicine
or disease updates.
 In the field of education, mainframe devices
allow large educational institutes to store,
manage, and retrieve data related to
admissions, courses, teachers, students, affiliated schools, affiliated colleges, and employees

4. Supercomputer
Supercomputers are one of the fastest computers in the world. These computers are costly and are
only employed for specialized applications that require a large number of mathematical calculations or
number crunching.
For example, supercomputers' tasks are animated graphics, scientific simulations, weather
forecasting, geological data analysis in industries like petrochemical prospecting, fluid dynamic calculations,
nuclear energy research, and electronic design.
It is exciting to note that supercomputers can process trillions of instructions in a single second!
This is mainly because these devices have thousands of interconnected processors. Also, the first
supercomputer was developed in 1976 by Roger Cray.
Did you know that supercomputers can
decrypt your password? This task can be done to improve protection for security reasons. It also produces
excellent animations and is valuable in the virtual testing of nuclear weapons and critical medical tests.
A Supercomputer is also employed in NOAA's system (National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration). That supercomputer can execute any logical or straightforward data. They are also used
for extracting useful information from data storage centers or cloud systems. An excellent example of this
is the insurance companies. Supercomputers also play an essential role in managing the online world of
currencies like the stock market and Bitcoin.

Various type of Input Devices

Input Devices
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

 Are the electronic parts of the computer. The input devices of Computers are used to input the user’s
data or information into computers for the output results.
 Can be defined as an electro-mechanical device that allows a user to input the data into a computer, by
usually typing on a keyboard, or by clicking a mouse, we input data into the computer.
 The data is processed into the main memory through the input device. The computer accepts instructions
from the user and converts the received instruction into machine language.


1. Keyboard
The keyboard is probably the primary means of communicating the user with the computer system.
It was also the first to be an example of input devices, at least as far as modern computers are concerned.
Keyboard is one of the most prominent input devices of the computer. It operates similarly to typewriters.
The keyboard is designed to input text numbers and characters. By using a keyboard, we do the entire
writing work on the computer.
Physically, the keyboard of a computer is rectangular. It has a set of keys or buttons arranged
horizontal contains about 108 Keys, which act as electronic switches or mechanical levers, allowing us to
the entry of information encoded to the computer system by pressing the keys.

The 9 Types of Keyboards as per the needs and comfort of people.

1. Gaming Keyboard
2. Wireless Keyboard
3. Flexible Keyboards
4. Multimedia Keyboard
5. Mechanical Keyboard
6. Ergonomic Keyboard
7. Laptop Keyboard
8. Hand Keyboard
9. Virtual Keyboards

The buttons of the input devices of the computer’s keyboard is divided into:
1. Alphanumeric
2. Functions keys
3. Numeric keys
4. Special purpose keys
5. Cursor keys
6. Modifier keys

2. Mouse
The Mouse is the input device of the computer, also known as a pointing device. It is, along with
the keyboard, one of the most widely used examples of input devices today. It is also known as cursor
moving device as it allows you to move different types and shapes of cursor like arrow, hand, vertical bar
onto the screen. Its function consists of detecting the movement when being moved on a flat surface and
inputting this information so that the CPU interprets it and, thus, the mouse pointer imitates the movement
on the computer screen.
A Mouse that can have 2 or 3 buttons and a scroll on the upper side. Like Left, Right, and Middle
key Roller. The use of Mouse is to control the computer, create images, and other essential functions. With
the help of a mouse, we can control our PC without even a keyboard. However, with the development of
technology, the Mouse has come to be used without wiring for more efficiency.
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

The 9 different Types of Mouse.

1. Optical Mouse
2. Wireless Mouse
3. Laser Mouse
4. Gaming Mouse
5. Trackball Mouse
6. 3D Mouse
7. Mechanical Mouse
8. Ergonomic Mouse
9. Stylus (Pen mouse)

3. Joystick
The joystick is another input devices examples that is a vertical stick-shaped device that looks like a
movable vertical handle. With the help of these computer input devices, we can move the cursor in any
direction on the screen. It most of all resembles a gear lever or an aircraft control stick. Most often it
contains buttons, switches, sliders. The button is usually at the top of it which is
used to select the option indicated by the cursor. It is more convenient to control
the joystick in various simulators. For example, to control video games, training
simulators, helicopters, and other equipment with a similar control system.
However, many gamers have no idea that they are using the wrong word
for their favorite controller. After all, a joystick and a gamepad are different
things. It is often used by children to play games on the computer because this is
an easy way to teach children to use computers. Although the keyboard or mouse
can play all computer games, some games require playing at a fast pace. So, in
this case, gamers by using joystick do not feel uncomfortable playing such games.

The user can play more comfortably because there are fewer buttons, but he has the necessary
ones to carry out the different tasks. It has fundamental buttons for some functions. As they also consist
of elementary buttons for other actions, whether direct from the simulators, game, or multimedia. In the
case of some games, joysticks can facilitate play, such as FIFA and PES. They are compact, comfortable,
and mostly small.

The trackball is a pointing device like a mouse but a bit
different input device of a computer. It has a raised ball and some
buttons. Naturally, while holding, you have your thumb on the ball,
and your fingers are on the button, which is used by manually
rotating the fingers.
Advantages of Trackball Over Mouse

1. Scroll: It is an external roller that allows you to rotate up and

down, thus smoothly moving the screens, in addition to
having the function of a button since it can be pressed to keep the screen moving.
2. Function buttons: These side buttons allow programming, to perform specific functions in the Internet
browser or for particular tasks that the user wishes.

3. Trackball: Means track-sphere. It is built into specific wireless mouse models; It has the function of
giving movement to the screens at 360 ° and not only from top to bottom like the Scroll, very
practical for use in video games for graphic designing applications.
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

The uses of trackballs became very common in laptops and computers because they easily fit into
the case, as it occupies relatively less space to use. They are considered more accurately durable than a
mouse, which is why they are still used a lot. People with mobility problems often use trackballs as an input
device, since a trackball’s trackball is more comfortable to manipulate and the buttons can be activated
without affecting the position of the pointer.

5. Digital Camera
A digital camera is a photographic input device in which the image
or video is recorded on a CCD system and stored in digital form in memory
cards. It can not only capture and digitize an image but also record sound
and shooting parameters. The digital camera allows us to take a
photograph and immediately create a document in standardized formats
for the computer or other devices. The digital camera uses its CCD sensor
or Charge Coupled Device as its focal plane. The cameras are used by both
people who are interested or not in photography to capture memorable
moments and professional photographers.

Advantages of digital camera

 Images recorded (input) with a digital camera can be displayed on the screen immediately.
 Thousands of photos can be stored in a small memory card.
 To free up space in it, stored images or videos can also be deleted.
 In some digital cameras, it is also possible to crop images as required.

6. Scanner
A scanner is a digital input device that is used to scan hard
copy images, printed text, and objects and then convert it to a
digital format. How we use the printer to extract prints in different
colors. Similarly, we can scan any documents to save on the
computer. It is also known as the Xerox machine. Image scanners are
used in a variety of domestic and industrial applications such as
design, gaming, reverse engineering, and testing.
Since the document converts into an image in digital form so
that it can store on the computer or can be edit, its best
advantage is that the user does require to type the information. The possibility of errors in capturing such
information has been reduced.

7. Bar code Reader / Barcode Scanner

A barcode reader device is used to input data from a barcode. It is used to read the bar code
printed on any product by code bar. Barcode reader detects existing data in barcodes by hitting beams of
light on barcode lines. In such a way, information obtains. Barcode systems and readers proved to be very
helpful in businesses. With the help of a barcode, big companies can track their products. You can quickly
know the Prices and Stocks Level from the bar code. Companies use this in their Computer Centralized
System to increase their efficiency and productivity.

The Barcode Scanner scans the data that can be saved very quickly on the computer. This saves
both time and physical exertion. And the chances of mistakes have been reduced. Barcode scanners are
examples of input devices used mostly in commercials.
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

The full form of OCR is “Optical Character Recognition “. This technology used to read numbers,
letters, or symbols in digital format. The characters and symbols can read through the light source. OCR is
commonly used to recognize text by scanning documents in digital form. You can check to live here Online
OCR. While OCR technology was initially designed to recognize printed text written by typewriters, it
can also be used to identify and verify the book written by hand.

OCR uses mostly in the following fields:

 Banking
 Cloud Storage
 Invoice automation
 Form automation
 Information retrieval
 Healthcare

9. Biometric Machine / Biometric-scanner-input-device

A Biometric system is an example of input device of a computer that identifies a person through
biometric sensors. With the help of a biometric machine, a person’s details can be identified by their face,
finger, eyes, voice, or thumb impression. It is mainly used for security purposes to prevent unauthorized
from entering a specific area. It is used as attendance for employees/students in institutions. Since
biometric sensors are operating with accuracy, they are widely used in many institutions.

Types of biometric devices

1. Face scanner: It is used to recognize a person’s face. It measures
the distance between one’s mouth, eyes, and nose, sufficient to
identify a person.
2. Hand scanner: Used to scan a person’s palm to identify a person.
3. Finger scanner: It scans the fingerprint of a person to identify a
person and his details.
4. Retina/iris scanner: It is used to identify a person by scanning his Eyes.

10. Microphone
Mics or microphones are examples of input devices. Through this,
we can send recorded or live sound to a compute microphone. The
microphone is used in a voice recorder, online chatting, singing, etc. A
microphone is a device that converts sound vibration into an electronic
signal which listens through speakers. Such applications and software have
significantly contributed to the filmmakers. The significant benefits of mics
are that they are minimal and cheap and have good response sensitivity.
Nowadays, microphones are also being used as speech recognition
software. This means that we do not have to type but speak and the words
that were spoken appear in our document, which we knew as The Speech
Input Device.
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

Various of types of Output Devices

Output Devices:
Output devices are the electronic parts of the computer. A computer’s output devices are those part
of computer hardware equipment that converts the information into readable form. It can be text,
graphics, audio, or video. Output devices examples can be defined as “when the computer receives various
types of data and instructions through input devices like a keyboard (by typing) and mouse (by cursor and
clicking), etc. and processes it and gives results through the output devices like Monitor and printer, etc”.
Output devices show the results of data processed in a computer. Monitor and printer are two mainly used
output devices examples. These outputs take the device into machine signals and convert them into human
language. Let’s see other output devices.

1. Monitor / Led monitor

Monitors are the most crucial output devices of a computer. Without it, the computer is incomplete.
The monitor is a versatile device of the computer for the visual display of all types of information. The
monitor is designed to display symbolic and graphical information. It shows all the data and information as
Soft Copy on its screen. It acts as an interface between the CPU and the user. A cable is connected with a
video adapter set up with the computer’s motherboard to display the data. Anyone can view Files, photos,
videos, texts, graphics, and tables in real-time through the monitor.
Files, photos, videos, texts, graphics, and tables can be viewed
in real-time through the monitor. They are increasingly being
produced thinner in width and with advanced technologies such as
LED, plasma, or liquid crystal. This output device comes in different
sizes: 15, 17, 19, 21 inches measured on its diagonal. However, the
monitor screen of laptops is much thinner and smaller.

There are basically 5 types of Monitor

1. CRT Monitors (Cathode Ray Tube)
2. LCD Monitors (Liquid Crystal Display)
3. LED Monitors (Light Emitting Diode)
4. OLED Monitors (Organic Light Emitting Diode)
5. Plasma Monitors

2. Printer
A printer is an electronic external output device of the computer used to print digital information on
paper as a hard copy. Since the main task of printers is to convert the data from soft copy to hard copy on
the computer. The printer prints the files stored in a computer(data can be in text form), it can be small or
big as per the page size. Printers are used to print
signs, office documents at offices, homes, PPT, and
business establishments. The resolution or clarity of
images produced by a printer is measures in DPI (dots
per inch) resolution. The more dots per fleas a printer
has, the better quality can be printed and seen more
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

Usually, the printer is connected to a computer with a data cable or only a wireless connection with
wifi. At present, many digital printers are featured with the latest wireless technologies like Bluetooth, Wi-
Fi, or cloud. Due to this, it becomes easier to complete the printing task.
The shortcut way of printing the documents is by pressing Ctrl + P command. The Printers
generally use paper and various inkjet or laser systems.

3. Plotter machine
A plotter is an output device that prints graphics with
high-quality images in many color formats. It is analogous to
a printer but has more advanced features. The plotter allows
us not only for graphic design but also to print large maps,
architectural drawings, large-format printing, create pictures,
3D postcards, advertising signs, charts, and various designs of
the internal structure of building machines.
The printer prints only on paper, but the plotter can
print on cardboard, fabric, film, and other synthetic materials.
Some unique models allow you to print on T-shirts, bags,
other lightweight clothing, and even round objects such as
cups. Plotters are different from printers because they are
more accurate, faster with high-resolution graphics. That’s why plotters are used by Engineers and
architects fields as engineering applications, where accuracy is mandatory. Printers design the pictures as
per the commands given by the computer user. In this case, pens are used to draw multicolor plotters
using different color pens. The plotter is used to obtain high-quality drawing graphs on large paper. It is
mainly used in engineering, building construction, city planning, map, etc. In the case of buying, A plotter
is very expensive as compared to printers.

4. Multimedia and Screen Projector

The multimedia screen projector is also an output
device. A multimedia projector is a miracle of technology, and it
is a beneficial and multi-functional device. In the conditions of
having a limited area like an apartment, you can organize a
home theater because the image’s projection allows us to view
the video on the screen over the entire wall. Using the projector
for educational purposes, projects, data graphs, or showing
documentaries makes it possible to broadcast video in a
comprehensive format to understand information by viewers better.
Using a projector, we can cast information like Audio, video, images, and animation from the
laptop/computer to the big screen simultaneously. That’s why it is widely used in office Presentations that
make parenting more lively and exciting. Since the output results by a multimedia projector are displayed
on a large screen, it can be seen by a vast gathering of people in a meeting/conference room, classroom,
or even in the hall. Video quality is highly dependent on the specifications of the multimedia projector and
screen properties. The canvas should have high reflectivity, and then the screen quality will be more
precise and much sharper.
For example, if you want to present your PPT in front of thousands of people, then you don’t need
to hesitate. You need a projector that will display all your presentation data on a big screen on the wall.
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

5. Speakers
A speaker is a hardware output device connected with a computer to produce the audio. The sound
produced by computer speakers is made by a hardware component whose name is a sound card that is
pre-installed with the computer. The word “speaker” is not a technical term. The real name of the device is
“dynamic head.” This Speaker can now be found on many devices, for example, on a TV, radio, telephone,
children’s toys, and others.
The audio signal is sent through the computer’s sound card to produce the sound coming from a
computer speaker. Many LAPTOP already has the inbuilt Speaker at the upper end of the keyboard. The
Speaker is inbuilt with the motherboard is called Internal Speaker. One can need an external speaker
separately when producing the sound from the computer in a more loud way.

6. Headphone
Headphones are also known as earphones. Headphones are output devices with which you can
listen to any sound signals transmitted by an electronic device. These are hardware devices that produce
audio privately after being connected to smartphones or computers through a wireless connection. The
primary purpose of using headphones or earphones is to listen to the audio privately, mainly in a crowd,
and avoid disturbing others. The headphone takes the audio input from the
sound card (any connected device) and converts it into audio output in the form
of wave sound.
Many headphones or earphones are launched with advanced technology
and superior sound technology in today’s digital world. These headphones
connect to any musical device with a jack port of 3.5MM.
Some Advantages of Headphones over Speakers:
 High sound quality,
 availability to purchase headphones is much cheaper than a specific
speaker system,
 isolation from external sound signals,
 while using this accessory, no noise is created for strangers that comfort others.

7. Sound Card
Sound cards are the output devices of computers that are installed inside a computer. To produce
any computer’s sound, you need to need a sound card, external or internal (built-in). An external sound
card allows you to generate higher quality and is necessary for surround and clear sound, to get sound
without noise and distortion when recording it. With the help of
an internal sound card, it becomes possible to listen to music
through speakers or headphones connected to a PC, and if this is
the only thing that you need, then it is enough.
Most of the sound cards have at least one analog input
line and one stereo output line connection. These connectors are
typically 3.5 mm minijacks. These are the size of most
headphones that we use. Some sound cards also support digital
audio input and output, using a standard TRS (tip-ring-sleeve)
connection or an optical audio port, such as the Toslink
connector. Although all computer does not require a sound device
to function as they are included on every machine in some form or another, it can be either installed in an
expansion slot or built into the motherboard.

8. Video Card
Computer Video cards are internal inbuilt hardware output devices. Every
PC user, especially gamers, knows very well that a video card is one of the
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

essential components of a computer and laptop. So that while playing videos and games, the cards do not
get slow down, they work stably, and everything goes smoothly. A video card or video adapter is part of a
computer and laptop. This device is responsible for processing data – machine code and translating it into
an accessible image. In simple words, the video adapter is engaged in the output process of translating the
program code into a user-friendly image on the monitor, TV, or any other display.
Nowadays, To work in professional video processing programs, playing high definition games, 3D
modeling, designing videos, and 3D games with elevated details, you need an external video card.

9. GPS
GPS is a space-based satellite navigation output
device that determines the time and location information
in all weather conditions and allows you to find the
desired object on the map, whether it is situated in any
place on the Earth. The main output of GPS is Providing
location, weather conditions, and also tracking. Almost
every modern person has used GPS navigation on their
smartphone or tablet, even laptops too. The need for GPS
can arise at any time for people of different professions
and different occupational needs. This GPS is a satellite-
based navigation system made up of a network of 24
Satellites placed in the orbit of the Earth by the Department of Defense. GPS was initially designed by the
USA to use for military applications. This system provides significant capabilities to military, civil, and
commercial users across the world.
But in the 1980s, the government made this system available for everyday people. GPS can work in
any weather, in any place of the world, up to 24 hours a day. Simultaneously, the best point is that you do
not have to pay any subscription fees or setup charges. It is free to use the GPS.

10. Speech Synthesizer

Speech synthesizers are special output devices examples
consisting of many modules that provide the ability to convert
typed texts into sentences voiced by a human voice. A speech
synthesizer is a response mechanism that collects the vowels and
then provides the output in sounds. There is a mechanism in this
system by which we can pre-record using required vowel codes
with a set of instructions in a voice response device. Speech
synthesizers are mainly used when studying foreign languages,
listening to texts on the pages of books, creating vocal parts,
issuing search queries in the form of voiced phrases, etc. The
voice response device arranges the voice’s response in the
appropriate sequence and transmits it as output.

Various types of Storage Devices

Storage Devices:
Computers utilize a variety of storage devices and media in order to read and write data. Without
permanent or temporary storage, a computer wouldn’t function as expected. Most machines would be
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

completely useless without a place to store digital data. Everything from the operating system to programs
and individual files exist on storage after all. The early days of computer memory featured magnetic tape
and floppy disks. Now things like hard drives, solid state drives, cloud storage services etc are used more

In general, storage device types can be separated into two broad categories:
1. Permanent
2. Temporary



1. Hard Disk Drive

A hard disk drive (HDD) is a non-volatile storage medium. Non-
volatile data remains on a given device unless rewritten or deleted. In hard
drives, an electromagnet creates positive or negative charges on the disk
surface. The charges create binary code read as the rotating disk and
actuator arm work in conjunction. Data is read along concentric circles,
known as tracks, and sectors, known as wedges. Currently, hard disks
remain in regular use but their popularity is diminishing.
HDDs come with a variety of benefits, including high storage
capacities and overall low cost, that’s why they are mostly used for backup
and archiving purposes. Alternative forms of storage often cost more for
similar storage capacities. Hard drives include mechanical parts, though, so they wear down over time and
are susceptible to sudden data loss from impact damage. Many hard drives feature fast read/write speeds,
but other faster storage types are available today.
Mechanical HDDs have a rotating head, that is why you will see specs like 7.5K RPM or 10K RPM
(Revolutions Per Minute) on HDD devices. Typical Storage Capacity: 500 GB to 4+ TB

2. Magnetic Tape Device

The Eckert-Mauchly UNIVAC I system originally used magnetic storage device tapes back in 1951.
Surprisingly enough, magnetic tape is still used today and sees regular improvements. Data is written onto
magnetic tape through various means. It’s possible to write data onto magnetic tape along its length or
width, though. At this point, magnetic tape is used in academic fields and countless other situations such
as backup storage systems. Specialized equipment is required to read magnetic tape.
For ordinary consumers, magnetic tape might seem like an outdated technology. Researchers
continue to develop magnetic tape for commercial use. Tape features higher storage capacities than hard
drives, and they’re more reliable than HDDs. They feature a similar overall cost compared to similar hard
disks as well. In fact, some analysts predict that the use of magnetic tape will continue to grow and
expand. Tape could replace hard drives in commercial settings moving forward.

3. Floppy Disks
Generally speaking, floppy disks existed as storage devices from 1971 to 1999. The disk drives
required to read floppy disks are no longer included in mainstream computers. Finding a working floppy
disk drive outside of industrial settings can prove challenging in some cases. Nonetheless, floppy disks
relied on a magnetic disk that could be read and written via read/write heads. Various motors and the
floppy disk drive are required in order to access data on floppy disks. In the past, floppy disks came with
the benefit of being affordable and relatively fast. They supplemented a computer’s main storage device
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

well and usually they were used to boot-up a computer (e.g older computers using MSDOS operating
system could boot-up using a floppy disk).
Most floppy disks held less than two megabytes of data. Unfortunately, floppy disks maxed out at
240 MB of storage space. Although floppy disks are used in industrial settings, consumers often consider
them extinct and obsolete compared to hard drives. Floppy disks were manufactured in various sizes over
the years.


4. SSD (Solid State Drive)

Solid state drives rely upon NAND flash memory to
deliver blistering read/write speeds. Transistors are wired
in series on a given circuit board, meaning SSDs lack
moving parts. For that reason, data can be accessed
immediately and without much noise or heat. A computer’s
operating system accesses the storage drive, and SSDs
come in both internal and external configurations. Faster
read/write speeds lead to better load times, a faster
operating system, and other benefits.
Typically, SSDs cost more money than HDDs with similar storage capacities. They cannot be beaten
on read/write speeds or longevity, though. Solid State Drives degrade in memory quality over millions of
write operations, but they’re not susceptible to damage like hard drives. Plus, they’re quieter than hard
drives and come in smaller form factors. Portable devices achieve better battery life due to the non-
mechanical function, which is always a desirable result. Typical Storage Capacity: 120 GB to 1+ TB

5. USB Flash Drive

Like SSDs, USB Flash Drives rely upon NAND flash memory. These
devices are designed to be portable, pocketable storage solutions. They
plug into a computer’s USB port and feature fast read/write speeds. In
simple terms, flash drives are best used as ultraportable storage devices.
Flash drives provide an excellent solution for moving files from one
device to another quickly. They’re often used as backup devices for large
amounts of data as well. The benefits of USB flash drives speak for
themselves. These devices are extremely portable and feature no moving
parts, so the data is secure.
Also, a variety of storage capacities are available on the market, although capacities over 256 GB
are uncommon. It doesn’t help that flash drives are expensive compared to HDDs, which feature much
higher capacities at lower prices. Such memory sticks serve a variety of purposes, and it never hurts to
keep one lying around. Typical Storage Capacity: 8 GB to 256GB (Maximum 2 TB)

6. SD Card
SD Cards rely upon flash memory and are designed for portable devices such as cameras,
smartphones etc. Most laptops and many smartphones feature SD Card readers. For sizing options,
manufacturers offer full-size SD, miniSD, and microSD cards with various capacities. Full-size SD cards
often slot into desktop PCs and laptops. Cameras and smartphones or tablets often accommodate miniSD
or microSD cards.
SD cards are categorized by their read/write speed, which can vary 12.5 megabytes per second to
3,938 MB/s. Like USB flash drives, SD Cards are portable and easy to pocket. Smaller capacities are
available at competitive pricing compared to flash drives and other memory. They’re best used as portable
device storage or for transferring files between devices. Otherwise, higher capacity cards cost a far more
amount of money, and they’re not suitable for running programs or operating systems on computers. A
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

better solution for portable devices and storage might not be available. Typical Storage Capacity: 2 GB to
32 GB and Beyond


7. CD
Compact Disks (CDs) are known as optical storage devices. The disks
feature microscopic pits and bumps that disk drives read as binary data. While
running in an optical disk drive, CDs rotate at a constant speed. A laser glides
over the surface of the disk to read the binary data. An optical lens reads this
data and sends it to the computer or laptop being used. Depending on the disk
type, CDs can be read only or read/write capable.
CDs typically contain audio and other small amounts of data. Storage
capacity is limited to 700 MB, so they’re not suitable for high definition video
storage. Luckily, CDs cost very little money and take up very little space. They’re prone to scratches that
render the disk unreadable, which leads to reliability problems. Not all computers and laptops feature an
optical disk drive today, either. Better disk-based storage options are available. Typical Storage Capacity:
700 MB

8. DVD
Of course, DVDs look like CDs because they’re identical in size. All DVDs
feature a spiral track with more data capacity than a CD, though. The DVD drive
utilizes a finer laser to read data due to the higher density. In essence, DVDs work
exactly like CDs but with higher storage capacities. Dual layering is a process with
DVDs that further increases storage capacity. Large amounts of data, including
standard definition video, can be stored on DVDs without a problem.
The average DVD features 4.7 GB of read/write data today. DVDs have
been supplanted by BluRay Disks, so they’re often considered obsolete. Regardless, DVDs are affordable
and feature decent storage capacity. Computers from a decade ago typically featured a DVD drive by
default. That’s not necessarily the case in 2020, so DVDs should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
Typical Storage Capacity: 4.7 GB

9. BluRay Disks
The king of optical storage is the BluRay Disk. Once again, BluRay disks
look like a standard CD or DVD. Even more data is packed into the spiral tracks of
the disk. An even more specialized violet laser reads the binary data on the disk’s
surface. BluRay disks feature layering technology to increase capacity like DVDs.
With that in mind, a BluRay may feature storage capacity anywhere from 25 GB to
128 GB although the most popular capacity sizes are 25GB (single layer) or 50GB
(double layer).
BluRay disks cost more than CDs and DVDs but should be considered the
gold standard of optical media. Multiple high-definition movies and other data can be loaded onto a
BluRay. Based on capacity alone, BluRay disks make more sense than other optical media solutions. BluRay
disk drives don’t come standard on all computers, but they’re quite affordable to buy and install. Typical
Storage Capacity: 25 GB to 128 GB

ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

10. Cloud Storage

Cloud Storage relies upon data stored on servers accessible at all
times over the Internet. Data might be stored on multiple servers to ensure
100% uptime and reliability. To access cloud storage, a computer needs
access to the internet and a cloud storage provider. Companies like
Amazon, Google, and others offer cloud storage solutions. Data is always
accessible and synced from the server to individual devices. Cloud data is
essentially always available via the internet.
Since cloud storage is, in theory, always accessible, it’s convenient.
A computer with an internet connection should be able to access data within
seconds. Location doesn’t matter with cloud storage, and a fast connection means instant access.
However, cloud storage is typically offered as a service and costs more money based on overall data
storage needs. Unavailable internet connections render cloud storage useless, and the overall security of
such storage is sometimes questionable (although there are cloud storage services that offer encryption of
data as well).


11. RAM (Random Access Memory)

Unlike the previously covered storage devices, RAM is
volatile data. Data stored in RAM is constantly cycled in and out
and disappears after power is removed. A computer’s CPU accesses
RAM, which acts like a middleman between the CPU and non-
volatile storage devices. Otherwise, a computer would operate too
slow for comfort by relying on non-volatile storage alone. Any data
stored in RAM is available to the CPU in quick fashion, acting like
the working memory for the CPU.
RAM directly affects the performance of a given computer. Most computers need 8 GB of RAM in
order to function fast and smooth. Sometimes, 16 GB or more is required for intensive use cases. RAM is
quite expensive compared to other storage types but serves an invaluable purpose. A quality RAM module
leads to better PC performance and faster loading speeds in various applications.

12. ROM (Read Only Memory)

As the name suggests, this type of memory can only be read from the
computer but you can’t write any data to it. Another important characteristic is
that ROM does not lose its data when the power is off (i.e it is non-volatile data).
ROM is usually used to store critical and essential data that helps to
power-up a computer system and to perform an initial hardware test and setup.
After the computer powers up, it starts using other types of storage such as hard
disk, RAM etc. An example of ROM is the BIOS of the computer (Basic Input
Output System) which initializes the hardware and helps to start-up the whole
computer system.
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

13. Cache Memory

CPUs feature cache memory embedded in the processing chip. Cache memory is faster than RAM
but features much smaller storage capacity. In a basic summary, such memory stores program instructions
and similar data a CPU needs to access immediately. This particular setup allows a computer to run faster
and process tasks more efficiently. The cache memory handles the minute compute instructions in

Various of types of GPU

What Is a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)?

GPU stands for graphics processing unit. You’ll also see GPUs commonly referred to as graphics
cards or video cards. Every PC uses a GPU to render images, video and 2D or 3D animations for display. A
GPU performs quick math calculations and frees up the CPU to do other things. Whereas a CPU uses a few
cores focused on sequential serial processing, a GPU has thousands of smaller cores made for multi-tasking
and is found in the best graphics cards for gaming.

What Does a GPU Do?

The graphics processing unit, or GPU, has become one of the most important types of computing
technology, both for personal and business computing. Designed for parallel processing, the GPU is used in
a wide range of applications, including graphics and video rendering. Although they’re best known for their
capabilities in gaming, GPUs are becoming more popular for use in creative production and artificial
intelligence (AI).
GPUs were originally designed to accelerate the rendering of 3D graphics. Over time, they became
more flexible and programmable, enhancing their capabilities. This allowed graphics programmers to create
more interesting visual effects and realistic scenes with advanced lighting and shadowing techniques. Other
developers also began to tap the power of GPUs to dramatically accelerate additional workloads in high
performance computing (HPC), deep learning, and more.

What Are GPUs Used For?

Two decades ago, GPUs were used primarily to accelerate real-time 3D graphics applications, such
as games. However, as the 21st century began, computer scientists realized that GPUs had the potential to
solve some of the world’s most difficult computing problems. This realization gave rise to the general-
purpose GPU era. Now, graphics technology is applied more extensively to an increasingly wide set of
problems. Today’s GPUs are more programmable than ever before, affording them the flexibility to
accelerate a broad range of applications that go well beyond traditional graphics rendering.
1. GPUs for Gaming
2. GPUs for Video Editing and Content Creation
3. GPU for Machine Learning

There are two different types of GPUs:

1. Integrated GPUs: are located on a PC’s CPU and share memory with the CPU’s processor.
2. Discrete GPUs: live on their own card and have their own video memory (VRAM), so that the PC
doesn’t have to use its RAM for graphics.
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

Many graphics cards today run on GDDR SDRAM, which stands for graphics double data rate
synchronous dynamic random-access memory. Further variations, from worst to best performance, are:

Different GPU manufacturers:

1. Intel
2. Nvidia
4. Matrox
5. Adreno
6. Qualcomm
7. PowerVR
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)


Various types of CPU (Central Processing Unit)

Central Processing Unit:

 A central processing unit (CPU), also called a central processor, main processor or just processor, is the
electronic circuitry that executes instructions comprising a computer program. The CPU performs basic
arithmetic, logic, controlling, and input/output (I/O) operations specified by the instructions in the
 The form, design, and implementation of CPUs have changed over time, but their fundamental
operation remains almost unchanged. Principal components of a CPU include the arithmetic–logic unit
(ALU) that performs arithmetic and logic operations, processor registers that supply operands to the
ALU and store the results of ALU operations, and a control unit that orchestrates the fetching (from
memory), decoding and execution (of instructions) by directing the coordinated operations of the ALU,
registers and other components.
 Most modern CPUs are implemented on integrated circuit (IC) microprocessors, with one or more CPUs
on a single IC chip. Microprocessor chips with multiple CPUs are multi-core processors. The individual
physical CPUs, processor cores, can also be multithreaded to create additional virtual or logical CPUs.

What is CPU?
 CPU or Central Processing Unit is a processor which helps the computer to executes the data and
instructions for the user. It processes all the data and instruction is received through the software or
hardware which is running on the computer. The CPU contains the circulatory which is needed to
process and executes the results. It is known as the CPU (Central Processing Unit) and is also known as
the Central Processor which is place on a motherboard. That’s why it is the most important component
for a computer and also we know the CPU as the brain of the computer.

Types of CPU (Central Processing Unit)

The Central Processing Unit is Categorized by the number of CORES and THREADS. These two
things describe how much the CPU is powerful and how much low. The work of the core is to perform the
tasks. These tasks depend on the core(How much core it has) let’s take an example CPU A has 1 core and
CPU b has 2 cores. So, the CPU A has core 1 it means it perform only one or a minimal task but on the
other hand The CPU B has core 2 that mean CPU B perform more tasks than CPU A.
And, the threads are the virtual components that divide the physical CPU cores into virtual multiple
cores. Example If CPU has 1 core it means that have 2 threads, And the CPU has 4 core it means that have
8 threads. This is because when we open some software and applications that time it creates a thread that
will help the computer to perform all the tasks in a specific period of time.

In the market There is two tough competitors of Processor/CPU are there:

1. INTEL (Integrated Electronics) Corporation
2. AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) Corporation
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

Six different types of CPU are there:

1. Single – Core CPU
2. Dual – Core CPU
3. Quad – Core CPU
4. Hexa – Core CPU
5. Octa – Core CPU
6. Deca – Core CPU

1. Single-Core CPU: CPU which has core 1 it is known as Single – Core CPU. And its thread is 2. This
is the oldest form of CPU which is low power.

2. Dual-Core CPU: CPU is a combination of two Single Core CPUs where it has 2 core and 4 threads.
It is the first Multi-Core CPU that is powerful than the single-core CPU.

3. Quad-Core CPU: The word “Quad” means 4, which means it has 4 four core and 8 threads. Which
is moreover powerful than the previous core CPU. In Quad Core CPU’s It divides all the
work between four CPU Cores.

4. Hexa-Core CPU: CPU that has another level of Performance which makes our work easier and
smoother than the Quad-Core CPU. This CPU it has 6 core and 12 threads. Complete all the
tasks rapidly and also make the faster clock speed, working time, application and software
opening time, and performance.

5. Octa-Core CPU: CPU has 8 Core and 16 threads. This means Its performance, application and
software workload, clock speed, Rendering Time, etc. and many other things are getting to
the next level of performance. Obviously, it is better than the Hexa Core CPU.

6. Deca-Core CPU: This CPU is the king of performance than the previous Core of CPUs. It has 10
core and 20 Threads. It gives us the killer, super-duper performance. I do not need to tell
you about this Deca Core CPU Performance guess yourselves how much this CPU is
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)


Inside the System Unit

Computer System Components

A modern PC is both simple and complicated. It is simple in the sense that over the years, many of
the components used to construct a system have become integrated with other components into fewer and
fewer actual parts. It is complicated in the sense that each part in a modern system performs many more
functions than did the same types of parts in older systems. This section briefly examines all the
components and peripherals in a modern PC system.
Here are the components and peripherals necessary to assemble a basic modern PC system:

1. Motherboard
2. Processor (CPU)
3. Memory (RAM)
4. Case/chassis
5. Power supply
6. Floppy drive
7. Hard disk
8. CD-ROM, CD-RW, or DVD-ROM drive
9. Video card
10. Sound card

1. Motherboard: The motherboard is the core of the system. It really is the PC; everything else is
connected to it, and it controls everything in the system.

2. Processor: The processor is often thought of as the "engine" of the computer. It's also called the
CPU (central processing unit).

3. Memory (RAM): The system memory is often called RAM (for random access memory). This is the
primary memory, which holds all the programs and data the processor is using at a given

4. Case/chassis: The case is the frame or chassis that houses the motherboard, power supply, disk
drives, adapter cards, and any other physical components in the system. The case is
covered in detail in Chapter 21, "Power Supply and Chassis/Case."

5. Power supply: The power supply is what feeds electrical power to every single part in the PC.

6. Floppy drive: The floppy drive is a simple, inexpensive, low-capacity, removable-media, magnetic
storage device.

7. Hard drive: The hard disk is the primary archival storage memory for the system.

8. CD-ROM/DVD-ROM: CD-ROM (compact disc read-only) and DVD-ROM (digital versatile disc read-
only) drives are relatively high-capacity, removable media, optical drives.
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

9. Video card: The video card controls the information you see on the monitor.

10. Sound card: It enables the PC to generate complex sounds.

Computer Motherboards

Parts of a Motherboard

All of the gadgets we see on the computer are either directly or indirectly connected to the
motherboard. As a result, the motherboard is sometimes referred to as the computer's "backbone" or

Parts of the Motherboard

1. RAM Chip and RAM Slot
2. CPU Chip and Socket
3. PCI Slots
4. ROM Chip
5. Accelerated Graphics Port
6. North Bridge
7. SouthBridge
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

8. CMOS Battery
9. Power Supply Plug
10. Parallel Port
11. Serial Port
12. SATA and PATA Connector
13. USB Port
14. DVI Port
15. RJ-45 Port
16. HDMI Port
17. FDD Connector
18. Optical Drive Audio Connector
19. 1394 Headers
20. F Audio Connectors
21. Heat Sink
22. Switches and Jumper
23. Microphone port, headphone port, subwoofer port, guitar port, DVD player port, stereo receiver
24. Capacitor
25. Transistor
26. VRMs
27. Mounting Screw Hole
28. Power, Reset, SW, LED Pins

1) RAM chip and RAM Slot: It is also referred to as the

primary memory. RAM (random access memory) is a
type of temporary data storage device found in
computers and other electronic devices. One
important thing to know about RAM is When the
power is switched off, the data in RAM is deleted. In
layman's terms, RAM is analogous to short term
memory.RAM forgets its content as soon as power is
off, and the Information stored in short-term
memory will get lost after a few days. RAM supports
bidirectional data transfer from the CPU to memory
during a write operation and from RAM to the CPU
during a read operation. It acts as a bridge between
the CPU and other devices such as HDDs, CDROMs,
and PEN drives. RAM is named after the fact that any memory address in RAM can be accessed
directly from any location. Data in any memory location can be accessed if the row and column
numbers are known. DRAM, SDRAM, DDR, SRAM, CMOS RAM, VRAM, and other types of RAM are
available on the market. RAM in the PC market typically ranges from 2 GB to 16 GB.

2) CPU Chip and Socket: CPU is an abbreviation for

Central Processing Unit. Computers and other
electronic devices sometimes refer to the central
processing unit (CPU) as their "brain" because it
handles all of the device's decision-making
functions. All of the components and peripherals
are either directly or indirectly connected to the
CPU. The primary role of the CPU is to perform
basic arithmetic, logical, and input/output
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

3) PCI Slots and PCI Chip: PCI stands for Peripheral Component Interconnected and is an attached
hardware component of the motherboard that enables you to connect various hardware
components such as modems, disk controllers, NIC cards, Sound Cards, graphics cards, SSD add-on
cards, RAID cards, and additional USB and serial ports without having to add or replace the
motherboard. If your motherboard only has a limited number of ports and slots for connecting
various types of hardware devices, such as graphics cards (AGP ports), you can connect these cards
using PCI slots and gain the same advantage as if they were installed on the motherboard.
Similarly, if your computer system only has a limited number of USB ports and you want more, you
can buy a USB PCI card to add more USB ports to your system. Prior to the introduction of PCI in
1992, ISA and EISA were used for the same purpose. Later in
2004, the PCIe slot was invented, and it has now replaced PCI,
AGP, and ISA slots.

4) ROM Chip: ROM is nonvolatile storage whose content will not get
erased even after power is cut off. Content stored in ROM is
impossible or very difficult to modify. The BIOS information is
kept in ROM, which is only a few KB in size and tells how to
start, what to do when it starts, which driver to load, CPU fan
speed information, boot sequences information, system date
time, and so on.

5) AGP Slot and Chip: AGP Slot (Accelerated Graphics Port Slot) is a type of expansion slot similar to a
PCI slot, although it is mostly used for graphics cards. Intel was the first to introduce it in 1996.
This expansion slot is easily identifiable because it is usually brown in colour.

6) North Bridge: North Bridge is also known as Memory Controller Hub or Host Bridge. It is the
motherboard's primary controller, directing traffic to and from the CPU. As a result, the northbridge
chip has an impact on the computer's performance. Because it
performs a lot of processing, it usually comes with a heatsink.

Characteristics of North Bridge:

a. It connects southbridge to the CPU.
b. It handles and communicates faster components on the
motherboard like Main Memory, AGP, PCIe, ROM, and
c. It acts as a controller for bus speed on the
d. Generally, it does lots of work with the CPU, so it is
located near to the CPU generally with the heatsink.
e. It is a core component and is directly connected to the
f. In some processors of Intel, all the functioning of northbridge is performed by the CPU.

7) South Bridge: The southbridge is an IC chip that manages and controls IO functionality on the
motherboard. It does not have direct communication with the CPU, unlike Northbridge. It typically
handles low-speed devices due to its slower communication speed. The CPU sends an instruction to
the northbridge, which then sends it to the southbridge. It is linked to the PCI bus, ISA buses, IDE
buses, audio, serial devices such as a mouse, keyboard, USB ports, and so on, as well as a SATA
hard disk connector. In size, it is smaller than the northbridge. And in some southbridge, we can
find a heatsink attached to it.

8) CMOS Backup Battery: CMOS stands for "Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor" and is found
in both laptop and desktop PCs in the form of a small circular coin. CMOS stores a variety of system
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

data such as the current system clock, date, time, pulses, commonly used hardware settings, BIOS
configuration settings, BOOT sequences, BIOS master/admin password, GPU, and virtualization
settings, power management, and so on. They can save those sets for a longer period of time,
ranging from 2 to 10 years. Because it is constantly holding all of the above-mentioned settings,
CMOS works even when your system is turned off. CMOS is also called CMOS RAM, COS-MOS, and
NVRAM(Non-Volatile RAM) in the market.

It is also called the RTC(Real Time Clock) of the computer system because even computer is shut
down it is able to store all the required information that the system required to boot the system
next time.
More About CMOS
a. CMOS chips were first introduced in the IBM computer.
b. CMOS is a low-power technology chip so it lasts longer.
c. CMOS can store usually up to 256 bytes of information.
d. CMOS battery in laptop and desktop PC is 3V
e. CMOS battery life lasts 2 to 10 years (source: hp store)
f. Commonly used CMOS battery in PCs is a CR2032 lithium coin cell

9)Power Supply Plug: The primary function of the Motherboard's Power Supply plug is to supply power
to the Motherboard and its attached components and peripherals. power-supply Box provides
power to the motherboard and devices
like HDD, CDROM, Floppy etc

a. 24 (20 + 4) ATX power supply: In

modern PCs, ATX power supply is
provided which is a 24 Pin(20 +
4) Main Power Supply Connector
(Older Pcs only have 20 Pin)

b. 4 Pin or 8 Pin Connector: This port in the motherboard is to provide dedicated power to the
CPU. Older PCs may not have this Plugin motherboard but modern computers can do lots of
work like overclocking so, a dedicated cable is provided to the CPU. 8Pin connector can be
split into two and each split part can be used as a 4 pin connector.

c. PCI-Express 6-Pin or 8-Pin Connector: This is required to power the PCI-E port.PCI-E slot
required 75W power to operate.

THE older PC does not have this.

d. Molex: Molex pin is 4 power pin which is required to
supply power to older CDROM and hard drives. Molex is
nowadays used for Case Fan. (some have some do
not have)

e. Berg: It is used for floppy drives in much older PCs.

f. SATA power supply: Modern hard drives and CDROM

uses SATA cable for power. In the motherboard, it is
an L-shape port and so its cable is connected to the SATA port in one way only. In
motherboard, it has 15 pins. It provides features of hot-swappable hard drives ie. plug and
play hard drive features.
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

10) SATA and PATA Port and Connector:

PATA is an acronym that stands for
Parallel Advanced Technology
Attachment. It is a ribbon cable with 40
pins that is used to connect mass storage
devices such as hard disks (HDD or SSD)
and optical drives to a computer. Western Digital and Compaq introduced it in 1986. Every PATA
cable has two or three connectors, one of which is connected to
the adapter interfacing and the others to secondary storage
devices. In modern computers, it is not used. It is outdated
technology and is replaced by SATA Technology

Serial Advanced Technology Attachment is an abbreviation for

Serial Advanced Technology Attachment. It is a 7-pin cable
that is shorter and more powerful than the PATA connector,
and it serves the same purpose. SATA's first version was
released in 2000.

11) eSATA Port: Some computer also has an external SATA port. It is used to
connect external secondary devices like external HDDs and CD Rom. It is
much faster than the USB 3.0 port.

12) eSATAp Port: eSATAp is a port that supports both USB devices and
eSATA.It is power over eSATA.

13) SCSI Port: SCSI is an abbreviation for Small Computer System Interface. It has the ability to connect
up to 16 peripheral devices via a single bus, including
one host adaptor. As a result, you can connect a
scanner, CD ROM, Zip drive, and hard drive to a single
SCSI cable chain. It is more expensive but performs
better than IDE. It is now being phased out. It was
available prior to the introduction of the IDE.

14) Parallel Port: A parallel port is used to transfer data through

multiple communication channels in parallel. Printers, scanners,
Zip drives, external HDDs, tape backup devices, external CD
ROMs, and other similar devices.

15) Serial Port: With a serial port, only one bit of data gets
transferred at a time. It is found in an older PC to connect older
keyboards, PDAs, external modems.

16) PS/2 Port: PS/2 port was popular in older desktop PCs.But now it is
1. PS/2 (green color ) is for the mouse.
2. PS/2 (purple) is for the keyboard.

17) USB Port: Universal Serial Bus is the abbreviation for Universal Serial Bus. Its transfer rates are faster
than the PS/2 connector, hence we don't see a PS/2 port on recent computers. USB ports come in a
variety of shapes and sizes, including:
a. Type A
b. Type B
c. Type C
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

d. Type A Mini
e. Type B Mini
f. Type A Micro
g. Type B Micro
h. Type B Micro USB3

18) RJ-45 Port: Register Jack is abbreviated as RJ. It resembles a telephone jack, but it is slightly larger.
RJ45 is also known as an Ethernet port because it is used to connect a computer to the internet.
The RJ 45 port is used to connect to the Local Area Network via a twisted pair ethernet cable. The
Ethernet cable has a connector that is connected to the RJ45 port.

19) HDMI port: HDMI is an abbreviation for High-Definition Multimedia Interface. It was created in the
year 2002 AD. It appears to be a USB port, but it is much larger in size. HDMI is a digital interface
that allows audio and video data to be transmitted in a single cable to digital devices such as a
digital TV, projector, gaming console, computer, mobile devices, digital camera, cable box, blu ray
player, and so on.

20) Audio Port: Most desktop computer nowadays comes with 3 to 6 port.
a. Green Color Port is a Line Out which is for headphones and stereo speakers.
b. Pink /Light Pink Port for Microphones input.
c. Light Blue Port is line In which is for mp3 players, DVD players, CD players,
stereo receivers, turntables, electric guitar, and VCR audio outputs.
d. Dolby Audio Black Port for rear speaker.
e. The orange/yellow port is the Center/Bass Channel which is for
the subwoofer

21) Heatsink: Heatsinks use a thermal conductor to reduce heat

generated and prevent overheating from hardware components
like CPU, GPU, northbridge, southbridge, RAM modules, etc. In
general, that component that generates heat required a
heatsink. CPU has to perform a large number of tasks every
second. While performing large tasks, it beings to generate heat
and if heat is not maintained then the processor will destroy itself. Also, at the top of the heatsink
will have a FAN and this FAN helps to cool down the heat sink. There is also an Air coolant
Heatsink. But in the market, we will have a liquid coolant heatsink as well generally used in a high-
end gaming environment, servers, and datacenter.

22) Switches and Jumper: Switches and jumpers are used to

reconfigure the circuit onto an existing circuit board in a
reversible way. Jumper also called Jumper Shunt is a small
circuit board used to close, open or bypass part of an
electronic circuit.

2 Types of Jumpers
a. Closed Stage Jumper: If the plug is pushed down over two pins, the jumper is referred to as
b. Opened Stage Jumper: If there is no plug into the pin then it is an open stage.

🔥 Caution: Before adjusting jumper configuration make sure that the system is turned off
otherwise system may get damaged.
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

23) Capacitor: A capacitor is an electronic device used for

filtering, decoupling, and timing the circuit in the
motherboard. There are more capacitors in the
motherboard which mostly does decoupling
functionality, so those capacitors are called decoupling
capacitors. A decoupling capacitor is used for stabilizing
power in each IC used in the system. It comes with
various voltage levels like 3.3 V, 5 V, and 12 V. Suppose
a circuit needs 5 V input than before that circuit there
will be capacitors in parallel which allow up to 5 V to
pass to that circuit.

24) Transistor and MOSFET: Transistor is used in most of the

components of motherboard for various purposes like
controlling the amount of current or voltage in the component,
amplification/modulation electronic signal, switching of an
electronic signal and electrical power.

Today's motherboard has SMD (Surface Mount Device)

transistor which uses Surface Mount Technology (SMT). They
are found mounted in the motherboard.

MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) is the most widely used transistor in

25) Diode: The motherboard in your laptop and the mobile phone
both have SMD Diodes that are mounted on the motherboard.
The diode's primary function is to allow current to flow in only
one direction, much like a one-way street. It aids in the
conversion of voltage spikes in the motherboard by converting
alternating current (AC) voltage spikes to direct current.

26) VRMs: VRMs stands for Voltage Regulator module. VRMs are electronic circuits
located near the CPU and their main work is to provide steady and
consistent voltage to the processor. As the Power supply unit converts
external voltage eg. 240 volts to 12V or 5 V, this voltage is again taken by
VRMs first and then again step down and regulates these voltages and
provides the continuous required power to the processor. It is especially
important for overclocking a CPU or GPU.

27) Mounting Screw Hole: Mounting holes let us mount our motherboard to a
surface. You simply have to pick a screw size that matches the size of
mounting holes in your motherboard, find a surface to which it will be
mounted and drill accordingly.


Types of Motherboards
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

Motherboards are present in Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, and Smartphone and the components and
functionalities are the same. But the size of the components and the way they are accommodated on the
board varies due to space availability. In desktops, most of the components are fitted inside the sockets
provided on the board and it is easy to replace each of them separately, whereas in Laptops/Smartphones
some components are soldered on the board, hence it is difficult to replace/upgrade. Though different
motherboards have varying capabilities, limitations, features, Physical size/shapes (form factor), they are
identified/grouped/categorized mostly by their form factors. Each manufacturer has come out with its form
factor to suit the design of computers. Motherboard manufactured to suit IBM and its compatible
computers fit into other case sizes as well. Motherboards built using ATX form factors were used in most of
the computers manufactured in 2005 including IBM and Apple.

The six different types of Motherboards

1. Extended ATX (EATX) Motherboard: These are slightly longer variants of the standard ATX
motherboards. These motherboards can only be fitted inside casings that are labeled for
EATX. Usually, the PC cases that are built for ATX motherboards, support EATX form factors
as well. With a dimension of 12 x 13 inches, these motherboards provide ample space to
keep other components cool. Although EATX motherboards can be used for common
desktop works, they are mainly used in workstations and servers. These types of
motherboards are designed to support multiple GPUs and hold up to 8 RAM slots sometimes.

2. Standard ATX (ATX) Motherboard: Perhaps, this is the most common form factor that can be fitted
in PC cases that are compatible with either ATX or EATX motherboards. Although the
dimensions of such motherboards are usually (12 x 9 inches), this can be slightly changed
based on the manufacturer. These types of motherboards offer enough space between
components for better airflow and can be used for heavy workloads.

3. Micro ATX (MATX) Motherboard: This type of motherboard is the smaller evolution of the ATX form
factor. With a measurement of 9.6 x 9.6 inches, these motherboards can be placed in more
compact cases. Although the positions of mounting holes are different from a standard ATX
because of the change in measurements, these form factors can be easily set up into
regular ATX cases. And combining with the PCI, ISA, AGP slots; these motherboards can
support up to 4 expansion slots. These types of form factors are available for both Intel and
AMD processors.

4. Mini ITX (MITX) Motherboard: The dimension of the Mini ITX motherboard is a matter of discussion
since it’s only 6.7 x 6.7 inches. This type of motherboard was designed with the aim of low
power consumption. However, the application of usage has been expanding due to the
benefits that are rare in other form factors. For industrial applications, vehicle embedded
systems, IoT, and other relevant applications; the Mini ITX form factor is becoming a
standard format.

5. Nano ITX (NITX) Motherboard: Motherboards having Nano ITX form factors can be seen on smart
entertainment devices like smart TVs, PVRs, media centers, in-vehicle computers, and more.
These peculiar types of motherboards measure 4.7 x 4.7 inches. Being small, these form
factors are effective for low power consumption. These types of motherboards have not yet
become very popular for desktop computers. However, we assume it will not be too late for
this to happen with the advancement of growing technology.

6. Pico ITX (PITX) Motherboard: Can you imagine this is 75% smaller than the Mini ITX form factor?
Thus, it makes this form factor the smallest type in the whole motherboard system. The
measurements of the Pico ITX form factor are 3.9 x 2.8 inches. Pico ITX motherboards run
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

on x86-based platforms and developed by VIA so that they can innovate tiny and smart IoT
devices. Like Mini ITX motherboards, these also consume low power thus making them an
excellent choice for developing embedded system applications.

A Brief Comparison Table of All Types of Motherboards

ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

Intel and AMD CPU Sockets

Below we break down the consumer CPU sockets for current and prior generation Intel and AMD
desktop CPUs.

CPU CPU Socket Compatible

CPU Market
Brand Name Chipsets
Intel 10th Gen Core LGA 2066 X299 Mainstream
12th Gen Core Z690, H670, B660,
Intel LGA 1700 Mainstream
10th Gen Core Z490, H470, B460,
Intel LAGA 1200 Mainstream
11th Gen Core H410
8th Gen Core Z390, Z370, Q370,
Intel 9th Gen Core LGA 1151 H370, B365, B360, Mainstream
AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3000 sTRX4 TRX40 HEDT
Ryzen Threadripper 2000
and 1000
Ryzen 5000, 3000, 2000,
and 1000X570, X470,
AMD AM4 Mainstream
X370, B550, B450, B350,
B450, A320, X300, A300
ITE01 Elective 01 (Installation of Computer System)

PC Disassembly / Assembly Flow Chart


Unplug all wire connected to the System Unit.

Unscrew and remove system unit’s both side panel.

Unplug all wire connected to the mother board and

other wire connections.

Unscrew and remove Power Supply Unit.

Unscrew and remove Optical Drive Unit (if there is one)

Unscrew and remove HDD drive Unit.

Unclip and remove Memory Chips from DIMM slots.

Unscrew and remove Motherboard.


For motherboard assembly just reversed the process
given on the Disassembly process.

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