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fermana yuandari


Making the wrong decision is often better than making no decision at all. There are several reasons
why this could be true.

First of all, making wrong decisions allows us to learn from those mistakes. Mistakes are a natural
part of the human experience, and we often gain valuable insight and understanding from them. By
understanding where and why the decision went wrong, we can avoid similar mistakes in the future.

Second, making wrong decisions teaches us about the consequences of our actions. Sometimes,
we can't fully understand the impact of our decisions until we see them happen firsthand. This
helps us to be more responsible and think more carefully before making future decisions.

Third, making the wrong decision is often better than doing nothing because it shows that we are
willing to take risks and act to achieve our goals. Without taking risks, we may never reach our full
potential or achieve the goals we set for ourselves.

Fourth, making wrong decisions gives us the opportunity to correct our mistakes. By admitting
wrong decisions, we can look for solutions and corrective steps that can be taken to overcome the
situation. This allows us to develop and become better at making decisions in the future.

In conclusion, although making the wrong decision can be scary, it is often better to make a
decision than to hesitate. Through mistakes, we learn, grow, and develop as individuals. By
accepting the possibility of failure, we unlock our full potential and discover new opportunities for
growth and fulfillment. Decision making, even if wrong, is an integral part of the human experience
and important for personal and professional development.

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