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What do you know about MGR?

MGR Communications is one of the nation's leading strategic communications agencies.

A full-service PR firm representing world-leading manufacturers and high-technology
Mission is to grow the clients’ companies. With your unique methodology, sharp business
focus, comprehensive industry experience, strategic strength and relentless, aggressive
approach, MGR delivers results that influence perceptions and spur bottom line growth.
6h a week

2 days 3 h

9 to 5

How do you keep yourself organized?

I’m a very organized person. Each week I review my calendar and outline the key things I
need to accomplish. Then I set up reminders, blocks of time, and to do lists so I have clear
steps and time allocated to meet those goals. Of course, not everything can be planned and
when things come up last minute, I make sure I can adjust quickly and respond to those
priorities as well.

What do you know about PR?

I decided to do a master in PR because I see PR as the way to help clients to tell a story. PR
is the Persuasion Business. You need to convince an audience. Also, I consider every
company needs to involve PR professionals to build good relationships with clients.
1.Tell me about yourself.

Currently, I serve as a career assistant at the Career Development Center at Lasell University. Also,
I work as a marketing supervisor at JR Computers in Colombia. From my seven years of experience,
I’ve developed different skills in the communication, marketing, and PR fields. My greatest value is
my ability to work as a team member as well as individually in a fast-paced environment.

2. How would you describe yourself?

I can describe myself as a dynamic, proactive, and team-oriented person with a strong desire to
succeed in the field, I offer solid interpersonal skills and the ability to work in diverse settings and
with individuals at all levels. I’m also a lifelong learner, always seeking out new strategies and
trends that I can implement in my field. I am a passionate person with a huge desire to success
personal and professional.

3. What makes you unique?

What makes me unique is my international experience. As well I am a bilingual person in Spanish

and English. I am a good listener and I consider it helps me to understand what a client need. I am
a friendly person always open to listen to others and help them when they need me.
4. Why do you want to work here?

I would love the opportunity to work with a company that is encouraging professionals to succeed
in the field. Also, I consider your company values align with me. And this company is very prestige
in the industry. You have decades of experience in communication business. And I really would be
proud to be part of this company.

5. What interests you about this role?

I am interested in getting experience with different clients such as B2B and B2C. and also in the
opportunity that you’re offering to train interns in multiple facets.

6. What motivates you?

Passion and I look forward to helping other people to tell their stories and achieve their goals
while I achieve mines. I believe that it is exactly what the marketing and PR fields do.

7. What are you passionate about?

I always want to do my best. I am passionate about getting knowledge and applied it in the real-
professional life.

8. Why are you leaving your current job?

I’m looking for an opportunity that gives me the ability to build closer, long-term relationships
with clients. And I look forward to working with a company where that’s a top priority.

9. What are your greatest strengths?

I’m a natural problem-solver and easygoing person. I find it rewarding to dig deep and uncover
solutions to challenges. I want to gives to any job always my best.

10. What are your greatest weaknesses?

I have noticed I had a tendency to say most of the times ‘yes’. When someone asks me for a favor I
try to help as much as I can. I consider this as a weakness because sometimes I get overwhelmed
and stressed trying to help other people at the same time.

11. What are your goals for the future?

I would like to continue developing my marketing and communications expertise over the next
several years. One of the reasons I’m interested in working here is because I believe this
experience will serve me well in achieving my ultimate goal of someday leading a public relations

12. Where do you see yourself in five years?

This would be my first professional marketing position, and I want to work hard and learn
everything as much as I can. In five years, I hope to have determined which specific area of
marketing I would like to specialize in. As well I am a person who loves to be learning, so I would
probably be enrolled in another Master's Degree or in a Ph.D. in communications, marketing or
educational field.
13. Can you tell me about a difficult work situation and how you overcame it?

It was at the Consulate here in Boston. It was a murder in Dorchester. A Colombian teacher at
Harvard University was killed in her apartment. I had the media calling from Colombia, people
wanted to get information about it, but we weren’t allowed to give any information to them. I had
to meet with their parents after the murder. It was a very uncomfortable situation because for me
it is hard to give to someone condolences.

14. What is your salary range expectation?

My salary expectation is flexible. I am aware this opportunity is unpaid. I am looking more into the
opportunity and the experience I would get in this agency.

15. Why should we hire you?

I have a passion for my field.

16. What sets you apart from other candidates that we’re interviewing for this position?

I consider a proactive and passionate person. As well my desire to move forward in my career and
get every time a better professional experience makes me a perfect candidate for your position. I
am an ongoing, friendly and visionary person. Also, I have the ability to work individually and as a
team member. Also, I consider something that sets me apart from other candidates is my bilingual
skills and my international experience.

17. What did you like most about your last position?

What I liked most about my last position is the ability to contribute in a collaborative way with
other teams. Each team member was encouraged to bring new ideas to the project which were
respectfully considered by all.

18. What did you like least about your last position?

I really enjoy my time learning and growing in my last job, there was a lack of opportunity in the
way I wanted to progress in my career.

19. How do you handle stress?

I focus on the bigger picture and break down my projects into smaller tasks. I make a schedule
with important duties and dates. Also, I used sometimes an app that teaches me great breathing
techniques to relieve stress and anxiety.

21. What do you think are the three essential skills for a career in marketing?

First of all, I think great communication skills are essential. A PR professional needs to understand
the requirements of the client and be able to present ideas and concepts. I am a good listener and
I consider it’s an important fact to understand customers’ requirements. Being able to stay
organized and work in a fast-paced environment is also an essential skill. As well I think being
proactive and creative is also very valuable.

22. What kind of management style do you prefer?

I prefer to work for a manager who would provide me feedback because I believe communication
might be essential in every aspect of a company. Doing this I can understand the way the company
works and how I can contribute with my international experience to move forward.

23. If we conducted a client survey and the vast majority of clients said they don’t use social
media; would you recommend we keep investing in our social media channels?

Yes, I consider every time we are getting involved in social media channels. Then, I know you look
for customer loyalty but as well I believe the company is trying to get new clients. Social media can
help us as a company to create brand awareness. Also, we can spread messages and create a
better impact on our company.

24. How familiar are you with our target market?

From my research, I understand that you work with different industries such as construction,
business, technology, marine, charities, telecommunication, lifestyle, medicine and energy.

25. How would you manage a new product launch?

I would make a diagnosis and a brainstorm to understand needs and idealize a strategy. Then, I
would move to the development step in which I will devise a plan with possible scenarios. It will
allow me to have a, b, and c plans. After this step, I would run a test with brand ambassadors.
Finally, I would determine the launch date and time to launch the campaign, and after I do it, I
would ensure that the company or brand will be well represented.

26. How do you stay up-to-date on general marketing knowledge and trends?

I check on trending hashtags on social media. I love to watch Shark Tank and read about the
companies that participate in this show. As well I like to look at trends on YouTube.

What Skills Do You Want to Gain from This Experience?

I strive for achieving an innovative way of thinking and approaching the world of business.
I set my goals to the point where I have to work to make it happen. Some of my goals are to
learn to develop good business strategies, achieve the ability to deal with ease any matters
on hand and broaden my horizons regarding PR.
27. What does customer service mean to you?

In my experience, good customer service involves taking responsibility when something goes
wrong and doing what you can to make it right.

16. Do you have any questions? Stronger applicant

How do you measure performance and success in this role?

What’s your favorite part about working at the company?

What does success look like in this position, and how do you measure it?

Who will I be working most closely with?

What do you see as the most challenging aspect of this job?

What are the biggest challenges facing the company right now?

What are the next steps in the interview process?

How long does your recruitment process usually take?

What are the primary responsibilities of the position?

What would my day-to-day routine look like if I got the job?

What would I be expected to accomplish in my first month/year on the job?

What is the key to succeeding in this role?

What does it look like during the busiest and toughest times for this role?

How many people will I be working with?

If I were hired for the position, what would be the ideal starting date?

Do you expect the responsibilities for this role to change in the near future?

Can you tell me what the team is like?

How long does the average person keep this job?

What kind of leadership/management style do you promote in the company?

What kind of processes and technology do you use to work collaboratively?

Start Date: 01/21/2020 End Date: 05/08/2020

5 appointment a week.

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