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Museum Expansion Case Study 1

Module 7: Museum Expansion Case Study

OGL 322 Project time management
Museum Expansion Case Study 2

26, 2023
Dear Project Sponsor’s,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to provide an update on the museum
expansion project and present a revised schedule that accommodates the new project completion
date of 81 days, as per your recent directive. Additionally, I will discuss the assumptions made
and the risks associated with the chosen option, as well as present a contingency plan. After
carefully evaluating the project plan left by the previous project manager, conducting thorough
analysis, and collaborating with my team, I have decided to adopt the Fast-Tracking strategy to
expedite the project completion within the revised timeframe. Fast-Tracking involves
overlapping certain project activities that were initially planned to be sequential. By doing so, we
aim to reduce the overall project duration without compromising quality.
To implement the Fast-Tracking strategy, the following changes have been made to the
project schedule:
Re-sequencing Activities: After reviewing the project plan, I have identified several activities
that can be performed concurrently. For example, the construction work for the store/café/kitchen
and the new lobby can commence simultaneously, as they have separate teams assigned to them.
By overlapping these tasks, we can reduce the overall duration of the project.
Resource Allocation: To ensure maximum efficiency, we will allocate additional resources to
critical path activities. This will help expedite the completion of these tasks and minimize any
potential delays. We will also closely monitor resource utilization to avoid overloading and
potential burnout, thus maintaining a balance between speed and quality.
Streamlining Procurement Process: I have analyzed the procurement schedule and identified
opportunities to expedite the acquisition of materials and equipment. By engaging reliable
suppliers with faster delivery times and optimizing the procurement process, we aim to mitigate
potential delays caused by supply chain constraints.
By implementing the Fast-Tracking strategy and making these adjustments to the project
schedule, I am confident that we can complete the museum expansion project within the revised
81-day timeframe. However, I would like to bring your attention to the assumptions made and
the risks associated with this option.
Museum Expansion Case Study 3

The assumption is made that the existing project plan provided by the previous project
manager is accurate and comprehensive, despite any potential gaps in information. We have
reviewed the available documentation and conducted our own assessments to the best of our
abilities. It is assumed that the necessary resources, such as additional labor and equipment, can
be allocated promptly without compromising the overall quality of the project. We assume that
the stakeholders, including the relevant authorities and contractors, will cooperate and respond in
a timely manner to support the accelerated project timeline.
Risks and Trade-Offs:
Increased Project Complexity: Fast-Tracking introduces a higher level of complexity and
coordination requirements. This may result in an increased risk of errors or rework if not
managed diligently.
Quality Control: The compressed schedule may impact the thoroughness of quality assurance
and control processes. It is essential to maintain a robust quality management system to ensure
that standards are met despite the accelerated pace.
Limited Room for Error: The condensed timeline leaves little room for unforeseen
circumstances, errors, or delays. We will need to maintain constant vigilance and employ
proactive risk management strategies to address any issues promptly.
Contingency Plan: If the Fast-Tracking strategy does not yield the desired outcome or unforeseen
circumstances arise, I have developed a contingency plan. This plan involves the following key
 Re-evaluation of Critical Path: If we encounter delays or bottlenecks that jeopardize the
project completion within the revised timeframe, we will conduct an immediate re-
evaluation of the critical path activities. This will help identify potential adjustments that
can be made to expedite the schedule further.
 Resource Reallocation: We will assess the resource allocation and explore the possibility
of reallocating resources from non-critical tasks to critical ones. By strategically
deploying resources, we aim to reduce potential bottlenecks and regain control over the
project timeline.
 Communication and Stakeholder Engagement: Effective communication with
stakeholders is vital in managing unforeseen circumstances. We will proactively engage
with all relevant parties, including contractors, suppliers, and project team members, to
address any challenges promptly and seek collaborative solutions.
Museum Expansion Case Study 4

I am confident that the Fast-Tracking strategy, supported by the outlined contingency plan,
will enable us to complete the museum expansion project within the revised timeframe while
maintaining a high standard of quality. I appreciate your understanding and support in this
matter. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to
contact me. I am committed to ensuring the successful completion of the project and look
forward to working closely with you.

Thank you for your attention and continued support.

Amanda Eghtedari
Project Manager

Please find enclosed the revised project schedule in the form of a Gantt chart. This chart reflects
the adjustments made to accommodate the Fast-Tracking strategy, allowing us to complete the
museum expansion project within the revised 81-day timeframe. The critical path and key
milestones are clearly indicated to provide a comprehensive overview of the project timeline.

Thank you once again for your consideration

Museum Expansion Case Study 5

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