Female Reproductive System

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distal, funnel
shaped end
SYSTEM ■ Fimbriae:
Ovaries projections that
● Produce eggs (ova) as well as receive the oocyte
hormones (estrogen and from the ovary
progesterone) transported by
● Each ovary houses ovarian cilia
follicles consisting of the ● Uterus
oocyte (immature egg) and ○ Situated between the
follicle cells (layers of different urinary bladder and
cells that surround the oocyte) rectum which is the size
○ Primary follicle: contains of a pear (non pregnant
an immature oocyte woman)
○ Vesicular (Graafian) ○ Receives, retains,
follicle: growing follicle nourishes a fertilized
with an maturing oocyte egg
○ Rupture of the follicle ○ Supported by broad
during ovulation into ligament that suspends
corpus luteum the uterus in the pelvis,
● Composed of suspensory round ligament that
ligaments secure the ovaries to anchors the uterus
the lateral walls of the pelvis, anterior,y and
ovarian ligaments to anchor uterosacral ligament
ovaries to the uterus medially anchors the uterus
and broad ligaments, a fold of posteriorly
peritoneum that enclose and ○ Composed of three
hold the ovaries in place. regions:
■ Body: main
Duct system portion
● Uterine tube/ fallopian tubes ■ Fundus: superior
○ Form the initial part of rounded region
the duct system which above where
receive the ovulated uterine tubes
oocyte from the ovaries enter
for fertilization and ■ Cervix: narrow
empty into the uterus outlet that
○ Supported and enclosed protrudes into the
by the broad ligament vagina
○ Composed of the ○ Composed of three
following structures: layers:
■ Endometrium:
innermost layer
which is the site of ■ Labia minora:
implantation of a delicate, hair free
fertilized egg and skin folds
sloughs off if no ● Clitoris
pregnancy occurs ○ Contains erectile tissue
■ Myometrium: that corresponds to the
contractile middle male penis since it is
layer of smooth hooded by a prepuce,
muscle that composed of sensitive
contracts during erectile tissue and
labor swollen with blood
■ Perimetrium: during sexual excitement
outermost serous ●
layer ○ These external opening
● Vagina are found inside the
○ Passageway that extends vestibule which is
from cervix to exterior of enclosed by labia majora
body which serves as the ● Greater vestibular glands
canal that allows a baby ○ Provides secretion that
or menstrual flow to lubricate vagina during
leave the body intercourse which are
○ Known as the female found in each side
organ of copulation ● Perineum
which receives the penis ○ Diamond shaped region
during sexual between the anterior
intercourse ends of the labial folds,
anus posteriorly, and
External Genitalia and Female ischial tuberosities
Perineum laterally.
Composed of the following
structures: Mammary Glands
● Mons pubis ● Present in both sexes, but
○ Fatty area overlying the function only in females in
pubic symphysis order to produce milk to
○ Covered with pubic hair nourish a newborn and is
after puberty stimulated by sex hormones to
● Vulva increase in size
○ Skin folds which can ● Composed of different parts:
either be: ○ Areola: central
■ Labia majora: hair pigmented area
covered skin folds ○ Nipple: protruding
that enclose labia central area of areola
minora and ○ Lobes: internal structure
vestibule that radiate around
○ Lobules: located within
each lobe and contain
clusters of alveolar
○ Alveolar glands: produce
milk when a woman is
○ Lactiferous ducts:
connect alveolar glands
to nipple
○ Lactiferous sinus: dilated
portion where milk


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