Capstone Project - Caitie Younghwa Lee

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Submitted as one of the requirements for obtaining a degree

Sarjana Terapan Pariwisata (Bachelor of Applied Tourism)







Submitted as one of the requirements for obtaining a degree

Sarjana Terapan Pariwisata (Bachelor of Applied Tourism)










Untuk Memenuhi Sebagian Syarat Memperoleh Gelar Sarjana Terapan Pariwisata

Universitas Agung Podomoro


Telah diperbaiki dan disetujui di Jakarta Tanggal. Bulan. Tahun.


Ketua Penguji

Nama Dosen


Penguji I Penguji II

Nama Dosen Nama Dosen



Praise be to God Almighty, because for his blessings and Grace, we can
complete this Final Project. The Final Project was created to complete one of the
criteria for a Bachelor of Applied Tourism degree in Agung Podomoro University,
Hospitality Business Program. We recognize that various parties assisted and
guided us in the preparation of this Final Project, therefore we would like to thank:
1. Mr. Budi Riyanto SST. Par., M. Par., as the Head of the Hospitality Business
Study Program,
2. Mrs. Herry Windawaty SST. Par., M. Par., as the Academic Adviser who has
provided time, energy, and thoughts to direct us in the preparation of this
Final Project,
3. Ms. Caitie Younghwa Lee, as General Manager of Moxy Bandung who has
provided the information or data we need,
4. Mr. Robby Fachri, as Area Director of Human Resources Marriott Indonesia
who has provided the information or data we need,
5. All civitas or employees of Hotel Moxy Bandung who are willing to provide
facilities for the smooth process of preparing this storytelling,
6. Both parents and the author's family who have provided material and moral
support, and
7. Friends and colleagues who have helped us a lot in completing this Final
Finally, may God Almighty reward all of those who have assisted. I hope that this
Final Project will be beneficial to further advancement of science.

Jakarta, 29 November 2023

Jennifer, Lidya Cornelia, Lydia Yusanto


Nama : Jennifer, Lidya Cornelia, Lydia Yusanto

Program Studi : Hotel Business Program
Fakultas : Kewirausahaan dan Bisnis
Judul : The History of Caitie Younghwa Lee: “Empowering
Women’s Leadership in the Hospitality Industry”

Caitie Younghwa Lee adalah seorang General Manager wanita di Moxy

Hotel Bandung sekaligus seorang ibu rumah tangga. Dalam kehidupan berkarirnya,
Caitie merasakan dirinya bekerja menjadi seorang Bell Girl sampai sukses saat ini
menjadi seorang General Manager di Moxy Hotel Bandung. Tujuan penelitian
dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui karir Caitie Younghwa Lee dari awal hingga saat
ini menjabat sebagai seorang General Manager. Selain itu juga untuk mengetahui
bagaimana perusahaan di perhotelan membuka kesempatan luas bagi para wanita
untuk berkarir menjadi seorang pemimpin. Hal yang disajikan dalam tugas akhir
beserta konten video storytelling ini adalah menceritakan karir Caitie Younghwa
Lee dan perspektif Robby Fachri sebagai Area Director of Human Resources,
Marriott International, Indonesia dalam menceritakan topik mengenai Women
Leadership di dunia perhotelan. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yaitu segala informasi
yang diceritakan oleh narasumber adalah berdasarkan fakta. Data diambil
menggunakan teknik wawancara, yaitu berkomunikasi langsung dengan pihak
narasumber yang terlibat dalam tugas akhir ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukan
bahwa setiap pemimpin tidaklah harus hanya diduduki oleh gender laki-laki, tetapi
setiap perempuan juga mampu atau bisa untuk menggapai mimpi-mimpinya
sebagai seorang pemimpin, dimana mungkin sebagai wanita tidak terlepas mereka
harus menjadi seorang ibu rumah tangga, dan sebagainya, Hal ini dibuktikan
bahwa 10,100 total karyawan Marriott Indonesia, 51% percent posisi management
diduduki oleh wanita, sedangkan 49% diduduki oleh pria.

Kata Kunci: Caitie Younghwa Lee, Perhotelan, General Manager, Women



Name : Jennifer, Lidya Cornelia, Lydia Yusanto

Study Program : Hotel Business Program
Faculty : School of Entrepreneurship and Business
Title : The History of Caitie Younghwa Lee: “Empowering
Women’s Leadership in the Hospitality Industry”

Caitie Younghwa Lee is a female General Manager at Moxy Hotel Bandung

and a stay-at-home mom. In her career life, Caitie felt herself working as a Bell Girl
until her current success as a General Manager at Moxy Hotel Bandung. The
purpose of the research is to find out the career of Caitie Younghwa Lee from the
beginning until now serving as a General Manager. In addition, it is also to find out
how companies in hospitality open wide opportunities for women to have a career
as a leader. What is presented in this final project and video storytelling content is
to tell the career of Caitie Younghwa Lee and Robby Fachri's perspective as Area
Director of Human Resources, Marriott International, Indonesia in telling the topic
of Women Leadership in the hospitality world. The approach method used in this
research is a descriptive qualitative approach method, namely all information told
by the interviewees is based on facts. The data was collected using interview
techniques, namely communicating directly with the resource persons involved in
this final project. The results showed that every leader does not have to be only
occupied by the male gender, but every woman is also capable or able to achieve
her dreams as a leader, where maybe as a woman they have to be a housewife, and
so on, this is evidenced that 10,100 total employees of Marriott Indonesia, 51%
percent of management positions are occupied by women, while 49% are occupied
by men.

Keywords: Caitie Younghwa Lee, Hospitality, General Manager, Women



PERNYATAAN ORISINALITAS DAN BEBAS PLAGIAT ................................ i

HALAMAN PENGESAHAN ................................................................................. ii

HALAMAN PERSETUJUAN PERBAIKAN ....................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................ iv


ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................... vi

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... viii

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................... xi

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ xii

CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................ 1

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Project Background ....................................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem Formulation ..................................................................................... 3

1.3 Project Purpose .............................................................................................. 3

1.4 Project Benefit ............................................................................................... 3

1.4.1 Contribution to Theory Development ..................................................... 3

1.4.2. Practical Contribution ............................................................................ 3

1.4.3. Policy Contribution ................................................................................ 4

CHAPTER II ........................................................................................................... 5


2.1 Object Review ............................................................................................... 5

2.1.1 Featured Profile....................................................................................... 7

2.1.2 Location .................................................................................................. 7

2.1.3 Long Time in The Field .......................................................................... 7

2.2 Literature Review and Reference .................................................................. 8

CHAPTER III ....................................................................................................... 10

SCENARIO OF FIELD OBSERVATION ........................................................... 10

3.1 Storyline Scenario and Target Audience ..................................................... 10

3.1.1 Scene 1 .................................................................................................. 10

3.1.3 Scene 3 .................................................................................................. 10

3.1.4 Scene 4 .................................................................................................. 10

3.1.5 Scene 5 .................................................................................................. 10

3.1.6 Scene 6 .................................................................................................. 10

3.1.7 Scene 7 .................................................................................................. 10

3.1.8 Scene 8 .................................................................................................. 10

3.1.9 Scene 9 .................................................................................................. 10

3.2 Field Observation Implementation Plan ...................................................... 13

3.3 Field Observation Rundown ........................................................................ 14

3.4 Data Collection ............................................................................................ 13

3.5 Data Selection and Analysis ........................................................................ 17

3.6 Script and Storyboard Creation ................................................................... 19

CHAPTER IV ....................................................................................................... 30

DESCRIPTION OF RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .......................................... 30

4.1 Main Description ......................................................................................... 30

4.1.1 Scene 1: Opening .................................................................................. 30

4.1.2 Scene 2: Caitie Younghwa Lee’s Career Journey ................................ 31

4.1.3 Scene 3: The Role of Woman Leadership in the Hospitality Field ...... 31

4.1.4 Scene 4 & Scene 6: Employees of Moxy Hotel Bandung & Closing... 31

4.1.5 Scene 5: Robby Fachri (Area Director of Human Resources – Marriott)

....................................................................................................................... 32

4.2 Description of Results and Discussion ........................................................ 30

CHAPTER V......................................................................................................... 35

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................................................. 35

5.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................... 35

5.2 Suggestion ................................................................................................... 35

5.3 Limitations of Storytelling .......................................................................... 36

5.4 Recommendation ......................................................................................... 36

REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 38

APPENDIX ........................................................................................................... 38


Figure 2.1 Caitie Younghwa Lee ...................................................................... 6

Figure 3.1 Moxy Hotel Bandung ..................................................................... 19
Figure 3.2 Caitie Younghwa Lee’s Introduction .............................................. 19
Figure 3.3 Caitie Younghwa Lee’s Journey (Past) ........................................... 20
Figure 3.4 Caitie Younghwa Lee’s Present Career ........................................... 20
Figure 3.5 Caitie Younghwa Lee answered the 2nd Question ......................... 20
Figure 3.6 Transition Videos of Caitie Younghwa Lee at Work....................... 21
Figure 3.7 Caitie Younghwa Lee answered the 3rd Question .......................... 19
Figure 3.8 Transition Video of Daily Moments with Employees .................... 22
Figure 3.9 Caitie Younghwa Lee answered the 4th Question .......................... 20
Figure 3.10 Caitie Younghwa Lee Seeing Employee Performance ................. 23
Figure 3.11 Caitie Younghwa Lee answered the 5th Question ........................ 24
Figure 3.12 Transition Video of Caitie Younghwa Lee in Her Spare Time ..... 22
Figure 3.13 Transition Video of Caitie Younghwa Lee’s Family Photos ......... 22
Figure 3.14 Moxy Hotel Bandung’s Outlet ...................................................... 23
Figure 3.15 Employee’s POV About Caitie Younghwa Lee ............................ 23
Figure 3.16 ”1 Word” For Caitie Younghwa Lee ............................................. 25
Figure 3.17 Bridging ........................................................................................ 25
Figure 3.18 Interview with Robby Fachri ........................................................ 25
Figure 3.19 Interview with Robby Fachri ........................................................ 25
Figure 3.20 Last Sentence from Caitie Younghwa Lee .................................... 26
Figure 3.21 Closing and Credits ...................................................................... 26


Table 2.1 Video References .............................................................................. 8

Table 3.1 Bandung Rundown Table ................................................................. 14
Table 3.2 Jakarta Rundown Table .................................................................... 15
Table 3.3 Interview Objectives Matrix............................................................. 15
Table 3.4 Storyboard ........................................................................................ 19



1.1 Project Background

Indonesia is a country that has various types of diversity in professions
and jobs, one of which is hospitality. According to the American Hotel &
Lodging Association, hospitality is a place prepared for the purpose of lodging,
eating, or drinking, along with other facilities for rent for guests or people who
stay for a while. In the world of hospitality, the work is divided into several
divisions that cover services in hotels, starting from the highest, which is the
General Manager. In hospitality, General Manager is a position of the highest
division owned by someone to organize and be responsible for all operational
systems, manpower or human resources, as well as all activities within a hotel.
The main purpose or task of a General Manager is to ensure the smooth running
of every activity within the hotel, increase hotel revenue from year to year and
provide strict and good policies and regulations for the people who work in it.
Generally, the tasks that a General Manager has indeed are not easy, hence most
of the gender chosen for a General Manager is male.

According to Rahim (2016), high positions in leadership are occupied

by men because their biological anatomy is considered more capable of doing
various jobs. One of them is because the body shape is bigger and stronger than
women. In their biological makeup, women can go through natural phases such
as pregnancy, the process of which can interfere with the work situation being
carried out. In addition, the meaning of the word male from the beginning also
has inferior connotations compared to women. In Arabic, the meaning of the
word "man" is superior, intelligent, thinking, and strong, while the meaning of
the word "woman" itself is meek, forgetful, comforting, and lacking in intellect.
Therefore, jobs with high positions are considered more appropriate for men
than women. Moreover, these gender stereotypes persist and are communicated

through the media, as well as social, educational, and recreational socialization,
all of which encourage gender bias and discrimination (Naznin Tabassum,
2021). Gender stereotyping is regarded as a significant barrier to women's
advancement in managerial careers. The persistence of women's
underrepresentation and involvement in top-level managerial roles (Tina C.
Elacqua, 2009).

According to Sharma in Nuqul (2016), a leader must have an ambitious

attitude, the ability to think critically, be a good listener, sincere attitude,
confident, polite, creative in solving problems, and have mature emotions.
Fitriana and Cenni (2021) also said that we cannot judge a person's ability based
on their “gender” itself. The benchmark for a person's success can be judged by
their work ethic and commitment, rather than a “gender”.

Based on information according to Bustamar Koto as Secretary General

of the DPP Indonesian Hotel General Manager Association (IHGMA) who said
that the population of female General Managers was found to be just under 20%
compared to the population of male General Managers in Indonesia

Caitie Younghwa Lee is a female General Manager at Hotel Moxy,

Bandung. Hotel Moxy itself is one of the brands of the Marriott Company which
is categorized as a distinctive category where hotels with this category are more
sought after by tourists who want to experience a "boutique experience" or can
be referred to as "small luxury hotels". Moreover, Caitie, who comes from South
Korea or what is known as the country of ginseng, can have the opportunity to
work as a General Manager in Indonesia. This is certainly not an easy thing to
achieve, especially as a woman. Therefore, we will explore the story of Catie
Younghwa Lee's career journey that because of her hard work brought her from
the position of bell attendant to become a General Manager.

1.2 Problem Formulation
1. Do today's hospitality organizations, such as Marriott International, give
equitable opportunities for women to advance to positions of leadership?
2. What is the story of Caitie Younghwa Lee's career journey from the
beginning to the present?

1.3 Project Purpose

1. To find out whether hospitality companies such as Marriott International
provide equal opportunities for women to advance to positions of leadership.
2. To know the story of Caitie Younghwa Lee's journey from the beginning to
the present.

1.4 Project Benefit

1. Sharing insights and knowledge thoroughly about the importance of gender
equality in the world of work, especially in the hospitality industry today.
2. Knowing the importance of leadership in women today.
3. Inspiring the audience to the story of Catie Younghwa Lee's career journey
with her hard work as a woman.

1.4.1 Contribution to Theory Development

Trend of woman leadership in the world of work and career women who
want to build their career journey, especially in the field of hospitality.

1.4.2. Practical Contribution

By introducing Caitie's motivational career journey, it is believed to
inspire women in their careers and boost their confidence that women can also
be leaders.

1.4.3. Policy Contribution
There are no gender limitations in becoming a leader in the world of
work and the number of female General Managers in Indonesia can continue to
grow over time.




2.1 Object Review

The Hospitality Management or hospitality management is a word that
has been commonly heard at this time. According to Revida (2022), the word
hospitality has the meaning of a friendly attitude given by the community
around the tourist location area to tourists who will come. Whereas, according
to Walker (2015), hospitality management is the process of planning, organizing,
managing as well as supervising which covers all operational aspects in the
tourism, hospitality, and food or beverage industries. In the world of hospitality,
there are many departmental structures or organizational divisions in it, of
which there is a General Manager or Hotel Manager, followed by the promotion
or marketing division, financial division or finance, food and beverage division,
human resources division or human resources, front office division, kitchen
division which includes hot or cold kitchen, housekeeping division, security,
and others. Talking about General Manager or commonly called GM is a leader
who is brave and responsible for managing and organizing the system in
hospitality. As stated by Bhawarni and Talib (2017), it is crucial for General
Manager to have a sophisticated talent, such as people handling skills, advanced
in technology, entrepreneurial skills, and the ability to manage a delayered
organisation. the General Manager in hospitality is a leader who must have a
deep understanding of all aspects of the hotel business, including financial
management, all forms and operating systems within the hotel, marketing,
human resources, along with guest services (Ninemeier, 2014).

The role and duties of a General Manager can seem very complex and
require in-depth managerial skills about the hospitality industry. Traditionally,
gender qualifications for the position of General Manager in the hospitality
world have been taken by men. Even though the hospitality business is

expanding, few women hold senior management positions. The hotel industry
is dominated by women, with an average of 55.5% of the workforce, yet it is
controlled by males, because women are mostly found in jobs stereotypically
with their gender (Marinakou, 2014). However, over the past few years, the
promotion of gender equality between men and women in the workplace
especially in hospitality has increasingly taken centre stage, with many women
successfully achieving the position of GM as well as other managerial positions.
Furthermore, the UN or United Nations promotes SDG5 or Sustainable
Development Goal 5 to eliminate discrimination against women by giving equal
opportunity for leadership positions. (Dolly Gaur, 2023).

Figure 2.1 Caitie Younghwa Lee

Caitie Younghwa Lee is one of the female General Managers who leads
Moxy Hotel in Bandung. Caitie is one of the women leaders who successfully took
managerial and GM positions in the hospitality world. Her career journey from a
lower position can lead her to become an independent woman today.

2.1.1 Featured Profile

Caitie Younghwa Lee's career journey has certainly not been easy. Caitie, a
hotelier who used to work as a bell attendant or someone who is responsible for
handling guests' luggage as well as carrying out duties by providing information
needed by guests, was able to change her entire fate to become a leading General
Manager of the hotel she currently occupies. Caitie herself won several awards such
as “Employee of the Month” at JW Marriott, Seoul in 2006, and “Best Salesperson
of the Month” at Conrad Bali in February 2012. She became a speaker at one of the
events held by Marriott Indonesia, namely Women in Leadership Conference
Indonesia which was attended by 140 female leaders from 62 Marriott hotels in
Indonesia, at Sheraton Bali Kuta, on 12 - 13 December 2022.

2.1.2 Location
Caitie Younghwa Lee is a female General Manager who leads Moxy Hotel,
Bandung. Moxy Hotel, Bandung is a 3-star hotel located at Jalan Ir H. Djuanda No.
69, Bandung, 40116. The hotel was built in 2016 and is one of the first Moxy Hotel
brands in Indonesia said by Andree Susilo, Country Representative Hotel
Development Asia-Pacific Marriott International.

2.1.3 Long Time in The Field

Caitie Younghwa Lee first started working in hospitality in 2004, where she
became a Bell Attendant or Reservation Agent at Novotel Hotel, South Korea. After
that, Caitie had the opportunity to become a Guest Service Agent at JW Marriott,
Seoul, South Korea. Caitie has also experienced the position of Senior Sales
Manager at Conrad Bali, and after that she was promoted to Associate Director of
Sales at Conrad Hotel & Resorts, South Korea. In 2019, Caitie became Director of

Sales at Marriott Executive Apartments located in Jakarta, and after that was chosen
to be a General Manager at Moxy Hotel, Bandung in 2021 until now. In total, Caitie
Younghwa Lee has been in the hospitality field for about 19 years.

2.2 Literature Review and Reference

Table 2.1

No. Title of Literature Reference Link Summary

Reviewing the background, interesting

Queen Seon Deok Korea's First
and unique stories while leading and
1. Female Leader (Rike Oyadile, 2428/1/RIKE%20OYADI
LE%20%20%2020%25.pd what factors make Queen Seon Deok
2014) f worthy of being a leader in the Kingdom
of Silla.

Women's Leadership in Several women have become heads of
2. Madrasah Aliyah in Bone /index.php/almaiyah/articl Madrasah, so that education in Bone
Regency (Sitti Zakiah, 2018) e/view/543/400 Regency is advanced and developed.

Jacinda Ardern, a charismatic JACINDA-ARDERN- A look at the journey and leadership style
3. and visionary leader (Armila PEMIMPIN- of New Zealand's youngest female prime
Miranda Rengganis, 2021) VISIONER.pdf minister and the youngest female leader
( in the world.

Deborah as a wise and just Kuat Kuasa Firman
ALLAH di Seluruh Bumi -
female leader (Utama, Debora's figure inspires women to dare
4. Nikolas Kristiyanto, S.J.,
Franciscus Alam Panji, and S.S., S.S.L, Silvana to be leaders in the midst of a patriarchal
Natalia Nainggolan,
Bobby Steven Octavianus society.
Yulius Suroso, SJ, ... [et
Timmerman, 2023) al.] - Google Buku

Madurese Women's Leadership The difference between "Srikandi"
5. (Achmad Jamaludin Karim, women's leadership and men's leadership
2004) e/view/242/132 and socio-cultural support for the
success of "Srikandi" women leaders.

Table 2.2

No. Title of Video Reference Link Video Source Video Summary

Tells the story of the journey of

Emmanuel Richardet, a GM of The
Westin Turtle Bay & Spa. Emmanuel
“From Bellboy to GM: The started his career as a Bellboy, and is
1. Westin GM’s Hotel Career Youtube now on his 4th GM. In a 30-year career
Pursuit” in hospitality, Emmanuel says that the
biggest challenge is understanding that
each property is different and has its own
unique characteristics.

Tells the story of John Rolfs who is the

General Manager of The Ritz-Carlton,

Tokyo. In this video, it discusses the
The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo
problems faced by the hotel to find the
2. Youtube
Interview with John Rolfs,
482oeG9JMmY right ladies and gentlemen to work at the
General Manager
hotel. In addition, how ADR and Revpar
have grown from last year to the current
year, as well as discussing the Ritz-
Carlton's expansion plans throughout

Four Seasons Milan – Featuring some footage of Mauro

Milano Lifestyle Featuring Youtube Governato, as General Manager of Four
General Manager, Mauro xB_R2UKJ0gg Seasons, Milan in his daily life in Milan,
Governato Italy.

Chronicles Lamara Davidson's life as an

Executive Chef at the Gaylord Texan
Resort. Lamara is a half-breed from
South Korea and Africa. Lamara says
Meet Lamara Davidson –
Youtube that she is proud to be doing what she
4. Diary of the Craft Artisan
loves, which is being a chef. Since
Series ?v=WVBCoesT
childhood, Lamara has loved her hobby
of cooking with her mother. Lamara says
that by loving herself, it influences her
ideas in making delicious dishes.
Roberto Otálora, Executive It tells the story of the Executive
5. Assistant Manager – Youtube Assistant Manager at the St. Regis,
Passion with Purpose Mexico City, Robert Otálora. Robert
tells us how to manage the hotel well and

be a mentor to his employees. One of the
interesting things is when Robert says
that no matter what the challenge is, he
can always find the best solution.



3.1 Storyline Scenario and Target Audience

3.1.1 Scene 1
In the opening scene of this video, showing a glimpse of the front view of Moxy
Hotel Bandung.
3.1.2 Scene 2
Catie introduces herself as the General Manager.
3.1.3 Scene 3
Catie begins to share the story of her career journey.
(Cinematic video shoot of Catie walking in the hotel area: lobby and other
3.1.4 Scene 4
Catie answers questions combined with a cinematic video of Catie at work.
3.1.5 Scene 5
Cinematic transitions of hotel employees working in each department are shown.
3.1.6 Scene 6
Showing the complication of hotel employees' answers about Catie.
3.1.7 Scene 7
Showing the view of Mr. Robby Fachri (Area Director Human Resources - Marriott)
regarding questions of Women Leaders or Female GMs at Marriott Company.
3.1.8 Scene 8
Ends the video by doing the final shoot followed by closing stament about career
women and housewives from Catie.
3.1.9 Scene 9
This scene is in the form of credits, expressing thanks to the parties involved in the
production process, followed by the logos of Podomoro University and Hotel
Business Program.

Based on the topic and purpose of our storytelling, our target audience is
adult women in the range of 21-50 years old who have or have the desire to become
career women and want to build their career journey, especially in the hospitality
field. With the hope that after introducing Caitie's career journey, which is full of
motivation, it can inspire women to build enthusiasm for a career and confidence
that women can also become leaders and pursue careers.

3.2 Field Observation Implementation Plan

The trip to Bandung was taken by shuttle bus. The initial gathering point is
at Mall Central Park at 9am, the trip starts at 10am. The trip to Bandung takes about
120 to 150 minutes from the Central Park Mall. When we arrived in Bandung, we
went straight to Hotel Moxy Bandung. While waiting for check-in time, we met
Catie and did some observation around the hotel for tomorrow's shooting. After the
tour, we had lunch and continued with check-in. After check-in, we relaxed for a
while and explored the city of Bandung. The activity continued with enjoying
dinner. After the event was over, we returned to the hotel and rested to prepare our
energy for tomorrow's event.

On the next day, the first activity started with breakfast. Then we prepared
ourselves and all the needs for shooting. Before lunchtime, we did a short briefing
to Catie. shooting will start after lunchtime until it is finished. After shooting, we
rested while analysing the shooting results. Then we will have dinner and rest.

On the last day, the activities started with breakfast. Then we focused on
completing footage and other unmet needs from yesterday's shooting. After all
shooting activities were completed, we got ready to check out. Before going home,
we had lunch. Then after finishing lunch, we prepared to go home and say thank
you and goodbye to Catie. The trip home will start at 2pm and arrive in Jakarta
around 4pm.

3.3 Field Observation Rundown

Table 3.1

Time Activities
Day 1
16 October 2023

09.00 – 10.00 Gather at Central Park

10.00 – 12.00 Travel to Bandung using shuttle bus.
Arrive at Moxy Hotel Bandung
12.00 – 12.15
12.15 – 13.00
Meet with Catie and observation around the hotel
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 17.00 Check in and rest in the room
17.00 – 19.00 Explore Bandung city
19.00 – 21.00 Dinner
21.00 Arrival at hotel

Day 2
17th October 2023

08.00 – 09.00 Wake up and get ready

09.00 – 11.00 Breakfast
11.00 – 12.00 Shooting preparation
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 17.00 Start shooting
17.00 – 18.00 Finish shooting
18.00 – 19.00 Rest and analyse shooting results
19.00 – 20.00 Dinner
20.00 Free time and rest

Day 3
18th October 2023

08.00 – 9.00 Breakfast

09.00 – 12.00 Complete all the footages and other shooting needs
12.00 – 12.30 Check-out
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 14.00 Prepare to go home and farewell to Caitie
14.00 Travel back to Jakarta

Table 3.2

Time Activities
Day 1
6 November 2023

09.00 – 10.00 Gather at Central Park

10.00 – 11.00 Lunch
12.00 – 12.30 Travel to Marriott Corporate, SCBD
12.30 – 12.45 Meet with Mr. Robby Fachri
12.45 – 15.00 Video shooting and interview
15.00 – 16.00 Complete all the footages and other shooting needs
16.00 – 16.30 Farewell to Mr. Robby Fachri
16.30 Go home

3.4 Data Collection

Table 3.3

No. Sources Question Instrument Data Obtained

• What is the story of Catie  Provides important
Younghwa Lee’s career information about Caitie
journey from zero to Younghwa Lee's career
today? journey in achieving her
• What are the obstacles and position as General
challenges in making Manager.
women a leader in  Provides information of
1. Caitie Younghwa Lee hospitality as a female the challenges and
General Manager?” obstacles as a female

• How to survive in the leaders or General
hospitality field as a female Manager.
General Manager?  Knowing the most difficult
• What are the challenges in things or obstacles that
South Korea to become a exist when becoming
female leader? women leaders & how
• What character traits survive being a female
should a woman have to General Manager in
become a General hospitality field
Manager?  Provides the obstacles for
• What are the factors of being a female leader in
"Women Leadership" that South Korea
affect effectiveness and  Knowing what character
performance for traits a female general
employees? manager should have
• How to balance  Provides information
housework/ personal life about the aspects of
and being a General Women Leadership that
Manager? become obstacles or
• What are your motivations support for employee
and goals in pursuing your performance
career and who is your  Provides information so
support system? that household chores and
General Manager work
can be balanced
 Knowing Caitie Younghwa
Lee's motivation and
intention in pursuing her
career to become GM and
her support system

2. Employees of Moxy • How do Moxy Hotel Bandung  Knowing the perceptions
Hotel, Bandung employees perceive Caitie or views of Moxy Hotel
Younghwa Lee's leadership Bandung employees about
performance as General the performance of Caitie
Manager? Younghwa Lee
• 1 Word to Caitie Younghwa  Knowing the 1 word that
Lee Moxy Hotel Bandung
employees would give for
Caitie Younghwa Lee

3. Robby Fachri (Area • What is your view on Women  Find out Robby Fachri's
Director of Human Leaders or Women GMs in views on Women Leaders
Resources – Marriott) Marriott Company? or female GMs at Marriott
• Why do you think the Company
population of female GMs,  Knowing Robby Fachri's
especially in the hospitality views on the still relatively
sector, is still relatively small small population of
in Indonesia? Female GMs in Indonesia

3.5 Data Selection and Analysis

Caitie Younghwa Lee's profile is still rarely known by many people, even
though the story of her career journey is very inspiring and provides motivation to
women who want to support their careers as women leaders. Therefore, we will
conduct this storytelling process by conducting a qualitative method. According to
Dr. Creswell in his book "Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed
Methods Approaches" (2018) , suggests that one of the concepts in qualitative
methods is content analysis which is used to analyse images, text content, and other
things that are systematic in nature. This storytelling method uses qualitative
methods, because this method is one of the most appropriate methods to tell and
understand the experience of a human being and describe it in detail to get the
desired understanding.

In addition, this storytelling is also complemented by additional support in
the form of analysis in the context of collecting posters, videos, and direct
interviews with sources. The importance of holistic case analysis involves the
identification of patterns, themes, and concepts during the research, as well as a
deep understanding of the context and the relationship between variables with one
another. Interview analysis is also an important stage of a qualitative method to
explore in-depth information about the research to be made. (Yin, 2014). By having
interview person by person, it can help us to achieve the data we desire.
Interviewing is a frequent data-gathering tool used by social scientists to gain a
better understanding of how persons perceive and act in their social contexts. It is
seen as problematic to understand interviews if researchers just give selected
examples of interview passages as insights into a research participant’s method of
thinking (Axel Philipps, 2019). By then, interviewees produce meaningful
interactions with interviewers who are thereby co-constructors of these meanings
(Holstein J, 2016).

3.6 Script and Storyboard Creation

Table 3.4


Description: The
1. 1
opener will highlight
the appearance of Hotel
Moxy Bandung, such as
Figure 3.1 Moxy Hotel the building & lobby.

Camera: Long shot

(zoom out to)
Audio: Serenity by
Duration: 00.08
Transition: dissolve to
Catie briefly introduced
herself as the General
Figure 3.2 Caitie
Younghwa Lee’s
Camera: Medium close
Audio: Serenity by
Duration: 00.10

Transition: cut to
Description: Catie tells
2. 1
us about her career
Younghwa journey before
Lee’s career
becoming a General
Figure 3.3 Caitie Manager
Younghwa Lee’s Journey
Camera: Medium close
Audio: Autumn in fall
by RecProduction
Duration : 02.00
Transition: cut to
Description: Continued
video of Catie talking
about her present career
(Followed by a video
Figure 3.4 Caitie shot of Caitie walking
Younghwa Lee’s Present
Career in the hotel area)

Camera: wide shoot

Audio: Autumn in fall
by RecProduction
Duration : 00.10
Transition: disolve to
Description: Caitie
3. 1
answered the question
The role of
woman about the second
question, “What are the
in the
hospitality Figure 3.5 Caitie obstacles and
field Younghwa Lee answered
the 2nd Question challenges in making
women a leader in

hospitality as a female
General Manager?”

Camera: Medium close

Audio: Touch a dream
by unknown_signal
Duration: 01.00
Transition: cut to
Deskripsi: Interspersed
with transition videos
of Catie at work
(meetings, employee
Figure 3.6 Transition Video
of Caitie Younghwa Lee at
Work monitoring)

Camera: medium shoot

Audio: Touch a dream
by unknown_signal
Duration: 00.10
Transition: cut to
Deskripsi: Caitie
answered the third
question “What
character traits should a
Figure 3.7 Caitie woman have to become
Younghwa Lee answered
the 3rd Question a General Manager?”

Camera: Medium close
Audio: Touch a dream
by unknown_signal
Duration: 01.00
Transition: cut to

Interspersed with
videos are transitions of
Caitie's daily moments
Figure 3.8 Transition with employees.
Video of Daily Moments
with Employees

Camera: wide shoot

Audio: Touch a dream
by unknown_signal
Duration: 00.10
Transition: cut to
Deskripsi: Caitie
answered the fourth
question “How to
balance your personal
Figure 3.9 Caitie
Younghwa Lee answered life and being a General
the 4th Question

Camera: Medium close


Audio: Touch a dream
by unknown_signal
Duration: 01.00

Transition: cut to

Interspersed with
videos are transitions of
Caitie seeing employee
Figure 3.10 Caitie performance
Younghwa Lee Seeing
Employee Performance

Camera: Medium close

Audio: Touch a dream
by unknown_signal
Duration: 01.00
Transition: cut to
Description: Caitie
answered the fifth
question “What is your
motivations and goals
Figure 3.11 Caitie in pursuing your career
Younghwa Lee answered
and who is your support
the 5th Question

Camera: wide shoot
Audio: Touch a dream
by unknown_signal
Duration: 00.10
Transition: cut to
Interspersed with
videos are transitions of
Figure 3.12 Transition
Video of Caitie Younghwa
Lee in Her Spare Time

Camera: Medium close


Audio: Touch a dream

by unknown signal
Duration: 01.00
Transition: cut to
Description: Bring up
photos of Caitie's

Figure 3.13 Transition

Video of Caitie Younghwa Camera: -
Lee’s Family Photos Audio: Touch a dream
by unknown signal
Duration: 00.10
Transition: disolve to

4. 1
Videoshoot Hotel Moxy
of Moxy Bandung outlet &
employees at work.
Figure 3.14 Moxy Hotel
Bandung’s Outlet

Camera: wide shoot

Audio: Bashfulness by
Duration: 00.10
Transition: cut to
Description: Asked a
question to one of the
employees: "How do
you perceive Caitie
Figure 3.15 Employee's
POV about Caitie Younghwa Lee's
Younghwa Lee leadership performance
as General Manager?"

Camera: Medium close

Audio: Bashfulness by
Duration: 00.20
Transition: cut to
Description: Showing
complication answers
from hotel employees
answering questions: "1
Figure 3.16 " 1 Word " for
Caitie Younghwa Lee

Word to Caitie
Younghwa Lee"

Camera: Medium close

Audio: Bashfulness by
Duration: 00.20
Transition: disolve to
Description: The
5. 1
opener of Robby
Fachri Fachri’s scene will be a
bridging video (a blank
Director of
Human Figure 3.17 Bridging slide with a typewriter
Resources –

Camera: Long shot

(zoom out to)
Audio: Remember the
time by
Duration: 00.08
Transition: dissolve to

Description: Featuring
answers from Mr.
Robby with the
question: "What is your
Figure 3.18 Interview with
Robby Fachri view on Women
Leaders or Female GMs
at Marriott Company?"

Camera: Medium close

Audio: Remember the
time by
Duration: 00.45
Transition: disolve to
Description: Featuring
answers from Mr.
Robby with the
question: " Why do you
3.19 Interview with Robby
think the population of
female GMs, especially
in the hospitality sector,
is still relatively small
in Indonesia?”

Camera: Medium close


Audio: Remember the
time by
Duration: 00.45
Transition: disolve to
Description: Catie
6. 1
gave a closing
statement about career
women and
3.20 Last Sentence from
housewives, for closure
Caitie Younghwa Lee
followed by a zoom out
effect showing Catie in
front of Hotel Moxy

Camera: Long shot

(zoom out to)
Audio: Remember the
time by Danny
Duration: 00.20
Transition: fade to
This scene provides
credits, thanking the
parties involved in
3.21 Closing and Credits
making the video,
followed by the
Podomoro University

logo, and the Hotel
Business Program.

Camera: -
Audio: Remember the
time by Danny
Duration: 00.10
Transition: fade to



4.1 Main Description

Field observations were conducted from October 16 to 18. On October
16, we started our trip to Bandung by Citylink Executive Bus at 8 a.m. with the
initial gathering point at the Central Park Mall. The trip to Bandung took 2 hours
so we arrived at the Bandung Shuttle Bus at 11 a.m. in the morning. When we
arrived there, we immediately continued our journey to Moxy Hotel, Bandung.
At 12 p.m., we met with our key informant, Caitie Younghwa Lee as GM of
Moxy Bandung. After that, we prepared in advance about the video that will be
shot on October 17, briefing about our story board to Caitie Younghwa Lee and
our videographer, observed the hotel as an idea for a place to interview and
shoot video transitions, continued with travel around the city of Bandung until
9 p.m. at night. On October 18, we had a breakfast in the morning and did a
day-long video shoot from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., while for October 19, we did some
additional video shooting such as transition videos of hotel facilities that we
wanted to add to our main video and went back to Jakarta at 5 p.m. in the

4.1.1 Scene 1: Opening

On October 17, we started shooting our first video in the morning at 12
noon, “The Opening”. The opening of our video starts by shooting a view of the
Moxy Bandung from the front using a drone that surrounds the hotel from above.
After that, we prepared to interview Caitie Younghwa Lee for 15 minutes. After
that, we did some preparation before interviewing Caitie Younghwa Lee for 15
minutes. After the preparation, we finally called Caitie Younghwa Lee to come
down to the lobby and we immediately did the second stage of our opening
video, which was to shoot Caitie introducing herself as the GM of Moxy

4.1.2 Scene 2: Caitie Younghwa Lee’s Career Journey
During Caitie's interview stage, we asked her some important question,
about her career journey from the beginning until now. The question is intended
to make the audience understand how the journey and ups and downs
experienced by Caitie have led her to become a female leader or as GM at this

4.1.3 Scene 3: The Role of Woman Leadership in the Hospitality Field

After asking Caitie Younghwa Lee career-related question, we also
asked her some additional questions, for example, “How to survive in the
hospitality field as a female General Manager?” or “What are your motivations
and goals in pursuing your career and who is your support system?” and so on.
The purpose of asking these questions is to get enough and as much information
as possible about Caitie's views on women leaders and what is her strong
motivation to achieve a position that is usually held by men.

After Caitie answered our questions, we then proceeded to record some

necessary video transitions, such as Caitie drinking coffee, Caitie with
employees, Caitie walking in the lobby, Caitie briefing her employees and so
on. These video transitions are a special sneak peek for viewers to get a glimpse
into Caitie's personal and work life.

4.1.4 Scene 4: Employees of Moxy Hotel Bandung

In this scene, we first filmed 1 selected employee who can give her
views on how Caitie Younghwa Lee works as a GM at Moxy. We asked her how
she perceived Caitie Younghwa Lee's leadership performance as General
Manager. Of course, this employee gave a pretty good answer to her view of
Caitie Younghwa Lee. After questioning the employee, we followed by filming
a video of ten employees, each of whom answered one word for Caitie

Younghwa Lee, and who worked from various divisions such as the kitchen,
back office, front office, and others.

4.1.5 Scene 5: Robby Fachri (Area Director of Human Resources – Marriott)

On November 7, 2023, we departed from Central Park Mall by car at 9
a.m. to Sheraton Gandaria City to meet with Robby Fachri, an Area Director of
Human Resources in Indonesia. The video shooting process started at 10 a.m
and finished at 12 p.m. After we met Robby Fachri in the lobby of the Sheraton
Gandaria City hotel, we were directed to the Presidential Suite room and started
shooting the video for 2 hours. We asked several questions about Robby Fachri's
views on women leaders in the hospitality world in general and within Marriott

4.1.6 Scene 6: Closing

After conducting the interview process and video transition of
employees, we continued by shooting a video statement made by Caitie
Younghwa Lee in front of the hotel lobby door. To the right and left of Caitie,
there are 2 employees each of which 3 are male and 1 is female. Caitie gave a
message that as a woman, you should never be afraid to be bold. After the
closing statement was finished, finally the video process ended, cleaned up
some equipment and returned to rest.

4.2 Description of Results and Discussion

Women leaders become important for society in general, especially in
the world of hospitality. In the first problem of formulation, we wanted to know
how women leadership can be something that makes and requires gender
equality (between men and women) in this world, especially in the hospitality
industry. Caitie Younghwa Lee, who is a woman with the status of General
Manager at Moxy Bandung, signifies that women can become leaders and all
genders in this world are equal. Although the number of female general

managers in Indonesia today is still relatively small, but in the future, the fight
for gender equality can be used to fight the patriarchal system that has been
entrenched for a long time, so that the gap between genders can end.

Caitie Younghwa Lee said that there are lot of self-doubts or self-
limitations that are experienced by women with people saying that “you cannot
do it”, and sometimes these women have feelings that maybe they are not good
enough for themselves, so Caitie Younghwa Lee as an ambassador of women
leadership in Marriott International, advocate these people by saying “ you are
capable to pursue your dreams”. For example, in 2021, during the Women
Leadership Conference hosted by Marriott International at the Sheraton Kuta,
Bali, Caitie and other female employees discussed what it means to be a woman
in Indonesia in order to pursue a career in hospitality. Caitie had no idea what
additional challenges they would face because, aside from being women in Bali,
there are additional responsibilities for being a part of the local community, and
it has become difficult for females to become leaders because there are many
important or religious events, such as ceremony and that women must be
someone who organizes and supports the entire community. Caitie also said
there are lot of things that seems to be difficult for women to pursue but she
believed with the right guidance and representation will be able to educate a
future talent so these women can actually grow with a strong belief in
themselves to be a leader and reach the higher dreams that they had.

Caitie began her hospitality career after high school as a bell girl (it is
uncommon in Indonesia to have a female bell attendant), but she began as a full-
time bell girl, carrying baggage, delivering messages, and paging guests, among
other duties. So, that is how she started in Front Office, and then she was able
to move to same Front Office department in Guest Relations, at JW Marriott,
Seoul. Then, as part of Marriott International, she was fortunate enough to be
transferred to Marriott Resort in Grand Cayman Island, in the Caribbean. She
spent four years working her way up in the Front Office department on Cayman
Island before relocating to the beautiful Indonesian island of Bali. She began

her career as a Butler at Hilton Worldwide, looking after VIP guests in suites,
and at that property, she was given the option to transition from Front Office to
Sales and Marketing. She had a critical moment when she transitioned from
operations to back office. In Sales and Marketing, Caitie had the ability to
manage a variety of different geographical markets in Bali. After 3.5 years, she
relocated to South Korea and worked in Sales and Marketing at Conrad Seoul.
She returned to Indonesia after about 4 years to be with her family in Jakarta,
and after a few years there, 2021 was the first time she had a General Manager
role at Moxy Bandung.

According to Robby Fachri as Area Director of Human Resources in

Indonesia, in 2023 the population of Indonesia is around 275,000,000, where
the composition of women almost reaches 50% of the total population.
Regarding the career of women leadership itself in Indonesia, of course,
different countries have different backgrounds. In Indonesia, what is felt is
inseparable from the cultural culture where there is a certain paradigm that
career opportunities are given more for the male population. Based on the latest
statistics, out of 10,100 total Marriott Indonesia employees, 51% percent of
management positions are occupied by female workforce, while 49% are
occupied by male workforce. For non-management positions, it’s the opposite.
58% are occupied by men and 42% are occupied by women. Thus, we can see
that along with proving that women can also have a career without releasing
their responsibilities as housewives, or as daughters at home. At Marriott
International itself, they are very focused on carrying out the education process
and providing equal opportunities for women to become women leaders.



5.1 Conclusion
Caitie Younghwa Lee's story, as General Manager of Moxy Bandung,
highlights the critical role of female leaders in overcoming gender stereotypes
and creating equality in the hospitality business, particularly in Indonesia.
Caitie's journey, highlighted by overcoming self-doubt and cultural
expectations, is proof that women can succeed in leadership posts.

Robby Fachri, the Area Director of Human Resources, Marriott

Indonesia, provides a deeper perspective that portrays a society battling with
cultural norms that generally favor male job chances. However, inside Marriott
International, progress toward gender equality is being achieved, as indicated
by women holding 51% of managerial positions out of a total of 10,100
employees. This is a determined effort to break down barriers and provide equal
opportunity for all women to flourish in leadership roles.

Caitie's story shows not only individual perseverance and determination,

but also the value of mentorship, direction, and representation in strengthening
future generations of female leaders. Marriott International's dedication to
education and equal opportunities for women contributes to the continuous
struggle against patriarchal structures and the pursuit of a more balanced and
inclusive professional landscape. As the hospitality industry wrestles with these
difficulties, Caitie's experiences and Marriott International's organizational
actions serve as an inspiration for creating a future where gender equality is the
rule rather than the exception.

5.2 Suggestion
Suggestion on storytelling is advice on the main object that is the focus
of the video presentation. Suggestions contain the author's views on object
findings that are not in accordance with existing general references. Suggestions

must be in accordance with the results of the conclusions made. All the answers
provided by the required sources were sufficient for the data of our proposal and
all the facilities needed by us are quite well fulfilled. There is one suggestion
we would like to make for our storytelling videos, which is:
- Arrange schedule with the interviewee or the sources when they are not busy
for shooting purposes.

5.3 Limitations of Storytelling

The limitations of research are limitations to storytelling. The
limitations that we can take are that this storytelling that we only shot the videos
only from the workplace of the sources and the videos taken are only to provide
the views or the perspective of the speakers on women leaders in Indonesia

5.4 Recommendation
The recommendation in this storytelling is the author's recommendation
for other researchers who will raise the profile as a topic for preparing a
capstone project or raising the topic of women leaders in Indonesia. For other
researchers who want to research more deeply on the topic of women leaders,
the author who is part of Agung Podomoro University Students has various
recommendations for other researchers who want to raise Women Leaders as
research material, namely as follows:
- For those who want to raise women leaders as a capstone project topic, it is
advisable to define the scope to help focus on the research. It can include
investigating specific industries whether business or hospitality, and
organizational structures.
- For those who want to raise women leaders as a capstone project topic, it is
advisable to examine the role of mentorship and support networks in
assisting women in their leadership journeys. Investigate how mentorship-
building programs might help with professional and career development for
women to become leaders.

- For those who want to raise women leaders as a capstone project topic, it is
important to analyse how culture and stigma from people’s perspectives
may make or destroy a woman's ability to lead an organization or company.


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Appendix 1. Interview Questions

Questions for Caitie Younghwa Lee – General Manager Moxy Bandung:

1. What is the story of Catie Younghwa Lee’s career journey from zero to
2. What are the obstacles and challenges in making women a leader in
hospitality as a female General Manager?”
3. How to survive in the hospitality field as a female General Manager?
4. What are the challenges in South Korea to become a female leader?
5. What character traits should a woman have to become a General Manager?
6. What are the factors of "Women Leadership" that affect effectiveness and
performance for employees?
7. How to balance housework/ personal life and being a General Manager?
8. What are your motivations and goals in pursuing your career and who is
your support system?

Questions for Employees of Moxy Bandung:

1. How do Moxy Hotel Bandung employees perceive Caitie Younghwa Lee's

leadership performance as General Manager?
2. 1 Word to Caitie Younghwa Lee

Questions for Robby Fachri – Area Director of Human Resources Marriott

International, Indonesia:

1. What is your view on Women Leaders or Women GMs in Marriott

2. Why do you think the population of female GMs, especially in the
hospitality sector, is still relatively small in Indonesia?

Appendix 2. Expenses (3 People)

Expenses Amount
Videographer Rp1,700,000
Souvenir for Caitie Rp500,000
Souvenir for Robby Rp150,000
Transportation Rp1,000,000
Accommodation Rp1,500,000
Total Expenses Rp4,850,000

Appendix 3. Video

Appendix 4. Poster

Appendix 5. Booklet


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