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In 1642, the Dutch navigator Abel Janszoon

Tasman is the first European to reach

Aotearoa. At that time the islands were

called New Zealand. In 1769, James Cook

visited the country and claimed it in the

name of the British Crown. At that time, the

population was 125,000 inhabitants.

The Kaitaka is a finely woven
muka (Phormiun tenax) fiber
mantle. Kaitakas are some of the
most prestigious forms of
traditional Maori clothing. They
are made from muka which
produces the highest quality fiber
that is characterized by a silk-like
texture and beautiful golden
The island has a mountainous

region (lower than the South

Island), consisting of forested hills,

a central volcanic plateau and hills.

The Rotorua and Taupo Valleys,

located near the Bay of Plenty,

have some of the largest hot

springs in New Zealand.

It is a type of barbecue (meat and/or fish with
vegetables and tubers, especially kumara, a
sweet potato that is abundant in the country) that
is prepared on the ground: a hole is dug, filled
with rocks that have previously been heated over
the fire, add the ingredients and cover everything.
It is not something quick, it takes approximately 6
hours. for the dish to be ready, but it is delicious.

Baked lamb is undoubtedly one of New

Zealand's national dishes. So it is clear that it is
one of the most consumed products and also the
most exported due to its quality. The Roast
Hogget is accompanied by potatoes, kumara
and other vegetables and is served with a mint
sauce, with a touch of acidity, which we
personally love.
It is the highest mountain in the country
(3,724 meters high). This destination is
perfect for hiking lovers, who take a
four-hour walk to reach the top. The
most famous trek is called Hooker
Valley (4 hours long) and to do it you
must start from the Mount Cook
parking lot.

Hobblton. If you are a fan of The Lord of the

Rings, you will love it. This destination is
known worldwide, as it has houses hidden
under the grass. There are tour guides who
will tell you stories related to the famous
saga, while you take a two-hour tour of the
place. If you are here you must visit the
Green Dragon Tavern where you can have
a craft beer.

As for fauna, we must highlight the

The pohutukawa (Metrosideros
abundance of species of flightless
excelsa) is an evergreen tree of
birds that have proliferated in the
the myrtle family with red
absence of large predators: the
flowers due to the color of the
kiwi (national animal of New
stamens. The pohutukawa is
Zealand, in the image), the weka,
one of twelve species of the
the takahe, the pukeko, as well as
genus Metrosideros endemic to
several species of moa, now
New Zealand.
How they celebrate Christmas

Christmas in New Zealand is very different because it coincides with the

summer holidays. Yes, Christmas in New Zealand is celebrated in summer,
not winter like in the Northern Hemisphere: Europe, Asia and North
America, which traditionally seems to be when Christmas comes.While
most of the world is at home with a blanket and drinking hot chocolate, in
New Zealand everyone is on the beaches or enjoying nature, as the
temperature is between 20 and 30 degrees.
There are many more sheep than people
New Zealand is a sparsely populated country. Geographically, it is similar in
size to the United Kingdom, but its population is 4.47 million (and the United
Kingdom's is 64 million). And what's more, sheep outnumber people: in
New Zealand, there are approximately six sheep for every human, one of
the highest percentages in the world.
It was home to a monstrously large bird
If you like big birds, New Zealand is your place. Although now extinct, the
giant moa birds were native to New Zealand; They were 3.6 meters tall and
weighed a modest 230 kg.
It is the "other Hollywood“
Some of the biggest box office hits of recent years were filmed in New
Zealand; the trilogies of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, King Kong,
The Piano, The Last Samurai and Whale Rider, among others. Its
impressive nature and its creative and relaxed inhabitants make New
Zealand a perfect place to shoot movies.

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