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Centra Sens son ] a oy ate Mes yh gsc 2 ey Locate up oO" ee deo Brain igeg AUNT A TROON Veckeo! bebe 2 ough states etia AF a ot ¢ “eres Wehad Shek Of ine, fax iy . 6 4 : F Suen. Te ‘RON system provides 8 raped means for the varios prt of De body {0 Bes A OT th each other Tt a st es = ap en (charge oe, ans Pe tostress. : cn a aap ee Ur brain, oa fo Fe eyed ie spiel Crd are conus Nady, Dei, Lan ae ses caog th ier parts of te Body Wah ees. The feign the ba fel UA oe Fn and tle provera cereus sytem © Oe © " Giheront locations of the two intimately related parts of 2 single fystem. “iz enous i iment ea i es Ne a and the pesoherat nemo ese uneasy 8,8, MS OS ame te ra pte) TS ee a vanes tug PON ASS es pee The ara I a) ad oe ES (US Ce and it tors (sense oga) am Nes cary exckation from th CNS to the glands 2° i a pe aNTaTTerous system 30 ‘ous Cobo) “The CNS and PNS are 2 divisions of the nervous system. The 1 the name imples is concerned with lervous system is also divided into tO Physelogical (or functional] dvisiris ~ a voluntary system, which 98 eetmtany actions ‘such as muscle (movement; and an involuntary oF aut jutonomic nervous system. ‘autonomic system hed v0. ' fomatic system as the ost of the, cells. of the, entire nervous feed 3bovt in cord and theic axhcned nerves, controls all voluntary 1 rey eaonomic tem, consid fianiy of & corinected the vertebral-column,-controls such vital processes as creulaton, digestion, eet ont ram the etotons, it hot rom thew - at.synagises a the bain 2 cord determines organized motor input Stiri nthe chietmet Sonate nese ai Teads to sensory nerve anise, Which stimulus tesds, to. what résponse is sensdry neurons and the motor neurons. dc aparanenmg moe om g Lf a by d | beings. Some regiens se celof human s “The cerebrum response for the highly develope mietae® ‘move. other parts control your apie, be “and smell, oF Tor messages about what you see, heat, 20° think, write, talk, and express emotions. i Jes that you use for agttion, such s, the cred te prt of the ba ta a and carats Ons fit Haw of ence running’ oF walking. Tis under and Behind ttm pus this information together 10 help you impulses from the bady and cerebrum, The cerebelum put rn posture, muscles perform the way you walk. 1t helps control your balance 2nd ENE Me are three disions The brainstem is the structure that connects the Te "aidbrain fs a group of nerves that control cron ohn ach fl ar ov een TEP eset a {hat tak the cerebrum withthe cerebslum an the ra tons of Iie, such 25 beatin, ‘The medula isthe center that controls some of the most important funetp ae eae blood pressure, heart rate, and swallowing eet te seater ds from i ‘The spinal cord is within the vertebral column and is the main trunk of the body. It extends just below the ribs, The nerve fibers in the spinal cord reach out to all parts of the body, connecting i es ‘nerves in Your body to the central nervous system. If the spinal cord is damaged, the body may be una eal (oF move from the point of injury downward. The spinal cord is actually a continuation of the medulla and is is 18 inches long. The spinal cord is contained within the cavity formed by the interlocked vertebrae of the backbone. There are thirty-dne pairs of spinal nerves emerging from the cord, each nerve bringing in impulses to the backside of the cord, and carrying away impulses from the front side. Within the cord these impulses are distributed to higher or lower centers, The spinal cord has two main functions: ! “» It carries sensory information from receptors throughout the body. to the brain and conducts information from the brain to muscles and glands. + It plays a key role in various-reflexes. Reflexes are automatic reactions evoked rapidly by particular sed, For example: withdrawing your hand from a hot object or blinking the eyes in response to a puff air, 1 Three protestive membranes, known collectively as the meninges, surround both the brain and spinal cord, The space between these membranes is bathed with a spinal Mid much like lymph, which serves as 2 protective ‘cushion for the delicate nerve tissue, and allows some expansion space for the brain when its blood supply is datror. Worn increases. Ciggrcta— a49 pacublar stischurs of the celts (; tt lindo Us bt priaoll Jo Tie backey - Ory 1 NERVOUS SYSTEM Ge upcwan -of affectonr “Litas HOLE hodtrondy Terence) system that carries messages between the body and the central nervous system is the peripheral nervous ‘system. PNS is made up of the nervous tissue that lies outside of the brain and spinal cord. Why should we care about the PNS? Well, for one reason, the PNS is more exposed. The CNS is all protected’ within the skull and ‘vertebral column. ‘But the PNS has to leave this protected area-and run throughout the body, into regions that coffer much less protection. Because of this, the PNS is abit more likely:to be damaged than’ the CNS (like if you ‘cut yourself deeply and cut through a herve). Another reason is because the PNS has to carry our commands out tb our body for movement, and has to bring in ‘our sensory information’ to know what's going on in our world. So ‘any damage to this nervous system, division would limit-our-interéctions with the world. One last reason is because the glia of the Giffer. ro ‘the ‘glia of ‘the CNS. This difference leads to the differing ability of the wn PNS.and.CNS fo recover j, and also diseases may affect of these. two Giisions. ok OAR naltn ikea mntiznond . Tapperding calls Ee i ge) i ecb a aes branching from the ‘cord (spinal nerves) afd 12 pairs of nerves branching from the braiti (cranial nerves). See roca Busan a hey r-nerve fibers that reach to all parts of the body. Part of the ‘peripheral nervous’ system carrles sensory Information, Partof the penpheral nervous system carries motor Implses tat contd vokintary aeton. 2 = cin aR tet as oe poe eas ae 8 ‘The Nérve Network: The ‘cranial nerves ‘connect ‘to, the ‘brain by’ passing:throigh openings in the skull, or cranium, hen oc Spinal ord pe Hroae cedinge the Vertebral oda ‘and are called ‘inal neries, a ‘erves consist of large iu ‘Processes that convey impulses to the ‘central nervous system and also cary, messages outward; the former are called afferent, the latter at Hosts — Hosuabinns, Oh ehealen LS] Sy) Tou ecw mon rath rsd: orale < Wane Me Geli D a release a NS uit fbAC ‘ Ajoe< hat | ie? cin far Weare deo | =) feo eure Pang Se " efferent impulses are referred to as either somatic a Feach. Most nerves are mixed flerves made up of both i } to ‘ aaron of tat hana t infos Scat tl tin nn pation oft ark F ty {in humans are 12 and 31, respectively. Cranial nerves are 5 the-boy, with one conspicuous exception: the tenth cranial nerve, in the neck, the vagus i dstbuted to structures located ia eh Sensation, and taste are mediated by the second, eighth, ly. Cranial nerves also mediate motor functions of the head, the eyes, the 'S Well as the muscles that functit in chewing and swallowing. Spinal nerves, ten tributed ina bandhike fashion to varigus regions ofthe trunk and to the sively, thereby forming the woe) Proceeds. tothe upper US, Which proceeds tothe lowe Ibs aa OF AALS cn Te bo cy an appl Pelariung PO Og faa” System: Among the motor fibres may be found groups dat carry impulses to Giscera, These al iret of autonomic nervous system.The autonomic nervous ‘system is the. n sn that controls invlurtar esponses It's made uplargelyof motor neves ‘Many organs indudir N 2 rates sands, and pups of the eve, ng the heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver, adneys, sweat glands, salvary Fe referred t0 as sensory: part ofthe body they re i ‘The Autonomic Nervous Sy : CERO ore a IED contre bas functions ofthe boy that we do not normaly have conscous i over, such a= beat, digestion, breathing and: bod flow. These involuntary acvons are agonistic actions of '€ two divisions of the autonomic nervous system - the 3 Syrupathetic and the, impathetic divisions. The sfmpathetic, arises from the Tmddle portion of he spinal Cort TET STS GPT eam ef eae te throughout the body. The’ sympathetic nervous system ist _works when lyou are active or under «gotioal sess I you were to get See, SOOT TON aug yon Te SEE MEE ATT ; CRE Brreresthng rte Incense: The oir con ine paiompahede anes Dein aoe one boon oe Sympathetic, that is, from the brain and from the lower part of the spinal cord. The. parasympathetic nervous ‘system generally slows down the ‘body's functions, sucli as heartbeat and rate of breathing, when you are ‘resting. Most organs receive impulses from both divisions and under normal circumstances they work together for proper organ function and adaptation to the demands of life. This interplay between the two parts of the autonomic ners. yster keep the body Woy popu nal suns done hawk cosceus core ‘The two divisions of the ANS act in oppositit and balance with each other; exctation of one division resus in a [balanced inhibition ‘of the other division. For example, the sympathetic division ificreases heart rate; the * parasympathetic division decreases it. The relative activation of each division is dependant on demands posed by, ‘the environment. The parasympathetic division increases digestive activity; the sympathetic division decreases i “The Sympathetic Division of the ANS is responsible for mobilizing the body in respohse to situations that are ‘threatening or. otherwise’ excling, Tt activates functions needed to energize what IE called the fightorfight esponse, the preparation to attack or run from an enemy. We experience the. sympathitic response with intense “emotions such as fear, ariger, and even ecstasy. The Parasympathetic ONision of the ANS conserves the body's ‘energy during times of relaxation and supports internal body functions, such as the digestion of food. Finally, itis ~ important to note thet the rélatve activation of eath division is dependent on the individual's perception of an ‘event, The sympathetic division wil be activated when we perceive an event to be particularly threatening or ‘exciting. The responses are therefore subject to differences across indvidval people. ‘A common example of the balancing ‘act between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ‘autonomic nervous system occurs on the roadway. Imagine yourself driving calmly on your way to work. Another ‘car ats in front of you without signaling and almost causes an accdent. You notice that a physical reaction to this threatening stuation occurs almiost Immediately. Your heat rate accelerates, héavy breathing sets in, you fed hot and sweaty, and your stomach is upset, You feel a tense miure of fear and anger, and perhaps ‘express igh gestures! This is your sympathetic acthity energzing you to'either fight or get out of Se sy, Seg back to he rened state you were in before ths nearmishap takes some time, and you are ‘still rattled by the experience by the: time you.get to work. This prolongéd state of duress reflects the slower = arésponse of the parasymp: islon. ‘ BAe i * eR © gb fat’ ot se mal Nem os thet ressels, and musces that erect skin hai rg, asympaedc dision workin égaunct Para means beside cr relat 7 indeed the functions of the par ibon to with the sympathetic “ason tr ‘orodng ie efteas ‘gh the two divisions of the AS ee ‘one another, they are‘normaly both active simultaneously. The parasympathetic dision ST Tene sacral {he craniosacral system because ts neries derive from the cranial nerves at the base of the brain oe ‘spi0al cord. Unlike the sympathetic dvsin, the nerve cell catecions‘or gangla of the parasymmarneT are located close tothe organ and not along the spinal cord. In addtion, the parasympathetic 2098 i Connected like those of the sympathetic division. They are, therefore, capable of acting independent V ‘organs they control. deutaeda TI DMENRE? ayien Wal ‘Most of the final synapses of the ivsion use the neurotransmitter horepinephane, whereas te fina! Sreamnes of epee ae eee neewsnonter acne. Ths aitererce in neurochemical activity makes sel ‘stimulation of each divsion possible with certain drugs. Non-prescription ‘cold medications act by either decredsing patasympathetic activity or increasing sympathetic activity. Side effects ‘uf cold remedies that decrease parasympathetic activity, such as having a dry mouth (decreased salivation) and increased heart rate, stem from ‘theif tendency to increase sympathetic activity indirectly. Individuals difer in the reactivity of their sympathetic division to ife events, These afferences are related to ferences in persphalty. People with a:stronger and more rapid sympathetic response tend to respond in this way to a: wider: range of-fe events. They are generally more emotionally expressive, more active, more impulsive, more distractble, and less patient. These individuals may be more prone to develop psychosomatic nesses Such as heart disease and ulcer formation. Problems generaly occur when the autonomic nervous system is out of balance. For example, over stimulation of the sympathetic neryous system can lead to Such problems as anvity, hypertension, and digestive disturbances. Over-stmuation of the parasympathetic nervous system can result in low bloed pressure and fabgue. Both ‘imbalances lead to goor adaptation to stress. 2 Jed ganglia. These = aoe nears /A cal bodies ca ie “consists of two paired chains of colle en and 1 F tie just to and right of the spinal cord in the cen sion are linked, 1 from the to the body's orga. Because the ganglia of le = myscles that * to work a5 8 yep” with each othr. THe , ont enema ee are under contol of ose fiidion SF Malor parts, the q Sympathetic and Mctions of eae h ate shown here. Consvets pup Broduces Wars Inhibits sativaton Shutter salvation H Constts Folaxes & airways nays nas Spoeds heartbeat Stites icone ‘ase

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