Math 1280 Learning Journal

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Question 1: Finding P(ΣX > 2,400):

# Given parameters
Mean (μx) = 45
Standard Deviation (σx) = 8
Sample Size (n) = 50

# Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the sample sum

Mean of the sum (nμx) = 50 * 45 = 2250
Standard Deviation of the sum (√nσx) = √50 * 8 = 56.571. Finding
On TI-84 calculator:
Press 2ND and then VARS (DISTR). Choose 2: normalcdf(.
P(ΣX>2,400) = 1 − normalcdf(−1E99,2400,2250,56.57)
Press ENTER to get the probability = 0.004. This value is very small and close to 0.

Question 2: Finding ΣX where z = -2:

# Using the z-score formula to find the value of ΣX

ΣX = Mean + z × Standard Deviation
ΣX = 2250 - 2 × 56.57 = 2136.86
Result: ΣX ≈ 2136.86
This gives the sum(ΣX) when the z-score is -2

Question 3: Finding the 80th Percentile for ΣX:

On TI-84 calculator:
Press 2ND and then VARS (DISTR).
Choose 3: invNorm(0.80, 45, 80) = 51.73

In summary:
1. P(ΣX > 2.400) is close to 0.0047
2. ΣX when z = -2 is approximately 2136.86
3. The 80th percentile for the sum of the 50 values of x is approximately 51.73

Word Count: 195


Illowsky, B., Dean, S., Birmajer, D., Blount, B., Boyd, S., Einsohn, M., Helmreich,
Kenyon, L., Lee, S., & Taub, J. (2022). Introductory statistics. openstax.

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