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Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences

The construction of an intelligent English grading teaching model based on partial

least squares method

Yuanyuan Qi1,†

1. School of Foreign Language, Jilin University of Architecture and Technology, Changchun, Jilin,
130000, China

Submission Info

Communicated by Z. Sabir
Received December 28, 2022
Accepted April 3, 2023
Available online September 23, 2023

Building an intelligent English grading teaching model helps to improve English teaching and students’ English
performance in colleges and universities. In this paper, the PLS-ELM model is constructed from partial least squares as
the base algorithm, the concept of an extreme learning machine is introduced, and the principal component score of the
PLS algorithm is used to the number of neuron nodes of ELM, and then the adjustment of weights is realized. The
principal components of PLS were used to analyze the selection of independent variables for the English -graded
teaching model. The effectiveness of the English-graded teaching model was verified by comparing students’
satisfaction with teaching evaluation and performance after teaching implementation. Regarding student satisfaction,
the percentages of those evaluated as very satisfied, generally satisfied, and dissatisfied were 53.71%, 32.86%, and
13.43%, respectively. Regarding students’ performance, the average score of students in the experimental group was
88.6, 14.62% higher than the English performance of the control group. This shows that the English grading teaching
mode can improve students’ English learning performance, enhancing students’ own quality and professional ability,
improving university English teaching, and cultivating students’ English application ability.

Keywords: Partial least squares; Extreme learning machine; PLS-ELM model; English graded instruction.
AMS 2010 codes: 97C50

†Corresponding author.
Email address: ISSN 2444-8656
© 2023 Yuanyuan Qi, published by Sciendo.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution alone 4.0 License.
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1 Introduction

With the leapfrog development of higher education, the number of students in colleges and
universities is expanding, and the differentiation of students’ levels is becoming more and more
obvious, so the traditional teaching mode gradually reveals its shortcomings, such as the inability to
meet student’s individual learning needs and the huge individual differences bring more pressure to
teaching [1-2]. To alleviate the teaching pressure and improve teaching quality, the concept of
graded teaching has been widely introduced into the teaching system of colleges and universities.
Implementing the English-graded teaching mode aligns with teaching according to students’
abilities and makes English teaching more personalized and humanized [3-5].

To some extent, the form of graded teaching has alleviated the teaching difficulties brought about
by the differences in the quality of students themselves [6-7]. However, how to manage graded
teaching and further improve the quality of teaching through graded teaching to achieve the ultimate
teaching goal has become an urgent problem for front-line teachers and educational administrators

English grading teaching aims to help students of different learning levels achieve English
application skills. The literature [10] argues that online video teaching resources provide
opportunities for knowledge creation and that online English teachers can use online courses to
better multimodal the design of teaching content and thus enhance the effectiveness of online
English teaching. The literature [11] argues that growth theory in ELT can make it possible to open
up new research directions in English education and generate new models for reforming ELT
through growth theory. The literature [12] provides an analysis of teaching English language
education principles, content material development, instructional assessment, and policy design to
illustrate specific principles and methods of integrating ETL awareness into English language

In addition, literature [13] discusses the application of pattern grammar and local grammar in ELT
and demonstrates how to apply local grammar and pattern grammar to ELT materials, using English
textbooks as examples. The literature [14] found that English teachers preferred less integrative
approaches to teaching English and drew on Bakhtin’s timeline theory to help teachers change their
competencies in teaching practice but also to limit the possibilities for change. The literature [15]
discusses Australian English teachers’ insights on World English in ELT and that World English can
weaken teachers’ confidence in ELT, thereby making ELT and practice mutually exclusive or even

To investigate the role of partial least squares in the English grading teaching model, this paper first
elaborates on the English grading teaching model, gives a specific description of grading teaching,
and gives the overpass model in the English grading teaching model. Then the PLS-ELM model is
jointly constructed using partial least squares and the extreme learning machine, and the principal
components of PLS are used to simulate the number of neuron nodes in the hidden layer of the
extreme learning machine, and then the weights are reasonably adjusted. The principal components
of PLS are then used to determine the selection of independent variables in the English grading
teaching model. Finally, the analysis of English-graded instruction is demonstrated from the student
satisfaction and achievement comparison test. The analysis results show that using the English
grading teaching model can effectively improve students’ English performance level, improve
English teaching level, and promote the reform and development of the English teaching system.
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2 English grading teaching model

2.1 Graded instruction

Graded teaching refers to the leveling test administered to new students upon entering the school.
The students are regrouped into classes regarding the test results so that students with similar
academic levels and basic abilities are grouped in one class. The school designs different teaching
objectives for students of different starting levels, provides different curriculum “menus”,
establishes different teaching schedules, and conducts different levels of teaching. Different levels
of tutoring are given, and different levels of testing are organized so that all types of students can
develop to their fullest potential. Graded instruction focuses more on students’ existing knowledge,
abilities and levels, the hierarchy of levels and the need for all students to improve.

2.2 English Graded Instruction

English grading is to prescribe different English teaching objectives, teach different English
teaching contents, adopt different English teaching methods and implement different assessment
modes for college students of different levels. In this way, students’ English learning styles and
learning needs are catered to as much as possible so that every student can develop and progress. To
improve the effectiveness of English grading teaching, we need to adjust the operation mechanism
and teaching resources allocation of college English teaching, scientifically design the teaching
levels and implement dynamic and flexible management of the college English teaching system to
realize the standardization, optimization and efficiency of the college English teaching process.

2.3 English grading teaching model - the overpass model

Students go from the single-channel English teaching mode (high school English course) at the time
of admission to the four-channel teaching mode of the first stage of college English (entrance of the
overpass: four-level graded course of college English) and then to the multi-channel teaching mode
of the second stage of college English (exit of the overpass: modular English course), which finally
connects with further independent study after all college English courses are finished and further
study and vocational application after graduation, thus constituting a multi-level, multi-form,
multi-functional and multi-exit overpass teaching mode, whose three-dimensional image is shown
in Figure 1.
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Four-level channel (Stage 3: Semes ter 5 and 6) Multi-channel
teaching mode teaching mode
(Phase I: First and s econd semesters (Phase II:3rd and 4th semester
of four-level graded courses in of the modularized English
English for higher education) course for higher education)

Further study
(Phase 3: 5th semester
until after graduation)

Figure 1. Diagram of the overpass pattern

2.3.1 Four-level channel teaching model

In general, students in the experimental and regular classes should take each account for about
10-20% of the total number of students in the whole year, and the A-level and B-level classes
together account for about 60-80%. This will form a spindle-shaped teaching pattern with two small
ends and a large middle. This pattern is conducive to teaching students according to their abilities
and maximizing the efficiency of classroom teaching. At the same time, to further mobilize students’
initiative and enthusiasm in learning English and enhance their sense of competition, the dynamic
management of the four levels of students can be implemented as a “rolling system”, with dynamic
adjustment of levels at the end of each semester according to students’ usual study status, final
exam results and personal wishes. Such level adjustment is conducive to enhancing students’ sense
of urgency and competition and helps to form a learning atmosphere of catching up with each other.
Its four-level grading structure is shown in Figure 2.

Experimental Classes

Public English Class A

four-level grading
teaching model) Class B

Basic classes such as

Figure 2. Four-tier hierarchical structure

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2.3.2 Multi-channel teaching model

In consideration of students’ English foundation and major as well as their interests, career
development and employment needs, five modules of special professional English elective courses
are offered. Each module has its clear teaching purpose and requirements, and each module sets
different teaching items according to the teaching content, and the credit hours of each module can
be long or short according to its different objectives and tasks. The structure of the five modules is
shown in Figure 3.

Basic English Module

Workplace English Module
Five modules of
professional Industry English Module
teaching model) Quality English Module
English module for examinations and certification

Figure 3. Five-module structure

3 English grading teaching model based on PLS-MLP

The purpose of English grading teaching is to achieve educational equity and improve the quality of
education, and the implementation of college English grading teaching is a further enhancement of
students with advantageous English learning. Moreover, it compensates the disadvantaged groups in
English learning, which is an inevitable choice to achieve educational equity and a higher level of
educational equity. Based on this, this paper uses partial least squares and extreme learning
institutions to construct an analytical model of English grading teaching to analyze the effectiveness
of overpass English grading teaching.

3.1 Partial least squares method

The partial least squares method is a new multivariate statistical analysis method that combines
multiple linear regression, principal component analysis, and typical correlation analysis. Its
modeling method is to determine n a sample containing independent variables, analyze all the
independent X and dependent variables Y in the n samples together, extract m principal
components t from the independent variables, and then model the matrix Y of each principal
component and dependent variable.

3.1.1 Principles of partial least squares regression modeling

A partial least squares regression was established between p the dependent { y1 , y2 ,..., y p } and n
independent variables {x1 , x2 ,..., xn } . Firstly, the first component t1 of the independent variable
and the first component u1 of the dependent variable is presented and t1 correlated u1 to the
maximum degree. Then the regression of { y1 , y2 ,..., ym } with t1 is established, and the calculation
is stopped if the accuracy meets the requirement. Otherwise, extracting the second pair of
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components is continued until satisfactory accuracy is achieved. If m components {t1 , t2 ,..., tm }

are extracted from the set of explanatory variables, the equation will build { y1 , y2 ,..., y p } a
regression and obtain { y1 , y2 ,..., y p } a PLS equation with the original independent variable. The
p dependent and n independent variables {x1 , x2 ,..., xm } must be standardized before modeling
[16]. The m standardized observation data matrix of the dependent variable combined with the
independent variables are denoted as:

 y11 y1 p   x11 x1n 

 
F1 =   E0 =  
 (1)
 ym1 ymp   xm1 xmn 

The specific steps of PLS modeling and analysis are as follows:

1) Extract the first pair of components with the highest correlation between the explanatory and
dependent variables.

Assume that t1 and u1 are the first pair of components, t1 is the linear combination of the set of
explanatory variables X = ( x1 , x2 ,..., xn )T and u1 is the linear combination of the set of dependent
variables Y = ( y1 , y2 ,..., y p )T , respectively:

t1 = w11 x1 + ... + w1n xn = w1T X

 (2)
u1 = v11 y1 + ... + v1 p y p = v1 Y

From the standardized observation data array E0 and F0 for the two sets of variables, the score
vectors for the first pair of components denoted as t1 and u1 , can be calculated as:

 x11 x1n   w11   t11 

t1 = E0 w1 =    =  
    (3)
 xm1 xmn   w1n  tm1 

 y11 y1 p   v11   u11 

    
u1 = F0v1 =    =   (4)
 ym1 ymp  v1n  um1 

The covariance Cov(t1 , u1 ) of the first pair of components t1 is calculated using the inner
product of the score vectors and the first pair of components. To satisfy the extreme value
requirement, the corresponding expression is given by:

 t1, u1 = E0 w1 , F0v1 = w1T E0T F0 x1  max

 T (5)
 w1 w1 =|| w1 || = 1, v1 v1 =|| v1 || = 1
2 T 2

Using the Lagrange multiplier method, the problem is transformed to solve for the unit vectors w1
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and v1 , such that 1 = w1T E0T F0 x1 → max . By computing the M = E0T F0 F0T E0 eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of the n  m matrix with the maximum eigenvalue of M being 12 , the solution w1
sought is the corresponding unit eigenvector v1 = F0T E0 w1 .

2) The regressions of ( y1 , y2 ,..., y p ) on t1 and ( x1 , x2 ,..., xn ) on t1 are established.

The regression model is assumed to be:

 E0 = t11T + E1
 (6)
 F0 = u11 + F1

Where the many-to-one parameter vector in the regression model is 1 , 1 , and the residual array
is E1 , F1 . The least squares estimate of the regression coefficient vector 1 , 1 is:

1 = E0 t1 || t1 ||

 T 2

 (7)
 1 = F0 t1 || t1 ||

T 2

Call 1 , 1 the model effect loadings.

3) Repeat the above steps with the residual array E1 , F1 instead of E0 , F0 .

4) Let the rank of m  n the data array E0 be r  min(m − 1, n) , then there exist r
components {t1 , t2 ,..., tr } such that:

 E0 = t11 + ... + tr r + Er

 T T

 (8)
 F0 = t11 + ... + tr  r + Fr


Substituting tk = wk1 x1 + ... + wkn xn (k = 1, 2,..., r ) into Y = t11 + ... + tr r the partial least squares
regression equation for the p dependent variables is obtained as:

y j =  j1 x1 + ... +  jn xn ( j = 1, 2,..., n) (9)

3.1.2 Variable selection and contribution margin analysis by partial least squares

An important advantage of PLS is the choice of independent variables, which can be used to
measure the importance of X j explaining Y using the variable projection importance indicator
VIPj .


VIPj = RyhWhj2 (10)
Ry (cum) h =1
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Where p is the number of independent variables, m is the number of principal components of

the independent variables, Ry (cum) is the cumulative explanation of each principal component to
the dependent variable Y , Ryh is the explanation of the principal component th to Y , and Whj
is the correlation coefficient of X j with the principal component th . Generally, VIP  1 the
independent variable is significantly correlated with the dependent variable, and a small VIP
means that the variable contributes little to the model and can be considered for elimination to
improve the stability of the model.

3.2 Extreme Learning Machine

The structure of the Extreme Learning Machine is shown in Figure 4 and differs from the traditional
neural network in that parameters w and b from the input layer to the hidden layer in the ELM
algorithm are generated by random initialization, while weights  from the hidden layer to the
output layer need to be computed by parsing [17].

x (w,b) 1 β T

1 1

i j i

N m

Input layer Hidden layers Output layer

Figure 4. Extreme Learning Machine Structure

Assuming that there is N a different sample {( xi , yi ) | xi  R d , ti  R m }iN=1 in which

xi = [ xi1 , xi 2 ,..., xid ]
is the i th set of training samples, d is the sample dimension, and
ti = [ti1 , ti 2 ,..., tim ]T is the expected output of the i th set of samples, the output matrix of the ELM
model containing L hidden layer nodes can be expressed as:

 h( x1 )   g ( w1T x1 + b1 ) g ( wLT x1 + bL ) 
 h( x )   
 2   g ( w1T x2 + b1 ) g ( wLT x2 + bL ) 
H= = (11)
   
   
 h( xN )   g ( w1 xN + b1 ) g ( wL xN + bL )  N  L

Where ( wi , bi ) is the parameter of the i nd neuron in the hidden layer, W = (w1 , w2 ,..., wL ) and
b = (b1 , b2 ,..., bL ) are the parameters acting on the input layer to the hidden layer. The activation
function g () as activation function of the neuron in the hidden layer is any nonlinear segmented
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continuous function, and the activation functions that can be chosen are the Radbas function, Sine
function, Sigmoid function, Hardlimit function, etc. The specific function expressions are shown in
Table 1.

Table 1. Common activation functions

Function Type Function expressions
Sigmoid Function g ( w, b, x) = − ( wx + b )
1+ e
1, w  x − b  0
Hard limit Function g ( w, b, x) = 
0, w  x − b  0
 || X − wij ||2 
Radbas Functions g ( w, b, x) = exp  − 
 b 2j
 
Sine Function g ( w, b, x) = sin( w  x + b)

The ELM model approximates the training sample by H =Y zero error,

 = [ 1 ,  2 ,...,  L ]  
is the output weight, i = [ i1 , i 2 ,..., im ] is the output weight of the
Lm T

i th hidden layer neuron, and T is the target matrix of the training set, i.e.:

 t1T   t11 t1m 

 
T =  =  
 (12)
t NT  t N 1 t Nm  N m
  N m

The training objective of ELM is that by training the model parameters, the output of the model can
be made to maximize the approximation to the training sample, and the objective function can be
expressed as:

Minimize : LELM = || H  − T ||22 (13)

When the activation function g () is infinitely differentiable, the hidden layer output matrix H is
fixed for a given parameter wi , bi . The output weights  are solved in two cases according to the
relationship between the number of neurons L in the hidden layer and the number of training
samples N :

First, when L = N equation (11) is a square matrix, then the output matrix H of the hidden layer
is invertible, and the output weight  can be obtained using the inverse matrix solution.

Second, when L  N , i.e. L  N , equation (11) is no longer a square matrix, the traditional
method of inverse matrix solution is no longer applicable; at this time, choose the least squares
method to obtain  , that is:

ˆ = H +T (14)

where H + is the generalized inverse matrix of H .

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3.3 PLS-ELM model building

ELM is a qualitative leap compared to SLFNs, such as a significant reduction in learning time
(especially for large data), a more diverse selection of activation functions, and no need to consider
optimal solutions such as overfitting and convex optimization. However, the following are some of
the drawbacks:

1) The stochastic itself is not optimal, which will make the network structure more complex,
affecting the least squares parametric solution, which will seriously affect the stability of the

2) The number of nodes in the hidden layer is artificially adjusted according to the actual
situation, and the small number of times can be within the acceptable range, while a large
number of times will greatly waste the training time.

3) There is no process to form closed-loop feedback by associating the computational results

with the residual RES, which would result in better generalization performance if
closed-loop feedback could be formed.

This paper proposes an improvement process for PLS-ELM to address the above problems. The
specific steps are as follows:

1) Use X = x1 , x2 ,..., xm , Y = y1 , y2 ,..., y p as the input and output matrices of ELM

(corresponding to the training and test sets). The data are first processed using the PLS
algorithm to calculate the principal component scores r and the weights of each principal
component wi .

2) The number of neurons (nodes) in the hidden layer of ELM is the number of primary
components r , wi as the weights between the input layer and the hidden layer and  as
the initial weights between the hidden layer and the output layer.

3) The activation function is generally selected as linear and nonlinear functions. The Sigmoid
function can be used for the second classification and has a beautiful S-shaped curve, as
shown in Figure 5 [18].

Figure 5. Sigmoid function curve

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However, the Sigmoid curve also suffers from the problem that when deriving the error gradient in
the reverse direction, the derivation will involve division, which is a tedious operation, and also, for
deep networks, it is very easy to produce gradient disappearance.

Thus, in this paper, we choose Softmax the function that projects a certain r -dimensional vector
z containing any real number into a r -dimensional real vector  ( z ) with each element between
(0,1) and a sum of 1. It also has a strong nonlinear mapping capability, and its computational
expression is:

e zi
 ( z )i = i = 1, 2,..., r (15)
i zi

The functions of the output layer are selected as follows:

y =   i ti (16)
i =1

The network structure of PLS-ELM is shown in Figure 6.

e z1
 ( z )1 =
1 z
1 β1

x1 w12

w1r e z2 β2 r
 ( z )2 = y =  i ti

e z2 i =1
wm1 1

xm wm2 βr
e zr
 ( z )r =

e zr

Figure 6. PLS-ELM network structure diagram

4) Adjustment of weights. The network error is calculated first, and its calculation expression

e= ( y − y)2 (17)

The derivative of the ELM is based on its error. Combined with the activation function, this leads to
the following:
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e = y − y
 (18)
 i =  i +  ti e

5) Need to close the loop feedback through the residuals whether the whole training process is
over; if still can not meet the requirements, then need to return to the activation function; the
overall process is shown in Figure 7.


Test Set X Training set Y

PLS improves the weights of each

connection layer of ELM and the
number of nodes in the implicit layer

Yes Residuals to
PLS-ELM mathematical model
End determine if network
network training
training is over

No Correction of weights by activation

function with error formula

Figure 7. PLS-ELM network training flow chart

3.4 Development of English Graded Teaching Model

The English grading teaching data in this model specifically refers to the teaching evaluations of
students of different learning levels on the teaching contents, teaching methods, and teaching in the
process of English grading teaching in colleges and universities. Students’ evaluation of English
grading teaching is used to verify the validity of the English grading teaching model.

The PLS-ELM model analysis is conducted with universities as the spatial sample, English grading
teaching student evaluation data as the independent variable matrix X and student data as the
dependent variable matrix Y . Student evaluation indicators highly correlated with changes in
English grading teaching data are selected to obtain the driving mechanism of student evaluation on
English grading teaching, and an English grading teaching model is established by student
evaluation. The main modeling steps include establishing the best principal component score,
selecting the independent variables, i.e., student evaluation indicators, and outputting the model in 3
main steps.

3.4.1 Determination of principal components

The key technique of partial least squares is principal component analysis, which can be used to
reduce the data’s dimensionality, reflect the data’s patterns, and help improve the stability of the
model. Therefore, before screening the independent variables in the PLS-ELM model, it is
necessary to determine the optimal number of principal components, which should represent as
much information as possible X , explain as much information as possible, and consider the
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accuracy of the model. Thus, in this study, the three indicators considered in the principal
components are represented Rx (cum), Ry (cum) for ELT student assessment and Ry (cum) student

3.4.2 Selection of independent variables

The in-depth screening of student evaluation indicators still needs to be done with the help of
objective mathematical and statistical methods, and the combination of the two helps to obtain
results that satisfy the actual situation and are more convincing. Therefore, based on the
establishment of principal components, screening student evaluation index data obtained from
English teaching data, i.e., independent variable, using the value of VIP in the PLS-ELM model
analysis is an effective way to establish an optimal English grading teaching model. In the selection
process, generally, VIP  1 then, the independent variable is considered to be importantly related
to the dependent variable, and the indicator is retained, and a small VIP means that the variable
contributes little to the model and can be considered for exclusion to improve the stability of the

3.4.3 Output English Graded Teaching Model

Based on the regression of the screened student evaluation indicators on the English fan teaching
indicators, an English grading teaching model was developed, and the model results were output to
reflect the driving mechanism of the student evaluation data on the changes in English grading

4 Empirical Analysis of English-Graded Instruction

The English grading teaching model was constructed to help students better learn English, fully
motivate them, help teachers organize their teaching effectively, meet the needs of the times, and
promote the reform of college English teaching comprehensively. Based on this, the English
grading teaching model was implemented in two stages and four semesters, and the data of students’
teaching evaluations were collected and organized. The quantitative analysis of student evaluation
data is conducted to verify the effectiveness of the English grading teaching model based on the
PLS-ELM model.

4.1 Analysis of student satisfaction

Quantitative data analysis on students’ satisfaction and adaptation to the first stage of graded
instruction and the second stage of modular courses was conducted to see the impact of the
reformed English language teaching model on students’ learning of English. The results of the
student evaluation satisfaction analysis are shown in Figure 8.

From the results of the implementation of English graded instruction, students expressed relative
approval of graded instruction, with 53.71%, 32.86%, and 13.43% evaluating very satisfied,
generally satisfied, and dissatisfied, respectively. It can be seen that students think that grading
English teaching can better ensure that students can improve their teaching objectives, teaching
objects, teaching contents, teaching methods, teaching processes, teaching situations, and teaching
evaluations in all aspects. Implementing English grading can better motivate students, help teachers
organize teaching effectively, and promote the reform of the English teaching mode.
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Figure 8. Satisfaction analysis results

4.2 Comparative analysis of student performance

For the application of the English-graded teaching mode, this section illustrates the effectiveness of
the English-graded teaching mode by using the English test scores after implementing the two
phases and four semesters. The results of the English exams in listening, reading, general, writing,
speaking, vocabulary, and grammar were compiled and analyzed in comparison with the results of
students who did not implement the English-graded instruction model, and the results of this
analysis are shown in Figure 9.

From the comparison of the scores of students who implemented English-graded instruction and
those who did not, the students in the class with graded instruction had higher scores in all English
than those in the control group. Regarding listening scores, the average score of students in the
experimental group was 87.4, while the average score in the control group was 79.2. The average
score of students with English-graded instruction increased by 10.35%, which indicates that the
graded instruction mode can help students better train their listening and achieve a leap in their
English listening ability. The average score of students in the experimental group was 91.9, and the
average score in the control group was 76.6. The average score of students who implemented
English-graded instruction increased by 19.97%, indicating that the English-graded instruction
mode can provide students with more comprehensive English teaching ability and help them
improve their overall English ability by coordinating vocabulary and grammar.

This shows that the English grading model can help students understand their learning situation
better, understand each student’s wishes and respect them, and enhance their interest in learning
English. The English grading model can also be used to develop more diversified English teaching
courses and learning programs to promote students’ learning ability and achieve English teaching
Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences (aop) (aop)

Figure 9. Comparative Analysis of Results

5 Conclusion

The ultimate goal of implementing college English grading instruction is to allow students to
acquire the knowledge they need at different levels and improve their ability to apply English in
practice. In this paper, a PLS-ELM model was constructed to analyze the English grading model’s
principal components and independent variables, starting from partial least squares and extreme
learning machines. To promote the in-depth implementation of English grading instruction, the
following suggestions were made:

1) Determine the grading criteria. Classes should be prepared according to students’ English
proficiency and test results to objectively understand the English knowledge level of
entering freshmen and reasonably set the teaching objectives of grading.

2) Enrich teaching methods. Starting from the actual needs of students, enriching teaching
methods is conducive to individualized learning. Fully mobilize teachers’ enthusiasm and
strengthen classroom teaching so that the English level of students at all levels can be
steadily improved.

3) Improve teaching management. Clarify the specific responsibilities of departmental

administrators at all levels to form a systematic grading management system, guarantee the
benign development of grading teaching, achieve fairness in grading teaching resources, and
arrange the most optimal teaching staff for different levels of classes.

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