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ISSN: 0027-5514 (Print) 1557-2536 (Online) Journal homepage:

Molecular systematics and phylogeography of the

Gibberella fujikuroi species complex

Kerry O'Donnell, Elizabeth Cigelnik & Helgard I. Nirenberg

To cite this article: Kerry O'Donnell, Elizabeth Cigelnik & Helgard I. Nirenberg (1998) Molecular
systematics and phylogeography of the Gibberella�fujikuroi species complex, Mycologia, 90:3,
465-493, DOI: 10.1080/00275514.1998.12026933

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Published online: 28 Aug 2018.

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MJCologia, 90(3), 199H, pp. 465-493.
© 1998 by The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, :\'Y 104.'i8-.'il26

Molecular systematics and phytogeography of the

Gibberella Jujikuroi species complex

Kerry O'DonnelP and ITS2 type-specific polymerase chain reaction

Microbial Properties Research, National Center for (PCR) primers and DNA sequence analysis. Only the
Agricultural Utilization Research, Agricultural major ITS2 type is discernible when conserved ITS
Research Service, United States Department of primers are used; however, a minor ITS2 type was
Agriculture, Peoria, Illinois 6I604-3999
amplified from every strain tested with type-specific
Elizabeth Cigelnik PCR primers. The evolutionary pattern exhibited by
Microbial Properties Research, National Center for the major ITS2 type is homoplastic when mapped
Agricultural Utilization Research, Agricultural onto the species lineages inferred from the com-
Research Service, United States Department of bined nuclear 28S rDNA, mtSSU rDNA, and [3-tubu-
Agriculture, Peoria, Illinois 61604-3999
lin gene sequences. Remarkably, the data indicate the
Helgard I. Nirenberg major ITS2 type has switched between a type I and
Biologische Bundesanstalt fiir Land- und type II sequence at least three times during the evo-
Forstwirtschajt, Institut fiir Mikrobiologie, Konigin- lution of the G. Jujikuroi complex, but neither type
Luise-Stra}Je 19, D-14195 Berlin, German)' has been fixed in any of the 45 species examined.
Twenty-six of the 45 species included in this study
represent either new species (23 species), new com-
Abstract: Phylogenetic relationships of the phyto- binations (F. bulbi cola and F. phyllophilum), or a re-
pathogenic Gibberella Jujikuroi species complex were discovered species (F. lactis). The results further in-
investigated by maximum parsimony analysis of DNA dicate that traditional sectional and species-level tax-
sequences from multiple loci. Gene trees inferred onomic schemes for this lineage are artificial and a
from the [3-tubulin gene exons and introns, mito- more natural classification is proposed.
chondrial small subunit (mtSSU) rDNA, and 5' por- Key Words: [3-tubulin, biogeography, evolution,
tion of the nuclear 28S rDNA were largely concor- fungi, Hypocreales, ITS, mtSSU rDNA, phylogeny,
dant, and in a combined analysis, provide strong sta- phytopathogens
tistical support for a phylogeny consistent with spe-
cies radiations in South America, Mrica, and Asia.
These analyses place the American clade as a mono-
phyletic sister-group of an Mrican-Asian clade. Mrica
is the most phylogenetically diverse area examined Gibberella Jujikuroi (Sawada) Wollenw. is a polytypic
with 16 species, followed by America (12 species) and species complex with anamorphs in Fusarium. Fusar-
Asia (8 species). The biogeographic hypothesis pro- ia within this complex are best noted for many eco-
posed from the phylogenetic evidence is based pri- nomically-important plant diseases such as the gib-
marily on the formation of natural barriers associated berellin-induced "bakanae" or "foolish seedling"
with the fragmentation of the ancient super-conti- disease of Oryza sativa (Sun and Snyder, 1981), pitch
nent Gondwana. Discordance of the nuclear riboso- canker of Pinus spp. (Correll et al., 1992), stalk rot
mal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) based tree with of Zea mays and Sorghum bicolor (Leslie, 1995), vas-
gene trees from the other loci sequenced is due to cular wilt of Cajanus cajan and Cicer arietinum
nonorthologous ITS2 sequences. The molecular evi- (Booth, 1971), Ficus carica endosepsis (Subbarao and
dence suggests the divergent ITS2 types were com- Michailides, 1993), and Ananas comosus fruit rot
bined by an ancient interspecific hybridization (xen- (Bolkan et al., 1979); for secondary metabolites such
ologous origin) or gene duplication (paralogous or- as the gibberellin plant hormones (Cerda-Olmedo et
igin) that predates the evolutionary radiation of the al., 1994); and for the production of potent toxins
G. Jujikuroi complex. Two highly divergent nonor- such as fumonisins, moniliformin, fusarin C, fusaric
thologous ITS2 types designated type I and type II acid (Marasas et al., 1984; Nelson et al., 1992; Leslie,
were identified and characterized with conserved ITS 1995) and beauvericin (Moretti et al., 1996).
Fusaria have been variously sorted into infragener-
Accepted for publication October l.'i, 1997. ic groupings called sections based on similar ana-
1 Email: kodonnell@sunca.ncaur.usda.go\'
morphic features, but many sections are artificial


Published online 28 Aug 2018


TABLE I. Species accepted within the Gibberella fujikuroi complex•

O'Donnell, Cigelnik, and Nirenberg Gerlach and Nirenberg (1982) Nelson eta!. (1983)
F. acutatum Nirenberg & O'Donnellh
F. annulatum Bugnicourt' annulatum insufficiently documented
F. anthvphilum (A. Braun) Wollenw. anthvphilum anthvphilum
F. bactridioides Wollenw. bactridioides (section Discolor) sambucinum (section Discolor)
F. begoniae Nirenberg & O'Donnell
F. brevicatenulatum Nirenberg et a!.
F. bulbicola Nirenberg & O'Donnell sacchari var. elongatum subglutinans
F. circinatum Nirenberg & O'Donnellci subglutinans
F. concentricum Nirenberg & O'Donnell
F. denticulatum Nirenberg & O'Donnell"
F. dlaminii Marasas et aJ.l
F. fujikuroi Nirenberg MP-C~ fujikuroi moniliforme
F. globosum Rheeder et a!.
F. guttiforme Nirenberg & O'Donnellh
F. lactis Pirotta & Riboni;
F. napiforme Marasas et a!. 1
F. nygamai Burgess & TrimboJil
F. phyllvphilum Nirenberg & O'Donnellg..i proliferatum var. minus moniliforme
F. proliferatum (Matsushima) Nirenberg MP-D proliferatum proliferatum
[see F. annulatum]'"
F. pseudoanthvphilum Nirenberg et a!.
F. pseudocircinatum O'Donnell & Nirenberg
F. pseudonygamai O'Donnell & Nirenbergk
F. ramigenum O'Donnell & Nirenberg1
F. sacchari (Butler) W. Gams MP-B sacchari var. sacchari subglutinans
[=F. neoceras Wollenw. & Reinking]"'
F. subglutinans (Wollenw. & Reinking) Nelson sacchari var. subglutinans subglutinans
eta!. MP-E"'
F. succisae (Schroter) Sacc. succisae insufficiently documented
F. thapsinum Klittich et a!. MP-Fg moniliforme
F. udum Butler udum (section Elegans) insufficiently documented
F. verticillioides (Sacc.) Nirenberg MP-Ag verticillioides moniliforme
African clade•
Fusarium sp. 25221
Asian clade"
Fusarium sp. 25226
Fusarium sp. 25303
Fusarium sp. 25309

(O'Donnell, 1993, 1997; O'Donnell and Gray, 1995, ber and Reinking, 1925) which by definition ex-
Mule et al., 1997). The G. fujikuroi complex (TABLE cludes species that produce chlamydospores. Section
I) is highly controversial taxonomically, as reflected Dlaminia was proposed by Kwasna et al. (1991) to
in the widely divergent morphological species con- accommodate four Liseola-like species described
cepts (MSC) adopted in traditional morphology- since 1985 that were not classified within section Lis-
based classification schemes for the genus. Booth eola because they produce chlamydospores. Section
( 1971), for example, recognized one species and one Liseola, however, is paraphyletic because three chla-
variety, Nirenberg (1976) and Gerlach and Niren- mydospore-forming species classified in section
berg ( 1982) six species and four varieties, and Nelson Dlaminia (i.e., F. dlaminii, F. nygamai, and F.
et al. (1983) four species (TABLE I); however, in the napiforme) are phylogenetically nested within section
present synthesis 36 species are recognized within Liseola (O'Donnell and Cigelnik, 1997). F. nisikadoi
this complex. In the four aforementioned morphol- (Nirenberg and Aoki, 1998) would be placed in Lis-
ogy-based taxonomic treatments, species within this eola on morphological grounds, but this classification
complex are classified in section Liseola (Wollenwe- would result in the polyphyly of Liseola. Results re-

TABLE I. Continued

O'Donnell, Cigelnik, and Nirenberg Gerlach and Nirenberg (1982) Nelson et al. (1983)
American clade•
Fusarium sp. 25195
Fusarium sp. 25204
Fusarium sp. 25346"
Fusarium sp. DAR 70287P
a The Gibberella fujikuroi complex roughly corresponds to section Liseola, but we avoid using this sectional name because
it is paraphyletic as currently defined. Furthermore, inclusion of Fusarium nisikadoi (Nirenberg and Aoki, 1998) in Liseola
is supported by the morphological e\idence but this classification would result in the polyphyly of this section.
h Received misidentified as F. udum FRC 0-1116 and 0-1117.

< Because F. proliferatum is a later synonym of F. annulatum, we are preparing a proposal to conserve the well-known species

F. proliferatum over F. annulatum which is known only from a single collection (Bugnicourt, 1952).
"The pine canker pathogen is currently called F. subglutinans f. sp. pini (Correll et al., 1992; Viljoen et al., 1995, 1997).
,. Incorrectly identified as F. lateritium from Ipomoea batatas (Nelson et al., 1995; Clark et al., 1995).
r Three chlamydospore-forming species described since 1985 were not classified in section Liseola but are members of the
Gibberella fujikuroi complex: F. dlaminii (as F. dlamini, Marasas et al., 1985), F. napiforme (Marasas et al., 1987), and F.
nygamai (Burgess and Trimboli, 1986).
~Note that Nelson et al. (1983) apply the name F. moniliforme Sheldon to four different species [F. fujikuroi MP-C, F.
phyllophilum, F. verticillioides MP-A, and Fusarium thapsinum MP-F]. F. verticillioides MP-A has priority over the later synonym
F. moniliforme.
This pathogen of Ananas comosus (pineapple) has been called F. moniliformevar. subglutinans (Bolkan et al., 1979; ATCC
38067 = NRRL 25037), F. subglutinans (Viljoen et al., 1995; MRC 6784 = NRRL 25624), and F. sacchari var. sacchari (CBS
184.29 = NRRL 22945).
i Received misidentified as F. moniliforme isolated from Ficus carica (Subbarao and Michailides, 1993); also misidentified as

F. proliferatum (Marasas et al., 1995).

i A distinct species in the African clade rather than a variety of F. proliferatum (Gerlach and Nirenberg, 1982); also received
misidentified as F. proliferatum FRC M-1219 = NRRL 13296.
k Misidentified as F. nygamai FRC M-1166 = NRRL 13592 (Nelson et al., 1992) and FRC M-1324 = NRRL 6022 (Marasas

et al., 1988b).
1 Received misidentified as F. moniliforme from Ficus carica (Subbarao and Michailides, 1993).

"' Note that the name F. subglutinans MP-E is incorrectly applied to F. sacchari MP-B by Nelson et al. (1983). F. sacchari
MP-B has priority over the later synonym F. neoceras.
"One species within the African clade, three in the Asian clade, and four in the American clade will be described separately.
u Received misidentified as F. lateritium from Ipomoea batatas (Nelson et al., 1995; Clark et al., 1995).

rThe holotype of F. babinda DAR 70287 (Summerell et al., 1995) is discordant with the protologue. Our molecular and
morphological data indicate the type is phylogenetically distinct from authentic cultures of F. babinda (NRRL 25539, 25540).

ported in the present study further indicate that sec- O'Donnell and Cigelnik (1997), extended to 45 spe-
tion Dlaminia is polyphyletic because F. beomiforme is cies in the present study, provide strong support for
not a member of this clade. Although genetically dis- the view that the PSC offers the best means for de-
tinct biological species called mating populations scribing the phyletic diversity and evolutionary rela-
(MPs) A through G have been identified within the tionships within Fusarium.
G. Jujikuroi complex (Leslie, 1995), a biological spe- In prior molecular systematic studies, partial nucle-
cies classification (BSC) has had little impact on the ar 28S rDNA (Guadet et al., 1989; Peterson and La-
taxonomy of Fusarium. Fusarium binomials are used grieco, 1991) and ribosomal internal transcribed
throughout this paper because Gibberella teleo- spacer (ITS) restriction length fragment length poly-
morphs are known for only nine of the 45 species morphism (RFLP) and sequence data (Waalwijk et
included in the present study and because binomials al., 1996a, b) were used to infer phylogenetic rela-
have not been proposed for most of the Gibberella tionships within Fusarium; however, the extent of
teleomorphs. The phylogenetic species concept RFLP and sequence variation was insufficient to dis-
(PSC; Nixon and Wheeler, 1990) advocated in tinguish biological species within the G. Jujikuroi
O'Donnell and Cigelnik (1997) demonstrated a one- complex. Randomly amplified polymorphic data
to-one correlation between the PSC and BSC which (RAPD; Voigt et al., 1995; Amoah et al., 1996) and
indicates that both concepts represent fundamental isozyme variation (Huss et al., 1996) distinguishes bi-
taxonomic units. However, resu,lts obtained by ological species within this complex, but these data

are too homoplastic (i.e., similarities due to conver- gens, and to investigate the evolution of ITS2
gence, parallelism, and reversal rather than from evo- polymorphisms further in the context of a robust mo-
lution by common descent) to infer phylogenetic re- lecular phylogeny. The "gene tree/species tree"
lationships (O'Donnell and Cigelnik, 1997). problem illustrated by the ITS2 polymorphisms is
Published molecular phylogenies have demonstrat- particularly significant because the ITS region has
ed the utility of sequences from the nuclear gene for been used extensively in species-level molecular sys-
~-tubulin (Tsai et al., 1994; Schardl et al., 1994), and tematic studies on a wide range of fungi, plants, and
the mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU) rDNA animals (Tsai et al., 1994; Waalwijk et al., 1996b; Bald-
(LoBuglio et al., 1993; Hibbett and Donoghue, 1995) win et al., 1995; Wendel et al., 1995a; Vogler and
at the interspecific level in fungi. A highly resolved DeSalle, 1994).
phylogeny was recently inferred for 17 species within
the G. Jujikuroi complex and its putative sister-group,
F. oxysporum Schlecht., from DNA sequence data MATERIALS AND METHODS
from multiple unlinked loci, including the mtSSU
Material studied.-All strains listed in Appendix I are
rDNA, 5' portion of the nuclear 28S rDNA, and ~­
tubulin gene exons and introns (O'Donnell and Cig- stored cryogenically at -175 C or by lyophilization
elnik, 1997). Surprisingly, O'Donnell and Cigelnik in the ARS Culture Collection (NRRL), NCAUR, Pe-
( 1997) demonstrated that every strain of the Fusar- oria, Illinois. The ingroup taxa were chosen to rep-
ium species tested possesses two highly divergent resent the complete range of taxonomic and phylo-
ITS2 sequences that exhibit a homoplastic pattern of genetic variation within the G. Jujikuroi complex. All
evolution when mapped onto the species lineages in- mating experiments were conducted as described in
ferred from the combined nuclear 28S rDNA, mtSSU Klittich and Leslie ( 1992).
rDNA and ~-tubulin gene sequence data. The avail-
DNA extraction.-Mycelium for DNA extraction was
able data suggest that the ITS2 types were combined
grown in yeast-malt broth (0.3% yeast extract, 0.3%
either by an ancient interspecific hybridization (xen-
malt extract, 0.5% peptone, 2% dextrose), harvested
ologous origin) or gene duplication (paralogous or-
and lyophilized (O'Donnell, 1992). DNA was extract-
igin) that predates the evolutionary radiation of the
ed using a modification of the SDS mini prep method
G. Jujikuroi complex. In that study, two divergent
of Raeder and Broda ( 1985) described in O'Donnell
nonorthologous (i.e., homologs that did not arise via
( 1993). This phenol-based protocol was subsequently
speciation), intragenomic ITS2 types were shown to
replaced with a CTAB (hexadecyltrimethylammon-
exhibit a long persistence time, having escaped from
concerted evolution across many speciation events. ium bromide; Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis) mini-
Although rDNA multigene families are best known prep (Gardes and Bruns, 1993) modified slightly. Ly-
for the high degree of intraspecific homogeneity as ophilized mycelium (-50 mg) was pulverized in a
a result of evolving together by concerted evolution 1.5-ml microfuge tube with a pipet tip, resuspended
(Zimmer et al., 1980), the remarkable and unex- in 600-800 JJ.L of a CTAB extraction buffer ( 100 mM
pected discovery of highly divergent nonorthologous Tris-Cl pH 8.4, 1.4 M NaCl, 25 mM EDTA pH 8.0,
ITS2 types appears to counter the concerted evolu- 2% CTAB) and incubated at 65 C for 30-60 min.
tion dogma. In addition, polymorphisms within the Mter the extraction step, an equal volume of chlo-
intergenic spacer (IGS) rDNA of F. oxysporum also roform was added to each tube, vortexed briefly, and
indicate that this region of the nuclear rDNA has es- then spun for 10 min at 12 300 g in a microfuge
caped concerted evolution (Appel and Gordon, (Savant, Holbrook, New York). The upper phase was
1996). transferred to a 1.5-ml microfuge tube where the
The goal of the present research is to use DNA DNA was precipitated by the addition of 600 JJ.L of
sequence data from multiple loci on a much-expand- -20 C isopropanol. Mter the DNA was pelleted at 12
ed dataset (Appendix I), including more taxa and 300 g for 5 min, the supernatant was discarded and
characters, to further assess the phylogenetic rela- the DNA pellet was gently washed with 70% ethanol
tionship of the Gibberella fujikuroi and Fusarium ox- and resuspended in 100 JJ.L TE buffer ( 10 mM Tris-
ysporum complexes (O'Donnell and Cigelnik, 1995, Cl pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA pH 8.0) by heating in a 65
1997), to infer phylogenetic relationships within the C block for about 30 min. Once the DNA pellet was
G. Jujikuroi complex in order to critically evaluate completely dissolved, 4 JJ.L of genomic DNA was add-
species-level systematics within this agronomically-im- ed to 1 mL of either double-distilled H~O or TE/10
portant monophyletic lineage, to formulate a biogeo- (10 mM Tris-Cl pH 8.0, 0.1 mM EDTA pH 8.0) and
graphic hypothesis to investigate the patterns of spe- used as a template for amplification by the polymer-
ciation and evolutionary origins of these plant patho- ase chain reaction (PCR).

PCR and DNA sequencing.-Conditions for PCR have filtration through 2 ml spin columns (5' ~ 3', Inc.;
been described (O'Donnell and Cigelnik, 1997). To Boulder, Colorado) containing super-fine Sephadex
obtain readable sequence data of the minor ITS2 and G-50 (Pharmacia; Piscataway, New Jersey) equilibrat-
[3-tubulin gene from a few species, PCR products ed in double-distilled H~O. Sequencing reactions
were cloned with the Prime PCR Cloner Kit (5' ~ were run on an Applied Biosystems 373A DNA se-
3', Inc.; Boulder, Colorado). A quick PCR mini prep quencer in a 6% gel mix (BioRad; Richmond, Cali-
(J. W. Taylor, pers. comm.) was used to amplify the fornia) in 1 X TBE buffer (22 mM Na2 EDTA, 0.89 M
cloned insert out of the vector with the external PCR tris base, and 0.89 M boric acid).
primer pair. A pipet tip was touched to a recombi-
nant bacterial colony and the tip was immersed brief- Phylogenetic analysis.-DNA sequences were aligned
ly in a PCR tube containing the complete PCR mix- visually with the QEdit Version 2.15 DOS text editor
ture prior to amplification via PCR. PCR fragments software program (SemWare; Marietta, Georgia). Se-
were sequenced as described below. quences of the 45 exemplars have been deposited in
Locations of the nuclear ribosomal DNA PCR and GenBank under the following accession numbers:
sequencing primers are indicated in FIG. 2; maps U34413-U34421, U34423-U34428, U34430-U34435,
showing locations of the [3-tubulin gene and mtSSU U34438-U34447, U34449-U34454, U34456-U34461,
rDNA primers are presented in O'Donnell and Cig- U34468-U344 76, U344 78-034483, U34485-U34490,
elnik (1997). The nuclear ribosomal DNA internal U34497-U34505, U34507-U34512, U34514-U34519,
transcribed spacer (ITS) region and 5' end of the U34526-U34534, U34536-U34541, U34543-U34548,
28S rDNA gene spanning domains D1 and D2 were U34555-U34563, U34565-U34570, U34572-U34577,
amplified with the ITS5 and NL4 primer pair (White and U61540-U61695. Sequence alignments are avail-
et al., 1990; O'Donnell, 1993), [3-tubulin gene with able upon request from the senior author. Phyloge-
Tl and T22 (O'Donnell and Cigelnik, 1997), and netic relationships were inferred from the aligned se-
mtSSU rDNA with MS1 and MS2 (White et al., 1990) quences for each dataset with PAUP version 3.1.1
in a Perkin Elmer 9600 thermal cycler using the fas- (Swofford, 1993) and MacClade Version 3.01 (Mad-
test ramp times as follows: 35 to 40 cycles of 30 s at dison and Maddison, 1992). Alignment gaps were
94 C, 30 s at 52 C, and 90 s at 72 C, followed by a 4 treated as missing because few were phylogenetically
C soak. The ITS5 X NL4 primer pair amplify the informative. The heuristic search option with 1000
major ITS2 type from each species. Multiple strains random addition sequences was used to infer maxi-
of every species tested contain a second, minor ITS2 mum parsimony trees. Clade stability was assessed by
type recovered with ITS2 type I (IF) or type II-specific 1000 bootstrap replications (Hillis and Bull, 1993)
(IIF) PCR primers paired with NL4 (FIGS. 3, 4). Type- and by decay indices (Bremer, 1988; Donoghue et al.,
specific reverse primers nested in the ITS2 (IR 5'- 1992) calculated from PAUP tree files containing
GCCAGTCCCAACACCAAGCTG; and IIR 5'-CGA- 32 000 trees up to 10 steps longer than the most par-
TCCCCAACACCAAACCCG) were paired with the simonious trees (MPT). Other measures, including
forward primer ITS5 in separate PCR experiments to maximum sequence divergence, tree length, and
determine whether polymorphisms were present consistency and retention indices (CI and Rl), were
within the ITS1 region contiguous with the minor calculated with PAUP 3.1.1 (Swofford, 1993). The
type I and type II ITS2 (O'Donnell and Cigelnik, Kishino and Hasegawa ( 1989) test was used to com-
1997). PCR cycling conditions with the type-specific pare alternative constrained and unconstrained to-
primers were the same as above except that the an- pologies using the DNAML program in PHYLIP
nealing temperature was elevated to 64 C. Following 3.55c (Felsenstein, 1993). Base composition and ap-
PCR, amplified DNA was purified with GeneClean II proximate transition/transversion ratios were derived
and both strands were sequenced with the Perkin- with Mac Clade from PAUP tree files consisting of the
Elmer Applied Biosystems (Foster City, California) equally most-parsimonious trees. MacClade (Maddi-
Taq DyeDeoxy Terminator cycle sequencing kit with son and Maddison, 1992) was used to map biogeo-
AmpliTaq DNA polymerase FS in a Perkin Elmer graphic origin onto a strict consensus cladogram of
9600 thermal cycler programmed with the fastest the 78 most-parsimonious trees for the G. Jujikuroi
ramp times as follows: 25 cycles of 15 s at 96 C and complex as in Hibbett et al. (1995). For this analysis,
4 min at 55 C, followed by a 4 C soak. Twelve se- species origin was coded as Mrican (AF), Asian (AS),
quencing primers were used to sequence the nuclear American (AM), Australian (AU), or equivocal (?).
rDNA (White et al., 1990; O'Donnell, 1996), ten for Geographic origins of 12 species, including several
the [3-tubulin gene (O'Donnell and Cigelnik, 1997), that are widespread, were coded as equivocal follow-
and four for the mtSSU rDNA (O'Donnell, 1996). ing the recommendation of Kluge (1988). Origins of
Sequencing reaction mixtures were purified by gel nine of the 12 species coded as equivocal were re-

solved by MacClade. To examine evolution of the ma- A
jor ITS2 type, we used MacClade to optimize this
character on the consensus cladogram of the 84
most-parsimonious trees obtained for the entire da-
taset. B so
A modification of Nixon and Wheeler's (1990)
phylogenetic species concept (PSC) was adopted in 40
order to extend the PSC to all terminal taxa within
the study. Species are defined as exclusive popula- ~
Q) 30
tions or lineages which are diagnosable by a unique Ci5
combination of fixed apomorphies. This definition 20
attempts to represent a synthesis of available infor-
mation from molecular phylogenetics, morphology, 10
and mating behavior.

Alignment.-The 13-tubulin gene accounts for the
greatest number of substitutions within the com-
c 25
bined dataset (FIG. 1A; 72.5%), followed by the mi-
tochondrial small subunit (mtSSU) rDNA (19.5%), 20
and 5' portion of the nuclear 28S rDNA (8%). A
similar pattern was observed among these loci when ~ 15

the analysis was restricted to the G. fujikuroi complex ~

(J) 10
(FIG. 1C, TABLE 1): 13-tubulin gene (75.8%), mtSSU
rDNA (19.3%), and the 5' portion of the nuclear 28S 5
rDNA (4.9%). The 13-tubulin gene copy we se-
quenced from Fusarium is orthologous with tub2 of
F. verticillioides (synonym = F. moniliforme Sheldon; 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500
Yan and Dickman, 1996) and Epichloii typhina (Pers.) Site
Tul. (Byrd et al., 1990), and benA of Aspergillus ni-
FIG. 1. A. Map of the three unlinked loci sequenced that
dulans (Eidam) Wint. (May et al., 1987). [3-tubulin
comprise the combined dataset (mtSSU rDNA = 770 bp,
gene introns were over twice as informative as exons, nuclear 28S rDNA = 535 bp, ~-tubulin gene = 1300 bp).
and substitutions within exons were strongly biased Introns numbered 1-4 interrupt the coding region in the
towards transitions in the third codon position (FIG. ~-tubulin gene. Distribution of the average number of steps
1C). Of the 203 variable sites within exons, 11 (5.4%) B. for the entire dataset (45 species) and C. for the G. Ju-
were in the first position, 1 (0.5%) in the second, jikuroi complex (36 species) were calculated with MacClade
and 191 (94.1 %) in the third position. Intron posi- from files composed of the equally most-parsimonious trees
tions within the open reading frame are conserved obtained with PAUP, using a 25 bp interval.
in Fusarium and Epichloii (Byrd et al., 1990): 5.0, 13.0,
54.0, and 317.2 (FIG. 1A). Virtually all PCR-amplified
DNA fragments were sequenced directly. Heteroge- quired five independent single base pair insertion/
nous PCR pools of [3-tubulin gene amplified from F. deletion mutations in the ITS1 and all but one of
redolensWollenw. (Wollenweber, 1913) and the minor these occurred in outgroups to the G. fujikuroi com-
ITS2 from F. annulatum were cloned to obtain read- plex. Alignment of the major type I and type II ITS2
able sequence data. sequences required 10 independent insertion/ dele-
Boundaries of the ITS1, 5.8S rDNA gene, and ITS2 tion mutations ( =indels) and 8 of these involved spe-
were determined by comparison with published se- cies within the G. fujikuroi complex. Most indels were
quences of the ITS region (O'Donnell, 1992). The 1 or 3 bp but the longest was 6 bp in the type I ITS2.
ITS region varies in length from 455 bp to 474 bp, The ITS2 sequences were analyzed without a contig-
including 158 bp of the 5.8S rDNA gene. The length uous stretch of 19 ambiguously aligned nucleotides.
of the ITS1 ranges from 146 bp to 149 bp. The major The ambiguous region includes 12 nucleotides at the
type II ITS2 is longer (161-167 bp) and has a higher 5' end of the type I ITS2-specific primer IF (FIG. 3)
GC% (57%) compared with the major type I ITS2 and 7 bp 5' to this primer not shown in FIG. 3 (see
(151-153 bp; GC% =52%). Sequence alignment re- O'Donnell and Cigelnik, 1997).

Parsimony analysis.-Gene trees inferred from se- 1370 trees (226 steps, CI = 0.70, RI = 0.80) for the
quences of the ITS1/5.8S rDNA and 5' portion of mtSSU rDNA data.
the nuclear 28S rDNA are largely unresolved (FIG. Sequences of the ~-tubulin gene are well-suited for
2A, C) except for a clade in the 28S rDNA tree con- recently diverged groups such as the G. Jujikuroi com-
sisting of F. oxysporum and related species (93% boot- plex. Homoplasy within exons (CI = 0.75) and in-
strap). The most striking feature of the ITS2 gene trans (CI = 0.81) is comparable, but the introns are
tree is that the sequences form two unresolved clus- under more relaxed functional constraints as evi-
ters designated type I and type II (Waalwijk et al., denced by a much higher AT base composition (54%
1996b) that show maximum sequence divergences of compared with 44% for exons) and the presence of
19.4%, excluding the 19 bp ambiguous segment (FIG. indels. The transition/transversion ratio was very
2B). The heuristic search option with 1000 random high for exons (7.34 for the G. Jujikuroi complex).
addition sequences found 442 trees 58 steps in length Parsimony trees inferred from ~-tubulin gene exons
(CI = 0.76, RI = 0.96), excluding the ambiguously and introns, however, were concordant (data not
aligned 19 bp region. Type I and type II ITS2-specific shown). ~-tubulin gene sequences possess 3.5 times
forward PCR primers paired with the reverse primer more phylogenetic signal than the mtSSU rDNA and
NL4 (FIGS. 3, 4A) reported in O'Donnell and Cigel- this is reflected in a ~-tubulin gene tree with more
nik ( 1997) were used to amplify a second, minor nodes with higher bootstrap intervals and decay in-
ITS2 type from one or more strain of all 45 species dices (=d) (FIGS. 5, 6). Monophyly of a lineage com-
comprising the complete dataset (FIG. 4B). As was prising the G. Jujikuroi and F. oxysporum complexes,
previously demonstrated for a subset of these taxa for example, is strongly supported in the ~-tubulin
(O'Donnell and Cigelnik, 1997), results obtained on tree (99% bootstrap, d = 10) (FIG. 5) but this clade
multiple isolates indicate that the major and minor received less than 50% support in the mtSSU rDNA
ITS2 type is fixed within a species. All species includ- tree (FIG. 6). Similarly, monophyly of the G. Jujikuroi
complex (87% bootstrap, d = 4), an Mrican-Asian
ed in this study that were tested possess both type I
clade (83%, d = 3), and the Mrican (81% bootstrap,
and type II sequences either as a major or minor
d = 2), Asian ( 100% bootstrap, d = 10), and Amer-
ITS2 type (FIGS. 3, 4). Type I and type II ITS2 se-
ican (100% bootstrap, d 2: 10) clades were supported
quences represent two orthologous sets that appear
by bootstrap analyses of the ~-tubulin gene dataset;
to be xenologous or paralogous in origin. Distribu-
however, decay indices for the Mrican-Asian clade
tion of the major ITS2 type among species is slightly
and Mrican clade were weak. These analyses place
biased towards a type I sequence: 27 of 45 species for
the American clade as a sister-group of the Mrican-
the entire dataset (60%), 20 of 36 species for the G.
Asian clade. Within the Mrican clade of the ~-tubulin
Jujikuroi complex (55.6%). Gene tree consensus of
gene tree, F. dlaminii occupies a basal position to the
the type I and type II ITS2 data are unresolved and
remaining 15 species which form a strongly support-
uninformative for parsimony. The type II ITS2 from
ed monophyletic lineage (97% bootstrap, d = 5).
F. neoceras Wollenw. & Reinking is the most divergent
The American clade was the only strongly supported
sequence of the minor ITS2 types observed (FIG. 3). lineage in the mtSSU gene tree (FIG. 6; 89% boot-
It exhibits microheterogeneity that appears to in- strap, d = 7).
clude type I ITS2 point mutations, suggesting recom- Parsimony analysis of the combined nuclear 28S
bination between the two ITS2 types (Wendel et al., rDNA, mtSSU rDNA, and ~-tubulin gene datasets for
1995b), but it also includes substitutions that cannot the total study (heuristic search option with 1000 ran-
be unequivocally assigned to either a type I or type dom addition sequences) yielded 84 most-parsimo-
II sequence (FIG. 3). PCR and sequence analysis, us- nious trees (FIG. 7; length = 1067 steps, CI = 0.66,
ing the ITS2 type-specific reverse PCR primers paired RI = 0. 77). The tree shown in FIG. 7 is concordant
with the forward primer ITS5, indicated that poly- in most details with the other 83 equally most-parsi-
morphisms were absent within the ITS1 region con- monious trees. A neighbor-joining (Nj) tree gener-
tiguous with the minor ITS2 types. ated with the Jukes-Cantor distance method for the
Two additional loci were analyzed, the ~-tubulin combined dataset (data not shown) is topologically
gene exons and introns (FIG. 5) and the mitochon- concordant with the maximum parsimony phylogeny
drial small subunit (mtSSU) rDNA (FIG. 6). Gene shown in FH:. 7.
trees from both loci found by a heuristic search are Nine species basal to the G. Jujikuroi complex con-
topologically concordant, especially with respect to tribute over half of the tree length (602 steps). When
the G. Jujikuroi complex. Parsimony analysis of the ~­ the analysis was restricted to the G. Jujikuroi complex,
tubulin sequences produced 1604 most-parsimonious 78 most-parsimonious trees (length = 465 steps, CI
trees (744 steps, CI = 0.68, RI = 0.78) compared with = 0. 74, RI = 0.88) were found. Bootstrap intervals

15 13 NLl NL3

- I- ~ 'IITSl ~::..' IITS2 I- '~
- -~ f
,_L ;; ~,__ ~ \ F. vel1icillioides MP-A
F. pseudonygamai F. pseudonygamai F. pseudonygamai
F. pseudoanthophl/um F. pseudoantnophilum - F. napiforme
F. brevicatenulatum F. napiforme F. denticulatum
F. begoniae F. ramigenum F.lactis
IT51 +5.85 rONA F. den#culatum IT52 F. den(iculatum 285 rONA
8 ss I ~ f,",:~':er;:";;:fa~";'
337bp ~ "P.·c~;J~rum 148 bp F.~'1:;;:' F. ramlgenum 535 bp
40steps F. sp. 25346 58 steps F. neoceras - F. pseudocirc/natum 59 steps
Cl =0.90 F. ~k'=genum Cl =0.76 F/.'/::Jl},~7X:..MP-E Type F. phyllophl/um C~=0.78
Rl =0.89 F. laclis Rl = 0 96 F. succisae F.sp. 25221
F. udum • F. snlhophilum I F. nygamai MP-G Rl =0.86
- F. sacchari MP-B F. begoroae F. acutatum
F. neoceras F. buTbicola F. dlaminii
F. sp. 25221 F. circinatum F. sacchari MP-B
F. thapsinum MP-F 5 F. sp. 25346 F. neoceras
F. pseudocircinatum ~ F. pseudocircinatum F. fujikuroi MP-C 4
~ - Wi!.n amai MP-G F. sp. 25195 F. proliferatum MP-0 I steps I
F. ph lophilum F. sp. 25204 F. annulatum
F. lruroiMP-C F.~- 25184 • F. globosum a:::
F. proliferatum MP-0 F. oxysporum • F.sp. 25226
F. snnulatum F. inflexum • F. concentricum l4
- F. globosum F. nisikadoi • F.sp. 25303
F.sp.25309 2
~ ~~Jum F. sp.
2sao'f concolor • F. subglu#nans MP-E 0
F. sp. 25309 F. brevicatenulatum F. bactridioides ~
F. subglutinans F. sacchari MP-B F. succisae
F. anthophilum >
F. s.:C/;:,;tridioides F.~~M:~~u~
F. anlllophilum F. lhapsinum MP-F ~~~~'1.:
90 F. bulbicola F. nygemai MP-G F. circinatum
F. gutfiforme F. tidum F. gulliforme
F. sp. 25195
F. sp. 25195 F. lujikuroiMP-C F.sp. 25204
F. sp. 25204 F. proliferatum MP-0
F. sp. 25807 F. globosum F.sp. 22903 •
F. acutatum F. sp. 25226 Type - F. redo/ens •
F. dlaminii F. acutatum F. nisikadoi •
n F. concolor •
F. "P,"~~~~ ~ • F./~:::.~/~tum F. beomiforme •
F. nisikadoi • F. concentricum F. oxysporum •
F. inflexum •
: 'r.1r:::.: F. tp·~s~~o3 F.sp. 25184 •
F. redo/enS • F. sp. 22903 • F. sp. 25807
F. beomiforme • F. redolens • F.sp. 25346
F. concolor • F. beomiforme. F. thapsinum MP-F
sp. 25483 •
1-------- F.(oU1group) F. sp. 25483 • F.sp. 25483.
(oU1group) (outgroup)

A B c
FIG. 2. Map of the nuclear ITS rDNA region and 5' portion of the 28S rONA together with maximum parsimony gene trees inferred by heuristic searches on these sequences. Labeled
arrows indicate primers used for PCR and sequencing. I = ITS, NL = 28S rONA. Taxa followed by a solid dot are outgroups to the G. Jujikuroi complex. A. One of 40 most-parsimonious
trees for the nuclear ITS1/5.8S rONA sequences. The 5.8S rONA gene is highly conserved and contributes only two of the 40 steps. B. One of 442 most-parsimonious trees for the rDNA
ITS2 sequences (58 steps, CI = 0.76, RI = 0.96), excluding an ambiguously aligned 19 bp region. Species form two divergent clusters that correspond to the major type I and type II ITS2
sequences. The distance hetween the clusters in the ITS2 tree accounts for a tree that is much longer than the ITSI/5.8S tree (18 steps longer, excluding the ambiguously aligned region).
C. One of 59 most-parsimonious trees for the 28S rONA sequences. Bootstrap intervals above 50% are indicated. MP = mating population or biological species of the G. jujikuroi complex.
Teleomorphs are known for J•: udum and /•: rircinatum but they have not been added to the alphabetic MP series.

F. fujikurol (Major)
F. verllcl/1/o/de$ (minor)
[ F. sacchart (minor)
F. neoceras (minor)
F. fuillc!"'!'! (!"inor)
. . .. . - - .. .
..... - - .. .
TC • .

r·.;g..g p · ·. · :·J!I.rG: r::::: :: :i::::: r ::: :c: rc::

.....--... .. .. .. . .. .
.. ...... ..
TT. . . • .. . .. .A .. TC. •

......... A
::::::::A: CT:::::::: TT:::::: :G:: AAA:::::::
....... A T.. T.... ..
I F. vertiCillioldes (Major) I A· ~ T. .. .. .. . A.. TC. • ......... A TT ....... AT .. T ..... .
[ F. sacchart (Major) A· .. .. T .... • .. . . . T .... . .. . A.. TC. • ......... A TT ....... A T .. T .... ..

F. neoceras (Major)

F. sacchart (minor)
F. neoceras (minor)
CA • .. TC .. G TT .... • .. . . ·.ill,. T.... . .. . A.. TC. •

[~ =~,minor) C~A~~~~ TT~ ~AC~CCCAAC

.. .. .. .. ..
.. I.. .. .. .
.. ...... ..
.. ...... ..

.. .. .. . G ..
......... A

TT ....... A T .. T .... ..


F. fuj/kurol (minor)
1 F. verllc/11/oldes (Major)
.. C .. .. .. .
. . C. . . . . . .
.. .... - .. .
::28S: :rONA::
[ F. sacchart (Major) .. c .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .
F. neoceras (Major) .. C .. .. .. . .. .... - ...

FIG. 3. Design of ITS2 type-specific forward PCR primers from alignment of nonorthologous type I and type II ITS2
sequences. Type I and type II ITS2 sequences are labeled I and II, respectively. Closed boxes indicate type I and type II ITS2-
specific forward (right arrow) PCR primers and the reverse PCR primer ITS4 (left arrow, sequence shown is the reverse
complement of ITS4) near the 5' end of the nuclear 28S rDNA. Matches (.) and gaps (-) are shown below the major type
II ITS2 sequence of the reference strain, F. Jujikuroi. Closed, shaded boxes indicate two nucleotide positions with putative
type I point mutations in the minor type II ITS2 sequence of F. neoceras and a single putative type II mutation in the major
type I ITS2 of F. neoceras. Sixteen positions in the minor type II ITS2 sequence of F. neoceras cannot assigned to either a
type I or type II ITS2.

and decay indices were measured to explore relative least three times during the evolution of this complex
levels of character support in the combined dataset (FIG. 8), but neither type has been fixed within any
(FIG. 7). In general, bootstrap intervals and decay of the 45 species included in this study. The major
indices (also known as Bremer Support; Davis, 1995) ITS2 types are nearly evenly divided between type I
were concordant. Support for many terminal branch- (5 species) and type II (4 species) sequences in spe-
es was weak as measured by bootstrapping and the cies basal to the G. fujikuroi complex. Species in all
decay index. Overall, these values are generally com- three clades of the G. fujikuroi complex possess a
parable to those observed in the ~-tubulin gene tree type I sequence as the major ITS2, and within the
(FIG. 5); however, several nodes within the African American clade, type I is the only major type ob-
clade received higher measures of clade stability in served. Species with a type II sequence as the major
the combined analysis as did support for an African- ITS2 are restricted to a subclade within the Asian
Asian sister-group (95% bootstrap, d = 5). Of the clade and the basal half of the African clade (FIG. 8).
three major clades identified within the G. Jujikuroi Chlamydospore production is plesiomorphic for the
complex, the African clade is the most phylogeneti- fusaria included in this study. The most parsimonious
cally diverse and speciose ( 16 species), followed by interpretation of the phylogenetic evidence is that
the American (12 species) and Asian (8 species) chlamydospore production has been lost multiple
clades. Results obtained on multiple isolates (Appen- times within the G. Jujikuroi complex. Seven of the
dix I) demonstrated that each of the nine biological eight chlamydospore-forming species within the com-
species grouped as a phylogenetically distinct termi- plex are members of the African clade. The only non-
nal cluster with little intraspecific variation (data not African species reported to produce chlamydospores
shown). is F. bactridioides within the American clade, but this
The high level of topological concordance among needs to be verified because the only strain of this
the 84 most-parsimonious trees is evident from the species in culture (NRRL 20476 = BBA 4748 EXHO-
relationships retained in the strict consensus dado- LOTYPE; Wollenweber, 1934) does not produce
gram inferred from the combined nuclear 28S rDNA, chlamydospores.
mtSSU rDNA, and ~-tubulin sequence data (FIG. 8),
upon which are mapped the two major ITS2 types Biogeography.-Geographic origins of species within
and chlamydospore production. The evolutionary the G. Jujikuroi complex were mapped onto the strict
pattern exhibited by the major ITS2 type is homo- consensus tree (FIG. 9) from which were pruned two
plastic when mapped onto the species lineages (FIG. synonymous species, F. annulatum (synonym= F. pro-
8). The most parsimonious interpretation of these liferatum MP-D) and F. neoceras (synonym = F. sac-
results is that the most recent common ancestor of chari MP-B). The ancestral area of the G. fujikuroi
the G. fujikuroi complex possessed a type I sequence complex is unknown but the most parsimonious in-
as the major ITS2 type. The major ITS2 type has terpretation of the phylogenetic and biogeographic
switched between a type I and type II sequence at patterns are consistent with a vicariant hypothesis






ITS2 Type I &II

121 bp
4 85 steps
steps Cl =0.76
Rl =0.97

FIG. 4. A. ITS2 type-specific forward primers (IF= type I, IIF = type II) and the reverse primer NL4 were used as a PCR
pair to amplify and sequence the minor ITS2 type from every species in the dataset. 14 = ITS4. B. ITS2 gene tree inferred
from both major and minor ITS2 type sequences from every species in the dataset. Shaded names indicate the major ITS2
type for each species. The most divergent sequence is the minor type II ITS2 of F. neoceras, a later synonym of F. sacchari

based on the formation of natural barriers associated ican and Mrican clades, and 2 in the Asian clade. The
with the fragmentation of the ancient super-conti- origins of 9 of these species were resolved by Mac-
nent Gondwana (FIG. 9). Geographic origins of 12 Clade but the origins of 3 species in the American
species were coded as equivocal, 5 each in the Amer- clade remained equivocal. The only species coded as

F. verticillioides MP-A 0'·'"W'1 ,.,•.,.,.,.•.••««.•.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,.,.,,,.,._,.,_"ll

F. pseudonygamai
F. pseudoanthophilum
F. brevicatenulatum
F. napiforme
~-Tubulin F. ramigenum
F. lactis African
1283 bp F. thapsinum MP-F
F. pseudocircinatum
744 steps F. nygamai MP-G
F. denticulatum G)
Cl 0.68 IsslL--- F. sp. 25221
F. phyllophilum
Rl 0.78 F. udum CD
F. acutatum ~
F. dlaminii o,M,.,.,.,.•.,.,,.»>..·<.•'''''•''''"''"'"M<«m,·»-»»«~,.,.J ::::::
F. sacchari MP-8
F. neoceras ,,.,,.,...=···~······"
F. fujikuroi MP-C
o F. proliferatum MP-0 Asian ~
F. annulatum Clade a

F. g/obosum
F. sp. 25226 (')
F. concentricum 0
87 2 F. sp. 25303 3
1 F. sp. 25309 .,.,.,,.,.,~•.••,,. ,,,««.,,,,,,,.,.,.,
F. subglutinans MP-E CD
F. bactridioides X
F. succisae
F. anthophi/um
F. bulbicola American
F. sp. 25807
F. circinatum
100 F. begoniae
F. sp. 25346
20 F. guttiforme
steps F. sp. 25195
F. sp. 2290t.~.~.;,,,~.~:? 4 .,·:·"··;::::;,,:,::::;:;;;;;,:::::,;;:
11-.---- F. nisikadoi
F. oxysporum
F. oxysporum
F. inflexum complex
F. sp. 25184 ·····"'''"'' ..••..,.,...,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,,.,,,.,.,.,. ,.,.,,,.,.,"''""
>10 F. redo/ens
F. beomiforme
F. concolor
.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F. sp. 25483

FIG. 5. One of 1604 most-parsimonious trees inferred from ~-tubulin gene sequences. Monophyly of the G. fujikuroi
complex, its three clades, and an African-Asian sister-group relationship are strongly supported by bootstrapping. The Fu-
sarium oxysporum complex forms a putative sister-group to the G. jitjikuroi complex. Bootstrap replication frequencies above
50% are indicated above internodes, decay indices below internodes. Two subclades are discernible within the Asian clade.
MP = biological species in the G. fujikuroi complex.

Australian, Fusarium sp. DAR 70287 (NRRL 25807), than the 78 most-parsimonious trees (465 steps), re-
was mistakenly deposited as the holotype of F. babin- spectively, and both monophyly constraint trees were
da (Summerell et al., 1995) because it is discordant significantly worse than the most-parsimonious tree
with the protologue. Fusarium sp. DAR 70287, or its when tested in maximum likelihood (Felsenstein,
most recent ancestor, is inferred to have evolved with- 1993).
in the American clade which suggests that this species
may have been dispersed to Australia from the Neo-
tropics. In separate analyses we used PAUP to con-
strain F. denticulatum and F. verticillioides, two old Evolution of ITS.- This study reports the results of a
world pathogens on neotropical hosts, to the Amer- molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Gibberella Ju-
ican clade. The constrained trees (data not shown) jikuroi complex and related species of Fusarium in-
were 49 (514 steps) and 55 (520 steps) steps longer ferred from DNA sequence data obtained from mul-

F. verticillioides MP-A
F. pseudonygamai
61 F. pseudoanthophilum
r o 2 F. brevicatenulatum
mtSSU rONA " o F. napiforme
F. ramigenum
732 bp F. sp. 25221 African
F. denticulatum
226 steps F. phyllophilum Clade
F. udum
Cl = 0.70 0 F. nygamai MP-G
F. sp. MP-F
Rl = 0.80 F. pseudocircinatum
..I F. lactis
' F. acuforme
..-----,_ F. dlaminii
92 F. sacchari MP-B
3 F. neoceras
F. fujikuroi MP-C
54 F. sp. 25226
F. concentricum
F. proliferatum MP-0 Clade
F. annulatum
F. sp. 25190
F. sp. 25303
0 F. sp. 25309
F. subglutinans MP-E
4 F. bactridioides
F. begoniae
F. guttiforme
F. sp. 25204
10 F. sp. 25195 American
F. circinatum
F. sp. 25346 Clade
F. succisae
F. anthophilum
F. bulbophilum
F. sp. DAR 70287
!-L-F._.sp. 22901
12 F. concolor
.___ _ F. sp. 25184
F. sp. 22903
68 F. oxysporum
8 2 F. inflexum
F. sp. 25179
'----- F. beomiforme

Fie;. 6. One of 1370 most-parsimonious trees inferred from the mtSSU rONA data rooted with sequences from Fusarium
sp. NRRL 25483. The phylogram is topologically concordant with the [3-tubulin gene tree (FIG. 5). Bootstrap replication
frequencies above 50% and decay indices are indicated above and below internodes, respectively. Seven biological species in
the G. fujikuroi complex are indicated ( = MP A-G).

tiple loci. Discordance of the ITS2 gene phylogeny II ITS2 sequences appear as a homogeneous PCR
inferred from the major ITS2 type amplified from pool using conserved (ITS5 X ITS4; White et al.,
each species and the species phylogeny inferred from 1990) and type-specific PCR primers (O'Donnell and
three unlinked loci is due to nonorthologous ITS se- Cigelnik, 1997). We have termed the ITS2 amplified
quences. One of the most interesting results of this with the conserved ITS primers the major type and
study is the discovery that every species within this assume that it is the most abundant ribosomal repeat
lineage possesses two divergent, xenologous or par- type. Through use of type-specific forward PCR prim-
alogous nuclear rDNA ITS2 types (O'Donnell and ers, we were able to demonstrate that species with
Cigelnik, 1997). The nonorthologous type I and type type I and type II sequences as the major ITS2 type

F. verticillioides MP-A
F. pseudonygamai
98 F. pseudoanthophilum
6 F. brevicatenulatum
28S + mtSSU + ~-Tubulin 98 F. napiforme
6 F. ramigenum
2550 bp F. denticulatum African
F. pseudocircinatum
1067 steps G)
F. lactis Clade
Cl = 0.66
Rl = 0.77
F. thapsinum MP-F
F. nygamai MP-G
F. sp. 25221
F. phyllophilum
F. udum
F. acutatum
F. dlaminii
100 F. sacchari MP-B
>10 F. neoceras 2'

F. fujikuroi MP-C
F. proliferatum MP-D
F. annulatum
F. globosum
F. sp. 25226 Clade a
F. concentricum 0
100 F. sp. 25303 0
>10 F. sp. 25309 3
F. subglutinans MP-E '0
F. bactridioides CD
F. begoniae
F. guttiforme
F. sp. 25204
F. sp. 25195
F. succisae
F. anthophilum
25 F. bulbicola
1 steps 1
F. sp. 25807
F. circinatum
F. sp. 25346
.___ _ F. sp. 25184

F. oxysporum
F. inflexum
F. oxysporum
F. sp. 22903
....____ F. nisikadoi

F. sp. 25483

FIG. 7. One of 84 most-parsimonious trees rooted with sequences from Fusarium sp. NRRL 25483 inferred from the
combined 28S rDNA, mtSSU rDNA, and 13-tubulin gene datasets. Bootstrap intervals greater that 50% (above internodes)
and decay indices up to 10 steps (below internodes) are indicated. The F. oxysporum complex forms a putative sister-group
to the G. fujikuroi complex. MP = biological species in the G. fujikuroi complex.

also possess type II and type I sequences, respectively, by an interspecific hybridization, the xenologous
as the minor ITS2 type. Polymorphisms within the ITS2 could have become established by gene conver-
ITS1 region adjacent to the major and minor ITS2 sion (Sweetser et al., 1994) followed by repeated cy-
types were not detected with type-specific PCR prim- cles of unequal sister chromatid exchange (]inks-
ers and sequence analysis. The large intertype diver- Robertson and Petes, 1993).
gence within the ITS2 region suggests that the types The evolutionary pattern exhibited by the major
may have been combined as the result of an ancient and minor ITS2 types mimics bidirectional interlocus
interspecies hybridization or gene duplication that concerted evolution in cotton (Wendel et al.,
occurred prior to the evolutionary radiation of the 1995a,b), but differs significantly in that neither type
fusaria included in this study. The evolutionary pat- has been fixed in any of the 45 species included in
tern exhibited by the major ITS2 types within the this study. Phylogenetic reconstruction indicates the
species lineages inferred from three unlinked loci is major ITS2 type has switched between a type I and
homoplastic. Gene trees inferred from type I and type II sequence at least three times during the evo-
type II ITS2 sequences are unresolved as are trees lutionary history of the G. fujikuroi complex. Ho-
from the flanking sequences of the nuclear ITS1 and mology assessment is complicated in groups where
28S rDNA. Assuming the ITS2 types were combined minor potentially nonorthologous rDNA loci have

Major ITS2 Type F. verticil/ioides MP-A

F. pseudonygamai •
==Type I F. pseudoanthophilum •
F. brevicatenulatum
Type II F. napiforme •
F. ramigenum
Equivocal F. denticulatum African
F. thapsinum MP-F Clade
F. pseudocircinatum
F. lactis
F. nygamai MP-G •
F. sp. 25221
F. phyllophilum
F. udum •
F. acutatum •
F. dlaminii •
95 F. sacchari MP-8
F. neoceras
F. fujikuroi MP-C
100 F. proliferatum MP-D
F. annu/atum
F. globosum Clade
F. sp. 25226
72 F. concentricum (")
100 F. sp. 25303 0
F. sp. 25309 3
F. subglutinans MP-E "2.
F. bactridioides • CD
F. begoniae X
F. guttiforme
F. sp. 25195
78 American
F. sp. 25204
100 F. succisae Clade
F. anthophilum
F. bulbicola
F. sp. 25807
F. circinatum
~!::::::==== F. sp. 25346
F. sp. 25184 •
98 F. oxysporum • F. oxysporum
F. inflexum •
99 F. sp. 22903 • complex

F. nisikadoi
F. redo/ens •
F. beomiforme •
F. concolor •
F. sp. 25483 •

FIG. 8. Strict consensus cladogram of the 84 most-parsimonious trees inferred from the combined 28S rDNA, mtSSU
rDNA, and [3-tubulin gene dataset. The major ITS2 type of each species is mapped onto the tree with MacClade. Type I and
type II major ITS2 sequences are represented in species basal to the G. Jujikuroi complex and within the Mrican and Asian
clades. Species that produce chlamydospores are indicated by a solid circle [= •l after taxon names. Bootstrap frequencies
above 50% are indicated.

become magnified into major loci which can com- and it may provide a buffer against deleterious mu-
pletely replace orthologous loci during speciation tations (Clark, 1994).
(Dubcovsky and Dvoiak, 1995). The molecular evi- In addition to the results reported here, several
dence suggests that the major ITS2 type may be un- studies have shown that rDNA polymorphisms can be
der some form of copy number control because it missed by sequencing PCR products directly (Wendel
appears to be fixed within a species. Furthermore, et al., 1995b; Baldwin et al., 1995). Ribosomal DNA
selection of the minor ITS2 type is apparently strong polymorphisms within the ITS region in the same in-

F. subglutinans MP-E (Zea+)

F. bactridioides (Pinus)
F. begoniae (Begonia)
F. guttiforme (Ananas)
F. sp. 25195 (wood)
F. sp. 25204 (palm)
F. succisae ( Succisa)
F. anthophilum (Hippeastrum+)
F. sp. 25807 (forest soil+)
F. bulbicola (Nerine+)
F. circinatum (Pinus)
F. sp. 25346 (Ipomoea)
F. dlaminii (Zea soil)
F. acutatum (Triticum+)
F. phy/lophilum (Dracaena+)
F. udum (Cajanus+)
F. sp. 25221 (Zea)
F. nygamai MP-G (Sorghum)
F. thapsinum MP-F (Sorghum)
F. pseudocircinatum (Solanum+)
F. lactis (Ficus)
F. denticulatum (Ipomoea)
F. ramigenum (Ficus)
F. napiforme ( Pennisetum)
F. brevicatenulatum ( Striga)
F. pseudoanthophilum (Zea)
F. pseudonygamai (Pennisetum)
F. verticillioides MP-A (Zea+)
F. sacchari MP-B (Saccharum)
F. fujikuroi MP-C ( Oryza)
F. proliferatum MP-D (Oryza+)

c:::J African F. globosum (Triticum)
Ea. Australian F. sp. 25226 (Mangifera)
Asian F. concentricum (Musa)
American F. sp. 25303 ( Oryza)
rzzm Equivocal F. sp. 25309 (Triticum)
FIG. 9. Biogeographic hypothesis for the G. fujikuroi complex. Geogeographic origins of 24 of the 36 species were coded
as African, Australian, Asian, or American (indicated by pattern-coded box to left of each species name). A box is absent to
the right of the 12 species coded as equivocal and their likely origins as resolved by MacClade are indicated on the branches.
Endemism of the American, African and Asian clades is strongly supported by bootstrapping. The area of endemism of R
sp. DAR 70287, the only species coded as Australian, appears to be America.

dividual have been reported in fungi (O'Donnell and phisms within the intergenic spacer (IGS) of the nu-
Cigelnik, 1997; Sanders et al., 1995) plants (reviewed clear rDNA of F. oxysporum may be due to a much
in Baldwin et al., 1995; Buckler and Holtsford, 1996; slower rate of concerted evolution within a predom-
Wendel et al., 1995a, b), beetles (Vogler and De Salle, inately clonal species could also explain polymor-
1994) and nematodes (Zijlstra et al., 1995). Nonor- phisms within the ITS. Incomplete homogenization
thologous ITS sequences that have been maintained of rDNA repeats in more complex eukaryotes may
in plants typically span the entire ITS region (Suh et reflect their longer generation time and larger rDNA
al., 1993, Ritland et al., 1993), but in Bubbia (Win- loci (Copenhaver and Pikaard, 1996b), but neither
teraceae) they are restricted to the ITS1 rDNA (Suh of these apply in Fusarium.
et al., 1993). Although it was possible to sequence The differential fate of the ITS2 types may reflect
the minor type II ITS2 from F. neoceras directly, we competition between nucleolar organizing regions
cloned it because its sequence was so divergent, con- (= NORs; Vaughan et al., 1993; Gecheff et al., 1994)
sisting of a mosaic of nucleotides that suggest that in which one NOR locus is under the active or passive
type I and type II ITS2 sequences may have recom- influence of another (i.e., nucleolar dominance). Hy-
bined (see Wendel et al., 1995b) (FIG. 3). ITS2 se- bridization experiments have shown that rDNA loci
quences from 9 of the 10 clones were identical to the are located on at least two chromosomes in some spe-
one we obtained from sequencing the PCR product cies of Fusarium (Boehm et al., 1994; Fekete et al.,
directly but one clone represented an additional mi- 1993). Experiments are being conducted to deter-
nor ITS2 type. It is unclear whether this minor ITS2 mine whether these correspond to type I and type II
type is part of a rRNA pseudogene (Buckler and ITS2 loci and to estimate their respective copy num-
Holtsford, 1996), but if it is, it may be necessary to ber. From these studies it should be possible to dis-
sequence clones from a range of species to deter- tinguish between copy number and a possible ampli-
mine whether such pseudogenes are wide-spread in fication bias due to PCR selection (Wagner et al.,
Fusarium. The divergent ITS2 types are unrelated to 1994). Phylogenetic analyses are being extended to
the three divergent ITS types reported previously for all fusaria to determine how ancient and widespread
Fusarium sambucinum Fuckel sensu lato (O'Donnell, the nonorthologous ITS2 types are within this genus.
1992) which correspond to the following morpholog- Pending results from these analyses, phylogenetic re-
ical species described recently by Nirenberg ( 1995): lationships inferred from the ITS region as the sole
type A= F. torulosum (Berk. & Curt.) Nirenberg, type locus within Fusarium should be viewed with caution.
B = F. sambucinum sensu stricto, and type C = F. ve- Species-level molecular systematic studies frequently
nenatum Nirenberg. Phylogenies inferred from four employ the rDNA ITS region as the sole locus, but
molecular datasets indicate these species are also phy- results from this study emphasize the importance of
logenetically distinct (O'Donnell 1997; O'Donnell gene-gene concordance and in-depth sampling be-
and Cigelnik, unpubl.). fore making taxonomic revisions (Doyle, 1992).
The molecular basis for concerted evolution of
rDNA genes is unclear as are the mechanisms re- Evolution of the Gibberella fujikuroi and Fusarium
sponsible for long-term persistence or escape from oxysporum complexes.-Phylogenetic analysis of the
concerted evolution. Long-term persistence of rDNA combined 28S rDNA, mtSSU rDNA and ~-tubulin
polymorphisms following hybridization or allopoly- gene data provided greater resolution and compara-
plodization has been explained by physical con- ble measures of clade stability, as assessed by boot-
straints within the genome such as divergence of se- strapping and decay indices, than reported previously
quences beyond the point where gene conversion for a dataset that included 17 of the species in this
can occur (Li and Graur, 1991), and the lower effi- study (O'Donnell and Cigelnik, 1997). Major clades
ciency of concerted evolution between rDNA repeats that received bootstrap support comparable with
dispersed on nonhomologous chromosomes (Vogler those reported in 0 'Donnell and Cigelnik ( 1997) in-
and DeSalle, 1994; Schotterer and Tautz, 1994; Co- clude a lineage comprising the G. Jujikuroi and F.
penhaver and Pikaard, 1996a, b), especially if their oxysporum complexes, and the Mrican-Asian, Mrican,
chromosomal location is not telomeric. Several stud- Asian, and American clades within the G. Jujikuroi
ies have demonstrated that dispersed rDNA loci complex. In addition, F. dlaminii was resolved as the
evolve in concert if they are telomeric (Wendel et al., most basal species within the Mrican clade rather
1995a; Arnheim et al., 1980). If the ITS2 types are than a sister to an Asian clade consisting of F. sac-
not telomeric, they may flank essential single copy chan-F. Jujikuroi-F. proliferatum (O'Donnell and Cig-
genes whose deletion via unequal sister chromatid elnik, 1997). By comparison, Bruns' et al. (1991)
exchange would be lethal (Metzenburg et al., 1985). bootstrap analysis of the nuclear 28S rDNA data of
Appel and Gordon's (1996) suggestion that polymor- Guadet et al. ( 1989) did not support the monophyly

of either the G. Jujikuroi complex (section Liseola, strongly suggests that the biological species have
55% bootstrap) or the clade comprising the G. fuji- been reproductively isolated for a long time (Leslie,
kuroi and F. oxysporum complexes (i.e., sections Lis- 1995). It should be noted, however, that F. Jujikuroi
eola-Elegans, 37% bootstrap). Bruns' result could (MP-C) and F. proliferatum (MP-D) exhibit an inter-
have been predicted based on the poor resolution we mediate level of DNA-DNA complementarity (Ellis,
obtained in the 28S rDNA gene tree (FIG. 2C). Phy- 1988), and the reproductive barrier may not be com-
logenetic relations inferred for biological species plete (Xu et al., 1995). We are currently using the
within the G. Jujikuroi complex from RAPD (Voigt et PSC to extend the BSC within this complex but it is
al., 1995; Amoah et al., 1996) and isozyme data (Huss doubtful whether the BSC will ever become widely
et al., 1996) identified F. Jujikuroi MP-C and F. proli- applicable within the G. Jujikuroi complex and relat-
Jeratum MP-D as sister taxa, but relationships of the ed species of Fusarium because teleomorphs are un-
other species are discordant with our molecular phy- known for many species within this lineage and be-
logeny. We attribute this disagreement to high ho- cause mating tests are time consuming and often fail
moplasy and the low number of characters in the even with standard testers. Isozyme variation has
RAPD and isozyme data. been used to identify the seven MPs even if a tester
Although a close phylogenetic relationship of sec- fails, and they are quicker than mating tests (Huss et
tions Liseola and Elegans has been suggested in tra- al., 1996); however, it remains to be determined how
ditional morphological-based classification schemes many of the 36 species within the G. Jujikuroi com-
(Booth, 1971; Gerlach and Nirenberg, 1982; Nelson plex can be resolved with the 8 polymorphic loci em-
et al., 1983), section Liseola is paraphyletic as cur- ployed in the study by Huss et al. ( 1996). G. Jujikuroi
rently defined because it artificially excludes at least teleomorphs are known for only nine of the 45 spe-
8 species that form chlamydospores. These have been cies (i.e., 20%) included in this study, including F.
shown by our results to belong to the G. Jujikuroi udum (Rai and Upadhyay, 1982) and F. circinatum
complex. Chlamydospore production, however, is (Nirenberg and O'Donnell, 1998), but we have not
plesiomorphic for the fusaria included in this study; added these two species to the alphabetic A through
eight of the nine species basal to the G. Jujikuroi com- G mating population series (Leslie, 1995).
plex produce chlamydospores. Furthermore, the The phylogenetic evidence indicates that many
only outgroup species that does not form chlamyd- morphological species included in this study are pol-
ospores, Fusarium nisikadoi (Nirenberg and Aoki, ytypic (TABLE I, Appendix I), a result we attribute to
1998), would be placed in the artificial section Liseola their extreme morphological crypsis and divergent
based on morphology, but the molecular phylogeny taxonomic opinions (Booth, 1971; Gerlach and Ni-
does not support this classification. Section Liseola renberg, 1982; Nelson et al., 1983). The net result is
could be redefined to include species that produce that competing morphology-based taxonomies have
chlamydospores, or it could be submerged within sec- contributed to considerable confusion in the litera-
tion Elegans which has nomenclatural priority over ture regarding host preference and mycotoxigenic
Liseola as practiced by Bilai ( 1977), but these taxo- potential of species (Leslie, 1995). Twenty-six of the
nomic changes are inadvisable because many other 45 species included in this study represent, respec-
sections within Fusarium are artificial and should be tively, new species (23 species), new combinations (F.
abandoned for a more natural classification (Mule et phyllophilum and F. bulbi cola), and a rediscovered
al., 1997; O'Donnell, 1997). Other plesiomorphic species (F. lactis). Two phylogenetically distinct spe-
characters for the G. Jujikuroi complex include fu- cies basal to the G. Jujikuroi complex (FJ(;. 7, Fusar-
monisin, beauvericin and moniliformin mycotoxin ium sp. NRRL 22903 and Fusarium redolens) were
production (Leslie et al., 1992; Moretti et al., 1996; identified previously as F. oxysporum based on mor-
O'Donnell, unpubl.), suggesting that toxin produc- phology (Donaldson et al., 1995). Donaldson et al.
tion may have been a key factor in the evolutionary (1995) noted, however, that these isolates grouped
success of this phytopathogenic lineage. anomalously in a dendrogram based on RFLP anal-
As reported in O'Donnell and Cigelnik (1997), we ysis of the ITS region. The gene phylogeny reported
observed complete concordance of phylogenetic and in this study demonstrates that the anomalous group-
biological species within the G. Jujikuroi complex ing is due to the application of a polytypic species
which indicates the PSC and BSC identify compara- concept for F. oxysporum and to the homoplastic pat-
ble taxa. Similar concordance of these two species tern of evolution of the nonorthologous ITS2 types.
concepts was observed within the Nectria haematococ- Our results and those of Waalwijk et al. ( 1996a, b)
ca Berk. & Br. species complex (O'Donnell and Gray, show the major ITS2 type found in F. oxysporum is a
1995). Genetic divergence of the biological species type I (FIG. 2B) while in the F. oxysporum-like species,
within the mtSSU rDNA and 13-tubulin gene trees Fusarium sp. NRRL 22903 and Fusarium redolens, it

is a type II. Fusarium sp. NRRL 22903 fits the descrip- 1998; Nirenberg et al., 1998). Five of the species be-
tion of F. bulbigenum Cke. & Mass. var. blasticola ing described were received misidentified as follows:
(Rostr.) Wollenw. (Wollenweber and Reinking, 1935) F. acutatum received as F. udum; F. denticulatum from
but we are not using this name until its relationship Ipomoea batatas as F. lateritium Nees:Fr. (Nelson et al.,
to F. bulbigenum is resolved. Including the results of 1995; Clark et al., 1995); F. ramigenum from Ficus
O'Donnell and Cigelnik (1997), four independent carica as F. moniliforme (Subbaro and Michailides,
studies have identified the same two species clusters 1993); F. pseudonygamai from Pennisetum typhoides as
corresponding to the two divergent, m~or ITS2 types F. nygamai (Marasas et al., 1988a, b; Nelson et al.,
(Donaldson et al., 1995; Waalwijk et al., 1996a, b; and 1992); F. pseudocircinatum on Solanum sp. from Gha-
Anderson, 1994), thus providing strong support that na as F. sacchari var. sacchari, on Heteropsylla incisa
these results are not due to PCR contamination. (Homoptera: Psyllidae) from Papua New Guinea as
Studies such as those of Donaldson et al. ( 1995), Edel F. subglutinans, and on Pinus kesiya from the Philip-
et al. (1995), Appel and Gordon (1996), and Waal- pines as F. moniliforme var. subglutinans. Two phyla-
wijk et al. (1996a, b) also show great potential for genetically distinct African species, F. brevicatenula-
identifYing morphologically cryptic phylogenetically tum on Striga asiatica from Madagascar and F. pseu-
distinct species within the F. oxysporum species com- doanthophilum on Zea mays from Zimbabwe, are de-
plex. scribed in Nirenberg et al. (1998). Fusarium sp.
NRRL 25221 on Z. mays from Zimbabwe will be de-
Molecular systematics of the Gibberella fujikuroi com- scribed separately.
plex.-The 36 species identified within the G. fuji- The Asian clade is the smallest with eight phyla-
kuroi complex formed three strongly supported bio- genetically distinct species but this may be a sampling
geographically structured clades that have not been artifact. Teleomorphs are known for only three spe-
identified previously. The African clade is the largest cies: F. sacchari MP-B, F. fujikuroi MP-C, and F. proli-
with 16 phylogenetically distinct species but only four feratum MP-D. The ex-type strain of F. neoceras cannot
of these have been identified as biological species [F. be identified morphologically (Gerlach and Niren-
verticillioides MP-A (synonym = F. moniliforme); Fu- berg, 1982) but the molecular evidence indicates that
sarium thapsinum MP-F (Klittich et al., 1997); F. ny- this species is a later synonym of F. sacchari, a result
gamai MP-G (Klaasen and Nelson, 1996); and F. corroborated by mating experiments with F. sacchari
udum (Rai and Upadhyay, 1982)]. The name F. mon- tester strains with which it is highly fertile. Given the
iliforme is rejected primarily because it has always long branch that supports F. sacchari, this species may
been applied to a multitude of phylogenetically dis- have evolved in New Guinea, the area of endemism
tinct species in the taxonomies of Booth (1971) and of its primary host Saccharum ojjicinarum (sugar-
Nelson et al. (1983), and secondarily, because it is a cane; Simpson and Ogorzaly, 1995). Additional sam-
later synonym of F. verticillioides (Nirenberg, 1976; pling within this clade may help clarify its sister-group
Greuter et al., 1994). Only two of the 16 African spe- relationships and biogeography. Because the molec-
cies are currently classified within section Liseola, F. ular phylogenetic evidence strongly indicates F. pro-
verticillioides MP-A and Fusarium thapsinum MP-F lijeratum is a later synonym of F. annulatum, we are
(Klittich et al., 1997). F. dlaminii (published as F. preparing a proposal to conserve F. proliferatum over
dlamini, Marasas et al., 1985) and F. napiforme (Mar- F. annulatum which is known from only one collec-
asas et al., 1987) were excluded from section Liseola tion (Bugnicourt, 1952). Only one of the five phyla-
because they produce chlamydospores; F. phyllophil- genetically distinct species identified within this clade
um was previously considered a variety of F. prolifer- is being described (Nirenberg and O'Donnell, 1998),
atum (F. proliferatum (Matsushima) var. minus Niren- F. concentricum from the Asian endemic host Musa
berg sensu Gerlach and Nirenberg, 1982) or a syn- sp. (banana) and the brown plant hopper, Nilapar-
onym of F. moniliforme (Nelson et al., 1983); and F. vata lugens [Homoptera: Delphacidae]. The other
lactis, a distinctive fig pathogen with short-chained three species [NRRL 25226 on Mangifera indica from
microconidiophores, was recognized by Wollenweber India (Kumar et al., 1993), NRRL 25303 on Oryza
and Reinking (1935) but has been misidentified as F. sativa from japan, and NRRL 25309 on Triticum aes-
moniliforme (Subbarao and Michailides, 1993) and F. tivum from japan] will be described subsequently. Fu-
proliferatum (Marasas et al., 1995). F. udum is the only sarium globosum Rheeder et al. ( 1996) was recently
other validly published species within this clade but described from Z. mays in southern Africa; however,
it has never been classified within section Liseola be- this species is probably endemic to Asia because it
cause it produces chlamydospores. Descriptions for has been isolated on Triticum aestivum in Japan and
seven of the eight undescribed species are given in it is deeply nested within the Asian clade in our mo-
accompanying papers (Nirenberg and O'Donnell, lecular phylogeny.

The American clade contains 12 phylogenetically status of F. anthophilum was recently challenged
distinct species but only two of these have been re- (Chen, 1994), in part from the results of Ellis' (1988)
ported to produce a teleomorph, F. subglutinans MP- DNA-DNA hybridization experiments, but this chal-
E and F. circinatum (Nirenberg and O'Donnell, 1998; lenge is in error because the strains employed in the
Viljoen et al., 1997). Three new species within this study of Ellis (1988) were misidentified through use
clade are being described and one new combination of polytypic species concepts (Nelson et al., 1983;
is being made in Nirenberg and O'Donnell (1998): NRRL 13330 = FRC M-1262 received as F. anthophil-
F. guttiforme on Ananas comosus from collections in um and NRRL 13571 = ATCC 38480 received as G.
Brazil, England, and Hawaii (Bolkan et al., 1979) re- fujikuroi var. subglutinans both are F. sacchari MP-B).
ceived as F. moniliforme Sheldon var. subglutinans F. babinda was recently described from forest soils in
Wollenw. & Reinking ATCC 38067 = NRRL 25037, F. Australia but it was not classified within section Lis-
subglutinans MRC 6784 = NRRL 25624, and F. sac- eo/a because it produces chlamydospores (Summerell
chari var. sacchari CBS 184.29 = NRRL 22945); F. be- et al., 1995). We have examined authentic cultures
goniae on Begonia elatior from Germany but at least of this species (NRRL 25539 and 25540) and have
one parent of this hybrid is from South America; F. determined that the holotype of F. babinda, here re-
bulbicola on Nerine bowdenii bulbs represents a new ferred to as Fusarium sp. DAR 70287, is an unrelated,
combination for F. sacchari (Butler) W. Gams var. phylogenetically distinct species which does not fit
elongatum Nirenberg to eliminate the polyphyly of F. the protologue. Fusarium sp. DAR 70287, or its an-
sacchari (Gerlach and Nirenberg, 1982); and F. circin- cestor, appears to have evolved within the American
atum from pitch canker of Pinus spp. received as F. clade. One prediction of this hypothesis is that this
subglutinans (Wollenw. & Reinking) Nelson et al. f. species might be extant in similar habitats in South
sp. pini (Correll et al., 1992; Viljoen et al., 1995, America.
1997) and F. subglutinans (Kuhlman et al., 1978).
The pine isolates were reported to be interfertile Biogeography of the Gibberella fujikuroi complex.-
with F. subglutinans (Kuhlman et al., 1978) but the The biogeographic hypothesis proposed from the
phylogenetic evidence reported here and by Viljoen phylogenetic evidence suggests that the biota area
et al. ( 1997), coupled with the inability to reproduce cladogram reflects vicariant events associated with
the mating experiments of Kuhlman et al. (1978) (T. the fragmentation of Gondwana in the upper Creta-
Gordon pers. comm.; O'Donnell, unpubl.), indicate ceous through the Paleocene over the last 100 mil-
that F. circinatum and F. subglutinans MP-E are not lion years (Raven and Axelrod, 1974; Weijermars,
members of the same biological species. Of the spe- 1989; Smith et al., 1994). Concordant biological and
cies we sampled, F. subglutinans MP-E is most closely geological area cladograms fit the prediction of a
related to F. bactridioides, a species treated as a syn- Gondwanic history and, as expected, exhibit the fol-
onym of F. sambucinum (Nelson et al., 1983) or as a lowing sister relations: ((American) (African,
distinct species in section Discolor (Wollenweber, Asian)). Molecular clock estimates from calibration
1934; Gerlach and Nirenberg, 1982). Crosses be- of the nuclear small subunit 18S rDNA (Berbee and
tween the ex-type strain of F. bactridioides and F. subgl- Taylor, 1993) are consistent with the vicariant hy-
utinans MP-E testers resulted in aberrant, immature pothesis which suggests that Fusarium evolved ap-
perithecia but no asci or ascospores (O'Donnell, un- proximately 110 Mya.; however, additional estimates
publ.). F. bactridioides' morphology and nutritional of divergence times are needed (Simon et al., 1993).
mode as a putative pathogen of the rust Cronartium The ancestral area of the G. fujikuroi complex may
conigenum is unlike any other member of the G. fu- have been Mrica where it is the most speciose and
jikuroi complex but the molecular evidence indicates phylogenetically diverse. Biogeographical interpreta-
that it may have evolved from a F. subglutinans-like tion of the data has been complicated considerably
ancestor. The three remaining species (NRRL 25195 due to dispersal of the agronomically important host
on wood from Venezuela, NRRL 25204 on palm from plants by humans. In addition, at least one putative
Venezuela, and NRRL 25346 on Ipomoea batatas from long-distance trans-Pacific jump dispersal may not
Peru) will be described later. F. denticulatum and Fu- have involved humans. The geographic origin of Fu-
sarium sp. NRRL 25346 were received misidentified sarium sp. DAR 70287 was coded as Australian, but
as F. lateritium from Ipomoea batatas (Nelson et al., the most parsimonious interpretation of the data sug-
1995; Clark et al., 1995), but both species are phy- gests that either this species or its ancestor's area of
logenetically distinct and the molecular evidence in- endemism is in the Neotropics. When the geographic
dicates that they have evolved within separate clades: origin of Fusarium sp. DAR 70287 was coded as
F. denticulatum in the Mrican clade and Fusarium sp. American (data not shown), likely geographic origins
NRRL 25346 in the American clade. The taxonomic of all 12 equivocal species were resolved by MacClade

(Maddison and Maddison, 1992). Geographic origins vicariance are present within these important plant
of seven of the nine species resolved by MacClade pathogenic lineages.
could have been predicted from the area of endem- Fusarium's importance as a mycotoxigenic phyto-
ism of the host plant, but taxa dispersed by humans pathogen provides a strong economic incentive for
on economically important plants were coded in a the development of a phylogenetically based classifi-
neutral manner ( = equivocal) as recommended by cation because a natural system offers the greatest
Kluge (1988). The geographic origin ofF acutatum predictive value for investigating all aspects of its bi-
is problematical because four isolates came with in- ology. The G. Jujikuroi complex molecular phylogeny
complete host data. However, a fifth isolate from In- inferred from three unlinked loci in this study pro-
dia on the African endemic, Cajanus cajan, suggests vides a testable hypothesis for investigating evolution
that this pathogen may have been introduced to Asia of morphology, mycotoxins, biogeography, and spe-
on this host as also predicted for F udum. One pre- cies boundaries. Future studies will include a cladistic
diction of the biogeographic hypothesis (FIG. 9) is analysis of morphological data directed at under-
that F acutatum should be present in Africa because standing the evolution of phenotypic characters that
it is rooted in the African clade. have been used in classifying the fusaria in an effort
In all but two instances hosts and pathogens ap- to distinguish between phylogenetically informative
pear to have been moved simultaneously from one and homoplastic characters. In order for these sys-
biogeographic region to another. For example, the tematic studies to effect stable taxonomic revision, it
African species F ramigenum and F lactis appear to will be necessary to provide users such as plant pa-
have been moved from northern Africa, the area of thologists and mycotoxicologists with the systematic
endemism of their host Ficus carica, to California tools that are derived from a synthesis of genotypic
where calimyrna and wild figs have been cultivated and phenotypic data. Towards this end, a dichoto-
for the past 100 years. The two exceptions involve mous key to species is provided in an accompanying
Neotropical hosts infected with Paleotropical patho- paper (Nirenberg and O'Donnell, 1998).
gens. Zea mays and Ipomoea batatas may have been
moved from the Neotropics to Africa where F verti- ACKNOV.'LEDGMENTS
cillioides and F denticulatum, respectively, switched to
Thanks are due Martin Dickman (University of Nebraska),
these Neotropical host species brought into contact
Louise Glass (University of British Columbia), DavidS. Hib-
with them by humans. We further theorize that once bett (Harvard University), and Cees Waalwijk (Research In-
they became established as seed-borne pathogens, F stitute for Plant Protection, Wageningen) for sharing un-
verticillioides and F denticulatum became widespread published data, Christopher L. Schardl (University of Ken-
as their respective hosts were cultivated panglobally. tucky) for recommending the 13-tubulin gene for phyloge-
Results from analyses of vegetative compatibility netics, Monique Gardes and Thomas D. Bruns (University
groups within F denticulatum (Clark et al., 1995) are of California, Berkeley) for the CTAB DNA extraction pro-
consistent with an African origin because isolates tocol, John W. Taylor (University of California, Berkeley)
from this region exhibit the greatest genetic diversity. for the quick PCR bacterial miniprep protocol, Barbara
Thiers (New York Botanical Garden, Bronx), Amy Y. Ross-
In addition, maximum likelihood analyses of parsi-
man (National Fungus Collections, Beltsville), and Michael
mony trees constraining F denticulatum and F verti-
Priest (New South Wales Agriculture Plant Pathology Her-
cillioides to the American clade were significantly barium, DAR, Rydalmere) for loan of specimens, the indi-
worse than the most-parsimonious tree (data not viduals and culture collections cited in Appendix I for gen-
shown). Based on the host's ancestral area, F verti- erously providing strains, Larry Tjarks for oligonucleotides,
cillioides MP-A "center of origin" has been theorized Steve Prather for the illustrations, and Walter Gams (Cen-
to be Central America (Klittich and Leslie, 1992). traalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn),John W. Taylor,
However, our phylogenetic hypothesis supports an Corby Kistler (University of Florida), and Christopher L.
African origin for F verticillioides and contradicts the Schardl for numerous constructive criticisms and sugges-
tions. Names are necessary to report factually on available
suggestion that it has coevolved with Zea mays (Leslie,
data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants
1995). Rigorous tests of our vicariant biogeographic the standard of the product, and the use of the name by
hypothesis are needed to address this and other ques- USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion
tions directed towards understanding the evolution- of others that may also be suitable.
ary history of the G. Jujikuroi complex. Towards this
end, area cladograms are being constructed for the
F oxysporum and Nectria haematococca species com-
plexes (Van Etten and Kistler, 1988; O'Donnell and Amoah, B. K., M. V. Macdonald, N. Rezanoor, and P. Nich-
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Appendix I.-Description of representative strains of each
species sequenced and analyzed phylogenetically. Strain
Voigt, K., S. Schleier, and B. Bruckner. 1995. Genetic vari-
data include culture collection number(s), geographic ori-
ability in Gibberella fujikuroi and some related species
gin, and host/substrate where available. Coding for loci se-
of the genus Fusarium based on random amplification
quenced (in parentheses) together with the acronym of the
of polymorpic DNA (RAPD). Curr. Genet. 27: 528-535.
culture collection/individual who supplied the strains are
Waalwijk, C., R. P. Baayen,J. R. A. De Koning, and W. Gams.
presented at the end of Appendix 1. MP A-G indicate bio-
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1995); however, only members of MP-C are named G. Juji-
---, J. R. A. de Koning, R. P. Baayen, and W. Gams.
kuroi sensu stricto.
1996b. Discordant groupings of Fusarium spp. from
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Wagner, A., N. Blackstone, P. Cartwright, M. Dick, B. Misof, India, unknown (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 13309 =CBS 402.97
P. Snow, G. P. Wagner, J. Bartels, M. Murtha, and J. = BBA 69580 = FRC 0-1117 = IMI 376ll0 (ex holotype),
Pendleton. 1994. Surveys of gene families using poly- India, unknown (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25118 = ARSEF
merase chain reaction: PCR selection and PCR drift. 3704 = BBA 69718, Pakistan, [Homoptera: Aphididae]
Syst. Bot. 43: 250-261. on Triticum sp. (m,i,t5); NRRL 25119 = ARSEF 3707 =
Weijermars, R. 1989. Global tectonics since the breakup of BBA 69719, Pakistan, [Homoptera: Aphididae] on Triti-
Pangea 180 million years ago: evolution maps and cumsp. (m,t5); NRRL 25731 = BBA63520 =CBS 401.97,
lithospheric budget. Earth-Sci. Rev. 26: 113-162. India, Cajanus cajan (m, t5).
Wendel, J. F., A. Schnabel, and T. Seelanan. 1995a. Bidi- Fusarium annulatum NRRL 13614 = NRRL 13619 = CBS
rectional interlocus concerted evolution following al- 258.54 = BBA 63629 = IMI 202878 = IMI 375326 = FRC
lopolyploid speciation in cotton ( Goss)pium). Proc. M-1636 = DAOM 225139 (ex holotype), Vietnam, Oryza
Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 92: 280-284. sativa (n,m,i,t5,t3).
- - - , - - - , a n d - - - . 1995b. An unusual ribosomal Fusarium anthophilum NRRL 13293 = FRC M-1211, KY,
DNA sequence from Gossypium gossypioides reveals an- USA, Lotus corniculatus (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 13602 = CBS
cient, cryptic, intergenomic introgression. MoiRe. Phy- 737.97 = IMI 375325 = FRC M-1355 = DAOM 225119,
logenetics Evol. 4: 298-313. Germany, Hippeastrum sp. (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 13292 =
White, T. J., T. Bruns, S. Lee, and J. Taylor. 1990. Ampli- NRRL 13828 = FRC M-ll90, NC, USA, Plantago sp.
fication and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25062 = CBS 108.92, Netherlands,

Hippeastrum sp. (t5); NRRL 25214 = BBA 8998 = BBA Fusarium concolorNRRL 13994 =CBS 183.34 =CBS 450.97
62266, Germany, Hippeastrum sp. (t5); NRRL 22943 = = BBA 2607 = BBA 63601 = IMI 375337 = DAOM
NRRL 25216 =CBS 222.76 = BBA 63270 = IMI 202880, 225131 (ex holotype), Uruguay, Hordeum sp. (n,m,i,t5,t3).
Germany, Euphorbia pulcherrima (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 25217 Fusarium denticulatum NRRL 25189 = BBA 65244 = CBS
= BBA 64252, New Zealand, Hippeastrum sp. (t5). 406.97, Cuba, Ipomoea batatas (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25302
Fusarium babinda NRRL 25539 = DB F11165 = CBS 396.96 = BBA 67769 = CBS 735.97 = IMI 375320 = CC 4785-
= BBA 69788, Queensland, Australia, rain forest soil 1 = DAOM 225112, NC, USA, I. batatas (n,m,i,t5,t3);
(n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25540 = DB F11170 = CBS 397.96 NRRL 25311 = BBA 67772 = CBS 407.97 = CC F89-22
= BBA 69789 = IMI 375324 = DAOM 225118, Victoria, = IMI 376115 (ex holotype), LA, USA, I. batatas
Australia, Nothojagus forest soil (n,m,i,t5,t3). (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25314 = BBA 67771 = CC 91-25-1,
Fusarium bactridioides NRRL 204 76 = CBS 177.35 = CBS Brazil, I. batatas (t5); NRRL 25316 = BBA 67770 = CC
100057 = BBA 4748 = BBA 63602 = IMI 375323 = F89-31, LA, USA, I. batatas (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25345 =
DAOM 225115 (ex holotype), AZ, USA, Cronartium con- CC 91-82-1, Zambia, I. batatas (t5); NRRL 25350 = CC
igenum on Pinus leiophylla (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 22201 = 91-29-1, Philippines, I. batatas (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25351
BBA 63602 = IMI 376116, AZ, USA, C. on P. leiophylla = CC 93-151-1, Indonesia, I. batatas (t5); NRRL 25352 =
(t5,m). CC 4785-3, NC, USA, I. batatas (t5); NRRL 25465 = CC
Fusarium begoniaeNRRL 25300 =CBS 403.97 = BBA 67781 91-02-1, Peru, I. batatas (t5).
= IMI 375315 = DAOM 225116 (exholotype), Germany, Fusarium dlaminii NRRL 13164 = FRC M-1637= ATCC
Begonia elatior hybrid (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25315 = BBA 58097 = CBS 175.88 = BBA 69859 = IMI 375348 =
69131 = CBS 452.97 = IMI 376114, Germany, Begonia DAOM 225120 (ex holotype), South Africa, Zea mays field
elatior hybrid (n,m,i,t5,t3). soil (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25354 = TRG MC4-1S, MD, USA,
Fusarium beomiforme NRRL 13606 = FRC M-1425 = IMI soil (m,t5); NRRL 25355 = TRG MC9-8S =CBS 408.97=
376117 (ex holotype), Australia, soil (n,m,i,t3); NRRL BBA 69727, MD, USA, soil (m,t5); NRRL 25442 = MRC
25174 = BBA 65829 = CBS 740.97 = IMI 375328 = 3023 = BBA 69046, South Africa, soil (m,t5); NRRL
DAOM 225123, New Caledonia, soil (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25443 = MRC 3024 = BBA 69047, South Africa, soil (m,
25185 = BBA 69439 = FRC M-1089, Papua New Guinea,
soil (n,m,t5,t3).
Fusarium fujikuroi MP-C NRRL 13566 = IMI 300793 = IMI
Fusarium brevicatenulatum NRRL 25446 = BBA 69197 =
375349 = ATCC 38941 = DAOM 225143, Taiwan, Oryza
CBS 404.97 = IMI 375329 = DAOM 225122 (ex bolo-
sativa (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 13620 = NRRL 13998 = NRRL
type), Madagascar, Striga asiatica (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL
22174 = IMI 196086 =CBS 221.76 = BBA 12428 = BBA
25447 = BBA 69198 =CBS 100196, Madagascar, S. asia-
63630 = IMI 202879 (ex holotype), Taiwan, 0. sativa
tica (m).
(n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 22010 = JFL 1993, Taiwan, 0. sativa
Fusarium bulbicola NRRL 13600 = FRC M-1354 = BBA
(m,t5); NRRL 22012 = JFL 1995, Taiwan, 0. sativa
63620, Germany, Haemanthussp. (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 13618
(m,t5); NRRL 22013 = JFL 1996, Taiwan, 0. sativa
=CBS 220.76 = BBA 12293 = BBA 63628 = IMI 202877
(m,t5); NRRL 22059 = JFL 4921 (n,i,t5,t3); NRRL 22060
= IMI 375322 = DAOM 225114 (ex holotype), Nether-
lands, Nerine bowdenii (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 22947 = CBS = JFL 4922 (t5).
245.59 = BBA 8549 = BBA 63620, Germany, Haemanthus Fusarium globosum NRRL 25190 = BBA 69018 = CBS
sp. (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 25176 = BBA 10670 = BBA 63622, 741.97 = IMI 375331 = MAFF 237513 = DAOM 225125,
Germany, Nerine bowdenii (t5). Japan, Triticum aestivum (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25193 =
Fusarium circinatum NRRL 25331 = TRG SL-1 = BBA BBA 69017 = MAFF 237512, Japan, T. aestivum (t5);
69720 =CBS 405.97 = IMI 375321 = DAOM 225113 (ex NRRL 25198 = BBA 69019 = MAFF 237511, Japan, T.
holotype), CA, USA, Pinus radiata (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL aestivum (t5); NRRL 26131 =CBS 428.97 = IMI 375330
25332 = TRG FK867 = CBS 100197 = BBA 69721, GA, = MRC 6647 = DAOM 225124 (ex ho1otype), South Af-
USA, P. taeda (m,t5); NRRL 25333 = TRG SA-0024 = rica, Zea mays (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 26132 = CBS 429.97
BBA 69722, South Africa, P. patula (m,t5); NRRL 25621 = MRC 6648, South Africa, Z. mays (m,t5); NRRL 26133
= MRC 6209 = BBA 69854, South Africa, P. patula (t5); =CBS 430.97 = MRC 6657, South Africa, Z. mays (m,t5);
NRRL 25707 = IMI 211032, NC, USA, P. caribaea (m, t5); NRRL 26134 = CBS 431.97 = MRC 6660, South Africa,
NRRL 25708 = IMI 211031, NC, USA, P. taeda (m, t5). Z. ma)'S (m,t5).
Fusarium concentricum NRRL 25181 = BBA 64354 = CBS Fusarium guttiforme NRRL 22945 = CBS 184.29 = IMI
450.97 = IMI 375352 = DAOM 225146 (ex holotype), 375350 = DAOM 225144, England, Ananas comosus
Costa Rica, Musa sapientum (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25202 = (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25037 = ATCC 38067 = BBA 69665,
BBA 68483 = ARSEF 2053, Korea, Nilaparvata lugens Brazil, A. comosus (t5); NRRL 25038 = ATCC 42089, Bra-
[Homoptera: Delphacidae] (t5); NRRL 25666 = BBA zil, A. comosus (t5); NRRL 25295 = JAV E248 = BBA
69855 = ITEM 807, Guatemala, M. sapientum (m, t5); 69661 = CBS 409.97 = IMI 376113 (ex holotype), Brazil,
NRRL 25667 = BBA 69856 = ITEM 817, Guatemala, M. A. comosus (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25296 = JAV E/RG 3381,
sapientum (m, t5); NRRL 25668 = BBA 69857 = ITEM Brazil, A. comosus (t5); NRRL 25297 = JAV E/RG 3383
818 = CBS 453.97, Guatemala, M. sapientum (m, t5); = BBA 69663, Brazil, A. comosus (t5); NRRL 25298 = JAV
NRRL 25669 = BBA 69858 = ITEM 819, Guatemala, M. E/RG 3384 = BBA 69664 = CBS 410.97, Brazil, A. com-
sapientum (m, t5). osus (t5); NRRL 25384 = ATCC 52602, Hawaii, A. como-

sus (t5); NRRL 25624 = MRC 6784 = BBA 69860, Brazil, CBS 129.81 = BBA 63926, FL, USA, [f. sp. chrysanthemi]
A. comosus (t5). Chrysanthemum sp. (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22541 = CBS
Fusarium inflexum NRRL 20433 = CBS 716.74 = BBA 149.25, unknown, [f. sp. cubense] Musa sp. (n,m,i,t5);
63203 = IMI 375336 = DAOM 225130 (ex holotype), NRRL 22542 = CBS 159.57 = BBA 7022 [f. sp. cyclam-
Germany, Vicia Jaba (n,m,i,t5,t3). inis] Cyclamen persicum (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22543 = CBS
Fusarium lactis NRRL 25200 = BBA 68590 = TM F41 = 783.83, Surinam, [f. sp. elaeidis] Elaeis guineenis
CBS 411.97 = IMI 375351 = DAOM 225145 (ex neotype), (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22544 = CBS 167.30, unknown, [f. sp.
CA, USA, Ficus carica (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25334 = TM lycopersici] Lycopersicon esculentum (n,m,i,t5); NRRL
Fl = BBA 69865, CA, USA, F. carica (t5); NRRL 25338 22545 = CBS 247.61 = BBA 8398, Germany, [f. sp. mat-
= TM Fl3 = BBA 68591 = CBS 420.97, CA, USA, F. thiolae] Matthiola incana (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22547 = CBS
carica (t5); NRRL 25339 = TM Fl5 = BBA 69866, CA, 196.65 = BBA 8713, Germany, [f. sp. narcissi] Narcissus
USA, F. carica (t5); NRRL 25340 = TM FIB, CA, USA, F. sp. (n,m,t5); NRRL 22548 = CBS 744.79 = BBA 62349,
carica (t5); NRRL 25344 = TM F64, CA, USA, F. carica Germany, [f. sp. opuntiarum] Zygocactus truncatus
(t5). (m,i,t5); NRRL 22549 =CBS 744.79 = BBA 62355, Brazil,
Fusarium napiforme NRRL 13604 = FRC M-3563 = CBS [f. sp. passijlorae] Passijlora edulis (n,m,i,t5); NRRL
748.97 = BBA 69861 = DAOM 225147 = IMI 375353 (ex 22550 = CBS 794.70 = BBA 11103, Iran, [f. sp. pernicios-
holotype), South Mrica, Pennisetum typhoides um] Albizia jublibrissin (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22551 = CBS
(n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25196 = FRC M-3560 = BBA 67629, 171.31, Germany, [f. sp. pini] Pinus sp. (n,m,i,t5); NRRL
South Mrica, P. typhoides (t5); NRRL 25201 = FRC M- 22552 =CBS 180.29, Germany, [f. sp. pisi] Pisum sativum
3566 = BBA 67630, South Mrica, P. typhoides (t5). (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22553 = CBS 488.76, Germany, [f. sp.
Fusarium neoceras See Fusarium sacchari raphani] Raphanus sativus (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22554 =
Fusarium nisikadoi NRRL 25179 = BBA 69009 = CBS CBS 130.81 = BBA 63927, Nigeria, [f. sp. tracheiphilum]
742.97 = IMI 375333 = MAFF 237509 = DAOM 225127, Chrysanthemum sp.(n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22555 =CBS 797.70
Japan, Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL = BBA II 096, Iran, [f. sp. tuberosi] Solanum tuberosum
25183 = BBA 69010 = MAFF 237510,Japan, P. nigravar. (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22556 =CBS 242.59 = BBA 8248, Ger-
henonis (t5); NRRL 25191 = BBA 69016 =CBS 412.97 many, [f. sp. tulipae] Tulipa sp.(n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22557 =
= MAFF 237508,Japan, P. nigravar. henonis (t5); NRRL CBS 173.28, unknown, [f. sp. vasinfectum] Gossypium sp.
25203 = BBA 69014 = MAFF 237507,Japan, P. nigravar. (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22902 = BCRI 9065I = DAOM 225129
henonis (t5); NRRL 25308 = BBA 69015 = CBS 456.97 = IMI 375335, ID, USA, Pseudotsuga menziesii
= MAFF 237506 = IMI 376111 (exholotype),Japan, Trit- (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25039 =AD I, Canada, Pinus strobus
icum aestivum (t5); NRRL 25327 = CBS 209.76 = BBA (m,i,t5); NRRL 25040 = AD 2, Canada, P. strobus (m,i);
69597, isolated at CBS, The Netherlands, nut (t5). NRRL 25041 = AD 3, Canada, P. strobus (m,i); NRRL
Fusarium nygamai MP-G NRRL 13448 = ATCC 58555 = 25042 =AD 7, Canada, P. strobus (m,i); NRRL 25044 =
FRC M-1375 = CBS 749.97 = BBA 69862 = IMI 375354 AD 11, Canada, P. strobus (m,i); NRRL 25045 =AD 12,
= DAOM 225148 (ex holotype), Australia, Sorghum bicolor Canada, P. strobus (m,i); NRRL 25047 =AD 15, Canada,
(n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 22106 = CBS 834.85, India, Cajanus P. strobus (m,i); NRRL 25050 = AD 28, Canada, P. strobus
sp. (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25312 = BBA 64375 = CBS (m,i); NRRL 25051 = AD 29, Canada, P. strobus (m,i);
572.94, India, Cajanus sp. (t5); NRRL 25449 = BBA NRRL 25250 = HK F41, Poland, P. sylvestris, nursery soil
63175, Morocco, Oryza sativa (m,t5); NRRL 25450 = (m,t5); NRRL 25353 = TRG RA-4E, CA, USA, muskmel-
BBA 65861, Sudan, Striga hermonthica (m,t5); NRRL on root (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25356 = CA 92015, France,
25596 = ATCC 15645, Greece, Nicotiana tabacum (t5). soil (m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25357 = CA 91142, France, soil
Fusarium oxysporum NRRL 13307 = FRC 0-1080, FL, USA, (m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25358 = CA 92B42, France, soil (m,t5);
Lycopersicon esculentum (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 22518 = NRRL 25359 = CA 91294, France, soil (m,i,t5,t3); NRRL
ATCC 32669, MI, USA, [f. sp. melonis] Cucumis melo var. 25360 = CA 92L83, France, soil (m,t5); NRRL 25361 =
cantalupensis (cantalope) (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22519 = CA 92018, France, soil (m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25362 = CA
ATCC 28856, France, [f. sp. melonis] Cucumis melo var. 91238, France, soil (m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25363 = CA 92M45,
reticulatus (muskmelon) (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22520 = ATCC France, soil (m,t5); NRRL 25366 = CK 22410, Queens-
62166, MD, USA, [f. sp. melonis] Cucumis melo var. can- land, Australia, Musa sp. (m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25367 = CK
talupensis (cantaloupe) (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22521 = ATCC MV44, Malawi, Musa sp. (m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25387 =
32780, Belgium, [f. sp. melonis] Cucumis melo var. reticu- ATCC 26225, New Zealand, Homo sapiens (n,m,i,t5,t3);
latus (muskmelon) (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22533 = CBS NRRL 25594 = ATCC 16415, SC, USA, [f. sp. batatas]
244.61 = BBA 8388, Germany, [f. sp. aechmeae] Aechmea Ipomoea batatas (m,t5); NRRL 25595 = ATCC 11938, MD,
Jascicata (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22534 = CBS 175.35 = BBA USA, [f. sp. batatas] Ipomoea batatas (m,t5); NRRL 25598
5709, Germany, [f. sp. apii] (n); NRRL 22535 = CBS = ATCC 18774, unknown, [f. sp. glycines] Glycine max
172.30, Germany, [f. sp. batatas] Ipomoea batatas (m,t5); NRRL 25603 = CKA2, Australia, Musasp. (m,t5);
(n,m,t5); NRRL 22536 = CBS 182.35 = BBA 5629, Ger- NRRL 25604 = CK 22615, NSW, Australia, Musa sp.
many, [f. sp. callistephi] (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22537 = CBS (m,t5); NRRL 25605 = CK FOOOI, Natal, South Mrica,
742.79 = BBA 62302, Germany, [f. sp. cattlryae] Phalaen- Musa sp. (m,t5); NRRL 25606 = CK STPA2, Tanzania,
opsis sp.(n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22538 = CBS 192.35 = BBA Musa sp. (m,t5); NRRL 25607 = CK B2-l, FL, USA, Musa
2906, Germany, [f. sp. cepae] (n,m,t5); NRRL 22539 = sp. (m,t5); NRRL 25608 = CKJLTH20, Ban Nok, Thai-

land, Musa sp. (m,t5); NRRL 25609 = CK MW2, Misuku, Fusarium pseudocircinatum NRRL 22946 = CBS 126.73 =
Karonga, Malawi, Musa sp. (m,t5). CBS 449.97 = IMI 375316 = BBA 69636 = DAOM
Fusarium phyllophilum NRRL 13296 = FRC M-1219, Ger- 225117 (ex holotype), Ghana, Solanum sp. (n,m,i,t5,t3);
many, Sanseviera dooneri (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 13617 = NRRL 25034 = ARSEF 2301 =CBS 455.97 = BBA 69598,
CBS 216.76 = BBA 11730 = BBA 63625 = IMI 20287 4 Papua New Guinea, Heteropsylla incisa [Homoptera: Psyl-
= IMI 375338 = DAOM 225132, Italy, Dracaena deremen- lidae] (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25372 = IMI 294599 = BBA
sis (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25053 =CBS 246.61 = BBA 7983, 69723, Philippines, Pinus kesiya (m,t5); NRRL 25737 =
Germany, Sanseviera dooneri (t5) ; NRRL 251 78 = NRRL QM 553, Barro Colorado Island, Panama, textile (m, t5);
25218 = BBA 63625, Italy, Dracaena deremensis (t5); NRRL 25738 = QM 612 = BBA 70134, Barro Colorado
NRRL 25219 = BBA 63618, Germany, Sanseviera dooneri Island, Panama, dead leaves (m, t5).
(t5); NRRL 25305 = BBA 11833 = BBA 63639, Germany, Fusarium pseudonygamai NRRL 6022 = BBA 69551 = CBS
Gastera excarvata (n,m,i,t5,t3). 416.97 = MRC 1412, Nigeria, Pennisetum typhoides
Fusarium proliferatum MP-D NRRL 13569 = IMI 300795 = (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 13592 = FRC M-1166 = BBA 69552
ATCC 42112, CA, USA, Zea mays (n); NRRL 13583 = = CBS 417.97 = IMI 375342 = DAOM 225136 (ex ho-
FRC M-1300, Finland, poultry feed (m,t5); NRRL 13584 lotype), Nigeria, P. typhoides (n,m,i,t5,t3).
= FRC M-1327, Japan, river sediment (m,t5); NRRL Fusarium ramigenum NRRL 25208 = BBA 68592 = TM F50
13585 = FRC M-1293, India, Triticum sp. (m,t5); NRRL = CBS 418.97 = IMI 375343 = DAOM 225137 (ex ho-
20983 = JFL 996 = FRC M-3701, IN, USA, Sorghum hi- lotype), CA, USA, Ficus carica (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25212
color (m,t5); NRRL 22003 = JFL 1591 = FRC M-5360, = BBA 68593 = TM F62 = CBS 526.97, CA, USA, F.
China, Zea mays (m,i,t5); NRRL 22025 = JFL 2930 = FRC carica (t5); NRRL 25341 = TM F21, CA, USA, F. carica
M-3777, AL, USA, Sorghum bicolor (m,t5); NRRL 22032 = (t5); NRRL 25685 = BBA 69864 = TM F61, CA, USA, F.
JFL 2959 = FRC M-3813, SC, USA, Nicotiana tabacum carica (m, t5).
(m,t5); NRRL 22057 = JFL 4853 (n,i,t3); NRRL 22058 = Fusarium redo/ens NRRL 22901 = BCRI F30 = CBS 743.97
JFL 4854 (t5); NRRL 22944 =CBS 217.76 = BBA 11341 = IMI 375334 = DAOM 225128, B.C., Canada, Pseudo-
= BBA 63624 = IMI 375339 = DAOM 225133, Germany, tsuga menz.iesii (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25123 = ARSEF 4011,
Cattleya hybrid (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 22948 =CBS 267.93, Denmark, Lilioceris lilii [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae]
Indonesia, unknown (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 25006 = FRC M- (i,t5); NRRL 25600 = CBS 248.61 = CBS 360.87 = BBA
5991 (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 25054 = CBS 620.80, England, Si- 9526 = DSM 62390 = ATCC 16067, Dianthus caryophyl-
tobion avenae (t5); NRRL 25060 = CBS 182.32, CA, USA, lus, Germany (ex holotype) (m, t5); NRRL 25602 = DSM
Ficus carica (t5); NRRL 25082 = ARSEF 1310, Morocco, 62386, Germany, Fritillaria sp. (m,t5).
Sitona discoideus [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] (m,i,t5); Fusarium sacchari MP-B NRRL 13295 = FRC M-1217, Ger-
NRRL 25089 = ARSEF 2337, ID, USA, Rhopalosiphum many, Cattleya sp. (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 13999 = CBS 223.76
padi [Homoptera: Aphididae] on Zea mays (m,i,t5); = BBA 63340 = IMI 375344 = DAOM 225138, India,
NRRL 25091 = ARSEF 2568, GA, USA, Chalcodermus ae- Saccharum officinarum (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 20471 =CBS
neus [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] (m,i,t5); NRRL 25175 147.25 = BBA 69863 = IMI 375345 = DAOM 225140 (ex
= BBA 69071 = MAFF 236459, Japan, Triticum aestivum holotype of F. neoceras), Honduras, Musa sapientum
(t5); NRRL 25177 = BBA 69013 = MAFF 237651,Japan, (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 20957 = JFL 0278, Taiwan, S. offici-
T. aestivum (t5); NRRL 25182 = BBA 69070 = MAFF narum (m,t5); NRRL 22006 = JFL 1728, Philippines, Sor-
236458, Japan, T. aestivum (t5); NRRL 25207 = BBA ghum bicolor (m,t5); NRRL 22038 = JFL 3820 = BBA
65640, Uzbekistan, Morus alba (t5); NRRL 25222 = BBA 63342 = FRC M-942, India, S. of.ficinarum (m,t5); NRRL
69540, Argentina, soil (t5); NRRL 25223 = BBA 69541, 22042 = JFL 3828 = FRC M-1217 = BBA 62260, Ger-
Argentina, soil (i,t5); NRRL 25225 = IMI 316829, Paki- many, Cattleya sp. (m,t5); NRRL 22043 = JFL 3852
stan, Trigonella foecum (t5); NRRL 25227 = IMI 305089, (n,i,t5,t3); NRRL 22044 = JFL 3853 (t5); NRRL 25031 =
unknown, Caryota mitis (t5); NRRL 25306 = BBA 69011 ARSEF 2141, India, Scirpophaga excerptalis [Lepidoptera:
= MAFF 236463, Japan, Triticum aestivum (n,m,i,t5,t3); Pyralidae] (t5); NRRL 25032 = ARSEF 2143, India, Pyr-
NRRL 25307 = BBA 11345 = BBA 63634, Germany, Cat- illa perpusilla [Hemiptera: Lophopidae] (t5); NRRL
tleya sp. (t5); NRRL 25320 = BBA 69589, Russia, Gossyp- 25033 = ARSEF 2145, India, Pulvinaria elongata [Ho-
iumsp. (t5); NRRL 25335 = TM F4, CA, USA, Ficus carica moptera: Coccidae] (t5); NRRL 25061 = CBS 134.73,
(t5); NRRL 25336 = TM F5, CA, USA, F. carica (t5); Guyana, S. of.ficinarum (t5); NRRL 25090 = ARSEF 2418,
NRRL 25337 = TM F6, CA, USA, F. carica (t5); NRRL India, Emmalocera depressella [Lepidoptera: Phycitinae]
25376 = IMI 183478, Australia, bovine liver. (m,i,t5); NRRL 25139 = ARSEF 2142, India, Chilo sac-
Fusarium pseudoanthophilum NRRL 25206 = BBA 69030 = chariphagus indicus [Lepidoptera: Pyralidae] (m,i,t5);
CBS 745.97 = IMI 375340 = Frank GW23 = DAOM NRRL 25140 = ARSEF 2144, India, Pyrilla perpusilla [He-
225134, Gweru, Zimbabwe, Zea mays (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL miptera: Lophopidae] (m,i,t5); NRRL 25310 = BBA
25209 = BBA 69003 =CBS 415.97 =Frank KA18, Karoi, 63320, India, S. of.ficinarum (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25664 =
Zimbabwe, Z. mays (t5); NRRL 25210 = BBA 69004 = ITEM 805, Guatemala, M. sapientum (m, t5); NRRL
IMI 360543 = Frank GW24, Gweru, Zimbabwe, Z. mays 25665 = ITEM 806, Guatemala, M. sapientum (m, t5).
(t5); NRRL 25211 = BBA 69002 = CBS 414.97 = Frank Fusarium subglutinans MP-E NRRL 13588 = FRC M-1294,
12-KW20 = IMI 376112 (ex holotype), Gambiza, Zimba- lA, USA, Zea mays (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 13599 = FRC M-
bwe, Z. mays (n,m,i,t5,t3). 1351, Zambia, Z. mays (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 20844 = CBS

215.76 = BBA 10351 = BBA 62621, Germany, Z. mays 25056 = CBS 139.40, Italy, Phyllocactus hybridus (t5);
(n,m,i,t5); NRRL 20981 = JFL 990 = FRC M-3696 = BBA NRRL 25057 = CBS 125.73, India, Trichosanthes dioica
65921, IL, USA, Z. mays (t5); NRRL 22002 = JFL 1583 (t5); NRRL 25058 = CBS 167.87, USA, Pinus sp. (t5);
= FRC M-5352, China, Z. mays (m,i,t5); NRRL 22016 = NRRL 25059 = CBS 624.87, Honduras, Musa sapientum
JFL 2192 = CBS 747.97 = IMI 375346 = DAOM 225141 (t5); NRRL 25087 = ARSEF 2252, France, [Diptera: Bi-
= FRC M-3693, IL, USA, Z. mays (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL bionidae] on Solidago sp. (m,i,t5); NRRL 25102 = ARSEF
22034 = JFL 3809 = BBA 11157 =BBA 62275 = FRC M- 3300, Mexico, Spodoptera frugiperda [Lepidoptera: Noc-
845, Iran, Z. mays (m,t5). tuidae] on Zea mays (m,i,t5); NRRL 25111 = ARSEF
Fusarium succisae NRRL 13298 = FRC M-1221, Germany, 3673, CA, USA, Bemisia tabaci [Homoptera: Aleyrodidae]
Succisa pratensis (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 13613 = CBS 219.76 on Citrus limon (lemon tree) (m,i,t5); NRRL 25113 =
= BBA 12287 = BBA 63627 = IMI 375347 = DAOM ARSEF 3675, CA, USA, B. tabaci [Homoptera: Aleyrodi-
225142, Germany, S. pratensis (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25215 dae] on Bauhinia variegata (orchid tree) (m,i,t5); NRRL
= BBA 63162, Germany, S. pratensis (t5). 25114 = ARSEF 3676, Mexico, B. tabaci [Homoptera: A 1-
Fusarium thapsinum MP-F NRRL 22007 = JFL 1733 = BBA eyrodidae] (m,i,t5); NRRL 25115 = ARSEF 3677, Mexico,
69581 = FRC M-5487, Philippines, Sorghum bicolor USA, B. tabaci [Homoptera: Aleyrodidae] on Brassica
(m,i,t5); NRRL 22028 = JFL 2942 = BBA 69584 = FRC oleracea var. botrytis (cauliflower) (m,i,t5); NRRL 25116 =
M-3790, MS, USA, S. bicolor (m,t5); NRRL 22045 = JFL ARSEF 3678, CA, USA, B. tabaci [Homoptera: Aleyrodi-
3869 = CBS 733.97 = IMI 375317 = DAOM 225109 = dae] on Brassica oleracea var. botrytis (broccoli) (m,i,t5);
MRC 6002, South Africa, S. bicolor (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL NRRL 25117 = ARSEF 3679, Mexico, B. tabaci [Homop-
22048 = JFL 4092 = BBA 69582 = FRC M-6562 tera: Aleyrodidae] on Brassica oleracean (kale) (m,i,t5);
(n,i,t5,t3); NRRL 22049 = JFL 4093 = BBA 69583 =CBS NRRL 25228 = IMI 244440, NC, USA, Homo sapiens (t5);
776.96 = FRC M-6563 = ATCC 200521 (ex holotype) NRRL 25368 = IMI 316823, India, Trigonellafeonum-grae-
(t5); NRRL 22054 = JFL 4440 = FRC M-6519, Thailand, cum (m,t5); NRRL 25370 = IMI 312010, Ghana, Triplo-
Musa sp. (m,t5); NRRL 25229 = IMI 240460, Italy, Homo chiton scleroxylon (m,t5); NRRL 25383 = ATCC 60858,
sapiens ( t5) . Canada, Alligator mississipiensis (n,m,t5); NRRL 25616 =
Fusarium udum NRRL 22114 = NRRL 25194 = CBS 747.79 BBA 63172, India, Ory-za sativa ( t5).
=CBS 451.97 = BBA 10725 = BBA 62451, India, Cajanus Fusarium sp. 22903 NRRL 22900 = BCRI P4C2Pl7A, B.C.,
cajan (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 22540 =CBS 211.58 (exholotype Canada, Pseudotsuga men-ziesii (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 22903
of F. oxysporum f. sp. crotalariae), Brazil, Crotalaria sp. = BCRI 3139 = IMI 375363 = DAOM 225157, OR, USA,
(n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 22949 =CBS 178.32 = IMI 375319 = P. men-ziesii (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25043 =AD 31, Ontario,
DAOM 225111, Germany, unknown (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL Canada, Pinus strobus (i); NRRL 25049 = AD 27, Ontario,
25192 = BBA 65056 =CBS 419.97, India, Crotolariajuncea Canada, P. strobus (n,m,i); NRRL 25052 =AD 30, Ontar-
(t5); NRRL 25199 = BBA 65058, India, Cajanus cajan (t5); io, Canada, P. strobus (i).
NRRL 25313 = BBA 64843, India, Crotolaria juncea (t5); Fusarium sp. 25184 NRRL 25184 = BBA 65467 = CBS
NRRL 25610 = IMI 193652, India, Cajanus cajan 573.94 = IMI 375332 = DAOM 225126, Germany, peat
(n,m,i,t5); NRRL 25611 = IMI 170431, India, Crotolaria soil (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 20702 = NRRL 25186 = CBS
verrucosa (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 25612 = IMI 241426, India, 841.85 = BBA 64572, Germany, Vitis vinifera (t5); NRRL
Cicer arietinum (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 25613 = IMI 271070, Ma- 25187 = BBA 64573, Germany, V. vinifera (t5); NRRL
lawi, Cajanus cajan (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 25614 = IMI 275452, 25317 = BBA 64596, Germany, V. vinifera (t5).
Malawi, Cajanus cajan (n,m,i,t5). Fusarium sp. 25195 NRRL 25195 = BBA 65676 = GJS 90-
Fusarium verticillioides MP-A NRRL 6396 = ATCC 24088, 248 = IMI 375357 = DAOM 225151, Venezuela, wood
AK, USA, chicken feed (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 6397 = ATCC (n,m,i,t5,t3).
24089, AK, USA, chicken feed (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 6442 = Fusarium sp. 25204 NRRL 25204 = BBA 65668 = GJS 90-
ATCC 46035, Egypt, corn (n,m,i,t5); NRRL 13563 = 215 = IMI 375356 = DAOM 225150, Venezuela, palm
ATCC 52131, NC, USA, Pinus taeda (n); NRRL 20956 = (n,m,i,t5,t3).
JFL 149 = FRC M-3125, CA, USA, Zea mays (t5); NRRL Fusarium sp. 25221 NRRL 25221 = BBA 69031 = IMI
20960 = JFL 488 = FRC M-1325 = MRC 0826, South 375355 =Frank 5bCn8 = DAOM 225149, Chinhoyi, Zim-
Africa, Z. mays (m,t5); NRRL 20984 = JFL 999 = FRC babwe, Zea mays (n,m,i,t5,t3).
M-3703 = BBA 65898, IN, USA, Z. mays (n,i,t3); NRRL Fusarium sp. 25226 NRRL 25226 = IMI 304063 = IMI
22001 = JFL 1562 = FRC M-5331, China, Ory-za sativa 375361 = BBA 69662 = DAOM 225155, India, Mangifera
(m,t5); NRRL 22050 = JFL 4362, Egypt, Sorghum bicolor indica (n,m,i,t5,t3).
(m,t5); NRRL 22052 = JFL 4424 = FRC M-6536, Thai- Fusarium sp. 25303 NRRL 25303 = BBA 69021 = IMI
land, Musa sp. (m,t5); NRRL 22055 = JFL 4516 = FRC 375360 = MAFF 237649 = DAOM 225154,Japan, Ory-za
M-5500, Nepal, Z. mays (m,t5); NRRL 22172 = BBA sativa (n,m,i,t5,t3).
11778 = BBA 62264 = CBS 734.97 = IMI 375318 = Fusarium sp. 25309 NRRL 25309 = BBA 69012 = IMI
DAOM 225110, Germany, Z. mays (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 375359 = MAFF 237650 = DAOM 225153, Japan, Triti-
25029 = ARSEF 3223, India, Nilaparvata lugens [Ho- cum aestivum (n,m,i,t5,t3).
moptera: Delphacidae] (n,m,i,t5,t3); NRRL 25035 = Fusarium sp. 25346 NRRL 25346 = CC 91-8-1 = FRC L-286
ATCC 46493, Equador, Elaeis guineensis (t5); NRRL = BBA 69725 = IMI 375358 = DAOM 225152, Peru,
25055 =CBS 579.78, MD, USA, Homo sapiens (t5); NRRL Ipomoea batatas (n,m,i,t5,t3).

Fusarium sp. 25483 NRRL 25483 = CBS 217.78 = BBA sity of Florida, Gainesville, FL; DAOM = Department of
63778 = IMI 375362 = DAOM 225156, Namibia, Penni- Agriculture (Mycology), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
setum typhoideum (n,m,i,t5,t3). Ottawa, Canada; DAR = New South Wales Department of
Fusarium sp. 25807 NRRL 25807 = DAR 70287 = BBA Agriculture, Plant Pathology Herbarium, Rydalmore, N. S.
69872 (ex holotype) and holotype not authentic for F. W., Australia; DB = D. Backhouse, Department of Crop Sci-
babinda, Australia, forest soil (n,m,i,t5,t3). ences, University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia;
DSM = Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und
Coding of loci sequenced: n = nuclear large subunit 28S Zellkulturen, Braunschweig, Germany; Frank = J. M. Frank,
rONA; m = mitochondrial small subunit rONA; i = nuclear University of Surrey, Guildford, England; FRC = Fusarium
rONA internal transcribed spacer; t5 = [3-tubulin gene, Research Center, Pennsylvania State University, University
exon #I to exon #4; t3 = [3-tubulin gene, exon #4 and exon Park, PA; GJS = G. J. Samuels, USDA-ARS, BARC-West,
#5. Beltsville, MD; HK = H. Kwasna, Akademia Rolnicza, Ka-
tedra Fitopatologii Lefmej, Poznan, Poland; IMI = Inter-
Strain Source: AD = A. Duggal, Department of Forestry,
national Mycological Institute, Egham, England;JAV = J. A.
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; ATCC =American
Ventura, Empresa Capixaba de Pesquisa Agropecudria, Vi-
Type Culture Collection, Rockville, MD; ARSEF = ARS Col-
t6ria-ES, Brazil; JFL = J. F. Leslie, Department of Plant Pa-
lection of Entomopathogenic Fungi, Ithaca, NY; BBA =
thology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS; MAFF =
Biologische Bundesanstalt fiir Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, NIAR, Tsu-
Berlin, Germany; BCRI = British Columbia Research Inc., kuba, Japan; MRC = Medical Research Council, Tygerberg,
Vancouver, Canada; CA = C. Alabouvette, Institut National South Mrica; NRRL = Northern Regional Research Labo-
de Ia Recherche Agronomique, Dijon, France; CBS = Cen- ratory = NCAUR, Peoria, IL; QM = Quartermaster Culture
traalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn, The Nether- Collection housed at NCAUR, Peoria, IL; TM = T. J. Mi-
lands; CC = C. Clark, Department of Plant Pathology & chailides, Kearney Agricultural Center, University of Cali-
Crop Physiology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, fornia, Parlier, CA; TRG = T. R. Gordon, Department of
LA; CK = C. Kistler, Plant Pathology Department, Univer- Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis, CA.

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