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Ocat, Lleyton Horace B.


Assessing the Employment Experiences of Boholano Maritime Fresh Graduates After

COVID-19 Surge


During the surge of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global economy experienced a
significant downturn, with international trade and business activities slowing down,
particularly in maritime-related sectors. As a result, the maritime industry was also
affected. With the uncertainties surrounding the industry brought by the effects of the
pandemic surge, many maritime companies pulled back leading to their operations
being reduced, implementation of cost-cutting measures, and reassessment of their
hiring strategies, which led to a fewer job openings for new graduates entering the job
industry. This also heightened the competition among fresh graduates due to limited job
position offerings. Additionally, travel restrictions and health protocols further
complicated the recruitment processes such as job fairs and on-campus interviews for
maritime companies hindering the ability of fresh graduates to meet potential employers
and secure employment opportunities. By conducting this study, it aims to gain a deeper
understanding on the problems experienced by recent maritime graduates from Bohol
and explore potential strategies to to address the employment needs of these fresh
graduates in a post-pandemic landscape.


- To Understand the lived experiences and perspectives of Boholano maritie fresh

graduates. This involves conducting qualitative research to delve into the personal
stories, challenges, and aspirations of recent maritime graduates from Bohol. Through
interviews, surveys, and focus groups, researchers can gather insights into their journey
from graduation to seeking employment, their struggles in navigating the post-COVID-
19 job market, and their hopes for the future.

- To examine COVID-19's impact on maritime industry recruitment practices and

workforce dynamics. This study aims to gain a comprehensive analysis of how the
pandemic has reshaped the maritime industry's approach to hiring and managing its
workforce. Researchers will investigate changes in recruitment strategies, shifts in
demand for specific skill sets, alterations in operational protocols, and the overall
economic impact on job opportunities for maritime graduates in Bohol.

- To propose actionable recommendations for adaptability in the maritime sector. This

study aims to come up with actionable recommendations to address the employment
needs of Boholano maritime fresh graduates amidst the ongoing challenges of the
COVID-19 pandemic. These recommendations may include targeted training programs
to enhance graduates' employability, collaborations between educational institutions and
companies to align curriculum with industry demands, advocacy for policy changes to
support job creation in the maritime sector, and initiatives to promote resilience and
adaptability among job seekers and employers.


The significance of this study is that it centers on the specific challenge

encountered by Boholano maritime fresh graduates in the aftermath of the COVID-19
pandemic. This study aims to uncover insights that are crucial for creating specific
solutions and policy reforms tailored to address their unique circumstances. By
identifying and addressing the root causes of employment challenges faced by
Boholano maritime fresh graduates, this study can serve as a bridge for companies to
implement strategic measures aimed at supporting and nurturing a more stable and
sustainable job market for future generations of maritime professionals. In summary,
this study is not only crucial for addressing the immediate needs of Boholano maritime
fresh graduates but also for building a more resilient and sustainable maritime industry.
By providing insights and recommendations, the study has the potential to drive positive
change, foster collaboration among stakeholders, and ultimately contribute to the long-
term prosperity of the maritime workforce and industry.


A relevant theory that relates to the maritime industry and its relationship with
employment opportunities, the economy, and social conditions is “Porter’s Diamond
Model.” Developed by Michael Porter, this framework focuses on the competitive
advantage of nations and industries, emphasizing four interconnected determinants:
factor conditions, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, and firm
strategy, structure, and rivalry. In the context of maritime employment opportunities
post-COVID-19, Porter’s Diamond Model can help elucidate how factors such as
national infrastructure, government policies, market demand, and industry structure
influence job prospects within the maritime sector. By applying Porter’s Diamond Model,
researchers can analyze how these determinants interact to shape employment
opportunities within the maritime industry post-COVID-19. They can assess the
competitiveness of maritime clusters, identify areas for improvement in factor conditions
and industry structure, and develop strategies to enhance the overall attractiveness of
the maritime sector as an employment destination for fresh graduates.

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