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Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality


Current Transportation Problem

In The Community

(CE 326) - MIDTERM

Submitted by: Catalino Namo Jr. BSCE 3

Submitted to: Dr. Anacleta Dagaas
Subject Instructor
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

Community Transportation Problems and Options

My community, Brgy. Laguma, Silago, Southern Leyte is a barangay that is far from the center
of commerce and is far from the highway. With these, problems arise regarding the transportation
vehicles and facilities. This includes the limited access to public transportations, lack of alternative
transportation modes, and especially the transportation cost.
Limited access to public transportation is one of the many problems in transportation in my
community. The vehicles that are mostly available are habal-habal which is also not very easy to come
by because of the availability of the motorcycles. In most barangay in our municipality, there aren't
enough buses or jeepneys, making it hard for people to get around. This affects everyone, especially
those who can't afford other options. It also makes it tough to find jobs or reach markets.
The second problem is the lack of alternative transportation vehicles.
The absence of alternative transportation vehicles in provincial areas poses significant challenges for
residents and communities, creating a pressing need for viable solutions. Imagine living in a remote
province with no reliable buses, jeepneys, or tricycles to take you where you need to go. This lack of
transportation options can severely limit your ability to access essential services like healthcare,
education, and employment opportunities, trapping you in a cycle of isolation and dependency.
The last problem that I will address and I am interested in is the transportation cost. I am
currently studying in Sogod which is very far from my community or barangay and when I seldom go
home, I always had high transportation from the proper of our municipality to our barangay.
When transportation is expensive, it's not just a problem for individuals—it affects the whole
community. It makes it hard for everyone to get to important places like hospitals or schools. It also
raises prices for things we buy and slows down how well businesses can grow. For families with less
money, it means they might have to skip things like going to the doctor. This makes it even harder for
people who are already struggling.
To address the challenges of limited access to public transportation, lack of alternative
transportation vehicles, and high transportation costs in communities, a comprehensive approach is
necessary. This involves improving public transportation by expanding networks, increasing service
frequency, and implementing fare subsidies for low-income residents. Additionally, promoting
alternative transportation modes such as cycling, walking, and electric scooters, along with creating
infrastructure to support them, can offer residents more options. High transportation costs can be
mitigated through advocacy for policy changes, subsidies, and initiatives like carpooling and
telecommuting. Community engagement and collaboration with local stakeholders are essential to
ensure that transportation plans are equitable, accessible, and sustainable. By implementing these
measures, communities can work towards overcoming transportation challenges and creating more
inclusive and efficient transportation systems for all residents.

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