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Agnum's Bio

Background: Agnum was born and raised in Vale, his father was a powerful leader in Menagerie as
to his mother was a whore. Agnum was taken by his mother and raised inside of the city of Vale.
Agnum's mother was in debt to several gangs and was commonly forced to do many things to
defend herself and her son from getting murdered. Agnum grew tired of this swiftly and pushed his
training and learning much harder than most. When he turned fifteen his mother was killed and her
debts were passed onto him. He ended up attending Beacon Academy and working three part time
jobs in order to pay his newfound debts off. Agnum continued to be harassed and he carried the
burdens of his mother until he was sixteen years old. The boy then graduated from Beacon, far
earlier than most due to his immense skill and power. Once he graduated, Agnum waited a month
for the 'collectors' to come back, once they did he committed mass murder. Agnum beat and crushed
ten men to death, later within the next week forty-two other murders were committed. Each person
was from the same gang as before. Agnum then moved away to Mistral. While in Mistral, Agnum
had quite the craving for power. Now forming his own gang of which was known simply as the
Vipers they would later have their name changed to the Red Vipers due to all of the members
idolizing their leader's powerful red aura. The Red Vipers were a small organized group of
mercenaries of which were known for temporarily taking over the entire city of Mistral. The Red
Vipers kept the city under their control for about three months before they were snuffed out by the
Atlas military. Most of the members were captured or killed, the remaining few had gone on the run
and or were following their leader that being Agnum. Eventually, Lance launched his operation and
hunted and him and his remaining allies down and faced them in combat. Lance being prepared
brought about ten extra people to help subdue Agnum. Once defeated he was contained and sent
over to Vacuo's high-security prison under Lance's request. He has since remained inside for about
two and a half years and much like Rei Sakuma he has recently managed to escape his cell.

Agnum's theme:


Name: Agnum Alistair

Nickname/s: The Red King, Aggy, The Scorpion

Birthdate: July 11th

Gender: Male

Handedness: Right-Handed

Blood Type: A

Age: 22

Height: 6'0

Eye Color: Red

Hair Color: Red/White

Aura Color: Red

Relatives: (All dead) Siblings (none)

Past Occupations: Fast food, Dish washer, Street fighter.

Likes: Rock, Metal, Cinnamon buns, Large breasts, Winning, Teasing, Teamwork, Friendships,

Dislikes: Losing, Any music like dubstep or trance, Lance usually, Any food cooked inside Atlas,
Getting ripped off, Failing.

Skills: Combat expert, Durable, Has a good knowledge of the underground businesses, Powerful,
learns quickly.

Flaws: He can be quite overconfident, He will ignore extra opponents around him if Lance is
around giving him openings, Is sensitive about his mother from time to time.

Trivia: Agnum tends to give girls nicknames off their boob size. 'Flatness, Pear, Melons, etc.'
Agnum has no respect for most men being he believes he is the strongest man to ever exist. He will
openly call other men weak regardless of how strong they actually may be unless they have openly
beaten him.

Outlook: Agnum only values his gang and its members. His home and family mean everything to
him and he would literally try to take the world just to make their name larger than it is already.

Quote: “You and I as far apart as heaven and earth. So, do me a favor and fon't even try to challenge

Weapons: Axelious is Agnum's weapon. It is an electric guitar and an axe combined into a weapon.
Although, Agnum can wield almost any weapon that is given to him.

Semblance: Newton's Law – This allows Agnum to manipulate forces in pretty much any way. He is
even capable of manipulating gravity. Pushing, pulling, and focusing pressure on things he can
utilize this power to destroy anyone who may get in his way. He is pretty much impossible to defeat
in a one on one battle.

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