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Title: "Threads of Kindness"

Janel - A kind and compassionate young woman
Ian – A bitter man who hates helping
Danna - An elderly woman
Riveral and Sulatan Robbers
Micca Mae- The young girl and the middle-aged woman
In a small town park
In a quaint town, where the threads of fate interweave, kindness and arrogant are about to cross
paths. This encounter would change one’s perspective in life.

(Janel is sitting on a bench, reading a book. Ian walks by, looking disinterested.)

Janel: (Smiling) Beautiful day, isn't it?

Ian: (Mumbling) Yeah, whatever.

(Enters Danna, struggling with her bags.)

Janel: (Noticing) Can I help you with those bags, ma'am?

Danna: Oh, bless your heart! I can't carry them much longer.

Ian: (Rolling his eyes) Why bother to help? Can’t you just ignore it?

Janel: (Ignoring Jake) Let me help you, Ms. Danna.

(Janel helps Danna sit on the bench and arranges her bags.)

Danna: Thank you, dear. Not many young folks like you around these days.

Janel: It's my pleasure. (Looks at Ian) You know, you should try it sometime, nothing will be loss.
Ian: (mumbling) No. Never. It takes away my pride and ego.
(Janel and Danna strike up a conversation. Ian listens, slowly becoming intrigued.)
Danna: You know, dear, kindness is like a thread connecting us all.
Janel: (Nods) It costs nothing, yet it's priceless.
Ian: Tsk. As if it’s true
Janel: (Looks at Ian) You know what someday you’ll be in need of help, and no one will be there
to help, consequences are hard to face, just saying though.
Ian: I am not interested of you and your little naggings that is meaningless, and me? Be needing
of help? Not in a single point of my life. (Leaves)

(As the threads of kindness begin to weave, a change takes root.)

(Change Scene)
(Ian walking around the street when some group of men, robbed and stabbed Him with a knife)
Riveral and Sulatan: Give us all your belongings!!
(And they both left Ian lying on the street)
Ian: (In great pain shouting) Can someone help me? Please help me, I’ve been stabbed.
(Yeke appears in a hurry, thinking about the meeting where he should not be late, saw Ian lying
on the ground)
Yeke: Oh! What happened to you, Stranger?
Ian: (Explains) I was just walking around the street to take some fresh air when some group of
men stole my belongings and stabbed me in this side, I don’t know what to do, It hurts so…
(while explaining)
(Phone Rings)
Yeke: (Looks at his phone) Oh no! It’s my boss. I’m sorry dear friend but I can’t help you, I’m in a
hurry, this causes my life at stake too. I am very sorry. (runs away)
(Meanwhile another person, began to appear, Miccamae as a middle-aged woman)
Miccamae: (saws Ian) My gosh! Young man, what happened to you?
Ian: (Explains again) I was just walking around the street to take some fresh air when some
group of men stole my belongings and stabbed me in this side, I don’t know what to do, It hurts
so… (while explaining)
Miccamae: Are you sure about that? It looks like you are just trying to con me. Whatever. I’ll go,
(Ian then begins to reflect on his own life.)
Ian: (Thoughtful) Maybe there's more to life than being cynical all the time. Maybe there’s more
than being arrogant, trying to be perfect all the time. Maybe Janel and Ms. Danna were right,
kindness would always connect each other. Oh Lord, my God, I am indeed ashamed of what
was I’ve been all this time. Forgive me Lord, I am humbled by You, help me to become kind to
others, give me a chance Lord God.
(Ian slowly being collapsed)
(Miccamae appears as a Young Girl)
Miccamae: Oh no, Sir! What happened to you?
(Ian only looks at her, hard to breathe and talk)
Miccamae: (realizes she needs to call help or an ambulance) Oh, I’m so foolish, I should call an
ambulance and bring you to the hospital instead of asking and trying to do chitchat with you.
(Ambulance appears and Ian was then rushed to the hospital, given a second life and a second
chance to change his way of living.)
Ian watches the scene unfold, realizing the impact of simple acts of kindness.

Ian: I never thought much about kindness until today.

Miccamae: (Smiling) It's never too late to start, Sir.

(Ian nods, contemplating the newfound realization.)

“The threads of kindness have woven a connection that transcends time.”

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