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ADVENTURES OF THE DRAGON Crae Writing and Design: William Simoni Additional Material: Robert J. Schwalb Development: Robert J. Schwalb Editing: Evan Sass Graphic Design and Art Direction: Hal Mangold Cover Art: Mark Gibbons Interior Art: Alex Boyd, Tony Parker, and Adrian Smith Cartography: Robert Lazzaretti ‘WERP Development Manager: Kare Flack Project Manager: Ewan Lamont Head of Black Industries: Simon Butler eae Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay logo, Black Industries, the 5 ‘A Black Instres Pulerion Black Industries logo, SR, The BL Publishing ~ \{ First published in 2005 by Black Industries, an logo and all sociated races and race insignia, marks, e imprint of BL Publishing ‘names, characters, illustrations, and images from the BL Publishing Warharnmer universe are either®, ™, and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2005, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. All rights reserved. Games Workshop. Led Green Ronin and the Green Ronin logo are ‘Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing, LIC, sand are wed with permission. Product Code: 60040283010 ISBN 13: 978-1-84416-267-3 ISBN 10: 1-84416- No part of this reproduced, stored in a or transmitted in any fo electronic, mechanical, photoce cording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publishers. Permission is given to copy the handout on Black Industries World Wide Web site: page 95 for personal use only. www © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2005. All Green Ronin World Wide Web site: Rights Reserved. Games Werkshop, the Games Workshop ‘www sear loge, Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, the Pei (seems ChemalonSnake——__———4o. A The ridge of Sorous———-6 Gave Sper. | BSeny er “ Hall of Bones Led Ore ‘“ 1 Spy Room. ‘ 2 Seen’ Quarts “ i Ea 1 dain re Core eresre/Acecaring Pargessa 3 Preparation Room Brocherbood of th Forked Beerd a3 Embulning Chenery 2-Tewle of Grange ° £. Necromancers Lab ep @ 4. Necromancer’ Ouarers——— eo ‘The Temp ware to. Chop of Grange bs The Great Temple 1 Anche for he efi ance Lower Torts “ a Temple of Nopmilin a 12 The Tombs the Works yo itches of Sette “ited 0 ‘Tetley Sf tets Halsof te Gare Cartage Gude if Si Merle Het a The Meld 16 Theos of Werpmone 4 Theron of Haro a * Sap 16. Wendarng Sten 3S The Grae Sipe Je 8 Te Ser Foun ‘o fe TheHlallof Bons Lend Toop ‘Suef Seif Dragonayer 8 MT Chenbe of Sree Nergonton len Hels fo aT Great Hal of Gringrim—y Durgerion Clan Held ———17 Gusts VIL Gummer fo Rorgarvon Glen Held————17-——G.ShrneroGrangr’ Te Blcktoth Ore ‘eVorogerdo Cen Hold iy. Undrground Rg Ah ret St tDumicun Can Hold Skaom Guard Comat Say Blotr i Miners Borny————7 2 Steer Wicard Carma Blaceoth Lar The Foreign Overt ESkavem Deepest Sin 7 14 Zanbors Wel it Ambush Germ) Shamans Chante fo thot Macters S'Masiroom Canems 52 Appr Shen Town E 196 Gian Ret Lae Tu Bodygoard Quarts. ——80 6 The Golan Meg 7 Enrancetothe Main Warren os} 4. Guards Buuren nt Gantting Hall 1‘ Peckmene Lab 17. Gronil's Sup Sopo—s0 Packer Lat. Bock Markt Warehote 20 tovas Clanre Wer, ‘The Being Fourcin———20. Clan Penn Lape The Ged Over 13 Glen Pender Lat 23 Son Square 4 Underground Rive. Se Senecater? Galli og Ser Grd Bfestetay Gul ani ft og Ser) a Frog Peg Ming Guts tp Serf Ps, 315 Kichenioonne ty 3 Drogas Eg Poh Tree Roo 33 ets. Ore Warr Baraca} 3} Karak Repel Bervcr on airgf the Rat Dornon— gs Gorges Quer Gurr teatro 1p. Tri Treare Room mono Keg Fetiry nS 1h Gorget Soe Pen s Feyoeaon = TeDuk Reenei xs Kg Losi 3 teStne Landing. oy 1 The Aplin Tavern ay Stra lend 4 21h Peg Boda Ong Upme % 3 Teter Sepy Stop———— 3p Sexe & te Yellow Ex Nig Goblins 4.7 Crone Blect a8 'h Scpng Peas. STi le Maden = Bou = The Catt of Rena 1 Seng Hoppers 7: Birdcage Therap Snot Sigfrcds dems and rm 1M Gotin Lar #. Borrow Fill Coney ‘Seis Pes to. The Palace of te Ded $ Fong Gorn nthe Conk tar uma lv. 7. Seats Lar. Daigning Abn Si, Oucten Vt Bet ov ume Bes of Chaos The Nop of Karak Aagal Placing the Bea Lai. Mepping dinero Se Encounter Tebls. NAERODUCTRION come to Kanak Aga sourcebook forthe Warhammer Bray Roleplay gave sysern, Game Mas wil find everything they nc in these pages to help hc players sek frtune and glory in the dpe of the dangerous Dragon Crag, The book is broken up into two main sections ‘The World Above covers the Dat city built on the ruins known as Sas Hold aswell as che shanrytown tha sprang up next o it known a Deadgate. These areas serve a the base of operations for the players 2 they seck vo discover the riches buried beneath che mourn in the ‘old Dvir mine. lis 3 rough place where the Daf tenaciously ty to ‘moniter al the riches coming up from the rains, whist treasure seekers ‘yt smuggle our whac they can andr heir wach eye. Anything can be had in Karak Ava for «price, andl the iubiants are always ‘thinking up new and interesting ways 0 separate tease seckers fom their god cro, “The World Below describes what the players can experience when they delve ino the caverns, mines, and passages beneath the cy eat wealth is chee for she aking, but dre ilo gree danger, Ores, Goblins, Undead, Slaven, and other hideous erestares fet the ruins, and they are not about to give up thet teasre lighdy. Specific aes wil be ‘detailed in this section, complete with maps and keyed descriptions ‘Guidlines will lo be provided so tha the Gare Master ca create his ‘own areas o make the Dragon Crag come alive for his group — History oF THE Draco Crag — We sicre carrie Dot he long te ‘World's Edge Mountains from Karak Vlag in the far noth near Kiley o the fabled Karak Zorn in che far south, The Dwarfs delved deep into the mountains, caving strongholds in the stone and uncovering Fiche of gems and ore, expecially che moat precious metal oF al groml Orc, Goblins, and other invades wore dealt with swiy and trade flourished! throughout the Dwar kingdoms During this ime, the Dragon Crag was known as Karak ai or Jews. So great were the veins of gers found in the mines ere said ro rival the great Dart city of Karak «Kara itl. These wer the days of Dwar pride, but they would soon come co an end, a the rches The fill of Karak Eight ea io she ser athe hands ofthe Oxcs and Goblins was ‘aly the begining. Using the Duar rads and tae routes the green horde descended upon the souhern holds wich great Feri, Tals ofthe ches of Karak el had een ear roughour tse Old Woe, and even the Gren knew great treasure wa ther forthe ‘aking thir attoganes dhe Das had only lightly defended the pases co he north, ehinking Karak Fight Maks would ver ill The Ors took. _ahancage of hisand sored inc the hold. ‘the came time, the cunning Skaven decided his would be the opportune momen ose. Tey had ten burrowing under the Dw mines fo eas, tiding hee ine and lsting afer te Da riche ‘Wher they leaned ofthe Orc and Goblin saul they luce an aac of ther own. Face with hace on wo fons the Dwarfs eld they were doomed Revreatng into dhe depths, the Dwarfs made valiane las stand to defend their hol. The eareasies of Ore, (Goblin, and Skaven were pled high athe fet ofthe doomed Daca hey fought ro the bitter end As he ase Dwarf as killed, che invaders seatched for the Dar reaure but found none The warrior had given thie lives protest their treasure. Whilst they wre ighing and dying the runclond Scormbcard and his engineers cok the ueasures and hid them in a secret waule deep within the mountain, Using Runes of Hiding, he concealed the door t che vault wa would be able o find ic. Vowing to rzuen the Runclord kd away wha cemainedof the Dwarfs of Karak Lal Preparing his entry into the Book of Grudgs,he renamed the hold Karak Ang, or Hoard Peak x Dwarfs did no ecurn quichly enough to recover thle treasures bured by the clever eunelond. War with the Ores and Goblins had depleted their resources and the glory of dhe Dwar kngslorms was at an ced. Soon air the fall of Karak Ava the Dragon Graug the Terrible made his home in the hold. Using his race’ aii to if ot precious stones and gold, Gaug quickly found the hidden vault and made his rest there attract ana. I was then that Krak Azgal came tobe known a the Dragon Crag For many years, eave seckers and adrencures came tothe cag 0 chullerge the Dragon and lon the iis. The Dwarfs ent countess ‘expeditions sponsored by the Jeweaith’ Guild regain the gens hoaided by Geaug. All of dhom filed until ‘Dar hero Skalf entered the ain, He found the hidden aul ad confronted Graug. Aer ‘an opic bat, Sl dew the Dragon by chopping is ead, claiming the teautes oF Karak Arg for himself Staff the Dragorslayer wed se ches be found inthe Dragons lai eo re-build a cey on the ruins ofthe eld. Although farcry froma the beauty of Kara Url the now Karak ‘Ayal is aon and well bull Sil led by sescendans of Ska, the city has become & haven for advencaterscking to journey into the depths i search of treasure, The Daf have tried to keep tight contol over whats remored from che runs, sealing up unauthorized entry points, exacting tol for anyone entering the ruins and levying 12 on what brought wp. The influx of immigrans soon became too mach for the Daf hold to support. shantytven grew ctside the gates ofthe cy, led and adveacurers ooking to make thee frcune in the Dragon Crag. Over ime, the Dwarfs encouraged the development ofthis rw in an efor co keep some of the rif ra of dhe Old Word out of Ska’ Hold. The rvul was the formation of Deadgae, a rough and wumible place atthe fot ofthe hl ading up tothe hold. Consisting of wonden buildings ‘most pootly consented and hastily bil it ithe fir scp for thowe ansiving in Karle Avg fh cuthnoats Tea, he Duarfe ill have not reclaimed their gory days. Brave promises ofa ecu wo the greatness ofthe pax have gone unfulilled They are few in number, and even the successful holds lice Karak A Ado not have the srengih 0 clea out the encroaching Ores and Skaven Like henson an epg the Dwatfi ofthe Dragon Cig st onthe mines of ing up their ancestor, conten ole oxhets delve ino the depths vo ricasies and ocher arefscrs—all for 3 price of coun Usinc Karak AzGat. ‘Karak Acgal at hear is 10olbox. Whether you want to nun games in which bold adventurers brave che depths ofthe earth o wage war agoinse the Greenskns and Skaen and Undead, or youd prefer a game ‘wcte the characters ferret out the corruption that res away che core of Karak Argal. sis sourcebook gves you the took to devise just shout any kid of adventure. Unlike other WERP adventures, this volume i not designed vo be cn sraght of the self, Instead, i gives you 00m to personalize i to your eases and interests, Whatevce you lice, Kans Azgal ‘reflects all he gets aspocs ofthe Old World, Tue Lure of Karak AZGaL Karal Asal isto get dhe characters there. Why do adventures com to Karak Arg. anyway? You may have already answered this question for your group, but not, here are some ideas on how and why your players might come tothe Dragon Crag. The Bie sep 1 runni Fortune and Glory “The most obvious reson for sventutes to come wo Karak A2gal for the fabled riches sl waiting to be found within the rains Even aier the fill ofthe Dragon, storcs of the wealh of the Dae abound throughout the Old World. Skalf may have found the tressate chamber, but there are many trove yee undiscovered. Many’ come with the hope of striking ttc inthe ruins. Others come 1 make names for themselves by fighting the creas infesting the rag. Few return, but those who do keep the hive of Karak Azgal alive wih ees ofcheir exploits City of Pleasures Deadgate is home wo mar Just to indulge chemelves inthe city’s many diversions, Given the ‘constant influx of immigrants and the wealth recovered from the ruins, ‘opportunist have devised way ways for advencares to spend thie hard-earned coin. Gambling, nacuraly ic everyther, from card and dice ‘games, to bets on pt fighting and dead pools—bets placed on groupe fof advencaree o sce who wil dic frst. Alcohol flows ely, from sour Dwarfen ak o the inet EM wines (though these are ase), and many academics and wiza come o this place to sample ili potions nd Araughes thse promise o expand their minds. For thoe of a sinner bent, the most dangerous poisons canbe found in the shadowy alleys and in the back rooms of taverns and even temples. But Karak Arg coffer finery as well. Excellent apparel, jewellery, weapons, and armour ae availble those who can meet thie high price Karak Arg has cxerythngahard-biwen adventurer could want, and far moe. Safe Haven Karak Arg is located far vo the south ofthe ove lands ofthe Epic and Becton, father south even than dhe Bosder Press. The laws of TABLE o-1: HAVE YOU HEARD OF Karak AZGAL? ‘stat Ditficuky Modifier ‘Common Knowledge (Dwats) Average No Modifier ‘Common Knowledge (The Badlands) Hard 20% ‘Academie Knowledge (History) Hard 20% ‘Common Knowledge (The Boedet Princes) the lands do nt apply in Karak Azgal, ad dhe Dwarf authoites ae ‘monty concerned with making sre all manner of taxes an tll are callected fom adventurers journeying ito the ruins. This, combined with the seedy nature of Dealate, makes the city good place w hide and keep fone step ahead of perscent bounty hue ora date with the hangmaa, Thieves’ World Fechaps your group is composed of shall we ayes than savoury characets. What beer place fora chatlatan or rogue vo ply thee trade than in Karak Argal? Pen for another racketer orth to se up shop and rob blind the adventure cching fools For those parcculaely ambitious soe fertile ground alu exis fora nev crime boss to move in. Repardles ofthe methad, thereat plenty of sheep to be leeced in Karke Ang For the Ancestors “The Dwarfs a3 pro! people with lang memories; they hold grdges for connures, What beter place shan Karak Argal for Dwarf to come and strike a blow against the enemies of his people? OF course, n0 Dra ‘would rum down the chance to earn lle teaure, but doing ie whist cleansing an old Dwarf hold of Skaven, Ors, ad the lke i powerful ld be proud indced of such a Dar incentive. The ancestors wo Caravan Guards [Ac word hac spread throughout the Old World of the rebirth of Karak aga staking merchant have began to take notice. Although the wp fom che Empire isa long and arduous one, che jewellery and _gerntones from Karak Azgal are well worth ifr those who can make i ‘hough sxccssily. Caravan masters ae always looking for able-bodied _guards o protect hei goods on the long journey. A staple for hardack -xlventures being hired on as caravan guards sated and wae way for Jour group to male ito Kara Azgal—and even ge paid ft THE JouRNEY TO Karnak AZGAL ‘Unlesyou plan on starting your group in Karak Azgl to beg your pug, they wl nce co eae ther froen somewhere cin the OL ‘Werld. The ip will nore an easy one. Karak Azgal i lcied inthe Wolds Edge Mounrsins south of ee great Dwaf old of Karak Eight Pes. To seach irom the Empire ravllers mus follow che Old Dwarf Road south through the weachcwous Blk Fe Pscand on trough the Badlands exch ofthe Borde Princes. The lat eof the rip ithe most dangerous, a in corde to reach Kara Aga i i necessary to eve the sad ane skint the mountains for many misc avid the Oe fort of Black Cag All manner of dangers await those who journey tis route, Orc and Goblin writes infest the Black Fire Pass and wander the Badan at wil wreaking havoc. Outlaws from the Border Princes setup ambushes Along the Skull River, waiting foe fat carvan to prey upoa, Even Trolls and Ogres can be found inthe Black Fee Pas ad especially in the Badlands, where rumours ofan Ope array have been spreading Rather than simply giving away che lcaton of Karak Aagal you may prefer w have your players use some of tei sls to determine where sand how they mighe got shere. Table 0-1 lit fve sil players may te t try and find oue more aboue the Dragon Crag, “The amoun of information that a player can lean foe ig hi elle inbased on the degree of wccen achieved on the voll Table O-2 Ta the information pyr can lan ba onthe degre of aces. The information i camulative so three oe mone depres of acces mean the player knows all of che information, SEEDS OF ADVENTURE ‘While much of Karak Arg i lft for you vo describe, fear no, there ae plemy of hooks and adventure ses alteady Beshed out in ehie Introduction ‘TABLE o—2: Wuar po I KNow aBouT Karak AZGaL? ~ ous to Kara Asglincending vo journey ince the ruins 1 Find fortune never get the chance. Oppor or adventure he cry above the nai deed, some the halls and tl ici cay venues 1g hey are going to prosper. APPROACHING THE CITY The mountains on ether side of the pases eaing co Karak Arg ar ne 3: Fasares and lif lock the way and ramon. The Dwarfs know this and to block both the «ast and wext passes they carefully conseroctd gatehouse Ranked wih 30-foa-high tomers ame away fom the iy. Twenty Daf warriors ped with io have a hese ates hose, The cower or I atacked, the Dw he secondary Fanci lace the erry tol 5 spe poten ad 10s per wagon eqused ro enter the ci, All shone refusing eo pay are came aay, There ar no cxceptions. (Se the Table 1-2: Taxation on page 10 for more decals.) Warriors (Career Soldier Races Daf es re Skill: Common Knowledge (Dari), Dodge Blow, Deve, Gamble Mea nmi, Preto, Speak Lage (hae “Talents: Disstm, Dwrarfcrafe, Grudge-born unpowdes), Siot-hearted,Srike Might Armour: Medium Armour (Full Mal Armous) “Armour Points: Head 3, Arms, Body 3, Legs 3 “Trappingss Ammunition for 10 shots, 2410 Career Sergeant (exSolder) Skill: Academic Knowled 1, Dede Blow +103, Dee, Gamble Perception +10%, Speak Language The iy of Karak Avgl eats oma plateau in she Works Bdge Mountains 4,540 fet ahove sea level. Ieis very ilferene from the glory it once knew when the Dwar kingdoms were trong and their holds stretched the enive length ofthe mountains from dhe north wo the youth. Tey, the Darts ‘have rebuil the easter pas leading ro Karak Aru and renamed ic ve Dragoa Had Pass. There is now much coming and yoing berween th two Dwarf holds andthe routes heavily patrolled. The Dragon Tall ass o the west leads wo the plains ofthe Badlands and ii from there sha most, Vises Karak Azgalarive This section details what players can expect when adventuring ithe city above the ruins. The frst chapter covers che approaches tothe city and the legal sy ks cgon, an urs hr operat in they. The nes chapter deta Sas Hold, the cy bul by the gery on she | "ruins. Fall the last chapre in this ection focuses on Deadgate ramshackle and roughshod! sown that has grown up atthe fet ofthe main Dwarf setlement (Gal Tongue, Khazald, Reikspe, Tae (Mine, Smith, o- iets ate incarcerated inthe dungeons beneath Skalls Keep. Most Stonework) serve out their sentence to che end as any appeals norraly take longer Talents Disarm, Dyartrai, Gradge boon Fury, Menacing, Night wo be heard dhan the sentence being served. Requests to expt the Vision, Special: Weapon Group (Gunpowder). Seout-hearted, proces normally result only inthe appeal taking longer to teach the cars Saret Fighting, Serike Mighty Blow, Strike to Stun, Sturdy ‘ofthe Lor ofthe hol. srmonin Hen Arent (Full Pe famous) Arment Poin Head 3, Ars 5, Boy 5 Le 5 Dwarf Lawbringer Weapons Hand weapon, 2 Pols nd Sik Caren Veteran (Sele) Tnappingn Ammurion fr 10 show 1410 Tue Law The law in Karak Axl i both simple and complex. The simple parts that the Dwarfs are in contol and everyone ele in Karak Azgl i here ‘only with their prison. As long a8 you pay to get int the ruins, Diy to get out, give the Dears any items you have found they deem a altura artefact,” and pay a tae n anything le over, che Dati are buppy: he complicated pacts ying to understand the myad oF hie Academic Knowledge Law of Kank Ara, Common tfeenced and ccutnce id xttes nthe Dat ele Karwedge (owe Karak Raga s10%, Consens Alcohol Known tthe Great Book ofthe Lanner Dodge Blow, Gamble, aie, Peep The most spect and ble tested Dwar, known ¢ Longhesd, ae {2b Quc Dr Ses Langage ae Tg) Sak handpicked by the Lord of che hold co enforce che laws in Karak Avg Language (Kiazalid, Rekspie), Strike Mighty Blow, Srike to Tnjure, Strike to Stun, Tiade (Miner or Smith ot Stoneworker) Lngheard are experienced veterans of many bales and they ge hei tune fm diate acc etter. Tey gen Talat Dar, Dara Gage Bon Fury, Night Vision, hae Resistance to Magi, Specials Weapon Group (Gunpowder. Tieochanded), Stout-Heared, Ske to Stun, Sturdy, Nery Resilient ‘Armour: Heary Armour (Full Plate Armour The slang term for them is “Thrce-beards,” because they always travel Armour Points: Head 5, Arms 5, Rady 5, Legs S in groups of three. Lawbviagets wield two-handed butlentes and ‘Weapons Great Weapon (Two-Handed Bat «arry ewo loaded pistols. They wear expertly crafted fll pate armour inscribed withthe Dragon symbol of Skll’s clas. Their primary duty TAPPAngs: Ammunition for 10 shows, 1410 ge to make cen the eal entrances othe uns are pated ad all applicable taxes and fees are collected. They ae also coastanly ‘Thane Furagrum Kazorson, aban ‘Commander of the Lawbringers they can find chat has no ben repo and weds Anyone found os tr Cannot predic a rocicn ecipt., | ivena Soma eels os Vere), Taconoes he Race: Dwar deach thes sch the tle of Lawbringers and are she jag, jury, and execution comes tothe law in the ety. Tie ineerprtaion of the law is ial and ‘ty few appeals othe Lord ofthe hold are successful, 1), 2 Pisco on the lookout for illegal entrances co the fain and any with valuables from de Issubject co immediate impesonment. I awbringers to stp people in theres band. Finally, the Lawbringers are charged with maincaining onder inthe sires. They are far more diligent patting icin the Lows] as TS |r re co ‘all of Seals Hold than the ate in Deadgat, where they ate monly ‘2 concerned with etching smuggle Ee EE ES There are no formal court in Karak Argal the Lawtringers dispense iustce quickly and on che spot. When major crimes are commited lke [A] W | SB | 7B | M | Mag | iP | FP ‘murs a speci session ofthe High Council is convened 0 heat the Ba ase withthe Lond of the hold as presiding judge. Theve cases are most 2 often concerned with the death of a Dwat-or crimes agains pe ‘Skills: Academic Knowledge (Law) +20%, Common Knowledge teens and chic fuilies. The Commander ofthe Lawhxinger Dwar) 420%, Consume Ale responsible for deciding what canes reach this level, Gossip, Hea, Inti 01 «20%, Dodge Blow, Gamble, te +20%, Perception +20%, Secret Stun, Seardy, Very Resilient, ‘Aumour: Heavy Armour (Sleeved Mail Coat, Grom! Runic Breastplate: rearmouratoal «3 Inscribed with nunes of protection gi thonus to normal breast) ‘Armour Point Head 0, Arms 2, Body 5, Legs 2 Weapons The Judge” Runehemmar This magpiicen gromel grt weapon with go (rechere ‘wcapo ing quality, The weapon Damage on a sicersfl hit. ak Augl. Alough his bute the as to fd i up in ig ‘Over aul of mal e wear bre ot dig sgromuil armour with a golden dragon inscribed upon it His weapon i 2 mighty rune Inscribed warhammer kaown as“The Jag” He spends ton of his ime presiding over the main entrance to the ruins in Sal's Hold kaown as Zambor' Wall, ak th is off dry he rexncs co drink ale at the Dragon's Bye Pub, where he known for his capacity o drink prodigious amounts of the stuff without ‘geting drank. If approached there and offered drink, he gay tlle tain es ae collected. When ote of seman eaploes wa soldier and u Levbringe Fragrum i dedicated to his jl, adi fe ba utr rhles in his fnwerpreation of the law: If Lawbringer is slain, he hunts down she perpetavor personally wo bring them to juscice. He serves on the te member ak Asgal making him one ofthe most owesful Dwain the cy Any who think he an be bribed lean 12 ofthe hol ‘Quickly regret that though in the prs The commander does havea weakness, however, and that gam rte pastime sco bet on the pit fighting in Deadgate, ney on almost anything to fed his addiction. Like all Dwarfs hei aah to give up bis ‘aay to Furaggum. Torn between enforcing what he owes, the commander has recently sated to look che ocr way with some ofthe goings-on in Dexdgate. Dmitn Matkow, the Kislevian stimelord there, bas special relationship with Furagrum. He forgive the commander of is debts, and in seen Markov opcats a scree entrance to the ruins out ofthe Ice Maiden, Even if this relationship is dacoveed, wil be difcuk for players vo take advantage ofc. Furagrum isthe law in Karak gal and his pst on the council ges him that much mor tay erempt to blackrall the commander or petha the cme lord For RELIGION The Dwarf of Shall’ Hold ofthe Ancestors. (Se page 2 for more on the Great Temple) All hice of the major Dwarf deities are represented: Grungni (God of Mines and AAmtians),Grimnir (the Feslee God of Warron), and Valays (the greatest Dwarf Goddess, and pr all Dwarf ans). The High Pristes of Vilaya, Balikina Furldocr sees on the High Council and leads the thf among the Owatfs. Numerous chines 0 the rl, pin he Great the hold, a it is not uncommon vo fin of Valaya neat Dwatf homes ng ereced by The Darks celebrate ays dating the your Each is described inthe WERP 173 and 174, They are Fist (Qua, Saga, Second Breech. and Keg End. The Dwarfs of Karak Azgal obverve thee traditional festivals, but they use each of them in their own way ava reminder of whae happened her. During Fest Qual they tell ales about Kara Fl and che greatness of the Dwarf kingdoms of ‘ld. Saga, ao called Name Day, i led with stories of woe as the all ‘ofthe hold i membered and homage spa to those who gave thee lives thc fateil day. A contest ished on this day to teal the glory of che Dwarf treasure saved by Runelord Stormbeard. Dwarf arstns submit their creations to che Lord of che Held, hoping tobe awarded the “Medallion of Grungni, de greatest honour thae can be bestowed upon a [Dwarf crafsman. Second Breech 3 day of rejoicing a the Das recall the heroism of Skalf the Dragonlayet. [athe evening, a freworks display cover the heep cod the elebraton. Keys Enis a day of hope. As the bures of ast yea’ ale are finished of, the Dwaré make plans forthe Faure, often making resolutions about things they want to accomplish in the year ahead. ‘The Dwarf ae tolerant of other religions as lang a they do no interfere \sth the busines of he hold and are oe in opposition wo che Dat «gdh. They have allowed the conseucion of two temples in Ska’ Hold. (One i 10 the watior Goddess Myrmidia and the other isto Shall, Gedkess of Healing and Mecey. Thee is small shrine to Sigmar cere as ‘well bat itis ike more than a single room with a statue ofthe founder ofthe Empire and only one Anoinved Priest to tend oi ‘Deadgate i another mater ently. There is only one temple chet and ‘hac so Mort the God of Death, Hiden behind the scenes, however, Isa very song and active cult of Ranald (See page 28 in Chapter ‘Three: Deadgate for details abous the cule) The Dwarfs are oot happy shout this cul, but all other efforts to sop it have fall, ven the insidious powers of Chaos have not ef Karak Azgal untouched ‘The “Dat” priest Elem Dragonslayer has rcerly established the Cult of Goda in the temple quarter. A descendant of Shlf himself, his fallowersbeeve Gora ithe lost Dwaf God of Wealth, They seck o recovers mach gold, ges, and oer treasure from the rains as they can ‘e honour his name. In reality their efor gold ha wise ther minds and Gerla i simply another name forthe Chaos God Slaanesh, (Sethe Call of Goeazon page 14 fr moe detail.) TRADE AND COMMERCE Karak Argal sa remore mounesi cigy that requires cade imports for many of ts needs. The mountains ofr sbundant game for food, but ‘vey lite inthe way of fruits and vegetables. Grane and other stapes ate availble fom fields inthe Badlands, bac these ace dificult to mania and ae often subject to raids by the Ones and other creature that live there. The gromzh ofthe city an! ts reputation fr producing fine gems, jenelery. andthe precious metal gromal have begun to attract eae ‘caravans from merchant in the eilized world, The long wip and the dangers thac must be faced geting cere mah i lificul for these goods vo teach the hold, so the goods cha do make i command a premiam price to compensate for the rks faced on the journey. For all these reasons, Karak Axl ia very expensive place to live Trae does flourish with the Dwaf hold of Kara Azul othe east and this makes some items in Karak Azgal more abundant. Karak Aza has large deposits of ion or; sulphur, ad gold and they trade ehis with Karak Azgal for gems and grom. Aca result, more than enough metal and gunpowder is avalable for che many armouters, weaponmiths, and gunsmith in the city The nate ofthe city makes this important as 50 such depends on the treasure seckers who need equipment to strike out imo the runs. Although the merchants sil charge a premium for thee eds, ts nota high as wha is charged forthe scarcer resources To refer this, itis necestary to incense the cost of tems listed in ‘he WFRP rlchook and the Old World Armoury accordingly. Table = Searciey shows suggested percentage increas in each category «hat should be applied the purchase price of che items led in the aforementioned books “The Dwarfs have also established powerful guilds that ovetce the ‘commerce conducted in thee particular area of expertise, For the most Tue Great Book OF THE LAWGIVERS ‘This convolured lexicon boss ove 1,000 pages of text written in the ‘ighly packed and preci Dwarf sy. Difficult enough for Dwar 0 ‘understand. even those experienced with the laws of other ands ean "rely decipher the trac meaning ofthe Dvwasfseatues: The book it ways available for ceview in Skalf's Keep. (Sce page 16 fot deals about the Kexp) Scholars interes in trying ro understand a particular stacute ‘can pay the fe of 1 ge per houe to study the txt under the watchful «ye ofthe Dvarfs, Resurch conducted in this manncr roquires succesful Very Hard (-30%) Academic Knowledge (Law) Test very hour ro learn anything useful. The exace nature and deal ofthe ls ae lee up to the GM to decide For his campaign, but « srape entry fromm the book 's provide here o give you an idea of what sin soe forthe payers. ‘Seeton XII-Paragraphs 1-22-Lines 1-100 on che rus and egulaions Pertaining to the Das tight of confiscation of gc, oe, artefacts and ‘cher valuables from the vaults, caverns o¢ mies ofthe great Dwar underground realm of Karak Aagal, Pr Removal of Valuables from the Ruins |The removal of any item, objec. or, gemstone or anything ce determined tobe of value by che Lawbringers must immediately be reported 10 the authorities stationed atthe exits fom the ruin. 2 ‘Compleceauthoriey sven 1 the Lawbriages to deteraine what must be reported and the value of sid items 3. Failure 1 comply will result i immediate confiscation of mid items and/or objects and a ‘erm of imprisonment of rot less than the days. 4, Lawbrges are authorized w use deal force ro obtain sad objects at their complete Aicretion. $-Thove with special writ of removal signed and sealed by the council ate exempe from his aw unles said writ i determined 0 lve fog by the Lawrbringes in which ease PI Lines I~} apply in fal force. 6. Fongers will be subjected 1 10 lashes inthe Stone Square and up to 3 days imprisonment. 7. Atel of Dora constructor ‘must be immediely surendered wo the Lawbriagers under pena of imprisonment of noc es than 5 days. 8. Faire ro surtender sid artefacts wll be met by deadly force. 9. Dwar ecoveting family artefact that can show proof of cei lineage a pr the guidelines in Section V, Paragraphs 1~5 shall be allowed to retain said artefact. P2 Taxation of Valuables Removed from the Ruins 10. The value of anything removed from the ruins shall be decried by the appraisal of che Lawvet on duty at che time as per the _pldelines set out in Section I! Paragraph 3 lines |-20. 11. Gems, ‘re, jewellery, coins and other valuable will be taced ata rate of 10% payable immediately. 11. Charges are increased to 12% on Tuesdays in honour ofthe day Skalf dew the Dragon. 12. At the discretion af the Lawhringers, charges may also he ineteasd i subjects ae difficult and comphin about sad taxex 13. Lasbringcrs may abo apply special taxcs and surcharges according tothe guidelines set out in lines 14-75 1 follows: 14. Fves must pay an sditional fee of 38 over and above all other charges a they cannot be trusted and must he made vo pay for the anagresions oftheir ancestors as detailed inthe Great Book fof Grudges in Karst-a-Karak. 15, Cu gemstones determined by the Lawbeingers to be of exceptional quality wil incur an additional 5% 16, On the occasion of Dwatf holidays as spcifed in Section 1, Paragraph 2 ines 1-10 al charges ate increased by 2% ro honour the Dwarf gods. 17. Ore determined to be ofthe purest quality will incur surcharge of 3% ofthe appraised value, 18. Am additional charge of 5% applies Equipment Category Melee Weapons Misile Weypone Ammoniton Armour (Leathe) 120% ‘Armour (Chain/Plate) 115% Clothing, +159%, Carrying Equipment 110% Lighting 110% Miscllancs cod Took Na Change Vehicled Mounes/Livetock 20% Food 125% ‘Travel Services 175% Lodging 1586 Serves 10% Special Equipment 25% “Trade Goods 30% Musical Instruments 25% ‘Note: Round fractions up. TABLE 1-2: TAXATION Fee los Descriptio Anyone entering the city through the ease ‘or wea llates must pay this fe, Es ate chuarged 1 geand Dwarfs pay only 2» Wagons ae charg 10 ‘At all gal entrances tothe nsins, adventurers ‘must obtain a licence. Upon leaving the xin thelicence sw Ruins Licence 36 rl another onc mast be purchased 1 re-enter, Canking 6 Ganbig ining a ede eR in Noe plc erblitnens hrs Ova | fe eee the big winner Anything a all of vale thats removed fom the ruins is eased bythe Daf Lawbringers. As smenconed previo the sxan of the a8 «an he slmoxt anything due tothe convelited and ctos-efeenced Doar la on the sujet. Use your discretion and charge what you fel Is appropriate though 10 10.20% fa good gui Upon death, the la eves a eax again anything th remains of a non- Darts exace ach year, those ewning property in Karke ‘Anal mst pay this tithe ro the lord of the hold Varies 20% 15% pat, only Darts are accepted at members, but exceptions have been made for members of oder races who show extraordinary sills in a parca caf. The thrce mont inlucrtal gals in the cy are she Jestlumiths Gia. she Smithing Gull. ad the Runesmith Gull. Al oF them are located in Sal's Held in the merchant quarter, For more dels, soe Chapter Twos SkalP Hold. CurRENCY The lord ofthe bold nines the cuteney wed in Karak Anga aoa the denominations follow thoe ised inthe Empire: | gold coin = 20 ler ‘caine ~ 240 beast coin. The gpd coin is embossed with the symbel of Skals lan, a rearing dragon, and is alle a gold ora gold dragoa. The design on these cin changes Requcrly bus eradssoally show eres ‘of key buildings in the iy Kis known simpy a ster. The bras coin is always embowsed with a port ofSkalfon one side and his rane axe fn the other. tis known as. bras. T keep from confising things all reference o currency in di wureebook use te tems god crown (2) ‘sr shillings (), and bras pennies () as per the WFRP rulebook | you peter bit of economic realism in your ge, wien player arrive you can we the exchange rate carton page 9 of the Old World Armoury to conver tothe local curency: Coinage temoved fom the runs mostly ‘of old Daf manufacare and willbe in the sime gold, iver, and bas. denominations. These coins are woh 109% 10 20% mere chan the curent ‘vinage because ofthe craismarship and che higher percentage of precious ‘metals contained within them. Regards the Dwarls trade them at pat because they contol the acc tothe rain and fuse to pay moe for theie own reas! IF players can manage vo gt the ents out of the eins secret they cam et more for them on the black market. TAXATION Although most Old Woeders are all too familiar with the concep of tasation, even they are in or big suprise when dy acive in Kara Ang. The Doar have set up adiaying aay of enc, ls ibe, surcharges and fs to make ceain they can explo every posible way tommake money off he populice. Table 1-2: Taxation ite the major lees that players have copay if they wane to work and ply in Karak Arg The ls: is by no means complete, and so shouldbe used a guideline by the (GM to-come up with hiown unique ways to fleece his adventures, te appear from afar asthe winding ell of « Dragon, replete with spikes and sales, while the gat self resembles a Dragons mouth, the Aanking towers serving a te wings. Though an amazing feat of archivcture in lesen righ, beyood the decorative fade, che gates and steps ate very ‘racial. The Dwar cae line forthe inbabcans of Deadgae and if anacked would completely abandoa it.The switchback aii he only ‘way to enter the hold providing the Dwarfs with plenty of opportunity to show dhe besigers with missiles. A massive rescrois of ol is ocd in the Dragon Gate a well. ready t0 be unleashed upon intesopers, POPpuLATION ‘Skalf Hold houses total population fucuatng berween 5,000 and {6,000 a any given time. Those calling the hold their home are about {80% Duarfs 15% Humans, and 5% Hallings, During dhe day the woral fsumber of people inctats, a many come into the hold from Deadate to conduct business, journey ino the ruins, or simply tw have a good — Cry QuaRTms — Winsor: tino fe uo ses and oa of ‘Slalfs Hold. As mentioned preiouly, the city ic divided into 4 quesers the Temple Quarter, the Holds, dhe Gold Quarter and the Foreign Quarter, THE TEMPLE QUARTER ‘The temple quarcr is one of dhe oles sections ofthe hold, bile shortly afer the holds. Ics cated jst south ofthe western gate The numbered descriptions below detail the mat important location in this quarter. The other buildings contain minor shtines to other gods and some shops sling healing herbs and other medina produc. The remainder of the buildings ate homes fr the wealehir residents who are not of noble descent and hence cannot live inthe Holdfat quarter. 1. THE GREAT TEMPLE OF THE ANCESTORS Soom after the keeps construction was completed, Ska, 10 show his reverence fr his culate ard people, commisioned a mighty temple He vanced ito hone al aspects of Dwarf culture, from thet ied to those who died defending their hms. Ska employed Rover Gunderson famous architect from Karak Eighe Peaks, note fo his structures and attention for deal and che inal produc exceed allo Ska: expectations The exterior i impressive, consisting ofan enormous round building a the centre with eight smaller round tower situated around the perimeter Stained las windows set oto the face of the building ell the nor of the Karak Lr al So impresed was Skalf cha he named chis building the Temple of che Ancestors, o honour all the Dwarfs who have come before Fight carved stone doors lead into the temple, ane st in each ofthe walle berween each par of towers. The interior is completely open, & ‘eof sappored by expertly crafted arches, Eight ies Kad through cows of so ews up toa crear dais where thice evenly spaced ow facing tone satue of the gods surround an anvil-shaped altar in the snide ofthe temple, Momics cover the ecling, each illwerating vastous facet of Deaf life: mining, brewing, gem euting, blackenithing cone ad fighting being the most prominent The temple is open cvery day from dawn until dusk, exes on Dwarf heilays when i open 24 our. Thee services ate hel daly with dlfernt deity honoured daring ech, and all three gods being honoured Jn each service onthe seventh day of each week. The High Priestess, Balkina Frlsdoc lve below the temple with her five press and ten inidites. The High Priestess presides over the services on while het picts handle the other services in her stead There it a entrance 1 the runs in che basement ofthe temple known nly tothe High Priestess heme fi 100-yac ep shaft covered by 2 500-pound capntone. Only Balikiaa knows the runic password eo lif the son. She use the entrance rarely—only when a specific quest needs

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