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1) What are physical quantities.

2) State any four base quantities and their SI Units
3) Define length
4) Three instruments used to measure length

1) Physical quantity is a property of an object or substance that can be measured using an appropriate measuring instrument.
2) Base quantities and their SI Units

Quantity SI Unit
Length meter
Temperature kelvins
Mass kilograms
Time seconds
Electric current Amphere
Amount of substance moles

c) Length is a straight line distance between two points along an object.

d) Instruments used to measure length.
i. Vernier caliper
ii. Ruler
iii. Screw gauge micrometer
a) Write notes on
i. Ruler/measuring tape
ii. Vernier caliper
iii. Screw gauge micrometer
b) SI Unit stands for

 Have markings as small as a cm, each cm is divided into 10 divisions which are mm.
 When taking measurements your eye must be directly above the reading to avoid parallax errors.
 Place the object to be measured in the line with the zero error
 Rulers can measure to the nearest mm.

Vernier Caliper…
 A tool that is used for taking highly accurate measurements.
 It has two scales, a main scale with the markings similar to those on a ruler and a Vernier caliper scale with the markings in 0,1mm
 Vernier caliper are especially useful in measuring the diameter of objects such as pipes.

Screw gauge micrometer…

 Can measure smaller lengths than Vernier calipers
 It can measure small objects to 0,001cm
 One revelation of the thimble opens accurately flat, parallel jaws by one division on the scale on the shaft of the gauge, it is usually one
and a half mm that is 0.05cm
 If the thimble has a scale of 50 divisions round it, then rotation of the drum by one division open the jaws by 0,05 over 50 = 0,001 cm
 A friction clutch ensures that the jaws exact the same force when the object is gripped.

How to read a caliper

To measure the internal, external diameter
 Take the mm from the main scale markings before the zero on the Vernier mark to consider with a main scale mark.
 Add the two readings.

Derived units.
i. The units of all other quantities are derived from these base units.

Derived Quantity How it is derived Unit

Density M/V mass Kg/m^3

Area LXL m^2

Length X Length
Velocity L/T Length m/s

Acceleration V/T Velocity m/s^2


Question.. (Mechanical systems)

a) Define a machine
b) What do you understand by the following terms
i. Mechanical advantage
ii. Velocity ratio
iii. Efficiency
a) A machine is a device that causes a change in the way that forces it to make hard work easier.
 A mechanical system designed to make hard work easier e . g (1) inclined planes
(2) gears
(3) livers by using less applied force to carry heavy things.
i. Mechanical advantage.
 It is the measure of how much easier is it to complete using a simple machine.
 The greater the (MA) the easier it is to do work.
 The ratio of two forces.
Mechanical advantage (MA) = LOAD/EFFORT

ii. Velocity ratio.

 It is the ratio of two distances such as distance moved by the effort and distance moved by load.

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