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Arholiadau Diwedd Semester 1 2018/19

End of Semester 1 Examinations 2018/19

ASB- 2307 Microeconomics

Amser a ganiateir: 2 ½ hours

Time allowed: 2 ½ hours

Cyfarwyddiadau / Instructions:
No programmable calculators are permitted

This exam is split into two sections:

Section A (30 marks): ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS

Section B (70 marks): ANSWER TWO QUESTIONS

Trowch y dudalen drosodd pan ddywedir wrthych / Please turn over when instructed
SECTION A: ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS (3 marks per question, 30 marks total)

A1 A competitive price-taking firm will produce as long as its economic profit is strictly above
zero. [true/false]

A2 A mixed strategy can be a best response to another player’s strategy only if the expected
payoff from playing the pure strategies is the same. [true/false]

A3 A monopolist would not produce at all if the intersection of marginal revenue and
marginal cost occurs at a quantity at which the average cost lies above the demand curve.

A4 An increase in wage will cause the supply curve in the one-input model to shift in unless
labour is an inferior input [true/false]

A5 Assuming interior solution, a production plan is maximising if and only if all marginal
revenue products are equal to the input prices. [true/false]

A6 Bundle A is worse than bundle B, and bundle C is an average of bundles A and B. Then,
our usual assumptions about tastes imply that bundle B is at least as good as bundle C.

A7 A firm that is the only firm in the industry may not behave like a monopolist in order to
deter entry of other firms. [true/false]

A8 Cartels tend to be short-lived because of the Prisoner’s Dilemma. [true/false]

A9 Monopoly power can last only if there are legal barriers to entry for other firms.

A10 Assuming convex producer choice sets, the marginal technical rate of substitution is
equal (in absolute value) to the ratio of prices of inputs at any profit maximising production
plan. [true/false]

Turn over
SECTION B: ANSWER TWO QUESTIONS (35 marks per question, 70 marks

Question B1

Suppose our price-taking and wage-taking firm can produce a single output 𝑥 using inputs
labour (𝑙) and capital (𝑘) according to the production function:

𝑥 = 𝑓(𝑙, 𝑘) = 70𝑙 0.3 𝑘 0.5

Assume the we operate in a short-run environment where capital is fixed at 100 units:

a) Sketch the firm’s short-run production frontier, clearly indicating the feasible set of
production plans. Is it convex?
[7 marks]

The market wage paid to labour (𝑤) is £90 per unit of labour employed, and the price the
firm receives for each unit of its output (𝑝) is £10.

b) If the firm is maximising its profit in the short-run, how much labour (𝑙) does the firm
[11 marks]

c) What is the firm’s profit maximising output at this level of labour (where output is
[5 marks]

d) How much profit (𝜋) does the firm make in the short-run?
[5 marks]

e) Moving to the long-run where the firm can also vary the amount of capital it employs.
Assuming that the firm must pay a rent (𝑟) of 120 for each unit of capital it employs
(but all other prices and factor-prices remain the same), would the firm employ more
or less than the 100 units of capital it employed in the short-run? Use any appropriate
method to support your answer.
[7 marks]

Turn over
Question B2

Consider an industry with 2 firms, each having marginal costs equal to 0. The (inverse)
demand curve facing this industry is

𝑃(𝑌) = 100 − 𝑌

where 𝑌 = 𝑦1 + 𝑦2 .

a) What is the competitive equilibrium level of industry output?

[6 marks]

b) If each firm behaves as a Cournot competitor, what is the firm 1’s optimal choice
given firm 2’s output?
[6 marks]

c) Calculate the Cournot equilibrium output for each firm.

[6 marks]

d) If the firms would form a cartel, what is the amount of output for the industry?
[6 marks]

e) If firm 1 behaves as a follower and firm 2 as a leader, calculate the Stackelberg

equilibrium output of each firm.
[7 marks]

f) What is the Cournot equilibrium level of industry output if the number of firms were
𝑛 → ∞?
[4 marks]

Turn over
Question B3

Two teenagers are playing Chicken. Bill drives his car south down a one-lane road, and Ted
drives his car north along the same road. Each has two strategies: Stay or Swerve. If one
player chooses Swerve he loses face; if both Swerve, they both lose face. However, if both
chose Stay, they are both killed. The payoff matrix for Chicken looks like this:

Stay Swerve
Stay -3 ; -3 2;0
Swerve 0;2 1;1

a) Find all pure strategy equilibria.

[9 marks]

b) Find all mixed strategy equilibria.

[9 marks]

c) What is the probability that both teenagers will survive?

[7 marks]

d) Comment on the two following statements:

(i) In a finitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma game, the Subgame Perfect

Nash equilibrium is to defect every round.
[5 marks]

(ii) In an infinitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma game, as long as the

discount rate is not too high, there exists a Nash equilibrium pair of
strategies such that each player finds it profitable to cooperate at each
[5 marks]

Turn over
Question B4

Suppose two agents are deciding how fast to drive their cars. Agent 𝑖 chooses speed 𝑥𝑖 and
gets utility 𝑢𝑖 (𝑥𝑖 ) from his choice, where 𝑢𝑖′ (𝑥𝑖 ) > 0. However, the faster the agents drive, the
more likely it is that they are involved in a mutual accident. Let 𝑝(𝑥1 , 𝑥2 ) be the probability of
an accident, assumed increasing in both arguments. Let 𝑐𝑖 > 0 be the cost faced by each 𝑖 in
case of accident.

a) Show that each agent has incentive to drive too fast from the social point of view.
[10 marks]

b) If agent 𝑖 is fined an amount 𝑡𝑖 , in the case of accident, how large should 𝑡𝑖 be to

internalize the externality?
[10 marks]

c) If the optimal fines are being used, what are the total costs, including fines, paid by
the agents? How does this compare to the total cost of the accident?
[10 marks]

d) Suppose each agent 𝑖 gets utility 𝑢𝑖 (𝑥) only if there is no accident. What is the
appropriate fine in this case?
[5 marks]

The end

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