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Name: Jannah L.

Al-Sayed Year & Section: Grade 10 Aristotle Date:

Story#: 4
Title: The Wisdom Of King Solomon
A. Characters: King David, Queen Bathsheba, King Solomon, God, Two
Women with a baby
B. Setting: In Israel
C. Theme: True Wisdom will honor the Lord, will trust in him, will fear the
Lord and turn away from Evil.
D. Conflict: King Solomon showed his wisdom by his judgment in a dispute
over the identity of the actual mother of an infant child.
E. Plot: One day two women came to Solomons court with a baby to seek
‘’This womans son died in the middle of the night and she has replaced her dead
baby with mine, now she claims my baby to be hers” said by the first woman
and the other woman oppose to it “No this child is mine the one which died last
night was yours.” Said by the second woman. The argument went for a while. It
was difficult for King Solomon to decide whose the child really was, it was not
at all easy for him to tell who the real mother is.Suddenly the wise King
Solomon had an idea.”Bring me my sword” said by the King. The Sword was
brought. Everyone in the was appalled they wondered how the sword could help
the king arrive at the correct decision in a grave and confusing matter like this.
However King Solomon had other plans he ordered his men, “Divide the child
in two halves and give one half to one and the other half to the mother then they
will both be happy. The moment he uttered these words the mother of the baby
cried out loud terrified “Oh lord, please don’t do this give her the child but in no
means kill him, I pray to you I cannot see my child getting killed” said by the
first women. ‘’Let the child be neither hers or nor mine, its better to divide them
go ahead with your judgment lord” said by the second woman. Hearing the two
women saying two different things King Solomon took back his orders and said
‘’Give the first woman the child, that child is hers and she is the real mother,
‘’A mother would never let her baby die, that is exactly how I knew who the
real mother is.” The whole court praised the king for being so wise and just all
of them respected his judgment and realized that he truly possessed the wisdom
of God in him.
F. Short summary: A long very time ago King David ruled over Israel and its
people. During his time, Israel had grown ten times larger than it was under the
previous King Saul. However King David was now growing old and feeble, he
could not rule any longer. He need one of his sons to take over his duties and
responsibilities of Israel. It needs to be in the hand of a great wise king.King
David had another son with his wife Bathsheba and his name is Solomon. His
wife Bathsheba knew very well that her son should take over the throne of Israel
after her husband King David. She knew her son will do great to take over the
responsibilities of Israel just like his father. After making decision, he decided
to make his own son to be the new king of Israel. He announced infront of
people in Israel. After that day the retired king health worsened and that day the
king had died, but he remind his son,King Solomon to always have faith in God.
After his father death he followed his father step. He helped the people of
Israel , he prepared the horsemens and chariots. But one evening night the god
visited him in his dream. The god ask him what was his wish, and King
Solomom answered ‘’Dear lord, I ask for wisdom to be a good king to my
people, grant me a listening and caring heart’’. The god was pleased to hear his
wish and the god granted his wish. After that he become the wisest king in
Israel. After many years he started to get marrying women which was not
allowed to him. He was becoming careless and start worshipping the idols. He
forgot his promises to his father ang god.
G. Moral Lesson
The victory of truth over lies. Solomon was a king before he had wisdom, but
wisdom was not the result of his being king; it was something he needed to
become a genuine king. Recognizing our own limitations and strengths, a
willingness to learn, and expanding our understanding are perquisites to a
mediators wisdom. Solomon didn’t get an understanding heart from God. When
he turned to God, he found that understanding heart. It was already part of him
as the reflection of God. So what that story telling us to accept that god is giving
us everything we needed, each moment, to do whatever we needed to do.

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