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Proposal on

Bearing Capacity Zonation of Pokhara Valley

Submitted By:

Aayush Bhujel (PAS077BCE004)

Prakash Chapagain (PAS077BCE084)

Rabin Katuwal (PAS077BCE091)

Raj Gurung (PAS077BCE094)

Under the Supervision of


Submitted to

Research Management Cell, Pashchimanchal Campus

Institute Of Engineering, Tribhuwan University

Lamachaur-16, Pokhara

July, 2023

Chapter 1: Introduction..........................................................................................3
1.1Study area....................................................................................................................3

1.2 Geology of Nepal.......................................................................................................3

1.3 Building construction practice....................................................................................6

1.4 Problem statement......................................................................................................6

1.5 Objective....................................................................................................................6

1.6 Limitation and delimitation........................................................................................7

1.7 Ethical consideration..................................................................................................7

Chapter 2: Literature review.................................................................................8

2.1 Past bearing capacity zonation in Nepal..............................................................8

2.2 International bearing capacity zonation report..........................................................8

2.3 IS 6403:1981 for shallow foundation.......................................................................9

2.4 Terzaghi and Meyerhof’s ultimate bearing capacity.............................................9

2.5 Geology of Pokhara....................................................................................................9

Chapter 3: Method and methodology..................................................................11

3.1 Flow chart............................................................................................................................11

3.2 Data collection.....................................................................................................................12

3.3 Data filtration.......................................................................................................................12

3.4 Data interpretation and calculation......................................................................................12

3.5 Filtration of result.....................................................................................................12

3.6 Mapping of results....................................................................................................13

3.7 Recommendation and guidelines..............................................................................13

Chapter 4: Expected result...................................................................................14

Chapter 5: References...........................................................................................15

LIST OF FIGURE……………………………………………………………….

Geological map of Nepal………………………………………………………….5

Geological Map Of Pokhara………………………………………………………6

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………....4

1.1 Study area………………………………………………………………..4

1.2[1.1] Geology of Pokhara valley………………………………………………4
1.3[1.2] Building construction practice…………………………………………...6
1.4[1.3] Problem statement……………………………………………………….6
1.5[1.4] Objective………………………………………………………………...6
1.6[1.5] Limitation and delimitation……………………………………………..7
1.7 Ethical consideration……………………………………………………7


2.1 Past bearing capacity zonation in Nepal………………………………..8

2.2 International bearing capacity zonation reports………………………..8

2.3 IS 6403:1981 for shallow foundation………………………………………..9

2.4 Terzaghi and mayerhof’s ultimate bearing capacity……………………………9

2.5 Geology of Pokhara………………………………………………………..9


3.1 Flow chart……………………………………………………………..10

3.2 Data collection…………………………………………………………11

3.3 Data filtration…………………………………………………………..11

3.4 Data interpretation and calculation ………………………………….11

3.5 Filtration of result……………………………………………………11

3.6 Mapping of results……………………………………………………12

3.7 Recommendation and guidelines……………………………………..12

CHAPTER 4: EXPECTED RESULT………………………………………13

CHAPTER 5: REFERENCES………………………………………………14

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Study area
Pokhara Metropolitan is one of the emerging cities of Nepal located in between 28° 12′ 30″ N
and 83° 59′ 20″ E at an altitude of 870m above sea level (Schwanghart et al, 2016). It is largest
metropolitan in terms of area ( and second largest metropolitan in terms of
population (476,000(NBC,2021)).

1.2 Geology of Pokhara valley

The Pokhara valley is an intra-montane basin located south of MCT in western Nepal. The
bedrocks here are exposed on the hill slopes around the basin and small hills in the valley.
Bedrocks are represented by metasedimentary as well as metamorphic rocks with or without thin
layers of soil cover (Kaphle, 2002).

Pokhara sits on a large sediment fan built by the upper Seti Khola that drains the partly glaciated
and debris-filled Sabche Cirque (40 k.m. upstream from Pokhara) in the Annapurna region
(Schwanghart etal, 2016). The fan has three stratigraphic units called the Tallakot, Ghachok, and
Pokhara Formations (Schwanghart etal,2016).

Fig: Geological map of Nepal

Fig: Geological Map Of Pokhara

The youngest of them, Pokhara Formation (thickness about 100m) covers most of the Pokhara
valley and is composed of extensive coarse gravel sheets, numerous boulders >10 m in diameter,
and thick debris flow deposits, mainly calcareous and some amount of sedimentary rocks like
gneiss and mica-schists (Schwanghart etal, 2016). These quaternary deposits are widely
distributed in and around Pokhara and some of them have been formed in river terrace (Paudel,
2020). This formation is prone to subsidence when its thickness is small. The bearing capacity is
also highly variable here (Kaphle, 2002). It consists of disorganized beds of conglomerates,
which are pebble-cobble sized, sub-rounded, matrix and clast-supported conglomerate. It has a
high permeability character due to the low amount of matrix and clastic contact of granular
materials (Paudel,2020). This Implies that the Pokhara formation is poorly consolidated as well

as has low shear strength. Since, low shear strength negatively affects the bearing capacity, this
imposes greater challenges in foundation design of structures in Pokhara.

1.3 Building construction practice

The construction practice followed in Pokhara do not give enough attention to the bearing
capacity and foundation design. Around 4000 houses per year are built to cater in Pokhara among
which most of the houses do not implement geotechnical investigation for the foundation design
(The Himalayan Times, June-5,2015). In low-cost structures, people avoid soil investigation as
they cannot afford it. Engineers here arbitrarily assume the bearing capacity without actual soil
investigation at the site for the foundation design. So, a guide-map about the underlying soil
conditions, if prepared, can be utilized by the people constructing structures within the map area
without any cost. It will be helpful for constructing small and low-cost structures in a safe
manner (Humyra et al, 2012).

1.4 Problem statement

In case of Pokhara, during the design of foundation the bearing capacity is assumed based on soil
type. Although large structure and governmental projects, bearing capacity is calculated based of
SPT results but there is no mandatory rule of thumb to select bearing capacity value. Currently
there is a lack of comprehensive bearing capacity data for Pokhara which will lead to the
potential safety risks and inefficient construction practices. Due to which the critical
investigation for bearing capacity zonation is essential.

1.5 Objective
1. To calculate bearing capacity of different places.

2. To prepare zonation map of Pokhara based on the calculated bearing capacity data.

1.6 Limitation and delimitation
1.Since primary borehole data collection is not possible, the focus shifts to gathering secondary
borehole data instead.

2.Geophysical exploration is omitted due to constraints in both time and budgets.

3.Instead of calculating soil parameter, empirical relations are employed

1.7 Ethical consideration

To avoid plagiarism, proper credit and attribution to the ideas and intellectual property of other
was given with proper citation. The data so collected were accurate, reliable and no any data
were manipulated or misrepresented. The project team were capable to perform geotechnical
work competently. Any potential conflict of interest influencing the proposal's objective will be
disclosed and mitigated.

Chapter 2: Literature review
The pioneers for the ultimate bearing capacity were Prandtl (1921) and Reissner (1924). Terzaghi
(1943) introduced the ultimate bearing capacity formula which is widely used in real practices.
The ultimate bearing capacity of shallow footing were then given by Meyerhof (1951,1953,1963,
1965 and 1967) including the method of Hansen (1961 and 1970) and Vesic (1973) with
modification of Bowles (1996).

2.1 Past bearing capacity zonation in Nepal

In the research of Suvarna Raut and Indra Acharya, bearing capacity evaluated from the
theoretical approach were compared with the numerical modelling values and shows differences
of maximum 15%.

In the research of Shiva Prasad Tiwari and Asst. Prof. DR. Indra Prasad Acharya bearing capacity
evaluated from theoretical approach using Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Hansen and numerical modelling
by PLAXIS-3D depth of 1.5m. The least of the value between them is the bearing capacity of that
location and used for the zonation mapping using GIS.

In the research of R.K. Danai and Indra Acharya, secondary data were collected and numerical
model were prepared in the PLAXIS-2D for different depths 1.5m, 3m and 4.5m at different
locations and compared to the theoretical values. The tolerance is seen up to 5 to 15% based on
types of soil and location.

2.2 International bearing capacity zonation report

In the research of Laheab A Jasem Al-Maliki, the bearing capacity mapping for An-Najaf
province is done. In which data are collected from NCCLR. After completing all the test soil is
finally described and results of in-situ N-SPT method for the depth from 0-2m using Meyerhof’s
in which ground water condition is also considered and the geotechnical map is prepared by
using GIS program version 10.2.1.

In the research of Dicky Muslim et al, the bearing capacity of Jatinangor, Sumedang, Regency,
West Java province, Indonesia was found to be 2.12 to 6.31 tones/m 2 using Terzaghi approach.
The research area was found to be dominated by volcanic material such as tuff, volcanic breccia
and tuffaceous sandstone.
2.3 IS 6403:1981 for shallow foundation
According to IS code of practices for determination of bearing capacity of shallow foundation
(IS 6403:1981), three types of failure of soil support beneath the foundation have been
recognized. They are:
1.General shear failure
2.Local shear failure
3.Punching shear failure
Wherever possible bearing capacity calculations shall be made on the basis of shear strength
parameters ‘f’ and ‘c’ obtained from appropriate shear tests for rectangular shape footings.

Safe bearing capacity,

qu qnu + γ d f qnu γ d f
qs= = = +

2.4 Terzaghi and Meyerhof’s ultimate bearing capacity

Bearing capacity for square footing according to Terzaghi,

q u=1.3 c N c + γ d f N q + 0.3 Bγ N γ

Meyerhof formulae,
q u=c N c S c d c +q 0 N q Sq d q + 0.5 Bg N g S g d g

2.5 Geology of Pokhara

Pokhara valley is located in the middle mountain physiographic mountain of western Nepal. It is
composed of bed rocks exposed on hill slopes around the basin and on the small hillockshillocles
in the valley. Low grade metamorphic rocks (phyllite, ,shale ) as well as high grade
metamorphic rocks (gneiss, quartzite ) with or without thin layers of soil cover represent the bed

rocks . The lithology consists of thick accumulation and debris materials materails(ill-suited
mixed calcareous gravel or sediments) derived from catastrophic debris flow events (along seti
river) .). Regrading the formation, Pokhara formation is prevalent formation and consists of
poorly graded angular and sub angular gravel, cobbles and boulder cemented with light brown
calcareous silty matrix having high risk of subsidence and sinkhole formation . However bearing
capacity is highly variable and has low bearing capacity areas with soft lake sediments like clay,
peat and mud so, strip or mat.
Mat or pile foundation is recommended for specific type of building construction is this area.

Chapter 3: Method and methodology
3.1 Flow chart

Litrature Review

Data collection
>SPT test results
>Borehole logs
Topographical data
Geological data

Data Filtration

Data Interpretation and Calculation

>Traditional equations
>Numerical modeling


Objective 1
Data set preparation

Objective 2
Mapping of Result

Recommendation and Guidelines

3.2 Data collection
The data collection in our concert is secondary bole hole data collection which includes STP test
result and bore hole logs. Which will needed in the detailed zoning of bearing capacity of
Pokhara. Detailed data of SPT-N test, bore hole logs and soil parameter /properties will be collect
form reliable and relevant sources including government office, consultancy, academic journal,
engineering firms, metropolitan and research institutions. For government project and large
structures geotechnical exploration is conducted properly and hence the effective source of data
required for the bearing capacity mapping of Pokhara can be collect.

3.3 Data filtration

All the collected data may not be useful or may be too ambiguous to be used in our research.
Also there may be error in recording the data. If all these data are further processed then the
ambiguities and errors can channel through our research and the result can be mis-interpreted. To
prevent this situation and make our research more reliable, we filter the collected data by
analyzing carefully for further interpretation.

3.4 Data interpretation and calculation

The collected data is first categorized as per their types and location of sources. Then the data are
processed serially by empirical and analytical equations to calculate the bearing capacity. Also,
the data are modelled using PLAXIS-2D and analyzed to get the bearing capacity. The calculated
bearing capacities are again categorized as per their location of their sources.

3.5 Filtration of result

The results obtained from the empirical and analytical equations are compared with the value
obtained from numerical modelling software (PLAXIS-2D) and we will take the minimum of
two value for safety.

3.6 Mapping of results
After calculation of allowable bearing capacity for each site, obtained data were digitized and the
they were converted into accessible format by GIS via coordinates for each location. The
required steps for geographic information system (GIS) application to the geotechnical data

1. The creation of borehole coordinates.

2. The GIS form borehole data presentation
3. The spatial analysis of geotechnical data
4. Investigations and comparison among different interpolation techniques.

The data were tabulated so that it would be acceptable for use, later in the GIS environment .

3.7 Recommendation and guidelines

It is essential to identify and categorize different zones based on the bearing capacity
characteristics. In the research, zonation map of soil allowable bearing capacity was prepared for
the square footing 1.5m depth and allowable settlement 25mm. Following recommendation are
drawn to minimize errors while obtaining bearing capacity. for the realistic results ground water
tables should be varied accordingly to test results obtained in borehole logs. comparison of
bearing capacity with more theoretical approaches could give more realistic results. in the
research only the depth has been varied but in the future research D/B could be varied to obtain
real scenarios of ground.

Chapter 4: Expected result
The expected result of bearing capacity is to provide important results to the designers, civil
engineers and construction team, which enables them to design suitable foundation according to
the specific location for different soil condition which will reduce the risk of the foundation
failure, ensure the safety and stability of the infrastructure over a sustainable time . It allows for
the cost effective and efficient construction practices by tailoring the design to the varying soil
properties throughout the site.

Chapter 5: References
 Bearing Capacity Analysis and Zoning of Kathmandu for Shallow Foundations (Ram
Krishna Danai, Indra Acharya)
 Bearing Capacity Zonation of Urban Areas of Dhulikhel and Banepa for Shallow
Foundation (Suvarna Singh Raut, Indra Prasad Acharya).
 Bearing capacity map for Bharatpur Metropolitan city on shallow foundation (Shiva
Prasad Tiwari, Asso. Prof. Dr Indra Prasad Acharya).
· Bearing Capacity map for An-Najaf and Kufa cities using GIS (Laheab A. jasem et at)
· IS Code of Practice for bearing capacity of shallow foundation (IS 6403:1981)
· The zonation mapping of soil allowable bearing capacity for Kabul city Urban Area using
Standard Penetration Tests in GIS Environment (Mohammad Salem Hussaini)
· Repeated catastrophic valley infill following medieval earthquakes in the Nepal
Himalaya (Wolfgang Schwanghart, Anne Bernhardt, Amelie Stolle, Philipp Hoelzmann,
Basanta R. Adhikari, Christoff Andermann, Stefanie Tofelde, Silke Merchel,Georg Rugel,
Monique Fort, Oliver Korup )
 Geological Formation and Bio-geographical Diversity: A Geographical Prospective of
Pokhara Valley (Asst. Prof. Naresh Paudel)
 Natural hazards and environmental geological assessment of the Pokhara Valley, Western
Nepal (Krishna P. Kaphle)


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