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Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2019

Experiment No. 1
a) To read the voltages across each load for two different cases Inductive and Capacitive.
b) To justify the lagging and leading nature for both the cases.

Learning outcome:
a) To demonstrate the Resistive inductive and capacitive behavior of series RLC circuit.
b) To summarize the voltages across various loads.
c) To justify the lagging and leading nature of circuit using phasor diagram.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2019

• = = the voltage drop across the resistor R This VR will be in phase with the
supply current I.
• = = the voltage drop across the inductor L This VL will be leading the supply
current I by 90°.
• = = the voltage drop across the capacitor C.

Experimental set up:

Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2019

Nature of Power Factor in RLC series Circuit:

Why to add inductance or Capacitance?

The effect of adding capacitance to the inductive
Important circuit is to reduce the phase angle, this is very
Note important in AC machines and tuned circuits and
Vice versa.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2019

Observation Window:


1) XL > XC

2) XL < XC

Phasor Diagram for case1 and case 2:

Follow the procedure given below:
• Take current phasor as the reference and draw it along positive X-axis.
• By choosing a suitable scale (e.g. 1cm= 20V/30V), draw phasor VR along the positive X-
axis since VR and I are in phase.
• Draw an arc with the tip of VR as the center and with distance equivalent to VC. This arc
should be below the current phasor.
• Cut this arc by another arc with distance equivalent to VRC and the origin as the center.
• Join the cutting point of these two arcs to the tip of the VC phasor. This line indicates the
phasor VC.
• Now, draw one arc from the tip of the phasor VC and with distance equivalent to VL.
• Cut this arc by another arc drawn from the tip of the phasor VR and with distance
equivalent to VLC.
• The cutting point of these two arcs when joined to the origin, gives the phasor VLCR.
• Repeat this procedure for the other set of readings to give another phasor diagram.

Justification Criteria:
The lagging and leading nature of load is justified, if it is found that for both of the graphs
(i. e. lagging and leading power factor) value of applied voltage i. e. VLCR is matched with
graphical value of VLCR from phasor diagram.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2019


(from Phasor Diagram) (Measured/Applied)
Lagging Power Factor ________ (volts) ________ (volts)
Leading Power Factor ________ (volts) ________ (volts)

Consider a circuit in which a rheostat (which is a variable resistor), an inductor & a capacitor are
connected in series. Let a sinusoidal alternating voltage (v) be applied across the circuit. Hence,
= sin Ȁ
Here, ̀ is known as impedance of the circuit. It is given as;
̀= + −
The magnitude of impedance is given as;
= + −

XL = Inductive reactance = 2 Ă (‘L’ is in Henry)
XC = Capacitive reactance = Ă (‘C’ is in Farad)
Inductive reactance and capacitive reactance are the oppositions offered to the current due to
inductance and capacitance of the circuit. In a series R-L-C circuit, if XL > XC, circuit becomes
inductive circuit & if XC > XL, circuit becomes capacitive circuit.

Power factor: It is the factor, which decides the conversion of input power (or energy) into
useful output. It is expressed as the ratio of resistance to impedance of the circuit. It is also
defined as the cosine of the angle of phase difference (φ) between applied voltage & resulting
current in a circuit.
!"#$% &'( "% !& = = cos +

PARAMETERS: (for any sample reading)

1. R = = ------------Ω
,/ 012 3/
2. = .
= ------------Ω
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2019

,4 012 3/
3. = .
= ------------Ω
4. = = ---------Henry

5. 6 = = ------------Farad

POWERS: (for the same sample reading)

1. PR = VR × I = I2 × R = _________________Watts
2. PL = VL × I × cos + = __________________Watt
3. PC = VC × I × cos + = __________________Watts
4. PT = VT × I × cos +7 = __________________Watt
Verify that, PT = PR + PL +PC
PT = ___________ Watts

POWER FACTORS: (for the same sample reading)

1. P.F of coil = cos + = _______
2. P.F of capacitor = cos + = _______
3. P.F. of the entire circuit = cos +7 = _______

RESULT TABLE: (for all the readings)

89: ;< 89: ;= 89: ;>
No. (Ω) (H) (F) (W) (W) (W) (W)


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