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Sindhutai Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha, Malkapur’s

DAY – Monday SUBJECT – Information Technology MARKS – 80
DATE –19.4.2021 STD – XIITH TIME – 2.30 Hrs
Q:1 Fill in the blanks (10 Marks)
1. If a web developer wants to add the description to an image he must use ………. attribute
2.CSS means ………………………………
3. An …………………. helps to find out what you can be done to improve ranking on search
engines, so that consumers can find the website with greater ease.
4………………….. event occurs when an element losses its focus.
5.Smart Home is the application of ……………… Technology.
6.Information can be passed to functions through ……………………...
7…………….. is a type of prepaid account in which a user can store his/her money for any future
online transaction.
8. <input type=”………………”> Defines a month and year control in format is “YYYY-MM”.
9………………….. statement is used to jump out of loop.
10.EDI is ………………………………exchange of information.

Q:2 State True or False (10 Marks)

1. The lack of a personal touch can be a disadvantage for many types of services and products in
2. GET should never be used for sending sensitive information.
3. PaaS provides a platform with tools to test, develop and host applications in the same
4. Length property returns the number of character in a string.
5. White HAT SEO techniques that search engines recommends as apart of good design.
6. The ‘controls’ attribute is not used to add play, pause and volume.
7. Traditional Commerce’s scope is global.
8. PHP show the code from the user.
9. In private cloud all the services and supporting infrastructure is shared among across the
multiple users.
10. onKeydown event occurs when user moves mouse pointer.

Q:3 Multiple Choice Single Correct answer (10 Marks)

1.In……………… services all the data is protected behind the firewall.
a) public b) Hybrid c)IaaS d)private

2. A Single-line comment is possible if one adds……….or # before a statement in PHP.
a) /*and */ b) // c) . d) \\
3. Invoice and payment are included in……………phase of trade cycle.
a) Presale b) execution c) settlement d) After sale
4. ……………hosting is a cost effective. It gives domain name to your website.
a) Shared b) Free c) Dedicated d) Server
5 ………………..represent a “vote of confidence” from one site to another.
a) Frontlinks b) Backlinks c) Blacklinks d) Whitelinks
6. ……… a type of electronic card which is used for transactions made online through a
computer or a smartphone.
a) Credit Cards b) UPI c) E-wallets d) Mobile Payments
7 …………… includes provision of good content, good keywords selection etc.
a) Off-Page SEO b) Over-Page SEO c) Above-Page SEO d) On-Page SEO
8 ……………….. method displays message box with OK & Cancel button.
a) Confirm() b)Alert() c) both a & b d) None of these
9. If we want a local variable not to be deleted then the use of………………keyword is must.
a) global b) local c) static d) var
10 ……………….character is used to create class in CSS.
a) % b) $ c) @ d).

Q:4 Multiple Choice Two Correct answer (20 Marks)

1. Following are the types of CSS…………………….
a) Multilevel b) Multiple c) Inline d) Internal
2. Encryption is of two types…………….. and ……………….
a) Plaintext b) symmetric c) Coded text d)
3. PHP is compatible with following servers.
a) XAMPP b) Linux c)Lightpad d) Word
4. Advantages of IoT are………………….
a) Time Saving b) Complexity c) Privacy d) Improve
5. Following are the methods of Document Object Model………………….
a) body b) write() c) writeln() d) URL
6. Following are the examples of Search Engine include……………….
a) Google b) Bing c) SEO d) Rediffmail
7. Charset attribute of<meta> tag use ……………….for Indian character and …………for Chinese
a) UFT-8 b) UTF-2 c) UTF-8 d) Big-5
8. Various online keyword Planner Tools are…………………
a) Browser b) Keyword Planner c) URL d) Google AdWords
9. Types of loops in JavaScript are……………
a) for………next b) while….wend c) while……loop d) for……loop
10. Programming languages for server side programming are…………………
a) PHP b) Tally c) Excel d) Python

Q:5 Multiple Choice Three Correct answers (6 Marks)

1. Following are the data types in PHP.
a) NULL b) String c) Number d) Decimal d) Float
2. Advantages of E-Commerce are…………..………..
a) Global scope b) Local Scope c) Cost Saving
d) Time restriction e) Anytime shopping f) Involve intermediaries

Q:6 Match the Following (4 Marks)

Column A Column B
1.<input type=”time”> a. Specifies regular expression to check input
2.Pattern b. Defines ordered list.
3.Declaration Block c. Defines a control for entering a time.
4.Reversed d. It contains declarations separated by semicolon.
e. Displays list items in reverse order.

Q:7 Answer in brief (Any 5) (10 Marks)

a. Difference between Traditional Commerce & E-Commerce?
b. Give some applications of IOT?
c. Explain any two features of PHP?
d. Explain M-Commerce.
e. Explain in short White Hat technique?
f. Describe CSS in HTML5?
g. Write down difference between Server Side & Client Side Scripting?
h. Explain in detail about cloud computing?
Q:8 Answer in brief (10 Marks)
A) Write HTML5 code with CSS as follows-
1. To create form to accept name, age, email address, from the user.
2. Create a submit button to send the data.
3. The heading of the form should have a background color and a different font style.
A) Write a program using HTML Unordered list is created by <ul> tag.
B) Explain switch…………… conditional statement in JavaScript with example.
B) Display number sequence from 100 to 150 in following format.

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