Activity Design - Pdrrmo2023 MMT

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Activity Cost:
Focal Person: KEVIN A. CASTRO
Activity Output: Executive Order and Provincial Ordinance for the Creation of Provincial
Multipartite-Monitoring Team for Environmental and Natural Resources and Risk
Reduction and Resilience Enforcement and Management as references of
decision -making and in aid of legislation in formulating relevant plans.

I. Introduction

In imposing good governance and transparency strategy, the PMMT system must be establish in
partnership with the community, local government, private as well as with other sectors for better
environmental natural resources and risk reduction management.

In the Province of Zamboanga del Sur, the total population as of 2023 is 1,053,018 with a total revenue
of 3,122,176,709.72 as of 2022 including utilization from environmental natural resources. With this,
the Provincial Local Government of Zamboanga del Sur must be vigilant in monitoring and sustaining
its resources and manage future risk and hazards. These initiatives will be spearheaded by the offices
of the PENRO and PDRRM technical personnel by providing digital maps and accurate data-based.
propose to organize and encourage public participation, to promote greater stakeholder vigilance and
to provide appropriate check and balance mechanisms in the monitoring of environmental resources
utilization and risk reduction management through community-based partnership.

II. Legal Basis

DENR Administrative Order 15 of 2017, 15 of 2017 Guidelines on Public Participation under the
Philippine Environmental Impact System, this Order establishes guidelines on Public Participation
under the Philippine Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System:
1. EMB DENR AO 2003-30 mandated the creation of a PMT to monitor environmental mitigation and
2. MGB DENR AO 2017-15 and DAO 2018-18 mandated the creation of multi-partite monitoring team
for natural resources management and production;

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3. RA 10121 of mandated the creation of community-based in monitoring and management of
Disaster Risk Reduction in section 17;

III. Current Problem / Scenario

The creation of the Provincial Multi-partite Monitoring Team (PMMT) in the province is deemed
necessary considering that the City’s MMT is unavailable to manage, regulate and monitor all
establishments ventures with the environment and natural resources and identifying potential and
existing risk and alike in the entire Province.
Lack of immense monitoring on natural resources utilization is critical in management and
reduction of risk and hazards in every aspect of sectoral development. As to the increasing or
decreasing benefits to local community and ensure its sustainability of natural resource usage. As
to habitats and ecosystems if being degrade or develop. As the populations of individual species of
plants and animals declining or accumulating. All these will be the factors of risk and hazards

IV. Mainstreaming MMT to RBME:

Provincial Multipartite Monitoring Team (PMMT) - community-based multi-sectoral team organized for
the purpose of monitoring the compliance and conditions imposed to all the project operating within
critical and on critical areas which are all subject to adherence to applicable laws, rules and regulations
of DENR and NRRMC.

V. Creation, Responsibilities and Functions

The provincial multi-partite monitoring team (PMMT) of PLGU-ZDS shall monitor all projects and
establishment operating within critical and non-critical areas which are all subject to adherence to
applicable laws, rules and regulations of DENR and NDRRMC and shall be composed of the following:

Chairperson : SP Member, Committee Chairman of the ENR, Sanitation and Health

Vice-chairperson : SP Member, Committee Chairman of the Risk Reduction and Good Governance
Permanent Members : PGO, PDRRMO, PENRO, PEO, PAgO and IPHO
Representatives from : DENR – EMB, DENR – MGB, MENRO, BLGU, NGO, CSO, and MEDIA
Project-Based Members: PLO, Business Chamber of Commerce and Academe

Institutional Arrangement and Responsibilities:

Chairperson : SP Member, Committee Chairman of the ENR, Sanitation and Health

Vice-chairperson : SP Member, Committee Chairman of the Risk Reduction and Good Governance

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 Responsible for taking the lead in policy guidance, the provision of needed support for the
operationalization of the PMMT and its performance validation.

Permanent Members : PGO, PDRRMO, PENRO, PEO, PAgO and IPHO

 Responsible as the resource person and provide technical assistance in the operation of the
 Provide necessary budget/funds for the PMMT activities, make available to the PMMT all
project information necessary to determine compliance with the requirements and
commitments to the extent that such information is not subject to any restrictions and
confidentiality, coordinate with and allow the PMMT members to inspect and observe
construction and operation activities of the Project;
 Participate and designate representative in actual monitoring work, prepare for concurrence
reporting, plans and programs affecting PMMT results and standards, and forward dispositions
of grievances to concerns offices.

Representatives from : DENR – EMB, DENR – MGB, MENRO, BLGU, NGO, CSO, and MEDIA

 Responsible for undertaking actual monitoring and act with dispatch on issues/problems that
arise relative to the projects and establishment operating within critical and non-critical areas
and update regarding the perceptible impact of the project on the sector/concern being

Project-Based Members: PLO, Business Chamber of Commerce and Academe

 Responsible for undertaking actual monitoring and act with dispatch on issues/problems that
arise relative to the projects and establishment operating within critical and non-critical areas
 May request the assistance to provide necessary information about agency/sectoral policies,
plans, programs affecting PMMT monitoring results and shall participate in actual monitoring
work, prepare or concur with and sign the PMMT monitoring reports.

General Functions:
1. Undertake monitoring of compliance of the conditions and commitment of all projects and
establishment operating within critical and non-critical areas which are all subject to
adherence to applicable laws, rules and regulations;
2. Validate proponents conduct self-monitoring and compliance report;
3. Undertake monitoring of projects operating without permits and clearances;
4. Conduct on the spot inspection of the projects without prior notice to the project
5. Receive complaints and gather relevant information to facilitate determination of causes of
damages and validity of grievances relevant to project operated;
6. Prepare integrate and disseminate reports and submit recommendations to the Provincial
Governor’s Office and Sangguniang Panlalawigan;

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7. Monitor community information, education and communication activities; and
8. Submit specific monitoring reports to the concern authority.

VI. Maps to plot the monitor the sites and activity areas

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VII. Project Methodology to implement the mitigating measures on the root/causes under Item v.

a. Coordination with Municipal Local Government Units (MLGUs)

On behalf of the Provincial Government of Zamboanga del Sur, the Provincial Environment and Natural
Resources Office – Provincial Local Government Unit (PENRO-PLGU, ZDS) will represent and administer
the coordination of the twenty-seven (27) CMLGUs of Zamboanga del Sur regarding the enforcement
and management in monitoring the projects and establishment operating within critical and non-
critical areas and update regarding the perceptible impact of possible risk and hazards to the
environment and natural resources in accordance with the national and local constitution.
Before conducting Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Geographic Information System (GIS) data
collection, Social and Environment Safeguards (SES), and other purposes should give courtesy to the
local chief executive/s whenever necessary.
In coordination with DENR-RIX and NDRRM-Province continuing data-based gathering for maps and
references. This will also undergo series of benchmarking for replication and effective local
enforcement and management of project implementation with the use of procured equipment support
and necessity of manpower to assist the output of the said project.

b. Conduct an Information and Education Campaign (IEC)

The Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office – Provincial Local Government Unit (PENRO-
PLGU, ZDS) shall conduct an Information and Education Campaign (IEC) in the twenty-seven (27)
CMLGUs of Zamboanga del Sur regarding the enforcement and management in monitoring the projects
and establishment operating within critical and non-critical areas and update regarding the perceptible
impact of possible risk and hazards to the environment and natural resources in accordance with the
national and local constitution.
c. Conduct Inventory and Assessment

Geographic Information System (GIS) data shall be collected to assess, locate, and identify the twenty-
seven (27) CMLGUs of Zamboanga del Sur regarding the enforcement and management in monitoring
the projects and establishment operating within critical and non-critical areas and update regarding
the perceptible impact of possible risk and hazards to the environment and natural resources in
accordance with the national and local constitution with data inventory and assessment shall be done

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thru Geotagging pictures, Geotracking the area being assessed, and stakeholders (e.g., government
and non-government organizations, affected persons, and alike) consultation.

d. Formulate Communication Plan

The communication plan shall consist of Information and Education Campaign (IEC) advocacy strategy
for selected national and local stakeholders. Through a communication plan, the local government can
drive enhancing the enforcement and management efforts of key stakeholders, strengthen
conservation and management capacities, formulate appropriate legislative and policy frameworks,
and advocate strong linkages among different groups and sectors. This will also undergo series of
benchmarking for replication and effective local enforcement and management of project
implementation on twenty-seven (27) CMLGUs of Zamboanga del Sur regarding the enforcement and
management in monitoring the projects and establishment operating within critical and non-critical
areas and update regarding the perceptible impact of possible risk and hazards to the environment and
natural resources in accordance with the national and local constitution.

e. Organize Summit

On behalf of the Province, the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office – Provincial Local
Government Unit (PENRO-PLGU, ZDS) shall assist in organizing meetings and seminars in the
coordination of national government and non-government organizations in relation to the formulation
of strategic communication plans, waste and pollution management plans, and other environmental
sustainability plans; attend meetings in relation to environmental issues and concerns; supporting
employees to join training workshops/programs for knowledge and skills enhancement.

f. Organize Exposure and Study Tour

Introducing the national and local stakeholders to agricultural waste management and enforcement in
this province, the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office – Provincial Local Government
Unit (PENRO-PLGU, ZDS) shall co-organize exposure or study tours within its capability and coordinate
with the concerned agencies aiming to advocate strong linkages among different groups and sectors.

g. Establish Monitoring Hub/ Library / Gallery

The founding of a monitoring hub, library, or gallery shall be done by Provincial Environment and
Natural Resources Office – Provincial Local Government Unit (PENRO-PLGU, ZDS) with the support of

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external and internal linkages of different groups and sectors. Collected GIS data and information and
provision of Digital Maps shall be used to provide information on the status or condition of twenty-
seven (27) CMLGUs of Zamboanga del Sur regarding the enforcement and management in monitoring
the projects and establishment operating within critical and non-critical areas and update regarding
the perceptible impact of possible risk and hazards to the environment and natural resources in
accordance with the national and local constitution.
VIII. Project Objective

The objectives shall be incorporated to accomplish the major activities of twenty-seven (27) CMLGUs of
Zamboanga del Sur regarding the enforcement and management in monitoring the projects and
establishment operating within critical and non-critical areas and update regarding the perceptible
impact of possible risk and hazards to the environment and natural resources programs.
1. To be able to conduct coordination with C/MLGUs;
2. To be able to assist in the enforcement of PMMT;
3. To be able to conduct advocacy in the enforcement of PMMT;
4. To be able to conduct barangay and School-school IEC in the enforcement of PMMT;
5. To be able to coordinate in the monitoring of the submission of barangay in the
enforcement of PMMT;
6. To be able to coordinate with LGUs in assisting the establishment of PMMT monitoring hub.
7. To be able to conduct enforcement of community-based in the enforcement of PMMT;
8. To be able to conduct Inventory, Assessment, and Mapping on the enforcement of PMMT;
9. To be able to Facilitate the demarcation of PMMT and exposure of Best Practices of
10. To be able to Facilitate the preparation of communication Plan for the results of the
assessment on enforcement and management of PMMT; and
11. To be able to participate and attends training on writing shops and workshops to upgrade
relevant data in the enforcement and management of PMMT.

IX. Output Indicators (Target):

Description Period
1. No. of Coordination with MLGU to be conducted. January March
2. No. of IEC to be conducted.
3. No. of inventory and assessment to be conducted.
4. No. of digital maps and information/accurate
PENRO – PLGU, ZDS to be produced.
5. No. of Assisted enforcement and management of April June

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6. No. of Consultation dialogues of enforcement and
management of PMMT
7. No. of monitored of enforcement and management
of PMMT July September
8. No. of communication plan to be formulated of
enforcement and management of PMMT
9. No. of summit/symposium/training to be organized
of enforcement and management of PMMT October December
10. No. of exposure and study tour to be organized of
enforcement and management of PMMT
11. No. of monitoring hub/library/gallery/laboratory to
12. be established of enforcement and management of
13. No. of Conducted Inventory and Asses for GIS
14. Mapping and Data Based Gathering of enforcement
and management of PMMT

X. Time Frame:

Major Activities Time Frame

1. 2. Coordination with MLGU to be conducted. 1st Quarter
3. IEC to be conducted.
4. Inventory and assessment to be conducted.
5. Digital maps and information/accurate 2nd Quarter
PENRO – PLGU, ZDS to be produced.
6. Assisted enforcement and management
7. Consultation dialogues
8. No. of monitored.
9. Communication plan to be formulated.
10. Summit/symposium/training to be organized.
11. Exposure and study tour to be organized. 3rd Quarter
12. Monitoring hub/library/gallery/laboratory to
be established.
13. Conducted Inventory and Asses for GIS Mapping 4th Quarter
and Data Based Gathering
XI. Funding Requirements: By Item
The items listed below are the materials needed in the implementation and monitoring to
meet the target mentioned in the Project Objectives.

Account Code Item Description Quantity Estimated

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and Unit Budget
For Training and Seminars (MOOE)
Training/Seminar Only on How to Operate the
5-02-02-010 Procure Equipment Support and How to 1 pax 25, 000.00
Transfer the Result in Data Base on Program
Attend Association Conventions for Mining
Engineer, Geologist, Environmental Engineer,
5-02-02-010 Forester, Agriculturist and Fisheries and 1 pax 50,000.00
Administrative Conferences outside Province
Airfare Registration and Accommodation
5-02-02-010 Demarcation and Studies Tour 1pax 50,000.00
GIS Mapping and Data Based Gathering
5-02-99-990 4 pax 336,000.00
(Manpower assistant 12months @ 7,000.00)
TOTAL 461,000.00
For IEC and Public Consultation
A. Information and Communication Equipment (CO)
1-07-05-030 Laptop 1 unit 140,000.00
1-07-05-030 Projector 1 unit 40,000.00
1-07-05-030 External Hard Drive 2TB 1 unit 5,000.00
1-07-05-030 Projector Screen and Stand 1 unit 8,000.00
1-07-05-030 Laser pointer 10Mw laser pointer 1 unit 1,200.00
1-07-05-020 Digital Voice Recorder 1 pc 1,800.00
5-02-03-010 Tarpaulin Printing 160 sq. ft. 4,800.00
Safety Rope 6 pcs 4,092.00
Flashlight 1000m Range 6 pcs 4,362.60
Fall Protection Harness/Full Safety Harness 6 sets 5,273.40
Emergency Kit and Medicine Supply Survive
1 5,000.00
ware for Outdoor Preparedness
Emergency Lamp 1 1,000.00
Whistle 1 500.00
Megaphone 1 pc 6,526.00
TOTAL 227,554.00

B. Office Equipment (CO)

1-07-05-020 Sound System Portable 1 unit 13,000.00
1-07-05-020 Microphone Wireless 2 pcs 7,000.00
TOTAL 20,000.00

C. Office Supply (MOOE)

1-07-05-020 Printer (Print, Scan, Copy) 1 unit 40,000.00
1-07-05-020 Matrix Marker, Black and Blue 5 pcs 300.00
1-07-05-020 Computer Refill ink Black 5 bots 3,000.00
1-07-05-020 Computer Refill ink Cyan 5 bots 3,000.00
1-07-05-020 Computer Refill ink Yellow 5 bots 3,000.00

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1-07-05-020 Computer Refill ink Magenta 5 bots 3,000.00
1-07-05-020 A4 Bond paper 10 rims 3,640.00
1-07-05-020 Field Notes, mixed, 3.5”x5.5” pocket notebook 5 pcs 1,500.00
5-02-03-010 Folder Ordinary white- Long 30 pieces 390.00
5-02-03-010 Folder Ordinary white- Short 30 pieces 300.00
5-02-03-010 Ball pen Black 50s/box Ordinary 2 boxes 1040.00
5-02-03-010 Folder Brown Legal Size 50 pieces 650.00
5-02-03-010 Fastener Plastic Coated 100s/box 5 boxes 293.00
5-02-03-010 Staple Wire # 35 Bronze 5000's 6 boxes 507.00
5-02-03-010 Stapler #35 with remover/ Stapler Standard 3 pieces 1,170.00
5-02-03-010 PAPER CLIP, vinyl/plastic coat, length: 50mm 10 boxes 325.00
5-02-03-010 Ruler Wood, 12 Inches 2 pieces 65.00
5-02-03-010 Correction Pen, quick-dry metal tip7ml. 5 pieces 1,137.00
TOTAL 63,317.00

Estimated Budget for Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
TOTAL 524,317.00
Estimated Budget Total for Capital Outlay (CO) TOTAL 247,554.00
GRAND TOTAL 771,871.00

XII. Implementing Office: PENRO -PLGU ZDS

Participation Office/s:
 Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office – PENRO
 Provincial Disaster and Risk Reduction Management Office – PDRRMO
 Provincial Engineers Office – PEO
 Provincial Planning and Development Office – PPDO
 Provincial Agriculturist Office – PAgO
 Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officers – MENRO

XIII. Remarks:

Project Profile was based on Executive Order 138 “Mandanas” which rules the devolution of
certain functions of the executive branch to local governments. Under Section 3, the order shall
cover all LGUs, departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Executive Branch whose
functions are in line with the devolved functions of the LGUs under section 17 of RA 7160 and
RA 11292 The SGLG Act compliance, and other pertinent laws. Data-Based of this project will
serve as the references in the decision-making in formulation of Provincial Ordinances and
legislation aid.

Prepared by:

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