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M. H. Del Pilar St. Malanday Valenzuela City

Grade-8 Handicraft Exploratory

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners must:
1. Identify the different types of principles of design and elements of design.
2. Illustrate the meaning of those difference types of Principle and Elements design.
3. Value the importance of those different types of principles of design and elements
of design.
II. Subject Matter/Content:
1. Topic : Create embroidered article
2. Sub Topic :
3. Code : TLE_HEHD7/8EA-OC-a-d-2
4. Reference : Technology Livelihood Education – Grade 7/8 Alternative Delivery
Mode Quarter 3 – Module 3: Title First Edition, 2020

III. Procedure:

A. Routine Activity

1. Opening Prayer (5 minute/s)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

2. Greetings (1 minute/s)
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

3.Classroom Management ( 5 minute/s)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

M. H. Del Pilar St. Malanday Valenzuela City

B.Review ( 5 minute/s)
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

C.Motivation ( 5 minute/s)
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


“I have prepared some short activities for you to be able

to get some insights or an idea of what lesson we will
going to discuss for today. And this activity called Jigsaw
Puzzle, so I’m going to divide you into 4 groups and you
need to be collaborative to solved and build a Jigsaw
Yes, Sir!
“Do you understand the instruction?”

“So let’s start”


- Harmony
- Balance
- Color
- Texture

M. H. Del Pilar St. Malanday Valenzuela City

D.Lecture/Discussion ( 20 minute/s)
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

D.1 Introduction

“Here are our learning objectives for today.”

“Everybody please read our learning At the end of this discussion, the teacher
objectives” must:
a. Identify the different types of
principles of design and
elements of design.
b. Illustrate the meaning of
those difference types of
Principle and Elements
c. Value the importance of
those different types of
principles of design and
elements of design.
D.2 Unlocking of Difficulties

“The elements of design - are the parts that define the

visual, the tools and components that a person uses to
create a composition. In other words, they represent
the base of graphic design.”

“The principles of design - on the other hand, are all

about how a person uses the graphic elements to a
display and convey a message.”

D.3 Lesson Proper

“So, what do you think the topic that we will

going to tackle for today?
“Raising hands”

“Our topic for today is the different principles

and elements of design.”

You can only produce good, embroidered

articles if you know how to create a good
design and use the right color or thread for it.
Study carefully of the principles of design and
strictly following it will help you produce a
good design. Always bear in mind that design
is the arrangement of line, form, color, and
texture with the purpose of achieving order and
beauty. Visual art manifests itself through
media, ideas, themes, and sheer creative
imagination. Yet all of these rely on basic

M. H. Del Pilar St. Malanday Valenzuela City

structural principles that, like the elements we

have been studying, combine to give voice to
artistic expression. Incorporating the principles
into your artistic vocabulary not only allows
you to objectively describe artworks you may
not understand but contributes to the search for
their meaning.


1 Harmony - It is the relationship of the

different portions of the design. Harmony
can be achieved using color, shapes, and
textures to give a feeling of oneness.
Harmony is the Law of Unity with variety.
This principle infers repetition of line, form,

shape, and size.

2 Proportion - The pleasing relationship of all

parts of the object with one another. It also
refers to the relative size and scale of


3 Balance - May be produce in two ways,

either formal or informal. Formal balance or
symmetry has equal color, shape, and size
on either side of a design. While the
informal occult has unequal proportion.

a. Symmetrical Balance (also called

Formal Balance). It is achieved by
arranging elements on either side of the
center of a composition in an equally
weighted manner. Symmetrical Balance
can be thought of as 50/50 balance or
like a mirror.

M. H. Del Pilar St. Malanday Valenzuela City

b. Asymmetrical Balance (also called

Informal Balance). A design that looks
balanced despite the lack of symmetry.
Design education often includes a rule
that elements should be symmetrical
because people find this more attractive.

4 Rhythm - It is a smooth related movement.

Pattern and line carry the eyes along without
jerky motion. The eye automatically
connects points in space. It can be created by
gradual change of lines, shapes and or shade
of colors known as gradation. Rhythm is
also achieved through repetition of lines,
colors, shapes, and texture.

5 Emphasis - The eye is carried first to the

most important part of the design and then to
the other details in order of their importance.
This referred as the center of interest of a

Elements of design

1. Line - It is a skeleton or foundation

sketch to direct the eye vertically or

M. H. Del Pilar St. Malanday Valenzuela City

2. Texture - It refers to the surface

appearance, which is either rough or
smooth, dull or glossy, thick or thin.

3. Color - It may be cool, warm,

bright, or dull. Choosing the right
color will greatly affect the
appearance of your finished project.

F. Application ( 10 minute/s)
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


“So for your next activity, I will show a different

picture or photos and all you need to do is to
analyze and illiustrate what principle or elements
of design is applied.”

“Are we clear?”
“Yes sir”

“The students are doing the activity”

M. H. Del Pilar St. Malanday Valenzuela City

G. Values Integration ( 3 minute/s)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

"Always remember that through knowing
the difference principle and element design “Students are listening “
might help us to be more creative and to be
more innovative when it comes to our art
like to those known company that have been
using those principle and element design like
for the example: the logo of Mercedes-Benz,
that logo are more likely Symmetrical and
balance just like the principle that we’ve
been discussed.”


H. Generalization ( 3 minute/s)
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Guide/essential questions:

Give the example of the different “Students are raising their hands”
types of Principle and Elements of

I. Evaluation (3 minute/s)
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Directions: Identify the word/s that best

describe the following statements. Choose
the answer inside the box. Write your answer Answer key:
on the space provided.

______1. This referred to as the

M. H. Del Pilar St. Malanday Valenzuela City

center of interest of a design.

______2. This is a design that looks
balanced despite the lack of
______3. It is the arrangement of
line, form, color, and texture with the
purpose of achieving order and
______4. This can be achieved using
color, shapes, and textures to give a
feeling of oneness.
______5. This principle may be
produced in two ways, either formal
or informal.
______6. This principle can be
achieved through repetition of lines,
colors, shapes, and texture.
______7. The pleasing relationship of
all parts of the object with one
another, and it also refers to the
relative size and scale of objects.
______8. The other term for
asymmetrical balance.
______9. It can be thought of as
50/50 balance or like a mirror.
______10. Another term for
symmetrical balance.

Answer key:
1. Emphasis
2. Asymmetrical Balance
3. Principle of Design
4. Harmony
5. Balance
6. Rhythm
7. Proportion
8. Informal Balance
9. Symmetrical
10. Formal Balance

J. Assignment ( 3 minute/s)
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Search about what the Primary Color,
Secondary Color, and tertiary Color.”

M. H. Del Pilar St. Malanday Valenzuela City

VI. Remarks

VII. Reflection

Prepared by: Lorence P. Palomares

Student Teacher

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