Ebook 1 - The Truth About Hair Lossh

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Copyright © 2017 by Carolyn Evans, Absolique Hair Health Clinic

All rights reserved. The Truth About Hair Loss© is the workings and property of
Carolyn Evans, Absolique Trichologist. This eBook or any portion thereof may
not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express
written permission of the author.
The Truth About Hair Loss© published June 2017
Cover Image by Absolique Hair Health Clinic

Disclaimer: All information within this eBook is intended to help readers with
hair loss, hair thinning and scalp concerns and is not intended as a substitute
for the advice of medical physician. The reader should consult the relevant
practitioner in matters relating to his or her health, and particularly with
respect to symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. The
author will not be responsible for any action, or lack of action that is taken by
the reader as a result of information contained within this eBook.

Absolique Hair Health Clinic

Suite 3/669 Brunswick Street,
New Farm, Queensland,
Australia, 4005
(07) 3229 3242

Table of Contents

1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………….…. Page 3

2. Let’s Get Started Talking About Hair Loss …………………….…………….. Page 4

3. Let’s Talk Hair Thinning ……………………………………………………………… Page 5

4. Diffuse Hair Thinning ………………………………………………………………….. Page 6

5. Understanding Alopecia …………………………………………….….…………... Page 7

6. Scalp Conditions ………………………………………………………….…………….. Page 8

7. Hair is Connected to Health …………………………………………..………….. Page 9

8. Hormones and Hair ………………………………………………………..……...... Page 10

9. Nutrition for Your Cells, Not Just Your Hair …………………..………..… Page 11

10.Nutritional Deficiencies …………………………………………………..….……. Page 12

11.Body pH and Absorption ……………………………………………………........ Page 13

12.Basic Scalp Health …………………………………………………………………….. Page 13

13.Correct Diagnosis is the Key …………………………………………………..…. Page 14

14.Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………... Page 15


The Truth About Hair Loss© – What You Need To Know – In The Eyes of
Trichologist Carolyn Evans
Trichology – noun - the branch of medical and cosmetic study and practice
concerned with the hair and scalp.
Trichologist - A 'trichologist' is someone who specialises in hair loss and hair
thinning problems such as baldness, hair breakage and itchy/flaking scalp. He
or she will also treat all forms of alopecia.
Hello, I am Carolyn Evans. I am a Trichologist. I have been a certified
Trichologist for 20 years at the time of writing this, my first book, June 2017. I
started out in the hair industry as a hairdresser at the age of 15. This is where I
was introduced to Trichology. I completed my hairdressing training by the age
of 19 and quickly went on to study the, then available, ‘Introduction to
Trichology’ course.
I was a great hairdresser and really understood the science side of things
because of my interest in Trichology. My natural creative flare was also
satisfied with the art of hairdressing and understanding safe hairdressing. Then
I became a certified, qualified Trichologist.
My life and career path started to change with knowledge of both hairdressing
and Trichology. The study of Trichology touches on all the body systems and
nutrition. This alone connected with me personally because of health issues
related to digestion which I had no success with from the medical
establishments. I leant towards natural therapies because of the nature of
seminars attended which were required to maintain a Trichologist status, it
simply made sense and resonated with me.
With this came many ‘aha’ moments. This was the beginning of my journey to
understanding how health indeed does influence hair loss, thinning hair,
pattern thinning and scalp conditions. In the following pages, I will share with
you simple, yet surprising truths about hair loss and the things you need to
know before embarking on anything to try and deal with your hair loss, hair
thinning or scalp condition, on your own.

Let’s Get Started - Talking About Hair Loss

Let’s be politically correct here, hair loss is actual hair falling out and will only
be talked about within these pages as the act of hair physically falling out. Hair
loss is the state when hair falls out. We all lose hair every day. It is a part of
your normal hair cycle. If the hair does not fall, it is not in its normal hair cycle
and potentially, not growing normally.
We all lose hair, (it is normal) but how much hair is normal? Science says we
lose 70-160 hairs per day as part of the normal hair cycle. When hair loss is
occurring, hairs fall at double the rate. This means you could experience up to
140-320 hairs lost per day. When this occurs it is scary, I understand that, it has
happened to me. This is when you need to read the important facts we share
with you to help you understand, hair loss happens for a reason.
When the hair falls out today, the cause was present in the body three months
ago. This is also a fact of the hair cycle. Hair loss occurs three months after the
body disturbance. Always look back three months. If you have ongoing hair
loss, look back to when it began and check your health status then and now.
This type of hair loss is diffuse. This means it is scattered diffusely all over the
scalp, it is not in patterns or patches.
Never forget this rule of ‘diffuse’ hair loss, ‘diffuse hair loss is self-correcting
once the causative factor is removed’. If your hair loss has continued for more
than four months then there is an underlying cause which you need assistance
to find and address. Diffuse hair loss can also be called ‘Telogen Effluvium’ or
‘Anagen Effluvium’, they all mean the same thing but are describing a state of
the hair cycle.

Image Source: https://katclassics.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/hair-phase.jpg


Let’s Talk Hair Thinning

Hair thinning is not hair loss. It is not hair physically falling out. There are
various types of hair thinning, we will cover the most common ones; pattern
hair thinning and diffuse hair thinning. Pattern hair thinning only occurs at the
recessions, front, top and crown of the head, never all over. Pattern hair
thinning will always be within these specific areas and never affects the back
(terminal) area of the head.
Pattern hair thinning is something not to be afraid of. It happens for a reason
and you just need to understand your reason, and address it accordingly. It was
once predominately hereditary, but now we all have hormonal and
environmental influences as well as the free radical effect. Pattern thinning has
been around since the days of Julius Caesar, it is not new, but the triggers are.
We will teach you the reality about pattern hair thinning and how to protect
yourself, naturally.
Pattern hair thinning is one of the largest target markets for the hair loss and
cosmetic industry. Problem is, none of these so-called hair loss products
address symptoms and causes and they don’t offer a correct diagnosis to start
with. They may deliver a short-term result, but that is it. The Truth About Hair
Loss© is here to help you save time and money, and your hair. Pattern hair
thinning is also known as pattern baldness, male and female pattern baldness,
androgenetic alopecia and pattern hair loss. Whatever it is called, it really is
not that difficult to treat once you have a correct diagnosis. I find most cases of
your suspected pattern hair thinning are secondary problems. The main
problem is a broken-down hair cell and disturbed hair cycle. I will always
demonstrate this with a microscope. Rarely do I find a straight forward case of
pattern hair thinning these days. ‘Early Onset Pattern Hair Thinning’ means it
has started at a very young age. This is commonly happening to young men
and women and noted as early as teenage years. The key again is correct
diagnosis so simple preventative measures can be put in place.

Image Source: https://theidleman.com/manual/health/everything-need-know-male-hair-loss/


Diffuse Hair Thinning

Pattern hair thinning and diffuse hair thinning are very different and are
commonly misinterpreted. Human nature will make you notice changes in the
typical pattern of hair thinning, but, you may not notice there are also changes
in the hair at the back of the head, in the terminal area, the thickest area of
hair on your head. Diffuse hair loss and diffuse hair thinning will expose
underlying pattern hair thinning. It is so very important here to understand
there is potentially two different things going on. If you go after the wrong
one, you will not get a result.
Diffuse hair thinning is a result of the hair cell. Whether you have had hair loss
or not, the hair grows from a cell. Within the cell is your DNA, your code, your
hair type, your hair cycle. When the hair cell cannot get what it needs or is
disturbed by problems in the body, the cellular division replicates a damaged
cell, this will grow a hair thinner than your normal hair type.
As a Trichologist with my modern microscope always at my side, along with
knowing how to ask the right questions to get the right information from you, I
am best armed to advise what the hair thinning problem is and find where it
came from. This will always address both symptoms and causes to prevent
further hair loss and hair thinning and even obtain hair regrowth. I find correct
diagnosis and sharing the truth about what is happening to your hair
empowers you to make required changes for health and hair.

Image Source: http://www.healthguidance.org/entry/17353/1/An-Introduction-to-Your-Cells-and-How-to-


Understanding Alopecia
Alopecia is a word used to describe hair loss. Any type of hair loss may be
termed ‘alopecia’. What you need to understand is the difference between
diffuse hair loss, pattern hair thinning and an autoimmune group of hair loss
and hair thinning problems called alopecia. The word alopecia is usually
followed by the description or type of alopecia, such as Alopecia Areata,
Alopecia Totalis, Alopecia Universalis, Alopecia Ophiasis and Frontal Fibrosing
These forms of alopecia are hair loss in distinct patches or locations. They are
very different from other forms of hair loss and should not be confused. These
autoimmune types of alopecia are a result of the immune system attacking the
hair bulb or hair follicle. They can be temporary and non-scarring or
permanent and scarring. Temporary alopecia causes hair loss but the hair
follicle is still intact and hair regrowth is possible. Permanent alopecia means
the hair follicle has been destroyed and regrowth will not be possible.
Whatever the form or type of alopecia it is important to get a quick and
accurate diagnosis. Once you understand what it is you can go about
addressing the immune system. There are various ways to address the immune
system. Some work on supressing the immune system, whilst other work on
supporting the immune system, it is a personal choice. Most cases of alopecia
have been triggered by something, the most common one I see is a poorly
functioning immune system put under pressure by life events. It is also
common to find background hereditary autoimmune tendencies, on top of the
many environmental autoimmune triggers now in our daily lives.
Once diagnosed, I will help you to avoid the triggers and support the immune
system. This is a long-term strategy plan with many healthful benefits and aims
to protect you from the many health problems that are also caused by
autoimmune such as; eczema, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, multiple sclerosis
and thyroid problems, to mention just a few.

Scalp Conditions
Scalp conditions vary from minor to major. We understand and can help the
various scalp problems from: stubborn scalp scale (dandruff), annoying oily
hair, irritating itchy scalp, sensitive scalp, sore scalp, scalp pimples, scalp
psoriasis, scalp dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis. Separating the scalp skin
and hair care can be all we need to do to assist with balancing the scalp. When
the scalp condition is coming from a cellular level, meaning cellular division,
then it will need to be addressed internally. We always check for deficiencies
and hereditary tendency.
Simple scalp cleansing delivers an amazing result for most cases. We can teach
you to focus on the scalp, to create gentle exfoliation, scalp circulation to feed
hair bulb and activate scalp oil gland to release the oil to be washed away.
Then it is all about what you use to wash your scalp. Please understand hair
shampoo and conditioner are for hair. Scalp is skin. It is that simple. Use a safe
scalp cleanser to cleanse your scalp followed by your hairdresser product
recommendation for hair that is longer than 10cm.
Because scalp is skin, it is important to understand the problems can come
from within. It is all good and well to address scalp conditions topically, but if
the problem is at a cellular level, this also needs to be addressed. The aim is to
help you to understand this and incorporate safe scalp cleansing techniques
into your normal hair washing regime.
Scalp conditions can and do occur in conjunction with hair loss and hair
thinning. It is common to experience scalp changes and hair changes together.
When we help you with your hair and scalp concerns all of these issues will be
addressed. Once we see your scalp under the microscope, we will demonstrate
to you the hows and whys as this will help you to overcome simple and
complex problems.
Some scalp conditions are more difficult such as folliculitis as it can be
autoimmune, but we do have a natural and preventative approach here too.
However, in some cases of autoimmune, the activity can be fierce so we may
recommend an alternative approach to prevent further damage to scalp and

Hair is Connected to Health

We can take our health for granted. We simply function and keep going. Life is
busy, we eat when hungry, or eat not to be hungry. What we eat is nutrient
deficient. We drink liquids that don’t hydrate the body. We are exposed to
elements that are harmful to our bodies. We have nutritional deficiencies. We
have hormonal problems. We see cancer far more than we should. There are
thyroid problems, diabetes, heart problems, and cholesterol problems. We, as
a society, have health problems.
Hair grows from the scalp which is connected to our skin and fed by a blood
supply coming from our bodies. If health problems are present, the hair will tell
you. Hair loss and hair thinning are the bodies first ways of trying to tell you
something is not quite right. Highs, lows, deficiency, fluctuations and changing
circumstances in the body will show in your hair.
Every part of the human body is intrinsically connected. As hair is connected to
the body, it will also be effected by changes in the body. Whether it be hair
loss, hair thinning or scalp conditions, your health will always be connected to
your concerns in some way. This is where we can help you to connect the
problems/causes to the symptoms and help you address them.
Some simple scenarios are low iron or ferritin, this will indeed cause hair loss
when at deficiency levels, as can fluctuating iron levels. Thyroid can also be low
or high measured by TSH, the move is the problem and may need to be further
investigated. Another is blood sugar, highs, lows and fluctuations do affect
many other body functions.
The amazing human body will always try to balance the environment it
requires. The human body is smarter than any computer, it just knows what to
do when given the good stuff or bad stuff. Good stuff keeps body homeostasis.
This is body balance. When the body is out of balance things go wrong and the
body may not even be able to identify the good stuff. This, here again is how
we at Absolique can help.

Hormones and Hair

We all have hormones. The body has many systems, the hormone creating
system is the ‘Endocrine System’. There are many organs that participate in
this system. All of these individual organs are also part of the total body
system. The organs of the Endocrine System create and secrete specific
hormones to assist with body homeostasis.
Hormonal imbalance, just like any other body imbalance can indeed cause hair
loss and hair thinning and associated scalp problems. Too often the hormones
such as testosterone and estrogen are discussed with little explanation of the
bigger picture or the larger hormone system and how much it interacts with
many other body systems.
We all need our natural hormones, they play very specific roles and also
interact with other hormones. We also need to understand how environmental
factors are now mimicking our hormones and creating hormonal changes
within our bodies whether you like it or want to know about it or not, it is real.
Some factors are; food, medications, personal care products, cleaning
products, household products, furniture sealants, flooring glue, paint, the air
we breathe and the water we drink. This is a very simple list for the exercise of
awareness. We do have control of this, you can be aware and have the power
of knowledge to make changes and be preventative. It is all a choice.
Hormonal problems have long been blamed for hair loss and hair thinning. As
much as this can be true, the hormonal problems these days are accelerating
as health is deteriorating. Hormonal hair loss can be caused by fluctuations of
the hormones of any of the glands in the endocrine system. The main organs
involved in this type of diffuse hair loss are the thyroid glands, adrenal glands
and pancreas.
Pattern hair thinning is related to changes in hormones of the ovaries and
testicles and many of the related hormones, precursors and derivatives. Too
often the hormonal problem becomes the focus of the treatment with very
reactive treatment, such as introduction of synthetic hormones. This is ideal
when it is a hereditary or health hormonal concern, but not for the treatment
of pattern hair thinning. (Refer to Topic 3). Balancing hormones and the body
are part of our plan. Total body balance is what we try to achieve with you for
hair health.

Nutrition for Your Cells, Not Just Your Hair

Far too often I get asked about what to eat for healthy hair. Understand where
the hair grows from, the body. You can liken the body to the soil where the
roots of the plant intertwine to find the nutrients to create the plant, the stalk,
the stems, the leaves and then, the flowers. Now picture your hair, growing
out of your body, where does the hair gets all of the nutrients from? Simple, a
The human body’s basic unit is a cell. Every cell is coded to do what they do in
ways science does not yet understand. But the relevance to hair growth is the
hair grows from cell division as does the hair bulb, the hair follicle and the
scalp skin layers. The cell health is very important. If we look at the elements,
science has proven to help healthy hair, this is very different to what a cell
Don’t be fooled by trying to feed the hair, rather feed the cell, ensure the body
has enough of what it needs to provide to the cell. Cells need certain things
and this is the order you should remember; pH balance, 60-80 essential
minerals, essential fatty acids, water and fat-soluble vitamins in the right
synergy to make our required antioxidants. Sound simple? Try and get this kind
of nutrition from food today, it is near impossible. We then lean on the process
of digestion and absorption, it is all chemistry and all out of order in most
people experiencing hair loss, hair thinning and scalp conditions.
Nutrition plays a huge role in hair growth. Most hair loss, hair thinning, pattern
hair thinning, alopecia and scalp problems I have seen over the past 20 years,
stem from nutritional problems. Sadly, it is difficult to get medical assistance in
looking after nutritional levels these days. Somehow the medical world has
forgotten the simple chemistry of the cell. What I share with you is no secret, it
has been the base of science for as long as I remember, as important as
breathing, but it has been lost.
If indeed you do go onto read further or even check out my websites or videos,
you will clearly see the common denominator is health and nutrition for the
body to enable the body to grow hair as your cell’s DNA intended.
A word on hair enhancing supplements; I call them fertilizer, if you fertilize
weeds what will you grow? If you fertilize undernourished hair cells growing
thin hair what will result? Faster growing thin, poor quality hair. What if you

get the body and the cell in the best possible state first then fertilize? This
delivers our amazing results with hair loss and hair thinning treatments.

Nutritional Deficiencies
Now that you understand the cell and importance of base cell nutrition, how
do you address deficiencies? Simple answer, provide the cell what it requires
and address the deficiency at the same time. I never see this happening out
there. Too often you are told something is low and maybe you should
supplement, but it is not guided, not supported and rarely are you told what to
take and how.
Let’s use the most common deficiency associated with hair loss and hair
thinning, as an example, iron. Iron deficiency is so commonly related to hair
loss, but iron has many different forms needed to reach the storage stage of
ferritin. This all needs to be considered as well along with the fact iron is a
mineral. We all need 60-80 essential minerals per day every day, including iron.
When there is no associated mineral support, iron may not absorb.
Synergistic nutrients for iron also need to be considered. Vitamin B12 assists
iron and can alone cause health problems when deficient, but B12 also
requires synergistic nutrients. Vitamin D is another, as well as the various
vitamin and minerals tested in your general health blood tests. If you need to
take a supplement to address a deficiency as advised by your healthcare
professional, please always take the supporting elements. It is simple science
that is sometimes lost these days.

Image Source: http://winterridgefoods.com/why-you-need-ionic-trace-minerals/


Body pH and Absorption

Providing the body with what the cell needs via nutrition is one thing, but then
what does the body do with it? This can be quite complex when you delve into
it. To keep it simple, liquid balance comes down to pH. You may remember this
from high school science lesson. Every liquid has a pH, the body is 80% liquid. If
you forgot about pH, liken it to forgetting about testing the pH of a swimming
pool or that of a fish tank.
pH is a balance of liquid on the pH scale. Every liquid has an ideal pH. The
general body has an ideal pH of 7.0 which is neutral. If your pH is not at the
general ideal of 7.0 then it represents the body is not in an ideal state. This can
occur for many reasons. We can guide you through testing your pH and then
balancing your pH to assist with absorption.
pH is important to understand and address when you are using any nutritional
supplements for body balance, base nutrition and in the state of nutritional
deficiency. If your general body pH is not in balance then it may inhibit
absorption. If your body pH is out of balance in the morning, one has to
question how any nutrients will be absorbed during that day, in that
environment. Its simple chemistry.
So, imagine taking supplements. They need food to absorb. If the body is not in
an ideal alkaline state, what will the body do with the supplements? Well they
will most likely be processed through the body and wasted. A waste of time
and a waste of money. We can teach you how to create the right pH
environment to absorb nutritional supplements and food to assist with hair
loss, hair thinning and scalp conditions.

Basic Scalp Health

No matter what is going on with your individual hair loss, hair thinning,
alopecia or scalp condition, as Absolique Trichologist, I would always start with
basic scalp health. This is (so) very important to create the base of any scalp or
hair loss treatment regime.
I mentioned this earlier, scalp is skin. Anything you put on your skin will absorb
through your skin in 80 seconds when chemicals are involved. When I ask you
to cleanse your scalp correctly, I am of course going to advise you to use
Absolique Scalp Cleanser only if there are no difficult scalp conditions present.

It is a safe scalp cleanser free from any harmful ingredients, and it really cleans
the scalp ready to use safe topical hair loss treatments.
In the presence of scalp conditions, we have alternative scalp cleansers
depending on diagnosis, of course. Most clients are amazed at how the scalp
and hair feels when you take on our simple scalp cleansing regime. We always
separate the scalp from the hair as they are indeed two different things. We
will teach you how to do this, it is simple and you will thank us later.

Correct Diagnosis is The Key

I hope you can take on board all you have read so far and see a small element
of direction that can be guided for you to assist with either your hair or health.
As a Trichologist at Absolique, I am here with my team to answer any questions
you have about hair loss, thinning hair and scalp conditions. We know the
difference we make is by providing correct diagnosis. To do this we ask you to
gather health and hair history along with digital and microscopic images, to
assist with diagnosis.
Too often we receive emails about the use of a single product recommended
by a doctor to address your hair concerns. No offence to doctors, but they are
not trained in hair loss or hair thinning. They have reference guides of
medications and generally refer to these for hair loss recommendations. They
do not really understand hair loss because it is not considered an illness, in
their eyes.
Many medical trials over the past 20 years have shown side effects. Some of
the side effects were hair growth. Some of these are now common
medications, as recommended by doctors to treat hair loss. Problem is, they
have side effects. They only address the symptoms, not the causes, and should
not be used for extended durations. Absolique take a different approach, we
will guide you in a direction that can avoid the use of any harmful products, all
by beginning with correct diagnosis. We look after you by checking in on your
real reason for hair concerns, check health status and teach you about your
blood tests.
Correct diagnosis really is the key to all hair loss and hair thinning concerns.
We simply need to understand what your main driving factor is for your hair
problems and by achieving this, I can help you. I will see this in your hair and

health history and past and present blood results. We offer in-clinic service in
Brisbane and Sydney or if you cannot attend in person, we also offer Skype,
Phone and Email services. To gain correct diagnosis there are things you will
need to share and they are listed below.
Digital pictures of your hair concerns now. Digital pictures of your hair before
any concerns. Health and hair history. Current and past blood test results.
Complete and return Trichology Consultation Form. Microscopic images with
your own USB microscope of hair at scalp level, directions and instructions will
be provided if you indicate you would like to proceed. For more information
please contact us by phone or email information provided at the beginning and
end of this book.

This little EBook is the start of a series of books that are written for you the
reader and our clients, to help you understand The Truth About Hair Loss©.
Now I can finally and physically say, hair loss and hair thinning are two
completely different things! Now you understand, join me and many others
who have achieved hair health.
I really do hope what you have read gives you some hope and clarity about
your hair or scalp concerns. Please email any questions or subjects you would
like covered or discussed. My next book will delve further into the science of
the hair and causes of hair loss, hair thinning and scalp conditions.
Thank you for reading and following us for your hair health journey.

Yours in Hair and Health,

Carolyn Evans
Trichologist, Absolique Hair Health Clinic

Absolique Hair Health Clinic Brisbane

Suite 3/669 Brunswick Street, New Farm, QLD, 4005
(07) 3229 3242

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