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‘eacshematical Expectation (On putting *=0 in the above rel ions, we get ut ors rton of the sim of to rie of ce none Proof, By defi Mnew(@)=Ele =F Hence Mx, 1x(0= Mix Ex. 1. Write a short note o the three properties given above.) [Hint, Give § 46, and state Property 3 9 camaulanst. st. ¢°P times and them J+ e(X,), using (C). ind the effcet of change of origin and sale Statistics M ashematieal Expectation M3 snsformation corresponding to change of origin and stale ‘We know Mo()=a*9MGIi) [Property 3, pl} Taking lopaithms of both ides, we get about « point‘ ion K() is dein Kern tt sof similar powers off, we get and n/m tts 7, 3 except the frst cmulant, all cumants are € of origin. But the cumulant are not independent he rh cumadans of U is (1h) times the rth cara that y=’, ka, Kata Sp ites (A) and (B), p. 112, Proof. From the te A a ey Seb 42H we 2 Qun'ut 4 1 ase et nes and putting =0, (eee ek eas a a +1 ts =O ee a tt cpa Say Sones =H So— ene setae A HD [x20 12 4 ond Poiston Distributions Pe area 100A, Padma: nora Soli perer00(0)+ P2)+PO+ PO) i rosie oti“ MO.nslen tf 65.43 —yLSszT teresa pe BE. example 6. Ion a average Ives in ery 10 ts iy thet ow af 3 stl sd fe the Br bility that out af 3 rls expected to arrive 4 at least will: times nets re de amg] Selon of a ‘The probability ofa vestel to arive safely x fies in et foe sett would you expect 3 successes) p=(i—probabi Solution. y of a veel o be weekedym1 ta nce of 5 or 626mg a aai-p > g=1/10. Alsons =e, (-2- (eee now P@)=e(45) (Gp) =e Required probability=P@+P) ; at te st499 = 2829 moons, Example 7. For a binomial variate x, ind p if n=4 and P= 4) =6PU=2). Solution. We have P(3)=Aeap*g* Now Pd) = 6PQ) i = ‘Hence p=6/7. ‘attack there isa 50% irc hse lel Somds ma Be Dept desreig te Solution, Here p=d=g and Pada OF ccd numberof bombs, Outi bam, a ribet jeroy it complete PQ)+PQ)+-- . . 1—[P(0)+P)]>099 = 1-09=PO+RE nple 5. J Find the chance that “ir acess % 1 (n+1) orp ie > ee Solution. The pr 1001+ 1) <2". ‘ yand value of m is the least postiv® HIEBSE satisfying () this least value is n=I1. soni ond Posen Dist ea sovbs must be STOP cIsES SCL DORIRE a eee a ER % 4 25/4. We mam nas a Be > col rey > (ed atari © probability of iting the Sow may Tans. 6) ws'=np. a= 3 ero)= i LoDistere A strayed the voy —p)="04, Feat Nae) =% eta capa a Hie) Then a'(0)=ap-+3nr—1) PMT Me nail ut and Poisson Distributions io We know ro pl-np=ne ereatest _ womial diribue ) are 50 superposed term o) the other, isa symmetrical [iuine. ? 56. —. | i $ he & hu: * 2 Confidence 0 the tabulated value 13 Itowit ehere fa is the tabulated value significance 114, eTest We set up the mal ( The sample (with e value of vatne %G20™ 008 null hypothesis accepted at Remark 1 1 Fiducial Limits for 1 Sia Dat wag Te Biven by hy iniicars diference ewes Remark 2. If sis the variance of the sample, then Baa nst=(a—1) $* nst= Z(t ation mean of 47°. We have n=9, # (F-AP—23- AYre—aay nF ~A} do remember the above re DAU, BSe. (0) 199,87, 85) EXAMPLES. en's t for the folloving varie 2; —2,0;2) 2,3, 266, ows items of a sample had te following values 50, 52, 48, 47,49, 5331 14 scaly ft ine items ifr tenes?) 90) ars, Uetdax Boe Aegina su the Population from wy 85 or 8 df. at $% leveling 0b hs i 1 ots shes ne pothesis Hy: The mean aa : a a0 since “62 Tabulated for for (101) =9 dt, is 2°262. Since ‘62 nificance Based ont, F a s F and Ch. Square Disb toe 215 pnibesnce nt With the anne a Me AY he population eswanpion Of ean confidence limits witha ‘boys willie ae given by ao Sl m= 97 % LQ. values s2IMxes14 297241021074 nd ty, dom sample of 16 values fo F413 TichoeeAl the sum of ° a nara pop ic ee fame an -¢ tiches, Show that the. i Sets St tt ints fr Be ont DU Pm) pete," ee er peruse (paren eee eute. seo) Oe ee 135 We are given that =16,¥ ee Here number of degtees of freedom is (16=1 We have fon for 15 d.f.=2'10 and fog for 15 d= 2947 Since calculated £18 greater than 2131, all bysthi # rejected at 5% level of signficanes. Since calculated ¢ is tess than2347, nll ype may 8 accepted at 1% level of significance 95% fiducial limits for p are given BY rsync satan Fbtooe% 5 waX 239902 and BO. 99% fiducial Limits for » are given pourx ads 00d 9 Su esvsasooe es as he no le song cee) ae ee ener esa Ws, e-rese for the Ditersoea am Suppose we want to test) WieGT, Ci eee ay asd aT drawn from, the. population With ey ‘means ¥ andy do not differ steniean 4 Stnfconce Rated on, Fand Ch gure Datatan sess 0 We know 330 =Bsi A}, fay o See Reoat3, 9.27 Ber 9P Bla 12F-8 Gap gee ae 2-0-1091 10 vec TEM Ly] Tee af. 8 tested tn the same gy _ oa Simi,” POET qpere of 847-218 “Tabulated fag for 13.6 £—216 Since calculated value oft is err tdbutatcd vale 216, the deren not signifikant Hence et neseae he mieans of two samplet snot sinieant at Two types of bateres, And Bae teed for the lowing revs ere ebtabed of Somples Mean Vorlance EXAMPLES ; ‘ : ee items respec 4 10 nee steno er niece for 18 dees ol level of S961 (DIU, BSE. (@) 1992) 6, 385100 anmple 5. Two independent samples i tha th following "a ; . e mmple 1 1 _ 0 (Ce vaue of at 8% lve, 1 2 mis "101 (BU. 88 ni em phi) ‘Solution. We are given asthe diference between the me ; (Given thot ° rf i nal ox 121=1200 Similarly 2 \ ou LOI Now s 2 11 TOR II0F ‘The tabulated fe for (l Since 11°36>2'10! signifieant. significance Based on ed ont, F and Chi Square Dy re Disrtations ess of googie? Iie mes 1 are respective? fest St Neve « saine population, B Se. (G) 199 Hence the sa Example 9 pees 63.0 L } : 1 @oissoi=152Th a 2__20 9. Visas 7607 Soluti sy ntition Let he variables X and Y respect ‘ ; dtm m2 ‘on Tabulated ated tow for 14 6 the dierense cones ream nS Rite ce a wh ii a 214, oe Seance nd Nae at be dat be pe average ter anit be con sod pri panied by 2” Solution. Hence we by an increase in blo Example 11 patients resulted Can it be concluded ponied by an increase o Solution Let d de d-d E(d-d*=25 _ gjanficance Based on t. Fond Cy. sie Sean ribo m (a- dp 8, aby edt MB gay ger the bypothesis Hy: The se Moma wa undrse of BP. hs wl ne econpanied rls Will, th Benera, Vist sin phe tabulated fon fOF 8 dt St (approx) 231, 51-<2°31, the hypothesis i corer fot be accompanied By oo tae neces ha ee ase oat come eecple 1, A due et Se cir blood presse (B-P) ere rerdliotens a 3.4, 6,0,0,2 gat Chen tat a fr 9d f=) eae Solution 5,3 Let d denote the inetemeatin BP, 4 34446404040)09, k 2,0, 14 IGE4+ 254416 HAHN, 50 0. “The drug ho no eft om che set up the bypothesis Hy vie 9 dit 18226, 1 maybe aogeed and HER BP. 2. for 10: 28 2°26, the hypoth Singe 2 thatthe drug has no effect on chante o ses A and B were tack with 28 tested evarding 1th ie owing res 3a @ to each oft ed i ra parte 30 30 snote the inerement in B.P. 1494442 ance Based on ts Fond Os sot a Che Square Diritions 249 p00 10, 2e-19*= 190, Bye, 2516p 25 pene, x11 at 1 Jal B= ars, 2 og —19-10 G1" ay 12 0-46-1264, 3 p30" (120+ 31420. 5 (approx) for 204 =200>1 not significant at 5% evel nd we ma iter reps theca ob abulated fo sys the pegiets A and BG cise tat the sia, | fees in Wie Below are given the gol m weight (Its) of Srasngie 15: Bele Gain in wei 30,34, 24, Hs 32s 243 31,35, 28 32, 10, 47,31, Ady 30, 32,381 1s 2 38, 29002 rificamly os regards. the eet 42) = 3129, J=28+ UO 5 -3ta32—7 0841 21-6 OOR)=. | Er no det A 3] =5°3 (@ppron) Diet A: 23,3 Diet B: 44,34, Test, the so ets differ t mine nave F— sl oo acs it ‘at 5% level and ence we eat z Diet B inca — 6 The aiference is significa els thatthe two borses 60 e sre ene ta, For arandom sample of pis fe she eran Pregl in certain rio yg, 16, 13, 12.8 14 A 4 ie OT 2 lll 4 6 carly 196 2,2 For another random sample In the same pericd wer 22, Find ifthe two samples are fect of det, given that for (dS) rare respectively 2°09, 207, 2°06: i the five pet 20, Bs Solution thot the tw Solution Based ont, F tnd ChiSqare Dart 2s, ce wo samples come fom he same rma pati, 1 ae +BY = (20ssi1—209, since 152.070 Gamples may be reguded as evmig oaiig CASES cepted a Shiny EXERCISE 4. ye, studeat’s# for the fllowiog vase malas ina Mae ten: — 0» ida cal mat wale Pepe universe to be zero, © |” 555) aking te (ies 08) ad be sm of tions token fot mesh 180. Ca th ce taken foi the popuaon having $638 GT at 3 level of Sgnibemce-213) d om sample of size 16 has $348 sim Sangh, A candor, Sample Shown tne squares of the devie val pomi]_sanple be reared SSRN, sine, 26x —3)~150, n= 6156) Sa 2ri he Salil 4 roachinist is smoking. jot te con 0x8 Bans, xamine a solstion. 20x25 5 a Gleemra , aye colour in som Not light 230. ws Not light a fathers od 3 UBS iiyé colour in fathers Lieht 1st ton between the ee cous oF 14,f.=384)- ) ©. ciation 375x610 0 4s, 504= 100 20438, © a7Xth a cea BAI 000 Test the associat ‘ (Given Yo for evation, Assure that cere ITO asst prime te BOs) f party A ace Based oe Dleribacions aco ar eae oe as aoe ed Pew fot ODODE ANd saga 38h OT iapten ae Posse pis aaa ge tot rman eee be sim 100 members of eth ofthe en =e ree :

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