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| press Ventures Primary Learner's Book PA\college press ‘Ventures Primary Mathematics Learner's Book Grade 6 ‘Ventures Primary Mathematics ©D. Skinner, P. Chirume, L. Nyamayadenga, F. Patsanza and K. Maposa, 2019 {© IMlusrations and design College Press Publishers (Pvt) Ltd, 2019 All ight reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, clectronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior writen permission of the copyright holder or in accordance withthe provisions of the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act (Chapter 26:05), 2004, Failure to comply with the terms of this notice may result Tegal action for copyright infringement andor civil claims for damages. Fist published 2019 Published by College Press Publishers (Pvt) Lid P.O. Box 3041, Harare, Zimbabwe ‘Typeset by College Press in 11 point Century Gothic Cover design by ‘Cover image by Eaglesvale Jusior School and Tnash Photography lustrations by H. Makoni and C. Sizara Photographs by College Press: p. 128, Getty Images: pp. 153, 187; Lion Images: p. 24; Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe: p. 137; Zimpapers: pp. 14, 84 Printed by: DP printmedia ISBN: 978-1-77900.990.5 ‘WIP: 02902000 ‘The publishers have made every effort to trace the copyright holders. If they have inadvertently overlooked any, they will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements atthe fist opportunity. Itisillegal to photocopy any page of this book without written permission from the publi Unit 1 Number: Whole numbers .. Unit 2, Number: Roman and Arabic numerals ... Unit 3. Number: Rounding off whole numbers....... Unit 4 Operations: Addition of whole nUMbEFS.........- Unit 5 Operations: Subtraction of whole numbers ... Unit 6 Operations: Multiplication of whole numbers........ Unit 7 Operations: Division of whole numbers.. Unit 8 Number: Proper fractions... Unit? Measures: Time. Unit 10 Number: Mixed numbers Unit 11 Measures: Length..... Unit 12 End of term 1 assessment... Unit 13 Operations: Highest Common Factors and Lowest Common Multiples...........85 Unit 14 Operations: Addition and subtraction of fractions .. Unit 15 Measures: Direction, angles and lines... Unit 16 Operations: Multiplication of fractions... Unit 17 Operations: Division of fractions... Unit 18 Number: Decimal numbers Unit 19 Number: Addition and subtraction of decimals numbers... Unit 20 Operations: Multiplication of decimal numbers... Unit 21 Operations: Division of decimal numbers ....... Unit 22 Measures: Money... Unit 23 Operations: Combined operations Unit 24 End of term 2 assessment .. Jnit 25 Operations: Ratio. Jnit 26 Operations: Scale Jnit 27 Measures: Shapes 3 Unit 28 Measures: Volume and capacity... Unit 29 Number: Percentages «n-ne Unit 30 Measures Unit 31 Measures: Area... Unit 32 Measures: Rate... Unit 33 Relationships: Data handling... Unit 34 End of year assessment . 3 fel) | | You should be able to: | 1. identify, read and write numbers in words and numerals up to 1 000 000 | 2. give value of digits in numbers | 3. write numbers in excanded notation | | 4. arrange numbers in order of magnitude | 5. identify prime numbers in the range 0 to 50. Flashback 1. Read the following numbers to a classmate or your teacher. a) 106 b) 7121 c) 10982 — d) 42 563. e)- 70 000 f) 63.465 g) 99100 hh) 72005 1) 68502 jj) 100000 x) 81 346 1) 59 062 Write the following numbers in words. a) 389 b) 1708 ¢) 18090 a) 10000 e) (39100 3. Write the following numbers in numerals. a) Forty-six thousand two hundred and three b) Nine hundred and five ¢) Eighty thousand and one d) Sixty-six thousand one hundred and twenty-seven e) Fifty-two thousand and forty nine. Key words -» magnitude prime number Numbers | Write 824 957 in words Solution Eight hundred and twenty-four thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven Portes Write the following in words. a) 200 000 b) 500000 ¢) 900000 — d) 999000 e) 879.999 f) 7 502 g) 390 281 fh) 211 006 i) 666 239 i) 987 381 k) 801 300 1) 904 000 m) 276 211 n) 694781 ©) 1.000 000 2. Write the following in numerals. a) One million b) Nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-two ¢) Eight hundred thousand one hundred and fourteen d) Three hundred and fifteen thousand and seventy-one e) Seven hundred and forty-one thousand three hundred. Value of digits 243 675 can be shown as: Hth Tth Th HT 3 24 3 6 Pied | What number is shown by the abacuses? Write your answer in numerals and in words. a) th Th H T U b) Th th HOT U c) th th H OT U | 1 : ri i a) 98217 b) 76354 c) 36001 d) 152370 e) 391433 f) 640826 g) 387101 h) 842537 i) 528012 j) 932764 Practice in pairs Draw abacuses to show the numbers below. 5 7 d) Hth Tth Th oe Ui) lid a1 3 g) Hth Tth Th HT U h) th Tth Th HOT U ETE | | ¢ 1 | | 3 i 3 Ell i i HL Lg 2 z ly prye 1/3 sigi 2. Whatis the valve of the highlighted digit in each of the numbers? 2) @ 21309 b) 263Q10 c) 90264 =): 80327 ) @ 000 000 | f) 5381@1 g) 37@004 h) 160243 i) 681@10 i) Expanded notation | 128947 = 100000 20000 8000 900 40 7 128 947 = 100.000 + 20 000 + 8 000 + 900 + 40 +7 bate co Write the following in expanded notation. 1. 230 489° 2. «491 6513, 983-746 = 4.319 507 6 117 356 7. 824 591 B99 261 9. 684 193 | Copy and complete. | 11, 926 104 = 900 000 + 20.000 +] + 100+ 4 12. 467 232 =(_] + 60000 + 7 000 + 200 + 30 +2 13, 251 847 = 200 000 + _|+L} + 800 +40 +7, 14, 649 004 = 600 000 + 40 000 + 9 000 + [1] 15. 879 546 =[1+0] +{]+ 500+ 40+6 416 58 5. 590 100 10. 723 820 3 Comparing numbers < MEANS less than > MEANS greater than = MEANS equal iple i 935 701 < 1 000 000 [Nine hundred and thirty-five thousand seven hundred and one is less than one million} 800 000 > 400 000 [Eight hundred thousand is greater than four hundred thousand] 1 000 000 = 500 000 + 500 000 {One million is equal to five hundred thousand plus five hundred thousand] De ce Put <,> or = in place of the [1 to complete the statement. { \ | 1. 200.0001 600 000 2. 100000001999 989 | 3. 76201001672 110 4. 45172101819 662 | 5. 506 68401 206 486 6. 890 30001337 800 | 7. 300 634121 643 300 8. 300000 + 40 000 +1000 341 000 | 9. 900 000[1 800 000 + 90.000 +9000+1000 10. 298 401 £3 289 404 | 11, 400871) 600 878 12. 10600001 700 000 | 13. 600.000 + 400 00053 1000 000 14. 37294101237 491 15. 100 90001 200 001 Ordering numbers Ascending order - starting from the smallest number to the largest number, Descending order - starting from the largest number to the smallest number. ple Ascending order Descending order Picea T ia Arrange the following numbers in ascending order. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 152 746 381 502 290101 422 007 300 000 700.000 500 723 325 000 451 624 659 010 876 254 199 202 309 000 152 983 300 741 426 328 609 300 633 500 678 406 695 521 592 470 529 740 259 407 952704 Six hundred thousand two hundred, six hundred thousand and two, two hundred and twenty-seven thousand one hundred and ninety-five. Eight hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, one million, three hundred thousand. Arrange the following numbers in descending order. 9. 10. u. 12. 13. 14 15, 502 783 453 689 153 986 633 465 100 640 100 450 100 405 100 504 400 000 815 000 109 744 987 562 389 674 893.746 938 647 839 476 184 563, 148 663, 168 634 186 366 Nine hundred thousand and fifty, nine hundred thousand two hundred, nine hundred thousand one hundred and forty, One hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and ten, four hundred thousand and two, eight hundred and twenty thousand three hundred and thireen, Prime numbers Every prime number has ONLY 2 factors, one and the number itself. A prime number is a whole number greater than 1 whose factors are 1 and the number itself, 1 is NOTa prime number as it does not have another factor. Examples of prime numbers include 2, 3, 5,7, 11 and 13 just to name a few. 1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 2 3 4 5 6 & a 10 W w 14 15 16 7 18 20 2 2 23 24 26 7 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 4l 42 44 45 4% 47 4B 50 Copy the above grid into your exercise book. Copy and continue colouring prime numbers. A total of 15 prime numbers should be coloured between 1 and 50. Cross ov all digits under the column of multiples of 2. ieaving 2 out because itis a prime number, the rest are Cross out alll digits under the column of 3 leaving out 3 because it is a prime number, the rest are multiples of 3. 3 Cross out 6 and all the digits below they are multiples of 6. Continue crossing out multiples diagonally and vertically until 15 prime numbers remain. PU Ree Multiple choice Choose a letter that represents the correct answer. 1. 365 790 in words is —. A. three hundred and sixty, seven hundred ninety B. three hundred and sixty-five, seven hundred and nine C. three hundred sixty-five, seven hundred and ninety D. three hundred and sixty-five thousand, seven hundred and ninety. 2. Eight hundred and forty-three thousand two hundred and ten in numerals is A. 840210 B. 214210 c. 843.210 D. 200 432 3. The number shown on the abacus is —_. Hth Th Th HT U A. 672 482 8. 762 483 Cc. 672 483 D. 762843 4. Whatis the value of the bolded digit in 842 529? A. 40 B. 400 c. 4000 D. 40000 5. 506 871 in expanded notation is —. A. 500+800+70+1 B. 500.000 + 6.000 + 800+70+1 C. 6000+800+70+1+5 D. 50.000 +6 000 +800 +1 6. Which of the following is a set of prime numbers? A. 7.52 B, 70,69.68 C. 16,15, 14 D. 4,68 7. 372895= '+70000+ 2000+ +90 + 5.The missing numbers are —. A. 300 and 800 B. 30 and 80 €. 300.000 and 800 D. 300.000 and & 8 Put >, c= D, 9. 500924: 300 490; 834 217; 1 000 000 in ascending order is A. 300.490 500 924 834 217 1.000 000 8B. 1.000000 834217 500 924 300 490 c. 300490 834.217 500 924 1.000 000 D. 300490 500 924 1.000 000 834 217 10. 125 609: 105 679: 521 096; 125 009 in descending order is A. 521096 125 609 125 009 105 679 B. 105 679 25.009 125 609 521 096 C. 521 609 125 009 125 609 105 679 | D. 521 609 125 609 105 679 125 009 l [10 marks} 3 Structured questions Answer the following questions. 1 Write the following numbers in words: a) 127 926 b) 904 002 Write one prime number between 40 and 50. Write the following in numerals: 9) Six hundred and foriy-three thousand five hundred and eleven b) One hundred and thirteen thousand four hundred and thirty-eight. What numbers do the following abacuses show? ° th th HOT U b) ce) What is the value of the highlighted digit? ) @01 789 b) 217@54 Express the following numbers in expanded notation. a) 642879 b) 502004 ¢) Put>, < or=inplace of to complete the statement. 604 522 436 983 d) Write the following numbers in ascending order. 725 618 258 442 700 873 285 900 e) Write the following numbers in descending order. 261 793 104 896 204 001 200 397 [2] 1) ol o1 Oo] iu} 0) a ny ol ol il Ol (15 marks] ua ue LUC WUC em) You should be able to: | 1. identify, read and write Roman numerals | 2. convert Roman to Arabic numerals and vice versa. Roman numerals are away of writing numbers using letters of the alphabet to represent numbers. Roman numerals can be changed into Arabic numerals and vice versa. Revise on the value of the following Roman numerals in your groups or in pairs. iit vl XI = L vit x = Li XL vil xill =f XL ix x = Xxx XXX Key words & alphabet numbers Roman numerals | to C Roman Numerals x q }. IV=4. When aletter which represents a smaller number isto the left we subtract. | stands for 1 and is smaller than V which is equal to 5, so we subtract one from 5and we get 4, XL = 40 X=10 L=50 Ten from fifty is forty 2. Vi=6 When letter which represents a number is small and positioned to the right we add it to the bigger number. 1=1 so add it to V =5, and the answer is 6. Lx = 60 L=50 X=10 Fifty plus ten equals sixty baa ee Copy and complete the following table. Study the above poster to understand what each Roman letter represents. | 1. Write 65 in Roman numerals. What is XCVIl in Arabic numerals? on | 1. 65=50+10+5 2. XCVIl | = XC +Vil +X+V = 9047 i XV = 97 rie eed Write the following Arabic numerals in Roman numerals. a) 13 b) 27 c) 39 a) 53 f) 78 g) 84 h) 42 i) 99 k) 25 ) 9 m) 55 n) 70 Write the following Roman numerals in Arabic numerals. a) iil b) vill c) x ) xil f) Lxvil g) XLV h) vill i) XxxIV k) XVII ) un m) XCVI rn) XVI Roman numerals (I to D) (Geamres Write the following in Arabic numerals. 1. CDVIl 2. XLVIll 1. CDVIl= CD+VIl 2. XLVIII = XL + Vill = 400+7 = 40+8 = 407 = 48 Pete ee Cea Compieie the following table. PNOMPON> 10. i. 12. 13, 14. XLVIll — cDLV = e) id) °) e) i) °) 64 98 92 Ix XC XCIx 3 Roman numerals (1 to M) Roman numerals S=V S0=L 100=C D=500 | 1. Change the following Roman numerals into Arabic numerals. a) XXxVvil b) xiv cc) LXV d) CXXXVIE ee) CL | f) DCCXX —_g) CDXXXVIl hh) DCCCIX =i) LXXXII i) DCXIK i 2. Write the following Arabic numerals in Roman numerals. | a) 72 b) 742 c) 345 d) 484 e) 500 f) 743 3) 1.000 h) 964 i) 899 i) 440 Number stories ‘ample There are XL leamers in a grade six class. If XX are girls, how many are boys? Learners in the class XL = 40 Girls in the class XX = 20 | Boys in the class = 40 - 20 = 20 = XX a Re) | Work out the following sums. 1, Kairo was born in 2018. Express 2018 in Roman numerals. | 2. Marion read V library books during term one, in term two he read Vil library books. Write | | the total number of books he read in’ | } a) Roman numerals b) Arabic numerals | 3. Acarton of soap contains XXIV bars. How many bors are in IX cartons? Express your ‘answers in: j | a) Roman numerals b) Arabic numerals | 4. Mrs Mpofu bought C road runner chickens. After X days Vil had died. How many were } left? Write the answer in Roman numerals. | 5. Grandfather is XC years old. Grandmother is IX years younger than him. | | a) How old is grandmother? Express your answer in Roman numerals. | | b) How many years younger is grandmother compared to grandfather? | | Comparing Roman numerals | bxxiv Co XLVI l7 0) 48 | uxxiv > XLVI) | When comparing the Roman numerals first change them to Arabic numerals you are familiar with and then go chead to do the comparison dea Kesakdnaahd | Put>. or= for! ito complete the statement. CDXLVII OI 498 A < B. > co D. x 6. M Li DCXIV Se BL > oe Dx 7. CDVIllin words is A. fourhundred and B. fourhunared and fifty C. four hundred and eight D. four hundred and fifty-eight 8. Southerton School bought DCCCXXXIX textbooks. C of them were stolen. How many books were left? A. 839 B. 100 c. 739 D. 280 9. Mrs Nhlanbla hed XL dollars, Mrs Kubvaruno had C dollars and Mrs Mwendamberi had M dollars. How much did they have altogether? \ A. MCMCXL B. MCXL Cc. MCMXLI D. MCMLVI | 10. Which of the following are prime numbers? A. 2, 11,13 B. 3, 18,27 3.6.30 D. 90, 70, 60 [10 marks} 3 5 Structured questions ) | 1. Write the following numbers in Roman numerals. { a) 37 iH ! b) 125 cc) 469 ia ¢)_ A woman works 7 hours per day. If she works 5 days per week, how many hours is i this in: | i. Arabic numerals mM f | fi, Roman numerais? fia} ; 2. Copy and complete the following table. | | | | no | (15 marks} Number: Beli elit} off numbers cee ee | You should be able to: | | ’ 1, round off numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, fen thousand and hundred thousand, In pairs, discuss and estimate how many people are in each photo. (CO) Key words estimation round off Rounding off numbers to the nearest ten — — 1 54 68 70 BS ptt ttt ptt pf 50 51 52 59.54 55 56 ST 5B S960 61 AD 63 54 65 64 67 68 AP 7071 72 73.74 75 Study the above number line. When rounding off fo the nearest 10, numbers ending with 1, 2, 3 and 4 are rounded off to the lower 10. For example 54 ends with 4 so we round it off to 50, When the number ends with 5, 6, 7, 8. and 9 we round off to the higher 10. For instance 68 ends with 8, so we round it off to 70. Estimating Two grade ¢ learners collected plastic bottles for recycling. Each of them rounded them off to the nearest 10, Tamuka “9 Zahir 46 The total number collected was 120, eC t Cr 1. a) Copy and complete the table to show estimates of plastic bottles collected by the | other classmates. Dakerayi 75 Vusumuzi “156 i Hioniphani 8 7 v. Liandah 182 vi. ‘Zahir 88 vii. Mpumelelo 79 2. 2 3 A 4 B 5 ¢ OD 70 — 80 90 BEEEREEEEEEEHEE HHCeE pt HEH HH a) Letter A indicates b) Letter 8 indicates c) Letter C indicates a) Letter D indicates e) Letter E indicates 3. Round off the following numbers fo the nearest ten. a) 43 b) 57 ce) 71 ye 2) e) 89 152 9) 867 hy) 309 i) 716 i) 245 k) 7059 2846 m) 1632 n) 4184 0) 3899 p) 5321 a) 8160 1) 3088 s) 5142 1) 2655 Rounding off numbers to the nearest 100 [Example When rounding off to the nearest 100, the tens digitis the one that makes us determine whether it is the lower (0 to 4)or higher {5 to 9] 100 Units and tens digits are replaced by zero fe eae 342 (4isintherange Oto 4 therefore we consider the lower 100 which is 300) 342 to the nearest 100 is 300. i D2 HTU 568 (68 is in the range § to 9 therefore we consider the higher 100 which is 600) | 568 to the nearest 100 is 600. 3.THTU 2.39 2 (9 is abo intherange 5 to9 therefore we consider the higher 100 which is 400) 2.392 to the nearest 100 is 2 400. Tips: Numbers from 55 to 99 are rounded off to the higher 100, whereas numbers from 1 to 49 are rounded off to the lower 100, aera ery Round off the following numbers to the nearest 100, 1. 237 2. 691 3, 3494, «42005. BIT & «1342-7. 3670 8. 8301 9. 4568 10.2398 11. 5236 12.7372 13. 6835 14. 11716 18. 23076 Rounding off numbers to the nearest 1 000 When numbers end with 500 to 999, we round them off to the higher 1 000. For instance 2 561 is rounded off to 3.000, while those ending with I to 499 are rounded off to the lower } 000. For example, 2 150 is rounded off to 2.000. 3 Th HT U i 4.567 The digit under hundreds will make us determine whether to round off to the higher thousand {5 to 9} or lower thousand (0 to 4). Therefore 5 is in the range 5to9 so we round off to the higher thousand. So 4 567 to the nearest thousand is 4 600. Lge aca) Round off the following numbers to the nearest 1000. 3 1. 3124 2. 1009 3. 6750 4. 5942 5. 4890 6 9314 7. 9500 8. 2699 9 1719 10. 8714 11, 5072 12, 1598 13. 7732 14. 4601 15. 8103 Rounding off numbers to the nearest 10 000 Example Aschool has Mathematics, Agriculture and Science and Technology textbooks in stock. How many books are available rounded off to the nearest 10 000? Copy and complete the table below, Agriculture { Science and Technology | Total number of textbooks available is 120 000. Tips: When rounding off to the nearest 10 000, the digit under thousands will determine whether to round off to the lower 10000 (0 to 4) or higher 10 000 {5 to 9) Ith Th HT U 1.7610 Tothe nearest 10000 is 20.000. Tth Th HTU sie) cea To the nearest 10000 is 10 000. i de ata key cak anced Round off the following numbers to the nearest 10 000. 1.11215 2 13.462 3. 15302 4. 28915 5. 17814 6& 19675 7. 25 463 8. 73820 9. 31752 10. 46 230 11, 86251 12. 34152 13, 55018 14. 19746 15. 27 651 Rounding off numbers to the nearest 100 000 fi mples When rounding offto the nearest 100000. the digit to consider is the digit under ten | thousands. (1. Hth Tth Th H TU j 2 35 671 The digit 3 is in the range 0 to 4so we consider the lower 100 000. 235 671 to the nearest 100 000 is 200 000. 2. Hth TthTth HT U 2 8 4 519 The digit 8 is in the range 5to9 sowe consider the higher 100000 284 519 to the nearest 100 00 is 300 000. it Tae Ret | Round off the following numbers to the nearest 100000 1. 137540 2. 351740 3. 201649 4. 572800 5. 416825 6 583.247 7. 820341 8. 295648 9. 199.537 10. 400732 V1. 756 382 12, 615274 13, 395 481 14, 269 565 15. 102 438 16. 751900 Eas: — Multiple choice | Choose a letter that represents the correct answer. | 1. $3,52 rounded off to the nearest dollar A. $4,00 8. $3,50 . $3.00 D. $450 | 2. Round off 173 to the nearest 100. i A. 200 B. 100 Cc. 73 D. 170 3. 3660 rounded off to the nearest 1 000 is __. | A, 3.660 8 4000 c. 4660 D. 4060 } Jane was asked to round off 140 520 to the nearest 100 000, What is the answer? ‘A. 100.000 8. 200000 ¢. 400000 . 500000 | 5. 19 rounded off to the nearest 10 is __. | A. 10 8. 20 Cc. 30 D. 40 6. 16520 the nearest 100 is A. 1600 B. 1650 c. 1700 D. 2000 7. 17.894 to the nearest 1 000 is. A. 17000 B. 18.000 ¢. 10000 . 16000 | 8 39.860 to the nearest 10000 is __. | A. 30.000 8. 40.000 ¢. 9000 2. 30 800 9. Round off 198 645 to the nearest 100 000. | A. 100000 B. 200000 ©. 900.000 ©. 800.000 i 10. Round off 349 616 to the nearest 100 000 | A. 100000 8. 400 000 ¢. 300.000 ©. 140000 | (10 marks} | Structured questions j | Answer the following questions. | i. Round off the following numbers to the nearest 10. a) 54 b) 765 c) 1243 (3) 2. Round off the following numbers to the nearest 100. a) 406 b) 1692 c) 753 3) 3. Round off the following numbers to the nearest 1 000. a) 1.963. b) 4094 c) 8 659 (3) 4, Round off the following numbers to the nearest 10 000. a) 34629 b) 75140 c) 92 815 (3) 5. Round off the following numbers to the nearest 100 000. a) 394174 b) 201398 c) 185 367 a | [15 marks] } — a ) Operations: Addition of whole numbers | You should be able to: 1. add whole numbers | 2. apply associative and commutative laws to whole numbers, i Flashback Add the following addition bonds as fast as you can. 4+) 5+6 141 748 4+0 447 5+0 8+3 8+1 349 3+3 445 1+2 O+1 9+5 2+5 9+ 2+9 6+7 145 8+1 2+0 342 3+8 6+3 6+5 5+ 5+1 1+4 7+0 Developing speed and accuracy. Do the following addition bonds. 12 23 12 #3 +17 +15 17 19 25 +13 + +14 ) Key words ~»? associative law commutative law altogether Adding thousands Geemnte Long method 000 + 500 + 40+ 1 000 + 100 + 30+ 7 000 + 600+ 70+8 Short method 4 520 4 579 Note: Start by adding units and +3179 +2631 keep carrying the digits to be 7 699 7210 carried clam Work out the following using the long addition method. 1 2613 2 4172 3. 7143 4. 5021 5. 6291 +1375 +2526 + 1856 + 3958 + 2 608 8 4265 7. 1581 8. 1654 9% 6207 10. 3572 +5327 +6479 +8969 +1792 +2416 Work out the following using the short method. Vi. 2463 12. 4103 13. 6349 14. 5742 15. 7592 +3521 + 1896 +2751 + 3698 +1639 16. 3691 17. 4759 18. 6308 19. 5351 20. 3726 +4729 + 3.682 +1978 + 2899 +4895 Adding ten thousands long addition method 23 657 = 20 000 + 3.000 + 600 + 50 +7 +10.201=10000+ _0+200+ O+1 33 858 = 30 000 + 3.000 + 800+ 50+8 short addition method 35 746 +46 958 82 704 Tips: Crosscheck your answers by subtracting one of the addends from the total, if itis correct it must give you the other addend as your answer. are ae Work out the following using the long method. 1. 23 528 2 52678 3. 46 789 4. 39 452 5. 61798 + 41351 +13211 +11210 + 40536 + 14201 6 30 491 7. 16453 8. 54175 9 65 381 10. 37 546 + 17-208 +32 205 + 25 623 + 24318 + 21342 Work out the following sums using the short addition method. Crosscheck your answers with a calculator. WW. 61782 12, 54926 13, 23.809 14. 38921 15. 73.645 + 29327 +37 185 +68 972 + 53.489 + 28579 16. 27.852 17. 31754 18. 65913 19, 74625 20. 50972 + 16769 +49 876 +24 897 + 26797 +49 329 Adding hundred thousands long addition method ' "425 108 = 400 000 + 20000 + 5000 + 100+ 0+8 + 121 450 = 100 000 + 20 000 + 1 000 + 400 + 50 +0 546 558 = 500 000 + 40.000 + 6 000 + 500 + 50+ 8 short addition method 635 125 + 213774 848 899 Work out the following sums using the short addition method Cross check your answers using a calculator. 1 134 640 2. 451 329 3. 214 50! 4. 527 465 5. 246 193 +425 327 +147 500 + 632.497 + 241 302 +413 705 6 209 514 7. 3416528. 162 843, ca 437 910 10. 641978 +183 689 +568 489 +368 759 + 36.298 +268 245 W 351 748 12. 168543 13. 462379 14. 198768 15. 731312 +268 459 + 362799 + 358 954 + 259 433 + 179 789 3 The laws of addi ( “Examples The associative law | 1. The way in which the addends are arranged does not change the SUM. | i [6+4])+7=17 6+ [447]=17 2. The property of zero. When 0 is added to a number, the sum remains that number. 79+0=79 The commutative law 1. The order of the addends does not change or affect the SUM. Numbers can be added in any order. 9+1=10 or 1+9=10 3 or 4 +4 +3 7m 7 N.B. Addition can be done from top to down or vice versa. The answer remains the same, Lado eT ol Work the following sums using the associative law. 1 6+(§+7 2 (+0) =+0-s__ 2 [7+7]+0 i 3. 44 (3+. eae — 4, 8+ [9+2] : 5. (1+28)+19= 01+ (Ci+] = _ 6 11+(15 +3] = | 7 SF+C +O) = (20+ 10)+32 = 8. Passe Tres O-=__ | 9 (30+21)+11=Ci+ +f} = 10. 13+(7+20)=(1+0}+ G__ Work out the following sums using commutative law. 11. 324+8=[)+32= 12, 44+3+20=20+ 13. 94+34+5= 14, 7+0=(I+1 | | 15. 342420 | anne Ww 9 20. 5 | 4 1 7 | +9 +8 +8 Addition story sums One Saturday at a sporting event, there were 1 246 participants from Matabeleland Province, 1 954 from Midlands Province. How many participants were there altogether? Steps to follow: Read and understand the story elect relevant information - Write simple, short statements - Solve the problem Matabeleland Province 1 246 participants Midlands Province + 1984 participants 3200 participants arate te ‘Answer the following questions. 1. Awholesaler received deliveries of 341 629 bottles of soft arinks and 230 126 bottles of fruit juice. Calculate the total beverages delivered. 2. Find the total of 126 985 and 804 372, 3. Aschool bought 143 218 textbooks in 2015. Another school bought 256 197 textbooks | ‘during that same year. Find the total number of textbooks bought by the schools. 4, Best bakery baked 91 364 loaves of bread in February. In March it baked 89 291 loaves. Find the total loaves baked in the two months. 5. Kubvaruno Tyre Services serviced 200 550 cars in December, 253 726 cars in January and 376 985 cars in April. What was the total number of cars serviced? 6. A trader exported 1078 curios in one month, the following month she exported 2 156 curios. The total exports for the two months was 7. The statistics at a hospital are as follows: Monday 1 396 patients, Tuesday 999 patients, Wednesday | 073 patients, Thursday 879 patients and Friday1795 patients. Work out the total number of patients from Monday to Friday. i 8. inHigh Glen District, 129 006 leamers are interested in soccer and 108 957 in volleyball. What is the total number of leamers interested in ball games? 9. A trader imported 12 450 laptops in January and 17 659 in August. Calculate the total number of laptops imported in January and August. 10. A farmer donated 23 450 chickens to a boarding school and 47 689 chickens to a children's home. Write down her total donation. Addition of measures Examples 1. $314 kg 2 8 001 litres +2986 kg +1 699 litres, 300 kg 7 700 litres 3 Practice exercise 6 Work out the following sums. ib eee) eh i Ue CE Bie 5. 34001 + 1234 kg +2012m +2956 km. +3368) 457411 6 = §363km 7.20357 8 4633kg 62146 10. 6205m +1647 km +3985 +3845 kg +2897 ¢ +2796m 7° WW. 32344 12, -2126kg «13, 4325/14, 4520km + 48694 +1874kg + 19471 3.841 km fa Increase 649 876 by 236 104. What is the total of 128 465 kg, 496 752 kg and105 625 kg? Find the sum of 209 001 tonnes, 346 859 fonnes and 283 970 tonnes. | 529 863 litres count on 432 919 litres. | 196 742 km, 368 254 km and 211 398 km altogether make __. During a stock take exercise, a warehouse manager recorded the following information 134 296 mathematics exercise books and 390 578 writing exercise books, What was the total number of books in the warehouse? Mrs Dzvuke paid $4 376,00 for a car. She was charged $2 000 for shipping and $5 000 for | tax, and used $120,00 for fuel. How much did she spend altogether? | A farmer harvested 4 000 bags of beans, 109 250 bags of maize and 215 006 of sorghum. | What was the total number of harvested bags? 9. Adair farmer delivered 2 150 litres of milk to the dairy marketing board on Monday, 867 ites were delivered on Wednesday and | 947 litres were delivered on Thursday. What was the fotal number of litres delivered? 10. Aschool bought 1 372kg of rice,1 968kg of maize and 2545 kg of beef. What was the total number of kilograms? eoeene 2 oN PS Ue eu Multiple choice | Choose a letter that represents the correct answer. LL Aml* 10 ml +3 mt = AL l4mi B. 13 ml c. 7 mi D. 17 ml | 219. grams | +11 grams | grams {A 30 B29 c. 20 D. 39 3. What is the sum of 134 525,491 431and 207 3687 A. 803 224 B, 833324 C. 383324 D. 324833 4 4247 3678 + 2324 A. 9.000 +1000 + 100 + 100 +30 +10 +9 B. 9000 +1000 +200 + 100 +30 +10 +9 €. 9000 +1000 +100 +30 +9 D. 7000 + 2.000 + 200 + 100 +30 +10 +9 5. 436 179kg 107 982 kg + 285 394 kg A. 789 555 ko B. 892 855kg Cc. 289 555kg D. 829 555 kg 4 Increase 314 93}litres by 627 120 litres A. 294510 B. 942051 c. 924501 D. 429 105 7. Afarmer collected | 320 eggs in August, 2 598 in September. How many eggs were collected? A. 1278 B. 3918 Cc. 7156 D. 4819 8. 34(9+10] =[ 3+ 9] + 10 = 22 Thisis the A. property of zero B. associative law ¢. commutative law D. adding law 9. The law which illustrates that addends can be added in any order and can still give the same sum is A. property of zero B. associative law ¢. commutative law D. addition law 10. The population of Chokodza Village is $43 120, Umguzani Village 123 784 and that of Gairezi Village is 236 902. What is the total population of the three villages? ‘A. 900 806 B. 903 806 Cc. 930806 D. 903 808 [10 marks} Structured questions ‘Answer the following questions. W+1s4ee + + 1. a) (20419) #102034 f+) 7 = oT b) + =8+12=20 ra cc) 143km d) 123.495kg e) 169.322 + 377km + 604218 kg +415 789 3] 2. a) Whatis the sum of $115 720,00, $521 347,00 and $316 819,00? 0] b) Increase 825 431 by 107 680. tl ¢) 580.007 count on 439 010. ol 4) 400 000,109 876 and 213 458 altogether make a ) ] ) Mr Sigauke’s salary is $2 763,00, Mr Neube’s is $1 523,00 and Mr Chirandu’s is $5. 982,00. What is their total salary? ti} Study the following table. b) What is the total number of animals dipped within the three days? iD) | i Wednesday Friday 3 ¢} If 109 320 boxes of washing powder were packed over the weekend and 890 680 cover the week, what was the total number of boxes packed? a d) Add using the short method. 319 487 234 561 | | +382 972 m | |e) Add using the long method. | 2.824 | 43.461 iu 7 {15 marks} | You should be able to: | 1. subtract whole numbers within the range, L Do the following subtraction bonds with a partner. 9-8 14-7 4-4 Key words 7 1 ce yoo difference subtract 17-8 14-5 1 takeaway count back Font Beaka me QaNaRoooe AGaNw L NNNom 1 Subtracting thousands using equal addition Examples 1 Open ‘5 8 6 | o| o a . Note: Zero minus 6, it cannot So we add 1 ten = 10 units to 0 units to make 10, Its now 10-6 ‘Add 1 to the bottom tens column, that is 8 + | and it becomes 9. 4-9 itcannot. Add 10 to the upper ten column that is 10 + 4 itisnow 14-9 = 5 ‘Add 1 to the boltom hundred column to 5, it becomes 6.9 - 6 = 3, In the thousands column 6 - 3 = 3. 7 16 0 BS 749 j Use your calculator to crosscheck your answer. Pela cul a Work out the following sums using the equal addition method. 1 980-2603 3,731, BOD. A253 7. 6505 = 391 = 278 = 462 =317 278 -3487 - 4789 8 3421 9% 3201 10. 4023 11. 8526 12.5041 13.7318 14. 4001 = 1573 = 2.683 = 2764 =2879 = 1983 = 4529-1 468, 15. 3100 16. 3146 17, 9610 18 4010 19.5637 20. 6004 = 2645 -1789 = 2873 =1842 -3948 = - 3518 Subtracting ten thousands Example 412 110 '2 4 3 576 8 28 5 3 4 Laika Work out the following sums. Crosscheck your answers using a calculator. 1. 18302 2. 26401 3. 14154 4, 873155. 18.003 = 2718 = 3857 = 1689 = 4639 =_2189 6 15213 7. 19527 826623. 9 82001-S «10. 45.231 ~ 14657 = 15748 =19 836 = 16783 = 38 652 1. 71500 12. 64211 13. 5260214. «33.2418. 84521 = 23613 ~ 25679 ~ 34817 = 19682 ~ 46739 16. 10.000 17. 45741 18. 61903 19. 96342 20. 84300, = 8163 ~ 29.863 = 39 865 - 37 584 = 46 785 Subtracting hundred thousands Example Apisecpv2anore| % 767898 9 27 6 3 7 2 Practice exercise 3 Work out the following sums using the equal addition method. Crosscheck your answers with a calculator. 1. 126101 2. 245713 3. 162.430 4, 352514 = 17392 = 26845 ~_ 38.961 = 124 638 5. 132.560 6 250 102 7. 381563 8. 491 217 ~ 114893 = 131.623 = 239 784 = 327 528 9 527312 10. 420000 11. 831 425 12. 630217 — 259 468 — 163849 = 462579 — 173 589 13. 431 506 14, 600310 15. 921 436 16. 710235 = 257 928 = 358749 = 346 847 ~ 264857 Subtraction of units of measurement Examples 1. 4,032 kg 2. 450021 3. 631 264 km 2,965 kg = 162391 = 275 398 km. 067 kg 28 7631 355 866 km. al Ride Use a calculator to crosscheck your answer. 1. 604m 2. 834m 3. 7400km 4 45213/ 5, 180107 - 167m - 678m =3613km = - 18.9997 = 123451 & — §2400km 7. 81426m_ 8. -23 S71 kg 9% 36001kg 10, 74528t = 16518km = 36 587m -17895kg — - 18 137 kg — 46 839 t 11. 432001 litres 12. 900 000 litres 13. 6213451 14. 560243t 15. 362004t ~ 163 685 litres = 699 461 litres = -346897t = - 371 869 = 195 348 t Subtraction words Example 5 es What is tne difference between 604 and 319? TE T5 Crosscheck your answer, Use © 604 | calculator or add your answer to aoe | the bottom number you should 285 | | gel the top number, for example, | 285 + 319 = 604. Correct. Work out the following. What is the difference between 1 000 000 and 749 5817 1. 2. Decrease 981 500 by 295 642. 3. 423 136 count back 198 247. 4. Simplify 817 001 - 298 136. §. 652 104 less 293 518. 6 1.000 000 subtract 514 381 7. From 834 121 take away 295 345, 8. 7 300 minus 3018. 9% 923-187. 10. Find the difference between 34 100 and 15 326. Subtraction stories Example The school enrolment at Southerton Primary School is! 304, while at Mziikozi Primary School it is. 968. How many more leamers are at Southerton than Maziixazi? (Tips: sition | - Read and understand the story Southerton primary school learners 1304 | ~ !dentify relevant information [key words} | _jyziiikazi primary school learners = 968 | — Write short statements | - Work out the sum | (> Crosscheck your answer } \ S bak | Work out the following 1. There are 3 600 schools in one province and 2713 in another. What is the difference in the number of schools between the two provinces? 2. From 2014 to 2016, 427 301accidents were recorded. From 2017 to 2018, 248 516 accidents were recorded. How many more accidents were in 2014 to 2016 than in 2017 to 20187 3. A farmer bought | 000 day old chicks from the farmers coop. On arrival at his farm 103 of them were dead. How many chicks were left? 4. There are 603 leamers at a school, If 496 are girls how many are boys? 5. Mrs Mandibveyi had $11 701,00 in her savings account. She withdrew $5 945,00. How 1 much was her account balance? 4. A vendor collected 1 500 eggs from The BIG Eggs Cooperative. Along the way 362 eggs 1 broke. How many eggs were left? 7. There were 3 681bags of maize in a storeroom. 1 792 were damaged by moisture. How many bags had good maize? i 8. There are 450 Grade 7 leamers at a school. é of them obtained 5 units in an exomination. How many leamers got more than Sunits in that examination? | 9. Sabi resettlement area had 713 703 cattle. 236 928 died from a disease outbreak. How many cattle were left? | 10. Acar selling agent imported 2 152 cars in 2017. The following year she imported half | ‘the number that was imported in 2017. What was the difference between the cars imported in 2017 and 2018? (_ ——— PUR eg — Multiple choice Choose aletter that represents the correct answer. 1. 306 = 187 A. 187 B19 c. 107 D. 217 2. Decrease 400 124 by 246 378. A. 153746 B. 646 502 C. 163746 D. 124746 3. 9.400km. =3723km A. 5677km B. 6677km =. _5722km D. 7677km 4. From 100 451 take 98 762. A. 1.289 B. 1789 Cc. 2687 D. 1689 5. 764103 | = 698534 A. 65 569 B. 65.496 C. 65946 D. 66.569 were left? A. 5096 8, 5069 c. 4069 D. 7.069 | 6. There were 6 031 books in a storeroom. 1 962 were destroyed by fire. How many books | 3 (7. 8. 9, Find the difference between 635 132 and 249 568. A. 837 564 B. 385564 C. 287 465 D. 378.564 What is the difference between 1 000 and 2417 A. 1241 BL 241 Cc. 759 D. 859 Sleep Well Company manufactured 14 364 beds in 2015. In 2016 the company manufactured 16 102 beds. How many more beds were manufactured in 2016 than in 2015? | A 1738 B. 2173 c. 1378 D. 1873 | 10. 6453 count back 3978 | A. 3475 B. 1754 c. 2475 D. 2754 [10 marks) | | Structured questions Answer the following questions. | 1. a) Whatis the difference between 920 and 386? mn | b) 612 minus199 uy) | ¢) 352 000 less 174 862 0] d) 762 count back 183 mf e) 17430 - 12852 fa} 2. a) A teacher shared 371 oranges among 295 jeamers, such that each of them got | one. How many oranges were left over? 0) | b) A vendor had 250 airtime cards for sale, he sold 62 of them. How many cards were left? 1} ¢) Acattle rancher had | 351 cattle on her farm, 472 died from a disease. How many cattle were left? 0 4) 112.340 newspapers were delivered for sale. If 3 567 were destroyed by rain, how many were left? io} ) Mary was carrying ten dozens of eggs in her car. If 2. dozens broke, how many eggs were left? a | 3. a) 502 by 300) 52406 = d) 43.136 =e) 361 427 } ~ 184 — 2798 =19 678 —17 389 = 183 569 [5] (15 marks} Se — -_ 7 —_, Objectives i | | You should be able to: | 1. demonstrate understanding of multiplication facts 2. multiply using long method 3. multiply using short method. shback Say these multiplication facts to your friend. 4x2 9x7 1x9 2x6 9x0 2x1 5x7 9x9 Key words 3x1 9x2 7*0 4x8 6x4 4x3 6x2 5x1 product factor multiplier 8x6 5x6 3x8 7x3 multiplicand 5x9 7x4 9x5 5x5 1Ox3 6x3 AB 8x2 7x8 4x] 6x0 6x10 Wx4 1x5 7x6 9% 10 12x3 0x8 = 2x8 12*12 Multiplication facts xamples At4sataadedn =5x 2 4125 x _3 12.375 In the above example 4 125s the multiplicand and 3s the multiplier. We first multiply the units, then the tens followed by hundreds and lastly thousands, Our answer, 12 375 is the product, " rate ena Write one addition and two mi ee ce ee ication equations for each picture. ee re a ie +ary RA aaa¥ vay sos ace) aoe) £86 £282 682 |; = 2 £22 | Seaa) rs 2283 ses) Be: S556 sooo SSS soos, SESS GSSS SESS SESS SSS SESS SESS bees S656 eosce e)ix = 6 175 7. 406 8. 7469 x3 x7 x8 9. 5983 2 10. 9342 x 6 Multiplication by 10 and multiples of 10 “Example 469 x_20 3380 First write down zero in the units column then multiply the units, tens and hundreds by 2. ete et Co 2 1. 143 2 782 3. 369 4, 6258 5. 2195 x20 x50 x10 x_40 x_60 6 9-403 7. 13173 8. 27984 9. 34652 10. 14639 x_70 x_ 30 x30 x 20 x50 Multiplication by two digit multiplier ample 7314 x25 146 280 = 7 314 « 20 7.314% 5_ 7.314 25 eats tora ky Do the following. 1. 6344 2. 5314 3. 6192 4, 11.000 5. 10925 x 67 x_23 x_37 x90 x 63 6. 15702 7. 15136 8. 12243 9. 15000 10, 12000 x45 x_57 x 72 x_ 63 x8) Multiplication stories r Callie sold 10 cases of fizzy drinks at an Agricultural show. If each case had 50 fizzy drinks, what was the total number of drinks sold? | (Tips: || Understand the story. Drinks percase 50 : | = Choose relevant points, Cases x10 i * Write short statements. Total drinks \<+_ Work out the sum, ) | eects | Work out the following. 1. There are four Grade 7 classes at Southerton school. If there are 56 learners in each class, what is the total number of Grade 7 learners? 2. Accompany manufactured an average of 178 laptops per month. How many laptops did it produce per year? 3. Mrs Sidar's salary is $874,00 per month and Mr Sidar's salary is $651,00. How much does the family bring home in 5 months? 4. John transported 500 bags of grain to the Grain Marketing Board per day. How many. bags did he transport in a fortnight? | 5. Atailor makes 7 dresses per day. How many dresses does she make inthe month of March? | There are 69 lemons in a bag, How many lemons are there in 1 568 b Filling in missing numbers in an equation Tips: Find out the number of 3's in 18 Divi ide I8by3=6 } ; ile eC | Find the missing number. ae a 2. 3. 36 4 6 9x0 7. <7: 8. 144 9. Ox foo 12. 3xf)=30 13. Cixt=44 9 14. 9xC)= 81 15. Their sum is 5 and their product is 6. What are the two numbers? 16, Their product is 9 and their difference is 0. What are the two numbers? 17. Their sum is 9 and their product is 18. What are the two numbers? 18. Their product is 24 and their difference is 5. What are the two numbers? |. Ox10 | | r ar Re os — | Multiple choice Choose a letter that represents the correct answer. 1. Which of the following explains the sets below. Loe ee EN see) wed) \ sas aay A, 5+545+5=4x5=20 — = = B. 5x5x5x5=4x5=20 eee c. §-5-5§-5=4%5=20 Mmee eee) > 54 5=4% | 2. Whatis the product of 787 and 10? A. 7098 B. 7890 c. 7908 Dp. 79.180 3. 127*B= A. 1016 B. 10016 c. 1106 Dp. 1160 4, 15609 x AT A. 15666 8. 733623 Cc. 743623 D, 633 623 5. 125 x 5 750, In the above operation is the multiplier. | A 125 B. 6 c. 750 b.5 | 6. 11475 | x Mz A. 203 302 B. 104302 c. 103275 D. 11 487 7, «3+ 36. The value of the missing number is A 3 B. 6 eee D. 98 8. Their product is 21 and their total is 10. What are the two numbers? A. 5and5 B. 7and3 c. éand4 Db. 8and2 9. Mrs Nyahuma bought 10 boxes: ‘of day old chicks. each box had 100 chicks. How many chicks did she have altogether? \ A. 110 B. 1000 c. 10000 Db. 10010 | 10. What is the total cost of 24 blankets at $50,00 each and 4 pairs of sheets at $35,00 each | pair? | A. $1 340,00 B. $85.00 cc. $1 200,00 D. $140,00 [10 marks} _) Structured questions Answer the following questions. a) Whatis the product of 157 and 13? a b) 467 x 2 9340 +3736 13076 Which number represents: i the product 0] the multiplier 0] iii, the multiplicand? ni] ¢) 1x9 =81. What is the value of the missing number? 1] @) Their product is 30 and their sum is 11.What are the two numbers? 0 b) 3 592 x_ 60 io] c) 27.461 NB: Use the long method x_ 35 ol d) 6+64+6+64+6=(]x(i=0] a e) Find the product of 18 276 and 48. on) 4) A farmer bought 48 bags of fertiliser at $65,00 each. What was the total cost? [1] b) Mary caried 20 litres of water every day of the week. How many litres of water did she camry ina week? a ¢) The distance from Bulawayo to Beit Bridge is 755 km. How many kilometres does a bus cover ifit goes to and fro? a] d) Peter picks 243 eggs per week. How many eggs does he pick in 21 days? nu e) There are 50 pens in a box. How many pens are in 39 boxes? i] [15 marks} eye AL Ounce ath Lid Objectives You should be able to: | | 1. demonstrate understanding of division facts ] 2. divide using the long method | 3. divide using the short method. Flashback Work out the following, 10 d 622 ot a 7 of 40 - 2 1 30+3 3 aie 18 20 1644 a | of 28 4 ie 4025 2 J ofi0 5 5 42+6 2 J of 60 é 6 a) 1 42+7 7 7 of 56 24 1 2147 3 8 of 80 40+8 a 1 of 72 6 9 7 To 45+9 = 10}120 + of 100 10 36 = 1 70*10 = 1 of 63 72 8)48 5 (C) Key words 7 dividend divisor quotient remainder o Division In the second solution, 5 is the divisor while 32is the dividend. 6is the quotient and 2is the remainder. i 1, How many members are in the set? 2. Ifthe pears are to be put in 5 bags, a) how many willbe in each bag? 5) how many willbe left over? 3. 2635+5 612 527, 1. 32 2 s}o2_ 3. 5)2 635 i =20 284 —2 temainder 13 i a) 6 pears in each bag =10} | ») 2 pears will be left over La re a i ; 3. How many pineapples are in the set? | | RARAR 2. How many bags would be needed if the | Be SS Ss ae OF pineapples were put: ‘ BARR a) linabag b) 2inabag el <) 4inabag 4) Sinabag? | RRR RR 3. How many pineapples would each person | |S ter Se Se get if they were shared among: RRR K a) 8people b) 10 people i i ee OS & ¢) 40 people d) 20 peopie? | 4. How many pineapples would be left over if they were shared among: | a) épeople b) 9% people c) 11 people d) 3people? | | 5 9) 4)6.300 b) 5)615 <) 61950 4) 2/3512 | Division by multiples of ten (empte Workout the following sums. 2.003 S 20)40 060 1. 10)1 150 2, s0)1480 3. 50}6 600 -40y — 09) 4. 40/3280 5. 60js 180 6, 70)10 710 =0 \ ae La é 7. 90)9 450 8, 20/6 560 9. 30)20 760 =0 a= 60 10. 50}41350 -60 0 Division using the short method lee 4 Find the common factors for 4 and 164 (2.and 4). Choose the highest common factor and divide it into the numerator and denominator. 164 4 41 1 Pea ek ced | Use the short method to workout the following sums. i 165 . 1300 | 8 468, 168 195 891 2a eat 33 4 8 & Be a S 10. “4 Division by a two digit divisor (eampies 1. 30}6 390 aa 1 213 30}6 390 = 60 39 =30 90 = 20. Qo. 2 nya 2. 324r1 227 129 c ne { Tips: Check answers by multiplying the divisor and the quotient, if | there is o remainder add it to your product. 3 bias | ha 10)2310 2, 30/1356 3, 20) a8 4. 50)3 650, 5. 60)1 929 6 sae 7, as)50i7 a, a5) 800 9. 19)10051 Division stories Lake Rc Ed }. Kairo bought 4 packets of sweets for $56.00. How much did each packet cost? i The Head of Chimedza School shared 1 505 exercise books among 7 teachers. How many books did each teacher get? | 3. The total mass of 9 bags is 504 kg. What is their average mass? | 4. There are 1 080 people at a rally. How many people will share a bench if there are 90 benches? | 5. Shorel20 sweets among 8 children. 6. A farmer distributed 72 cabbages equally to 14 families, How many cabbages @) did each family get? b) were left over? ane anemaee eR eee ur > Multiple choice Choose a letter that represents the correct answer. Be ee ee ie a ee a eo eo Be eae See Sart ae tae Ogee ge te Ogee e 1. Iithe above set of cars was shared among 12 people. How many would each gel? A. 12 B. 2 C1 D. 4 8 400 _ 2 0 * A 840 B. 844 ce D4 3. 96+5= A. 1911 8. 19 cure D. lort 4. What is the quotient if the dividend is 828 and the divisor is 237 oo 8. 63 3 D. 6 5. 35)1026 | A. 29 B. 28 C. 2961 D. 29ri1 6. 385+ 10= RSSErANlss /Saseeemae ico ©. 8315 D. 3015 There are 48 workers at a company. The manager shared $12 192 among them. How much did each worker get? A. $254 B, $121 Cc. $500 D. $452 8. How many 6's are in 1926? AL 123 B. 321 c. 231 D. 23 9. Acar uses 12 litres per week. How long will 84 litres last? A. 7months — B. 7 days Cc. 7 weeks D. 17 weeks 10. Share 63 oranges among 5 children. How many will be left over? a. 12 8. 58 Cc. 315 03 (10 marks} Structured questions Answer the following questions. 1. a) Dividel20 by 6. a ») Calculate the quotient if the dividend is 128 and the divisor is 8: f c) 409 +11 a} 365 1 a “5 0 906 ©) 70 Mm 2. a) Share $522,00 among 9 women. How much will each woman get? mM b) Abus uses 279 litres of diesel for the month of January. How many litres does it use per day? ol c) Mother has 24 oranges to be shared among six children. How many oranges does each child get? . fa} 542 d) as) What is the value of? a 36 540 What is the value of: |? n 3. a) aa)a 483 m b) 2220+ 60 Mm ¢) Adelivery of 36 000 litres of cooking oil was made to 18 shops. How many: litres did each shop receive? an] 7-490 a) 5" a 2) Ms Ncube paid a depost of $1 000 for a bed marked $2 032. The remainder was paid over 12 months instalments, how much was each instalment? ny [15 marks] read proper fractions wilh denominators 2 to 10 and multiples of 5 up to 100 2. wtite proper fractions with denominators 2 to 10 and multiples of 5 up to 100 3. identify equivalent fractions 4. compare fractions 5. attange fractions in order of size In Grade 5, you leamt about proper fractions where you read and wrote proper fractions represented numerically and diagrammatically. You identified equivalent fractions and also compared fractions and arranged fractions in ascending or descending order. In this unit you will lear more about proper fractions and extend your knowledge of fractions, Key words denominator numerator fraction proper fraction Reading fractions A fraction is part of a whole. TC [4 ~ al L The whole has 6 parts. The portion shaded has 2 parts. We therefore say, the fraction which is shaded is 2. 2 parts out of 6 parts are shaded. ‘A fraction can be written or read when the numerator ond denominator are given Write down 3 parts in 10 parts as a fraction. Write down 4 parts in 15 parts as a fraction. i. 3 parts as a total of 10 parts = 79 2. 4 parts as a total of 15 parts = 75 eee fo Express the following as proper fractions. 1. 1 part in 3 parts 2. 3 partsin 8 parts 3. 2 parts in 5 parts 4. 7 parts in 10 parts 5. Spartsin 9 parts 4. 12 parts in 55 parts 7. 19 parts in 80 parts 8. 21 parts in 100 parts 9. 39 paris in 95 parts 19. 41 parts in 85 parts Equivalent racbors Fractions are said to be equivalent if they are of the same value. For example, an orange cut into 8 equal paris. Orange A Orange B 1 4 Half of orange A = Half of orange B= > 8 41 Therefore 37> , we say 4 is equivalent to 5 8 e In other words 4. 474.1 8 2 LLL I [ 4 g is shaded } isshoded a Therefore g~ > Fraction shaded is 2 6+2 3 622 8 S 3 ig ® eauivaient to 3 rane 16 8 f Examples 6 Write down a fraction whichis equivalent tog. | oe Write down a fraction which is 2. Write down a fraction whichis equivalent io 3, || equivalent to: aa eon | i. 2 2 33 eoieaad| 663.18 8 on 2 | 8 8x3 24 bik 9 Ey 5 } ee I, 4 ag 5” 5x2 10 Jin 3 0% 18 $ 6 Therefore 5) is equavalent tog and 75 is a equivalent to 2 Comoaring fractions Fractions can be compared te find which is smaller or bigger or to find if the two fractions are equal. Fractions can only be compared if they are put under the same denominator. Compare the fractions using >, < or 5 10 20 ta 2 ib 3 £3 5° 5 0 5 Wiens The two fractions have 2. Convert fractions under 3. Convert fractions the same denominator, a common denominator under a common so we compare the which is 20 denominator which numerators of which 4 5 Sx2_ is 10. is greater than 3. 10 10x2 20 3_3x2_6 eas 0 14 a) Therefore =>— 39 0d 7p are compared eee 63 and 10/siess than 14 Therefore G75 peel Therefore 15 < 29 ects ee Compare the following fractions using <, > or = to make the statements true. 2748 13 3 3948 ieee el aes S10 2 5 3° 8 51-42 ie; $ & tio 67 379 6. Ordering fractions Fractions can be arranged in order of size, that is, either in ascending or descending order. ‘Ascending order means from smallest to highest. Descending order means from highest to smallest. Fractions can be arranged in order if they have the same denominator. 2. Arrange the fractions in descending order 24: & and 4 4 79 remains 75 3 x55 de 2 2x5 10 ag 1 4,6 $’ 7g aNd 9 isthe same as 19° 79 2 Therefore the ascending order is =: 2. The common denominator is 20 — 1010x220 4_4x4_ 16 5 5x4 20 1.3 16 a nd sth oe x10 % je same Os 5 4 Therefore the descending order is = 5 Practice exercise 5. Arrange the following fractions in ue order. 2042 1 3 39 ANd Gg 2. _ 18 20 and 45 1 Zand & a 10 18 20 Sand 10 Arrange the following fractions in descending order. 4 and | 5. 3eS 27.1. 49 and 2 a 2:2 ;) ong 2 510° 6 38 6 24 ony? and = & BH gond2 Arrange the following fractions in ascending order. : 9.3 1 7% 3 610 50ND 8 Arrange the following fractions in descending order. bE Sandy v0. (ee Le Muitipie choice Choose a letter that represents the correct answer. 1, The fraction represented by the shaded part is __. L T | | | 2 8 <2 D & 10 8 8 > 10 2. Sporls in 9 parts as a fraction is ne 2 5 a : Ss > 4 ia 41 parts in 85 parts is 85 8 A a 8. Al x 85 a 7 0 4. 39 parts in 95is a 2 , 2 « 2 ne 35 & 95 mo 95 5. 7 parts in 25 parts as a fraction is az 3. 2 « 8B . 2 25 32 25 32 15 6. Which fraction is equivalent to 35 3 3 4 Ey AS 90 co @ ° 20 1 7 The fraction which is equivalent to 3 is . 2 2 5 1 AG card GA °. 8. Which of the following statements is correct? 5.2 5 eS ie b. a 5S 8. 34 a 2. , 5,55 43 The ascending order of the fractions, 4? G and 4 is 55.5 3 3.5 55 55.3 5 5 5.5 48 Be eno ee ee 5.3 55 5. 3° g.and and and 5,3 and 2 606 4 a6 60 4 6 5 0 1.3 13 10. The descending order of the fractions 2: 2 and #3 is 24 20 3.13 1 1133 ae) 13,3 1 420 and 2 2 20 and 4° 420 and 4 and 2 [10 marks} Answer the following questions. What fraction is shaded? 0] What fraction is not shaded? oy 8 parts in 20 ports as a fraction is 0] What is 14 paris in 35 parts as a fraction? a) Write 19 parts in 55 as @ fraction a Write down a fraction which is equivalent to: es 30 3 2) ia Oey a7 Ss Compare the following fractions by pulting >, < or = to make the statement true. 2 na ® yy Lond os Sana 4 a} Gand 8} gand 5c) Gand 4 3) Arrange the following fractions in ascending order. even 134 B wands v) G’gandy (2) Arrange the following fractions in descending order 1s 23 3 y $: Bond 3G 0) Fg and § 2 5 [15 marks} You should be able to: tell and convert time estimate and calculate time taken | 3 tell and write time in 12 and 24 hour notation. Flashback in.grade 5 you applied the knowledge of time in different situations relating to duration of OSs in everydoy life. In this unit you are going further to tell ime, convert units of time and relate time calculations to practical situations. K pe century decade leapyear month week day minute second calendar Units of time cee te ae Berne 100 years . Century 1 day =! | hours Decade 10 years i Year 365 V4 days Solutions Month 28/29/30/31 days 1. 1 day = 24 hours Fortnight 2weeks 3 2h hours = 1 day Week 7 days 3. | hour = 60 x 60 seconds = 3 600 seconds Day 24 hours Hour 60 minutes Minute 60 seconds ’ Convert the following units of time. 1. Convert seconds into minutes and 3. Convert months into years, ! minutes into seconds. a) 12months =! lyears a) 60seconds = _ minute b) 72 months =" years b) Sminutes= seconds ¢) 108 months =" years : Gg) 2 hours See d) 120 months =! lyears d)_ 47 hours = minutes 4. Convert years into decades and 2. Convert weeks into days. Ce a) 7weeks= days a) 10 years = decade b) 25 weeks days b} 25 years = _i decades c} 52weeks= months ¢) 1 centur years d) lleap year= days d) Scenturies=' “years , Research on the time taken for the following things to occur. | 1. The fastest athlete takes seconds to run 100 metres. | 2. How long does the moon take to orbit the earth? Telling time Examples @) What is the time on the clock face? b) What is the time shown on the clock face in short? 1. a) The timeis 25minutes past 10) 2. b) The time is 20 minutes to 3 b) 2.40 pm Laas eo d i What time do these clock faces show? Write a) and b} answers. 1. am 12 hour notation and 24 hour notation Reading time in 24 hour notation, for example: 1 amis 0100: we say "0" one hours 1 pmis 1300 : we say thirteen hours 10 am is 1000: we say ten hours 10 pm is 2200: we say twenty two hours 1.05 am is 0105: we say "0" one “0" five hours 1.05 pm is 1305: we say thirteen “0” five hours Examples AM > NOON PM. > ‘100 0200 9900 0400 0500 9600 0700 0800 CACO 1000 1100. ¥200 1300 1400 1800 1600 1700 1800 +900 2090 2100 2200 2300 000 fe se 0) re) cl nea acl este) eee lee al < AM > NOON® PM. > 1. Use the above diagram to help you to convert time in 24 hour notation: a) 1am=0100 hours b) 3 pm= 1500 hours <) 8am = 0800 hours 4) 8pm = 2000 hours 2. The 24 hour notation is the standard intemational notation way of writing time. The date is also written in S.1. notation, 3} 1 January 2008 is written as 08.01.01 b) 15" June 1962s written as 62.06.15 €) 20" December 2018 is written as 18.12.20 ee dkacibashoccabcccase Convert time to 24 hour notation 1. 6am 2. 12noon 3. 6pm 4. 12 midnight Complete the following table ; | % | 1630 | 10.) 0030 | VW.) 2150 | 12,, 0920 Express the following dates in SI notation: 13. 1" January 2018 14, 21" February 2017 15. 18" April 1980 i 16. 11" November 2017 17. 30" July 2023 | Estimating time using the position of the sun. 1. At what time of the day is the shadow of any object almost invisible? 2. What time does the sun set in winter? Train timetable Study the train timetable below. Departure 1039 | i | Departure 1226 | oO | | j | Kwekwe 7 © Anival 1215 | Gweru - Arrival 1355 | | Bulawayo | { ‘Example How long did the journey take from Kadoma to Gweru? > Gweru arr 13.55 | Kadoma dep =10.39 ' Journey 3.16 The journey took 3 hours 16 minutes. j 3 Practice exercise 4 1. What time does the train leave @) Harare b) Kadoma ¢) Kwekwe = d)_ Gweru? 2. What time does it artive in a) Kadoma b) Kwekwe —c) Gweru 4) Bulawayo? 3. Is the train in these places during the morning or afternoon? @) Harare b) Bulawayo ¢) Gweru da) Kacoma e) Kwekwe 4. How long does the journey take from Harare to Kadoma b) Kwekwe c) Bulawayo d) Gwen? 5, How many minutes does the train wait in @) Kadoma b) Kwekwe c) Gweru? ati kd 10 years = 1 decade 100 years = | century Sludy the table below and answer the questions that follow. _Shone arrive _ Portuguese Explorers Karanga Kingdom : Monomotapa Defeated Matabele arrive : Europeans arrive: Timbabwe independence In which century did these events happen? 1. The Shona settled in Zimbabwe. 2. The Matabele settled in Zimbabwe. 3. The Portuguese explorers came. The Karanga Kingdom established. Timbabwe gained independence, The Europeans settled. 7 Monomotapa's Kingdom defeated. 4 5, ° eee tt) Seer Muitipie choice Choose aletter that represents the correct answer. 10, A century is a period of years, A. 10 8. 20 c. 50 >. 100 10 years is A. ametre 8. adecimal ¢ adecade 9. a century 1 hours = _ seconds. 3.600 8, 4500 c. 900 B. 450 Another way of writing 7.45 am is __.. 1 1 1 1 1 A. past 8 B. 7108 ©. {107 Df post 7 6.15 am in 24 hour notation is —_. A. 1815 B. 615 ©. 0615 D. 0605 0005 hours in 12 hour notation is . A. 5.00am B. 12.00am Cc. 1.05am DB. 12.05am 24 November 2017 in Standard Intemational notation is ; A. 241117 B. 17.11.24 c. 24701 DB. 11.17.24 Study the train timetable below and answer questions 8 - 10. Harare Depart Marondera Arrive 1040 Depart 1048 Rusape Arive 1407 Depart 1415 Mutare Arrive 1700 The train left Harare in the A. night 8. evening C. afternoon D. morning The train waited in Marondera for —_. A. 8hrs 8B. 7 hrs c. 8 mins D. 7 mins From Harare to Rusape the train took —_. A. 4 hrs 37 mins B. Shrs37mins C. 3hrs30mins 0. 2 hrs 7 mins [10 marks} J Structured questions | ‘Answer the following questions. | Study the picture below and answer question |. 200 km What time did the joumey a) begin b) end? c} How long did it last? 2. Write 1 January 2019 in SI notation. 4. 5. 6 7. Aleap year has 8. 9, 1 The school record for a 400 metres race is 56 seconds. Takunda ran it in 1 minute 3 seconds. How many ‘seconds is he behind the record? Quarter to eight in the morning in 24 hour notation i Half past twelve midnight in 24 hour notation is How many decades are in a century? days. 2315 hours in 12 hour notation is A fortnight is days. (0. The month of February in a leap year has doys. i | {2] 0 0) (2) O 2] oy M {15 marks} J _ | | | You should be able to: |} identify, read and write mixed numbers | 2. compare mixed numbers 3.__convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice vers In grade 5. you dealt with mixed numbers where you read and wrote mixed numbers. You also compared mixed numbers and converted a mixed number fo an improper fraction and vice versa. In this unit you are going to extend your knowledge of mixed numbers with higher denominators. Key words pp mixed number —improperfraction _ proper fraction Reading fractions ‘A mixed fraction has 2 parts, a whole number and a proper fraction. [He The fraction shaded has two parts; a whole number and a proper fraction. There is a whole number (1) and a fraction. This is read as one and three sevens. 1 Write down the fraction which is shaded. | | [LT] Saying mixed numbers A mixed fraction can be read or said when a whole number and the numerator and the denominator are given. Write the following as mixed numbers. 2 wholes and 1 part in 10 parts 5 wholes and 3 parts in 8 parts 7 wholes and 4 parts in 9 parts 1 whole and 5 parts in 8 parts 3 wholes and 111 parts in 20 parts 4 wholes and 2 parts in 5 parts 1 whole and 3 parts in 4 parts 2 wholes and | part in 3 parts Write as a mixed number 3 wholes and 2 parts in 5 parts. 32 5 BNE MSE Comparing mixed numbers Mixed numbers can be compared to find which is smaller, greater or if the two are equal. (Berotes ‘Compare the following mixed numbers by putting >, < or = fo make the statement true 1 1 8 1 4y 2 72. 68 3 5 9 vey 1548 1 34 <45 Daal j Compare the following fractions by putting <, > or = to make the statement true. eal ea al Zz 1,8 | 1 WS 23 2. 8 24 3. 33 4. 3 5. Wy > i 3 3 2 1 a 2262 I, au ery 4, Oz W Le 45 54 8 2: 3 9. 53 10. Ip 9 i Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions An improper fraction is a fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator. For example, 4 is an improper fraction because 4 is greater than 3. 3 A mixed fraction can be changed to an improper fraction. Example bactetelt Cteg 2 : Convert the following to improper fractions. Convert 3 to an improper fraction 1 3 7 a Ue eo ty 22g 3 5 1 2 6 33 7 NG & 54° 9% 139 Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers An improper fraction can be changed to a mixed number. This can be done by dividing. Example bas Tete Cele u Change the following to mixed numbers. Change % too mixed number. 3 8 10 21 56 1 3 a 5 3. 4 4. 3 5. 10 u 7 66 29 87 = 2 whole numbers remainder 1 s 4 7 4g § 9 7 aa 9 é 7 ioe 20) =2t Citaeee ee ucute Multiple choice Choose a letter that represents the correct answer. In the diagram below, the shaded fraction is —. g 3 is 8 55 3 whole and 2 parts in 25 parts as a mixed numbers a 2 2 a 255 285 395 Which of the following statements is correct? oer - 3g>45 8. c. Which of the following statements is correct? ae 1315 Boos BB p 49 ee 5. & as amixed numbers — 2 2 . 25 3 12 c 1 | 7 7 a8 an improper fraction is —_. “4 8 10 2 2 2 18 = 08a mixed number is 16 sig 7 259 98 an improper fraction is. au 2 a 20 20 20 20 The shaded fraction is —. a7 20 6 10. 475 is the same as __ 3 ay 46 2) ane 8. jo ea Dd. 4 [10 marks] Structured questions j ‘Answer the following questions. 1. What fraction is shaded? i} 2. Write down the following as fractions. a) 3wholes and 3 parts in 10 parts b)_ 4wholes and 2 parts in 7 parts (eal 3. Express the following as improper fractions. | | 2 7 5 a) 55 b) lag ©) 25 (3) 4. Compare the following fractions by putting <, > or = to make the statement true. 3 49 Vogt 13,18 a, 2 G2 ate yg) ae C0 ) Gig e)erg alas (4) | 5. Express the following as mixed numbers. 25 33 aoe | 2) > ») ip a 5 (3) 6. State 2 differences between a proper fraction and a mixed number. 2 | [15 marks] —— Geet ROTTEN You should be able measure length using non-standard units measure length using standard units find the perimeter of shapes draw lines to scales, In grade 5, you measured length using both non-standard and standard units. For non-standard units, you used spans, sticks and paces to measure length. On standard units you used a 30cm ruler and a metre rule to measure length of objects. You also went on to calculate perimeter of shapes, particularly rectangles and squares. In this unit, you will earn more about measuring length and calculating perimeter of shapes. Key word uncalibrated Vcasuong length using sos siandard units Non-standard units are paces, spans and uncalibrated sticks. cau Use your hand span to measure the length and width of your table and other objects in| your classroom. Organise yourselves into groups of twos or threes, and use your paces fo measure the distance right around your classroom block. Use the same method to measure the length of objects at your school. For example netball grounds, football grounds and buildings at the schoo! ae ‘At home, use your span fo measure the length of objects in your house. Write down the name of the objects and the number of spans it has. Use your pace to measure the distance round your (i) house (i) yard. Record your findings. Discuss the results with your friends and your teacher in class. a 3 Measuring length using sian: nits Standard units have calibrations, for example, a 30 cm ruler is a standard unit with calibrations of 1 millimetre (1 mm) apart. A metre rule is a standard unit with calibrations of both millimetres and centimetres apart. 1. Take a cardboard box, cut a 30 cm ruler and calibrate it. 2. Using your local resources or materials, cut a metre of the object and calibrate it. Discuss this with your teacher. | 1. Use 430 cm ruler to measure objects in your classroom. Write down the name of each object and its length, 2. Use a metre rule to measure lengths of objects and buildings at your school. Record the | measurements in your book. 1. Use a 30 cm ruler to measure the lengths of the following lines. Write your answers in centimetres. a) = ») >. 4) e) . S 2. Measure and calculate the total lengths of the following lines. Write your answers in centimetres. a) 8 c b) Dene. B | | { i Perimeter of shapes Perimeter is the total distance right round the shape or object. For example, if the distance round the school yard is 8 km, then we say the perimeter of the school yard is 8 km. Find the perimeter of the following shapes by measuring. Write your answers in centimetres. ay Perimeter of rectangles anc) squares A rectangle has 2 equal opposite sides. om 4cm 4cm écm Sides marked écm are equal and opposite of each other. Sides marked 4cm are equal and opposite of each other. ‘otal distance right round the shape cem+4cm+écm+4cem cm+écm+4em+4em 2cm+8cm 20cm Or perimeter of the rectangle = 6 cm +6cm+4cm+4cm =2x6cm+42x4em = 2( + 4 cm) length is 6cm and width is 4cm =2* 10cm =20cm The perimeter of the rectangle above Therefore, the general formula for the perimeter of c rectangle is 2(length + width) = 2(L + W) mples 1. Find the perimeter of the rectangle below. Perimeter = 2{L +W) écm 2(8 cm + 6cm) 28cm &cm 3 2. Find the perimeter of the square. A square has 4 equal sides. Perimeter of the square =5em+Scm+Scm+Sem . =S%4 pom =5emx4 ‘ 20m ; For a square, the length is equal to the width Sem : Therefore, the general formula for perimeter of a square is Side x 4. 3. Calculate the perimeter of the square, 45cm Perimeter of a square = $ x 4 =4,5cmx 4 =18cm 45cm 1. Find the perimeter of the following rectangles. a) Sateen 35cm “9.5m ) 2m Fem §,250m ~ 6,05 em 2. Find the perimeter of the following squares. a) el 7om 77cm dy 5,125. em ecm Scale and uses of scale Lines and distances can be drawn to scale. This means a line or distance on the actual ground can be represented by a line drawn on paper. Itis not possible to draw a line 10 metres long on paper, therefore such a line can be drawn to scale on paper. ’ Examples Draw a line on paper to represent a line 10 m long on the ground. Use a scale of 1 cm to represent 1 m. soa The scale 1 cm: 1 m means lem on paper represents Im on the ground. Therefore a line which is 10 m on the ground will be represented by 10 cm on paper. We draw a line 10 cm long. Scale lem : 1m 10cm 2. Draw the same line above using a scale of | em:2m means 1cm on paper represents 2m on the ground. Therefore a line 10m on the ground will be represented by a line which is 10m + 2m = § cm on paper. We draw a line 5 cm long Seale }em:2m Sem We use scale to represent actual lengths and distances on paper. The distance between Harare and Gweru is approximately 280 km. This distance cannot be drawn on paper, so we use scale to represent the distance on paper. [ 1. What could be the appropriate scale to represent 280 km on paper? Use your chosen | scale to draw a line which represents 280 km. | 2. Choose an appropriate scale and draw the lengths of objects you measured in Activity 4 Use a metre rule or tape measure to measure the following, | a) The longest side of your athletics field. |b) The length of the longest building at your school | c) The distance from your class to the Head’s office. | d) The distance from your class to the nearest classroom block. Record your measurements. Choose an appropriate scale and draw the distances to scale.

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