Functions Note 1

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LMchon! 4h De inition Let A % B be two pone emply sets » Then & Junction tf’ prom seta fo set B is a awde which associates elements of get Abelements of set 8 such tbat » ALY elements of ser ane associated to element jn set B: is asso clatedto fin element of stA i) a uniqye element inset Bo r@Pk, & Coolo mat — E aS d Domatu - ~ SL © s oN =n 4 —~- 3-1 A No : Yes @ 4 @) —~ % Yes tp Mobeg: -~n mabbing f: Ase each clement in the js satd fo be fonchen if set A has ilk image in cel B- 6 This may be p may contain Same $ the images of oscibde That the set yc elements which aa may not be’ any element of SE ~ Lach cement jn set A cannot lave mone than one image + Bot this is possibile that mosie thon one element of A can have same image : HE Let f=”? fer =4 $O= 49 Mapping (oD) fev hou J ie A 6 Tage of 2 vuder =4 Comageps ot % Let Aa B anc fe sets ; Then fz: are is called a funchion from Ato B if each element of A has one 2% only one image ju B: O doer qa- § 434 Gol! B= Sou yw df ck fs fhe a fa: en ~ : A b @ foe" A fs a= (uw J Yes _—- ' ay — 3 ei A ab @® tw a = §-U 203 F ba Ss L+4 Yes A B &) (a) =x? A= JW), 2) 3 b= f VY, Syof @ foo=e Ves. freak @ f= * => We && i) P= L 2 Der hf iii) Pld= Sx D> peer iy POA FE DH EIOM ® Ley, 6 fefined fre LGD yo es b> 0 ye ee 14% as q + Function’ ® ee @ ye ey Ji nre G2) i 2) ] Yared” 2s (2 4 cadens | | i eo sie Ye (=%q 1 He Yar Je yo? ved Me) CMa) 2) “Cig i called co- domai ae n chara ks a Set o} Hhose elements into which the fn is to be define : H=_Domain eee i) Hee cot of those steal vakue of '%" fon which the valve of fr- fo IS sreal /depive | finite: Sev A As cabled domain of fn: rer AS dence Ly D4 EX feo Sing Dy xeF we TRS Q fH-Vx a. A | 2 > Ronse Pe (an ge) ‘Demain Coclomain ' ahe ~ What tan go into a fe is cotlbed domain ° = Whot mM! possibly come out val q fe is cathed the Codomain ’. — What ckulty comes oot of od is called the Range: ee 4 EX et A’ isthe domain’ - Set'g’ is the codoman: = fd ove set of elements tha 4o in BC the actoad valves * r-) age the ange ; image. = Domain gt 3g Codomaiu |. G4, Eb 7,84, 10 Rage * LyiBI1 ‘4 @ oe & ne Ca, _ se Cyr v) face oem @ gov ~ tent de covya)ol ws pede = Sint Cost Dy° Re (env, © O07 oper j (REL \ a) = eee ee ae i py. Ao $433 = CaDOrD @ swale ; pg (0,9) ei © 1 meer &) SOd= ws y sr —30 44 br A at Ronge of _ ft 6D Rr: THis the set of values of flO On potting abt '* from domain: a OM fe Ginx Des XeF Hl ¢ Siung) ay xER Hence, Rr = cv @ foc “$ Ry = Goths barb Ry= *# Let y* feo fivd whe yasue Gi ‘Yo ; the wage of fm: which wide be Ir 7 Some imposter dcfivition - » Polynomial fa Lf qa foucton of is defined by Fl) = de + ap agx™ bot et x4 An vohene: n= non- negative integer Odo. Joe need numbers Ratoi then ZF tscabled 9 podynomia’ fouctou of deqaree ome 4) AN gebsaic fouchon: ois cy ol gebaic far of % if is a fn Ara satisfies an edge baaic eq" f the foam Poca) poor - EPO Y F Pade ushenes ne tue jntegen fx yy} ame oe 2-2 OH) y=\*) ane alge bnatc tsve- * Note: ALD poy nomial fu but ‘he converse 16 not 1D A far thal is not algebraic 16 cafled Tgransceatented fu puchon: Joucho’: iii) Ration’ J A ge that can be waitten as the quer ic sald tebe a jent of two pedynomidl fo saqhonadl f° x: otA eh Ore > ®© ftrye cue = bam” iW) Expect fonction’ A fo yefeu is saicl to be an explicit fn- of x i if the dependent vasiable gy can be cfd tems ft tr oo. ot ye oe v) Lrapdicil fonction: A fm y= $00 gs saicl to Le au teaphictt fu: of x if y caunet be waiter tu yenms of vA only + fu ars zeryt bY 2 agar zsyrcrd © xz = Sh card) WD) Boorded fonctor' A fu- is saich tobe bounded if neal number + @ f(ape Sx \ @ fore we D Quadnatic fonction: Let fOd= anrtsbxte 5 whene Pek & a#o nth m +f ¢be a 2 J= a | cts) fe | se of & ree, 2 Ma? Maat] = 2 yack =a late, n a, ye) 2 : (94 Da) a(t Be ~ acre) vs Thess > y= Joo axe present o parabola whose axis 3 parattel fo we the y-os is a (ba? Ha Con some vadve ef x, f(y may be negative eno fon aro , the parakofa open Qa opens downwards 2 vertex pesitive, svpwands | % tun aco, para be Ly \ > 7 ® Ja amr Ca 40) — L opword poo) \OD a pe x ver Ys) Ze iy Maa) ITI? Je %a™) ° & ) ye tee #209) - © ge cere foce lb hicnel tc 24) Rote ee xt sy 0 ot xER i) TY $00 7% 7 4 fo ee a LEP, then aco ® a nec) (W2) I= te YyAry 5 a cc y then aro F DLO L? Doo * age pee PD £00) 20 ft? 0 fase —<— Fe) Exponential fon 00" ye ar ; a>o » aFl Domatns R Range (6,2) y a>l cats ee Oe - 23% we 7 a uw 7 % 4 x > Logasithmic function: fe: is the invewse of expone Legassithm mice ae Y= Sea, 3 aro 3aFl ta) y id Domains (0, ~) Range : (<2) a> SG fa ph) be Yd Qo om J Q ogg Fon wiypo F979 5 9° Soyo 2 Aaja° 1) Lepay) = Feat” i | syntac it) Degg 9) = Deyo ~ Qejad =e) iii) Degg?) = bor Lega iv) Degya 3° = -b Rog, YY Doggt > Lega D> i" >, Wf orl occ jit ocac! tt Demain: ‘Domain fo eee ee Firiction b Sinn, sx , CD, x-be) ©) 6x3 i dy rorniol, function of cng degree) lz} a,c, mER ED yea) Sgn i) Tax, Secx HER = FIM AIM, ~~ F oo LER- San mj vohene n€T © Ii) Cota 7 Coseck yeR- SEEM t20--F & eR- Sony 5 whene nel Lp re (ey) YER- fot on xece 2) iv) Ix wv) Vig vi) Jeqq4, Sux vi Stwly Cos lx witty Tow Cot lx 4X) Cogecle EB) Sec''x BD 238 x>O xe Cv) . ER we (-a,-Tu [Le @ \ny) foo \__ Renge OFS 4 : i) Shot» Ces CHD wy) iy Tama, Cof % (aD v [v9 iy Cosecw X, SEX iv) She cw vy) ce) vi) txt four I C55) fies Number uf elements fe I) GSIN% vit) Ceosx] iy U0 Gs]e" merged ce tt ee CY | ws} » Pepeieny Nomben of elements =$ [ee lyht-t, —- -. Cult mim) > od cen ») Lh GD OY Ce) i) Y= f(a) = Sinx Domain: R Raye :C vw] Sine, poinal € CHI] fe Cinq =). n= (unt MA 3 net anc =p UHM 5 ner Sine -) DX = (CUD see (Finn ee earn eco oer | » J = Sl = (osx Demainr Rk Range: C19 Sx Cost 5 | cosx | € Col] Cosma DXF cantomy 3} nel Costa l ee 5 neb net cone Tt are canty mT ; aes => x annt* ,nel \ Dy Seema Domain: R~ Fees F ee Range + (-a®) 3x ( | \ | [01,a~ Tanta Hawn | EC > =n > nee ese a] W ye ge) = GtX Domains Ro {nny j nel Ranges (—00,09) Y) Y= Fe = Sec Domain’ R- Kany F 3 nec Range « (cH A] ul 1,29) ON m * = Y%) ot ty, \ 1 vA) ge fy = Coser Domain: Ro {nt} j nel Range: (-o) 1 ul) y fo = alosnt b nr Range YJ foo widhbe ~Jare & Cogn + baum ¢ Jane fe A) Joy = Bela Domain + T-1,t) R Alen auge ¢ [Mo ) Siw [fin = a fox oll x € Cm 1h] Sin (sivtn) a all rE CIT (0) 5 fom ebne bl!) Sinl(ea) oS B) fore Cos! Domains U WW Range * tet] foot ell x € Cov} fom all % € G AQ fost all % ecu (os "(tora = 5 Cos (eosta)= % 3 = TI- Cos! cos) iii) gous faite Domain} & Range 2 (M) i/) javd (dau) =e 7 for all x eC MMh) an( tanta) = 2 j for cull x € R jor! (0) ~ tanta 3 foorall «eR af DX WN) f(a) = (ot Domains & Rawge + (% tt) j foor att CTD ; fox all xeER aD HER Cot Ceol) —* Cot Ceotlx) = % cot G0) = T= Cott 5 (0% 2X y feoe sel C 00,1] uf ve) to] = tng Domain * Range + Nl CSeca) sae @ fe Secl (Seer a € (oT I~ {¥ Sec (Sex) = % 5 for al xe Carty) SelM %) = Tr Seclx 5 -forr all x t cari]uly~) Vi) Joya Cosec'x Domains oot uC 1) Range (M7 th ]~ $03 Glee) 4 dee Emm] ~ 483 Cosec (coseda) =x 5 fom afdx € Cortqul) eee eis (FU Coseé! (-) = cu) se vi) Linea Funckion : ee fa erb 5 a#® arch Slee ab one constant Domain: R Range | R at oo vii) _ Modulos Fone y= rl = i Domains R forge: Co) “ie Paujenties qf ecules fnchen’ i) \xte a oe \are4 - Facxe | grea 0 wy MV a wr © 250° } ¢ iv) ac \alSb 5 ee eed CD) aoe o laf +t91 9 iff a Ry have fhe at Least one of x xy is vy) laral seam sign ED zero OS) *I2° = apes sre a vid \acuye oI \urztyl 5 CH *S PF -gao A (rzsal Lffoso [ele 22 ) ixnje aD (x= £9 | ii) 1n[=-2 > Eo if) (xd 2D D> xe Cor DUC) in Sp BRE CHALOM? KE CHD Y Cap) \ala D> ° 29 20EV . _ KER [v) )*) iv) ee Ss 2 ys 2€C43) nica p 2ECGY NI) asyy cl tle] 0D Le

[in -tal| ® Je CO ae O 5 OCKCI: = | jy 1Ex 2 = 2 52 Exe =k | viii) Gaeatest Integer fonctions A jo: i$ saic) to be goreaitest Integen fo yf i+ ig of the fem of fo=ld oes Do] = frtegen equel nor fess than *° ye f= (2 La - ( » Domains R Range T@r i) ogden, (ner) > xe Tn, pt) i) K-1< Cad ox wg (= [xen] j where net a Vv D tex abr 5 yee Cay = bol 5 page iG) G ifxez (ag rej = 71 if x#% vin Clon XP jee pnee ory on 9D a Cnt Cajon > antl ites Ex: = w)r2 2 we eCvy : 74? eo) wy 4) Cries 2 cares 2 OE == vi Ponctonal_ Past Fonction! ya hou= gape x OI yeR ae xt! 5 x 619) J KH i ze) acl ! wet?) 5 7 fce Domains Q Range : {e-!) ar _Buohenties Dato) =()tfy}] 5 9 § gaz 4 fF Dies ~axts is wantten 5 ded conid 1" 2s ge IH =H H- Transformation: an e graph of ae fo) is Known | to dav the goaiph HER) seo Process: The 4 coordinate of each point ois be multipfy by eu Keepivy the came a cpoardinate +e Gunsfioimation2 to olsiaw The gorciph ¢| ye foo js Known 4 the gaaph of f (Ese?) C49) ? ; (CSS The valve ef y which ts obtain attaea}) is now obtain at x= A | Stn the grabh af y= flan): +e T- “Bans foormedtion to Ana the “The goaph of yd js Known 5 grape of y - (#097 y-( ha Y tedwee oy yf osdect p jp te fooce 2 7 2c jeucs He Keo Bun feomation The graph ef yf eda +o doraw the EV Ha eee d- | $e) 7 ty) i if yout ye) 1 2<%x¢3 i j if eo) 4 F_Ailpteation of grephs: lc fivel the numben of neal ools of the et foa= 9) ] ‘kb m0cess! Daw the. graph of y= FO) z Y= ge) on the same aes points of jntensedion Beastly the numben cs the two geaphs with be the number eo seal Soots’ | the [gt f= 99 : % The x-coosd nate oint of intewechon ane called the stots of the eqts fod= JOO" 0 sf x7 ye | 3 100 fae oO i t Zao Baocess: = FOO for the postion = y) waiter the goaph J y which is on We sight side of *he yr orl: ii) fnrdode o point (0-2) in the goph ° it Reflec! dat position of y= foo which the Sefi side of y-aris wort: is On dhe axis +e “The goa ph of ye fed is known , to dnaw the gaaph of y= sgn( 4) ye | if sorre Tt iy dovce 6 » J for-o a 3 Wf orb bs of ba a Max (ab) | go) i if fon79”) Mon (#099) = go 7 if goo 24 ae Deraw the graph of d= max (00,9) Process; We daw the graph al yf g raoces Y= 9m) on the same axcs 2 then aduways accept C take) + the upper port of dhe grab ‘ HE Some im poten’ standosd * DSc Gy x50 2) A> AINK Sinn = % ru frm >x 5 xO? Az O a 6 Ant NY fonx a) if x ¢ (o-M/) fora cx} f HE (1/79) iil) fam] Coe Ak ER “Ht _Non- Function _Govfhs “The goeph a ys feo is Known , to dota) the gaabh vo gath ef fig SO | “Brocess Remove he posthion g bedow the 7% axis 2 1 P e above th yd whieh fie postion ef ¥ Lo : efiede ed as we which 2 wrart The 7 axi Hn +1¥l =K i * Lu general the gouph is q squane - zg (+h Leng vf each side i Biz: SH The goaph of ya foo fs Known , to naw the stegion satisfyivg The relation y 7 fC) ©) yofed | | = Given ve goabh ef Ye Jo , te dea t< segion nepaesented by ly) > seg @ wl fe) Ni) The sregion inside this gaebh 's sreparcsented by \8\ < feo db Tf sreplacing x by Bee inde cae, ofa cunve uf the eqs af cunve doesnot change , 1st the cusve is eymme nical wlth nesped to Yyraxis: iy Lf sre placivg y by zy! jn the y the eq" the cunve cloes net © then geaph of the cunve is Sym eq’. hange ; a bnicee about * axts*

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