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Q.1 State Raoult’s law (for Volatile & non-volatile solute). (1)
Q.2. Urea forms an ideal solution in water, Determine the vapour pressure of an aqueous solution containing 10% by
mass of urea at 40 0C. ( Vapour pressure of water at 40 0C = 55.3 mm of Hg) (3)
Q.3. Define : (i) Abnormal molal mass (ii) Boiling point elevation constant (Ebullioscopic constant). (2)
Q.4. Two elements A & B form purely covalent compounds having molecular formulae AB2 & AB4. When dissolved
in 20 g benzene ,1 g of AB2 lowers its 2.3K and 1 g of AB4 lowers its 1.3K. The molal depression
constant for benzene is 5.1Kkg/mol. Calculate atomic masses of A & B. (3)
Q.5. 45 g of ethylene glycol ( C2H6O2 ) is mixed with 600 g of water. Calculate (a) freezing point depression
(b) Freezing point of the solution ( Kf for water = 1.86 KKg/mol) (3)
Q.6. What are Colligative properties?Arrange in the ascending order of boiling point of aqueous solutions of : 2M
Sugar, 1.5 M Common salt , 2M Caustic soda & 2 M aluminium chloride. ( 2)
Q.7. 2g benzoic acid dissolved in 25 g of benzene shows a depression in freezing point equal to 1.62K .
( Kf for benzene = 4.9 KKg/mol) .What is the % association of acid if it forms dimer in solution. (3)
Q.8. What are isotonic solution ? give an example. (1)
Q.9. What is Van’t Hoff Factor & How the condition of solute in solvent can be determined using Van’t Hoff Factor ?
Q.10. What are Maximum & minimum boiling azeotropic mixture ? give an example. (1)
Q.11. Explain graphically Elevation in the boiling point (or depression in the freezing point ) by taking an example.(2)
Q.12. Find the Molarity & Molality of 68% HNO3. (2)
Q.13. What is Molarity & mole fraction,write their formula. Which Out of Molarity & Molality is a better unit to (2)
express strength of solution & why?
Q.14. Determine osmotic pressure of solution prepared by dissolving 25mg of K2SO4 in 2 Lts of water at 250C.
Assuming that it is completely dissociated.(at.wt.of K=39,S=32,H=1) (2)
Q.15.Define giving one example or use:(a)Osmotic Pressure (b)Reverse Osmosis(c) Artificial SPM (d)Mole fraction.(4 )
Q.16. State Henry’s Law & write its applications. (2)
Q.17Why,Osmotic pressure is considered to be the best method for measuring molar mass of polymers or compounds? (1)
Q.18. Calculate the boiling point of a 1M aq.KCl solution with density 1.04g/mL assuming complete dissociation.
[At.wt. K=39,Cl=35.5u, Kb water=0.52K Kgmol-1] (2)
Q.19.Vapour pressure of pure water at298K is 23.8mm Hg.50g of urea(mol.mass =60g/mol) is dissolved in 850g of water.
Calculate the vapour pressure of the solution. (2)
Q.20. A 1molal aqueous solution of trichloroacetic acid is heated to its boiling point 100.18 C.Determine van’t Hoff

factor for CCl3COOH. [Kb for water is 0.512k Kg mol-1]. (2)

Q.21. Write the difference between :(i) Ideal and non-ideal solution (i) Positive and negative deviation (2)
Q.22. An aqueous solution of glucose is 10% by mass.Find molarity,molality and molefraction [density=1.2g/Cm ] (2)
Q.23. A solution containing 15g urea (mol.mass =60g/mol) per litre of solution in water has the same osmotic pressure as
solution of glucose (mo.mass=180g/mol) in water.Calculate the mass of glucose present in 1L ofits solution. (2)
Q.24. A 10% solution(by mass) of sucrose has a freezing point of 269.15 K.Calculate the F.P. of 10% solution(by mass)
of glucose in water if the F.P. of pure water is 273.15 K. (2)
Q.25. 1 g of non-volatile solute when dissolved in 50g of benzene lowered the freezing point of benzene by0.40K .Find
the molar mass of the solute .[Kf for benzene =5.12KKg/mol] (2)
Q.26. Calculate the mass of glycerol (C3H8O3) which when dissolved in 500g of water elevated the boiling point of
water to 100.42 0C .[Kb for water =0.512K/mol] (2)
Q.27 Explain and draw the graph of vapour pressure Vs molefraction for ideal (or Non-ideal solution) by taking an eg.(2)
Q.28. (i) Why are aquatic animals more comfortable in cold water than in warm water? (2)
(ii) What happens when we place the blood cells in saline water solution ? Give reason.
Q.29. Define : Molality and Molal elevation constant (2)
Q.30.Calculate the boiling point of Na2SO4 (Mol.wt.=142g) was dissolved in 50g of water assuming complete dissociation
of Na2SO4 .[ Kb for water =0.52Kkg mol_1] (2)
Q.31. Elevation of boiling point of 1M KCl is nearly double than that of 1M sugar solution.Explain why? (1)

Q.1 Give reasons for ; (a) Rusting is enhanced in coastal areas & in sea water.
(b) Alkaline medium inhibits rusting (c) Galvanisation is better than tin coating. (2)
Q.2. Write the changes done in wheatstone bridge to measure E.M.F. of an electrolyte. (1)
Q.3. Explain (i) Cathodic protection (ii) Molar conductance (iii) Limiting molar conductance. (1)
Q.4. Why does a mercury cell gives a constant voltage throughout its life?Give its cell reaction also. (1)
Q.5. State Kohlaurch Law and write its two applications. (1)
Q.6. How much charge is required for the reduction of (a) 1 mole of H2O to O2. (b) 1 mole of FeO to Fe2O3 (2)
Q.7. Conductivity of 0.00241 M acetic acid is 7.896 × 10-5 SCm-1. Calculate degree of dissociation & dissociation
constant if limiting Molar conductivity for CH3COOH is 390.55 cm2mol-1. (3)
Q.8. For what conc. of Ag+(aq) will the given cell potential be zero at 250C, if the concentration of Cu2+(aq) is 0.1 M ?
Cu(s) | Cu2+(aq)(0.1M)|| Ag+(aq)| Ag(s) Given : E0Ag+/Ag = + 0.80 V , E0Cu2+/Cu = + 0.34 V (2)
Q.9. The cell in which the following reaction occurs : 2Fe (aq) + 2I (aq) → 2 Fe (aq) + I2(s)
3+ - 2+
E0cell = + 0.236 V at 298 K. Calculate the standard Gibb’s energy and the Kc of the cell reaction. (3)
Q.10. State Faraday’s Law and give the formulae. (1)
Q.11. Give an example of a O 2 - H2fuel cell and write the cathode and anode reactions for it. (2)
Q.12 . Write the electrolysis product of ( a) CuCl2 using Cu electrode (b) AgNO3 using Ag electrode
(c) Concentrated Sulphuric acid using Platinum electrode. (3)
Q.13. Explain corrosion as a miniature electrochemical cell. (2)
Q.14. What is salt bridge and its functions. (2)
Q.15. Three electrolytic cells A,B,C containing solutions ZnSO4,AgNO3,and CuSO4 respectively are connected in series
A Steady current of 1.5 amperes was respectively are connected in series .A steady current of 1.5 amperes was
passed though them until 1.50 g of silver deposited at the cathode of cell B.How long did the current flow?
What mass of Copper and Zinc were deposited? (Atomic mass of Zn=65 ,Ag= 108 Cu=63.5). (3)
Q.16 Write the difference between a primary cell and secondary cell,give one example of each. (1)
Q.17. Calculate the degree of dissociation and dissociation constant of acetic acid ,if limiting molar conductance of
HCl,NaCl and CH3COONa are 426Scm2mol-1, 126Scm2mol-1 & 91Scm2mol-1 respectively. (3)
Q.18. Explain the relationship between conductivity ,cellconstant and resistance. (1)
Q.19. Calculate Gibb’s free energy and Kc : Zn(s) | Zn (aq)|| Cu (aq)| Cu (s) [E Zn /Zn = - 0.76 V,E Cu /Cu = + 0.34 V] (3)
2+ +2 0 +2 0 2+

Q.20. Name the type of cell used in (a) Transistor (b) Apollo space program. Give anode and cathode reactions (2)
Q.21. How many electrons flow through a metallic wire is a current of 0.5A is passed for 2 hours?[1F=96500C/mol](2)
Q.22. Define an electrochemical cell. What happens if external potential applied becomes greater than E0cell. (2)
Q.23. The electrical resistance of a column of 0.05M NaOH solution of diametre 1cm and length 50 cm is 5.55 X10 3ohm
Calculate its resistivity,conductivity and molar conductivity. (3)
Q.24. How many moles of mercury will be produced by electrolysing 1.0M Hg(NO3)2 solution with a current of 2.0A for
3 hours ? [ Hg(NO3)2 =200.6g/mol] (2)
+ -3 +2 -1 0 n
Q.25. Calculate the emf of the cell : Ag(s) | Ag (10 M)|| Cu (10 M)| Cu (s) [E cell = 0.46 V ,log 10 =n] (2)
Q.26.Calculate E cell and standard Gibb’s free energy for the reaction: A + B → A + B[Kc=10 ,1F=96500C/mol] (2)
0 2+ + 3+ 10

Q.27. Define the following terms : (a) Limiting Molar conductivity (ii) Secondary batteries (2)
Q.28. What is a nickel-cadmium cell? State its one merit and one demerit over lead storage cell.Write the overall reaction
that occurs during discharging of this cell. (2)
Q.29. What type of battery is Lead storage battery? Write the anode and cathode reactions ,and the overall reaction. (2)
Q.30. The electrical resistance of a column of 0.05M NaOH solution of diametre 1cm and length 50cm is 5.55 X 103
ohm .Calculate its resistivity,conductivity and molar conductivity. (3)
Q.31. Explain variance of conductivity and molar conductivity for stong and weak electrolyte on dilution. (2)
2+ + 0 2+
Q.32. Give cell reaction and calculate the emf : Sn(s) | Sn (0.004M)|| H (0.020M)| H2 (g)(1bar) [E Sn /Sn = - 0.14 V ]
Q.33. Calculate E0cell if standard Gibb’s free energy= -43600J at 250C for::
2AgCl(s) + H2(g)(1atm) → 2Ag +2H+ (0.1M) + 2Cl- [Log 10n- = -n ] (3)

Q.1 Write differences between(a) Rate of reaction & Rate constant (b) Zeor order & Pseudomolecular1st order
reaction (c) Order of reaction & molecularity (3)
st rd
Q.2. Write the units of rate constant for 1 order and 3 order reaction. (1)
Q.3. Why the rate of a reaction doubles triples or quadriples on mere increase of 10 K ? (1)
Q.4. Why powdered substances react faster than the bigger pieces. (1)
7 -1 0 7 -1 0
Q.5. The rate constant of a reaction is 1.5X 10 s at 50 C & 4.5X 10 s at 100 C. Calculate the value of activation
energy (Ea) for the reaction. (R=8.314 JK-1mol-1). (3)
Q.6. For a first order reaction,shows that time required for 99% completion is twice the time required for the
completion of 90% of the reaction. (2)
Q.7. For the hydrolysis of methyl acetate in aqueous solution,the following results were obtained:

t /s 0 30 60

[CH3COOCH3] Mol L-1 0.60 0.30 0.15

(i) Show that it follows pseudofirst orde reaction as the concentration of water remains constant.
(ii) Calculate the average rate of reaction between the time interwal 30 to 60 seconds.
Q.8. Show by using rate law ,how much rate of reaction: 2 NO(g) + O2(g) → 2 NO2(g) Will change if the volume
of the reaction vessel is reduced to one third of its initial volume? (1)
3- -1
Q.9. A first order reaction has a rate constant 1.15 X 10 s .How long will 5g of this reactants take to reduce to 3g? (3)
Q.10. The rate constants of a reaction at 500K and 700K are 0.02 s-1 and 0.07s-1 respectively. Calculate the value of
activation energy & Arrhenius constant. (3)
Q.11. The half-life for radioactive decay of C is 5730 years. An archaeological artifact containing wood had only 80%
of the 14C found in a living tree. Estimate the age of the sample. (3)
Q.12. During nuclear explosion, one of the products is Sr with half-life of 28.1 years. If 1  g of Sr was absorbed in
90 90

the bones of a newly born baby instead of calcium, how much of it will remain after 10 years if it is not lost
metabolically. (3)
Q.13. The rate of a reaction quadriples when the temperature changes from 293K to 313K. Calculate the activation
energy assuming that it does not change with temperature. (3)
Q.14. The decomposition of N2O5 is a first order reaction : 2 N2O5 (g) → 4 NO2(g) + O2(g) as per given data at 40 C: (3)

(a)Calculate the rate constant and initial rate of

Conc. of [ N2O5] mol L-1 Time (min-1)
reaction.After how many minutes will [ N2O5] be equal to
0.400 0.0 0.350M?
0.289 20.0 (b) Calculate the rate of disappearance of N2O5(g) if the
0.209 40.0 rate of formation of NO2(g) is 2.8 x 10 -3Ms-1
0.151 60.0
0.109 80.0

Q.15.In a first order reaction ,the concentration of the reactant is reduced from 0.6 mol L-1 to 0.2 mol L-1 in 5 minutes.
Calculate the rate constant of the reaction. (2)
Q.16. A reaction is of first order with respect to reactant A & second order with respect to reactant B. How is the rate of
this reaction affected when: (i) the concentration of B alone is tripled (ii) Concentration of both A & B doubled? (2)
Q.17. For the reaction R → P ,the variation in the concentration [R] Vs time (t) plot is given as :
(i) Predict the order of the reaction . (ii) What is the slope of the curve?
[ Do solve NCERT Intext ,text and solved numericals].
d & f-block elements

Q.1. (a) Give the preparation of KMnO4 from MnO2(Pyrolusite) ( or K2Cr2O7 from its ore).
(b) Write the balanced equation for the following in acidic medium with KMnO4/ K2Cr2O7:
(i) Oxalic acid. (ii) Mohrs salt (iii) sulphide. (iv) Nitrite (v) sulphite
(c) Write the balanced equation for the following in basic medium with KMnO4 : (i)HI & Na2S2O3
Q.2. Give reasons for the following properties of transition metals:
(1) Coloured compound formation ( 2) Variable oxidation state (3) Catalytic property
(4) The transition metal ions such as Cu+ , Ag+ & Sc3+ are colourless. (5) Tensile strength
(6) Cr2+ is a strong reducing agent whereas Mn3+ is stongly oxidising (7) High Enthalpy of atomisation.
(8) Alloy formation (9) Complex formation tendency (10) Paramagnetism
(11) Ce4+ is a oxidising agent while Eu2+ is reducing agent. (12) Zn,Cd and Hg are soft metals with low melting point.
(13) In the structure of HNO3 molecule, the N-O bond (121pm) is shorter than N-OH bond (140pm).
(14) The EMF for the Mn3+/Mn2+ is much more positive than that for Cr3+/Cr2+ for Fe3+/Fe2+ couple.
(15) Out of Ti4+, V2+ ,Cr3+, Mn3+ (a) Which is strongest oxidising agent (b) Colourless (c) Most stable in aqueous solution
(16) Mn shows its highest oxidation state +7 with oxygen while highest oxidation state with fluorine is +4.
(17) In 3d series name the element (a) with highest M.P. (b) Shows only one oxidation state (c) Shows +1O.S.
(18) The oxidising power of oxo anions are in the order VO 2+ < Cr2O72- < MnO4-
Q.3. Explain lanthanoid contraction & write three consequences of it.Why chemistry of Actinoids is not much studied?
Q.4. When concentrated H2SO4 is added to an unknown salt present in a test tube a brown gas (A) was evolved.This gas
intensified when copper turnings were added to this test tube.On cooling ,the gas (A) changed into colourless solid (B).
(i) Identify (A) and (B), draw their structures. (ii) Why does gas (A) change to solid on cooling? (5)


Q.1 Give reasons for ; (a) The magnetic moment of [Mn(Br)5]3- is 5.9µ.
(b) Aqueous Copper sulphate(blue ) gives :(a) Green precipitate with aqueous KF &
(b) A bright green solution with aqueous KCl. (3)
Q.2. What is the co-ordination entity formed when excess of aqueous KCN is added to an aqueous solution of
CuSO4?Why is it that no precipitate of CuS is obtained when H2S(g) is passed through this solution? (2)
3+ 2-
Q.3. Explain : (a) [Cr (NH3)6] is paramagnetic while [Ni (CN)4] is diamagnetic .
(b) [Ni (H2O)6]2+(aq) is green but [Ni (CN)4]2- is colurless . (2)
Q.4. Explain bonding in metal carbonyls. (1)
Q.5. Write the number of possible isomers for [Cr(H2O)5 (CN)]SO4. (1)
Q.6. What are ambidentate ligands? give example (1)
Q.7. Explain the hybridisation & structure of: (a) K4[Fe(CN)6] (b) [Cu(NH3)4] (c) [CoF6] (2)
Q.8. With the help of diagram explain the spliting of d-subshell in an unsymmetrical field in octahedral complexes?
How is the filling of 10 electrons done in strong and weak field in octahedral complexes? (2)
Q.9. What is meant by chealate effect? Give an example. (1)
Q.10. Amongst the following complexes which one has the highest magnetic moment value?
[Fe(H2O)6]SO4 , K4[Fe(CN)6] , K3[Fe(CN)6], [Ni(CO)4] (1)
+ 2+
Q.11. Draw all the geometrical and optical isomers of: [Co Cl2(en)2] & [Co(NH3)Cl(en)2] (2)
Q.12 . Write the I.U.P.A.C. names for the following: (a) Ionisation isomer of [Co(NH3)Cl(en)2]SO4
(b) Linkage isomer of [Co(NH3)( SO4) (NO2)2] Cl (c) Coordination isomer of [Co(NH3)6] [Cr(CN)6] (3)
Q.13. Amongst the following complexes which one is the most stable ?
[Fe(H2O)6]3+ , [Fe(NH3)6]3+ , [Fe(C2O4)3]3- & [Fe(Cl)6]3- (1)
Q.14. Arrange the following complexes in the order of absorbing wavelength from visible wavelength:
[Ni(NO2)6]+ , [Ni(NH3)6]2+ & [Ni(H2O)6]2+ (1)
Q.15. What do you mean by stability of a co-ordination compound?What are the factors deciding stability of a complex.2
Q.16. Write the formulae of the following compounds : (a) Potassiumtrioxalatoaluminate(III)
(b) Dichloridobis(ethane-1,2- diamine) cobalt(III) (c) Tris(ethan-1,2-diamine)chromium(III)chloride (3)
Q.17. Write the IUPAC name of the following compounds : (a) [Pt (NH3)(H2O)Cl2] (b) [Cr (NH3)4Cl2]Cl (6)
(c) Fe2[Fe(CN)6]3 (d) [Pt (NH3)4Cl2]Cl2 (e) [Cr (NH3) 6] [Co (CN)6] (f) [Cr (NH3) 5(NCS)] [ZnCl4]
Q.18. Write the IUPAC names and describe their structures: (a) [Cr (NH3)4Cl2]+ (b) [Co(en)3]Cl3 (6)
(c) [Pt (NH3)4Cl2] (d) [Co (H2O)2(C2O4 )2] - (e) [Fe (NH3)4Cl2] Cl (f) [Cu(NH3)4]2+
Q.19. Explain the type of isomerism shown by: (a)[Cr (NH3) 5(NCS)]2+ (b)[Co(en)3]Cl3 (c) [Co (NH3) 5Cl]SO4
Q.20. Find oxidation state and coordination no. of ‘Pt’ in [Pt (en)2Cl2]

Excercise question answers, Intext & solved examples. Reasoning ,distinction,word problem & reaction mechanism
from the sheet provided.Name rections : Wurtz’s,Swarts,Finkelsteins,Reimer Tiemann,
Kolbes,Williamsons,Cannizaro’s,Aldol condensation,Clemmensen Reduction & Wolff-Kishner reduction, H.V.Z
reaction,Etards reaction,Gabriel Phthalimide synthesis, Rosenmunds reaction , Carbylamine reaction& Hinsbergs test.


Q.1 Give reasons for ; (a) Where does the water present in the egg go after boiling it?
(b) Vitamin ‘C’ can not be stored in our body (c) Carbohydrates are optically active. (3)
Q.2. Explain what do you mean by the primary structure of protein. (1)
Q.3. Explain : (a) Peptide linkage (b) Glycosidic linkage (c) Zwitter ion (3)
Q.4. Differentiate between : (a) α- helix structure & β- pleated structure of proteins (b) Fibrous & globular protein
(c) DNA & RNA (d) Essential & non-essential amino acids (e) Tertiary & quaternary sturcture of proteins.
(f) Amylose & Amylopectin (g) Starch & Cellulose (h) Starch & Glycogen (8)
Q.5. Explain the need(or reason) for the cyclic structure of Glucose. (1)
Q.6. What are Vitamins? Classify them giving examples. (2)
Q.7. Explain inversion of cane sugar or sucrose. (1)
Q.8. Explain denaturation & renaturation of proteins. (2)
Q.9. Explain the migration of proteins on electrolysis of its aqueous solution in acidic & basic medium. (2)
Q.10. Explain Nucleoside & Nuclotides (1)
Q.11. Write the balanced chemical equations & give the conclusions for the reaction of glucose with:
(a) HI (b) HNO3 (c) Br2 (d) NH4OH (4)
Q.12 . Write the hydrolysis product for: (a) Lactose (b) Maltose (2)
Q.13. What are reducing sugars ? Give an example. (1)
Q.14. What are oligosaccharide ? Give an example. (1)

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