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Write down the sequence whose nth team is

teams of the sequence obtain
write the 1st five
the corresponding series
an l n 2
91 92 2 an l

tan satisfy
A sequence of integers a tart

Antz anti an f n I Given the sum of

first 999 terms is 1003 the sum of first 202 teams
terms is 999 find the sumof first
a then
If ant fan t n I a a

find the value of azan

Show that the sequence logo log ab

at as is an AP Also find
log log
its nth team
is an A P i
Show that sequence 9,12 15,18
its 16th team a nth
also find
three teamsof
Catt 32 Matz are the 1st
find it's 5th
an A P then
teams is 56
of four teamsofis 112
The sum ist an A P

last four If its

the sum
of number of teams
first team is 11 then find
pth qth path terms of an A P are a b c
If for p cap q
tb o
respectively then P T ace 9
terms are there in the A
How many
11 407
3,7 is equal to
sth team
In an a P s times the
the 13th term
8th team then find
8 times the
the series
Find the smallest the team of
25 223 2012 1 18 i

Find ist ve term of the sequence

2000 1995 1990 1985

too 21 3 5,79 itso
Given two A P s 2,5 8,11
find number of common terms
1 8 15,22 tsa
Given two A P s 2,7 tow 12

common terms
then number
find of
ane in A P then
If btad stay ath z
PT also in A P
at it I are
a b C are in A P then PT
If also in A P
921 btc b2 Ita a cat b are
28 0 are
the roots of eq z3 12h2 39 a
in a p then find its common difference
in a p is 24 4 their
The sum offour integer
product is 945 the find
are in A P where dis o
If di 92 93
all i then
rattan tattoo
far t tantara rattan
integer having three
The digit of a the

P P their sum is 15 The number

are in A
is 594 less than
obtained by reversing the digits
number find the number
the original
the series 2,5
If the sum of teams
is Gol w thenfind the number of
the expression
Find the degree of
C It n
Itr ith I th
are in ratio
two A P s
The sum
of n teams
of their 18th term
find the ratio of
Find the number of teams in the series
which is 300
20 1 1931
the sum
a az Az ian 92 n form
the sequence
If 922m
an A P then Pt af altaf aft 924
ai aim
It A P
Find the sum
of first ay teams of the
it is known that
9 92 93 if 225
a it as a lot 9 s t 920 924
difference is non zero
whose common
the A P
If to the
ist's n terms is equal the sum
sum of next
the sum
of then the ratio of of first
teams find
next an terms
24 terms to the sum of AP
are in
The interior angles of polygon a
the common different
is 1200
the smallest angle sidesof polygon
is 50 find the number
a series be n can
n teams
Given sum of of
Find its nth team
the series
Find the sum of
1 3 5 7 9 1 t upton
Insert A M s b w 8426
a b c ed distinct integers in an A P such
If a'th ta then find the value of
that d
a tbt ctd
Which team of G P 2,1 Ya Yy is 4,28

The first team of a G P is 1 the sum of 3rd G P

45th team is 90 find the common ratioof
art abut c 0
are in G P R the eqn
a bac
If have a common soot then
dat Lex tf o
are in A
ad f af b a c are in A
numbers a
Three non C by 2
a by 1
number are in G P then find b
the in a
three numbers
the continued productof in pain
If 216 2 the sum of their products
G P is
the numbers
is 256 find
the series
Find the sum of
n terms
i 2 4 t 8 16 t
n terms
D itft ft 3 an 9645
Find number ofteams
in a G P j if a

three numbers in G P is 214 the sum of

The sum
189 find the
their square
the sequence
find the sum I terms
of of
att Attn
II the sum
of I
of the series

is la fion 1 t n2
11 103 1 cost

Find the sum

of series
555 t to a terms
D 5 55
to I terms
ID 0.6 t o 66 to 666 t

the numbers 49 4489 444819 obtained

into the middle of the preceding
by inserting ye
numbers are square of integers
P.t Indigitst
gigs Eggs
Find the sum
at y set ay y at sty try ty t nterms

Find the sum of t n terms

It I f
It fifth i

are anti terms in a

certain sequenceof
9 There
which canty teams form an A P of common
in G P
anti teams are
difference 2 last
Yz the middle term of
of common ratio If the mid
A P K GP are the same then find
term of this sequence
the series
Find the sum
of o
i It It It It
ID Cra ti ti t CR 1 t

iii ok o o o
If the sum
of an infinitely decreasing
its terms
is 3 the sum of the squares of cubes
is 912 then find the sum
of the of
the terms
Insert four G M's b w 2 2 486
A M is 34 R
Find the two numbers whose
GM is 16
three G Ms btw u ayy
Find the productof

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