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Instituto Tecnológico Superior

de San Martín Texmelucan

Coordinación de Lenguas Extranjeras


Directions: Write the sentences into the reported speech.

1. Direct: The weather is nice today, said George. ___________________________________

2. Direct: She said, “I work in a bank.” ______________________________________________
3. Direct: My mother said, “I’m angry with you.” ____________________________________
4. Direct: She said’ “I can help you tomorrow.” _____________________________________
5. Direct: My son says, “I will not eat food.” _________________________________________
6. Direct: She said, “I went to the shopping center.” ________________________________
7. Direct: I write poems, he said. __________________________________________________
8. Direct: She said: “I would buy new house if I were rich”. __________________________
9. Direct: She is American, she said. ________________________________________________
10. Direct: I don’t know what to do. ________________________________________________
11. Direct: I am reading a book, he explained. _______________________________________
12. Direct: My sister said, “I had already eaten.” ______________________________________
13. Direct: She said, “I might come early.” ___________________________________________
14. Direct: I am leaving home now.” ________________________________________________
15. Direct: We can communicate smoothly. ________________________________________
16. Direct: I was walking along the Street. __________________________________________
17. Direct: I haven’t seen George recently. __________________________________________
18. Direct: I’m waiting for Michael, she said. ________________________________________
19. Direct: They said, “They have taken exercise.” ___________________________________
20. Direct: I can speak perfect Spanish. ____________________________________________
21. Direct: I haven’t seen Mary. _____________________________________________________
22. Direct: I was sleeping when Mary called. ________________________________________
23. Direct: “I’ve found a new job,” my mother said. __________________________________

Camino a Barranca de Pesos S/N, San Lucas Atoyatenco San Martín Texmelucan, Pue.
C.P. 74120 | Tel. 248 688 6461 o terminación 62 y 63.
Correo: | Página web: Página 1 de 2
Instituto Tecnológico Superior
de San Martín Texmelucan
Coordinación de Lenguas Extranjeras

24. Direct: Mark arrived on Sunday, he said. _________________________________________

25. Direct: I have been to France, she told me. _______________________________________
26. Direct: Michael said, “I have finished my lunch.” __________________________________
27. Direct: My brother said, “I met Alex yesterday.’ ___________________________________
28. Direct: The dentist said, “Your father doesn’t need an operation.” _________________
29. Direct: He said, “Man is mortal.” __________________________________________________
30. Direct: Sansa said, “I am very busy now”. _________________________________________
31. Direct: He said, “I am a football player.” ___________________________________________
32. Direct: Michael said, “I will buy a new car.” ________________________________________
33. Direct: Mark said, “Bill needs a pencil.” ____________________________________________
34. Direct: She said, “I am going to the store.” ________________________________________
35. Direct: They exclaimed, “We won the match!” ____________________________________
36. Direct: The teacher said, “The exam will be on Friday.” ____________________________
37. Direct: She whispered, “I have a secret.” __________________________________________
38. Direct: He complained, “I haven’t had any coffee today.” __________________________
39. Direct: The boy said, “I don’t like spinach.” ________________________________________
40. Direct: The manager announced, “The meeting is postponed.” ___________________

Camino a Barranca de Pesos S/N, San Lucas Atoyatenco San Martín Texmelucan, Pue.
C.P. 74120 | Tel. 248 688 6461 o terminación 62 y 63.
Correo: | Página web: Página 2 de 2

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